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Relation of Health Plan with Members and the Public


     Although Health Plan and Medical Group are independent contractors and neither Health Plan nor any of its employees or agents is an employee, agent or representative of Medical Group or any Physician, in order to avoid embarrassment to Medical Group and Physicians which might arise if Health Plan were to exercise its legal rights to advertise and to solicit, and to define the areas in which Health Plan may act freely on its own behalf consistent with Health Plan's desire to avoid actions which might be embarrassing to physicians or Medical Group, the following arrangements are established.

Section G-1     Health Plan Will Not Advertise or Solicit Medical Practice Without Approval of Medical Group

     Health Plan will not advertise the medical practice of Physicians or Medical Group or solicit patients on behalf of Physicians or Medical Group without first obtaining from Medical Group approval of the form and content of such advertisement.

Section G-2     Providing Information to Members

     Health Plan may properly take the initiative in informing Members and prospective members regarding the Medical Care Program and regarding services and facilities available to Members under their Membership Contract, with due consideration to professional ethical standards.

Section G-3     Providing Information to Others

     Health Plan may provide generally accessible information regarding the Medical Care Program to individuals or groups, including public or semi-public organizations such as legislative or other governmental committees, with due consideration to professional ethical standards.  Except as otherwise required by law, Health Plan may not provide confidential information regarding Medical Group to such individuals or groups unless it obtains the prior approval of Medical Group.

Section G-4     Policy on Literature and Publicity

     Health Plan will consult with and obtain the approval of Medical Group before distributing literature or other material or presenting or releasing other publicity (radio and television broadcasts) which relates to the rendering of professional medical services.

Section G-5     Statistical Surveys

     Health Plan may make surveys and take such other actions and conduct such other inquiries as may be necessary to develop statistical information regarding economic demand for membership in various areas, desires and attitudes of Members regarding services provided pursuant to Membership Contracts, reasons for termination of memberships, and other matters of information relevant to the proper operation of the Medical Care Program.  No publication or distribution of the results of such surveys, except as required for internal uses and purposes of Health Plans, will be made without the prior approval of Medical Group, and no such distribution or publication will be effected except with due consideration to professional ethical standards.


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