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FUNCTIONS The Bay Area Economic Forum, a non-profit, public-private regional partnership of business, government, academic, labor and community leaders, works to:
  • Foster an outstanding environment in the region for a competitive economy to thrive;
  • and
  • Enhance the overall quality of life in the nine-county Bay Area

  • The Bay Area Economic Forum (BAEF) provides a "Forum" for high-level regional leaders to examine and take action on economic issues impacting the entire Bay Area. Through the strength of its Board of Directors, BAEF targets economic issues of regional importance and takes the lead in forming partnerships and working relationships with relevant groups in the region to cooperatively achieve the desired objectives.

    The Bay Area Economic Forum's current projects include:
  • Promoting international trade
  • Assisting the successful conversion of closing military facilities
  • Demonstrating the need for effective investment in the region's science and technology institutions
  • Accelerating the deployment of advanced telecommunications infrastructure
  • Stimulating the development of the multimedia industry
  • Supporting enhanced water-based transportation
  • Promoting the region's competitive advantages and quality of life in the global marketplace
  • Encouraging sustainable development strategies
  • Enhancing opportunities for all Bay Area residents to participate in the region's economic vitality
  • COMPOSITION Thirty-nine leaders from business, government, academia, and labor and civic organizations in the nine-county Bay Area. One third appointed by Bay Area Council, one-third appointed by Association of Bay Area Governments, and one-third appointed by vote of BAEF Board of Directors
    STAFF President/CEO, Bay Area Economic Forum
    Vice President, Two Administrative Assistants
    Dr. Chang Lin Tien, Chair NEC Distinguished Professor of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley Independent/Public Directors
    Jim Coriston, V.Chair Managing Partner, Price Waterhouse BAC
    Mary Griffin, V.Chair Supervisor, County of San Mateo ABAG
    Dr. Robert M. Berdahl Chancellor, University of California, Berkeley Independent/Public Directors
    Jerry Brown Mayor, City of Oakland BAEF
    Willie L. Brown, Jr. Mayor, City of San Francisco ABAG
    Gerhard Casper President, Stanford University Independent/Public Directors
    Janet Condron Councilmember, City of Santa Rosa ABAG
    Ron Gonzales Mayor, City of San José BAEF
    Lance A. Gyorfi Vice President - Refining, Chevron Products Company BAC
    Mr. Lon Hatamiya Secretary, California Trade & Commerce Agency Independent/Public Directors
    To Be Appointed Supervisor, County of Sonoma ABAG
    Elihu M. Harris Mayor, City of Oakland ABAG
    James Head President, National Economic Development and Law Center Independent/Public irectors
    Dr. E. Deborah Jay President & CEO, Field Research Corporation BAC
    Walter Johnson Secretary-Treasurer, San Francisco Central Labor Council Independent/Public Directors
    Stan Kawczynski Councilmember, City of Sunnyvale ABAG
    A. Jerry Keyser President, Keyser, Marston & Associates Independent/Public irectors
    Mary King Supervisor, County of Alameda ABAG, President
    Julius R. Krevans, M.D. Chancellor Emeritus, University of California, San Francisco and Medical Director of the International Medical Care Office Independent/Public Directors
    David M. Lawrence, M.D. Chairman & CEO, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals BAC
    Dr. Eugene Y. Leong Executive Director, Association of Bay Area Governments Ex Officio
    J. David Martin Chairman, The Martin Group BAC
    Ms. Arabella Martinez CEO, Spanish Speaking Unity Council Independent/Public Directors
    Sunne Wright McPeak President & CEO, Bay Area Council Ex Officio
    Lenny Mendonca Director, McKinsey & Company BAC
    Doris Morse Mayor, City of Millbrae ABAG, Vice President
    Robert T. Parry President & CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco BAC
    Dr. Edward E. Penhoet President & CEO, Chiron Corporation BAC
    Charlotte Powers Councilmember, City of San José ABAG
    Art Pulaski Executive Secretary-Treasurer, California Labor Federation Independent/Public Directors
    Sean Randolph President, Bay Area Economic Forum Ex Officio
    Steven A. Roberti Secretary's Representative, U.S. Department of Labor, Region 9 Independent/Public Directors
    Gordon Smith President & CEO, Pacific Gas and Electric BAC
    Richard L. Spees Councilmember, City of Oakland ABAG
    Joyce Taylor Regional President, Bay Area, Pacific Bell BAC
    Hermann Welm Councilmember, City of San Ramon ABAG

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