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KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005

There are 33 documents on this web page.  Descriptions of their content are provided directly above the documents.  

The documents on this and the following pages are in the exact order that they were delivered to me.  I have been advised that these documents are the hard copy from a Power Point Presentation that the Permanente used for marketing their plan to others as well as trying to sell it to the patients. 

Document 1 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - Bullet listing of goals
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 2 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - Northern California Strategy with local varial to meet Kaiser market needs.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 3 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 -  2003 - 2006 Strategic Priorities and Key Focus Areas - nice little chart displaying goals.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 4 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - 2003 Strategy
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 5 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 -  Transition of the Funding Agreement - allocation of funds based on service population.  Permanente funding to KFH unchanged - still arrives from regular allocation.  
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 6 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - Take home messages on populaton Management of Diseases. - Costs and resource management improvements.  
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 7 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - The Asthma Story - The crisis is over - patients kept out of the Kaiser hospitals so the costs are kept down. National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 8 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - Congestive Heart Failure Story - Medicare paid more in 2002 - 2003 because their audit showed Kaiser compliance.  
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 9 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - The CAD Story -  MD visits down, all visits up, marginal cost same or higher.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 10 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - The Diabetes Story - shifts to pharmacy costs.  
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 11 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - Outside Recognition of Quality - Various self promotion opportunities, articles, special care to select groups.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 12 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - Chart labeled Trends in overall cost ratios for the four chronic conditions.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 13 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - Chart labeled Age distribution of all adults and adults with chronic conditions, 2001.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 14 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - Implications for Risk Adjustment (reimbursement, premiums), Costs, Value - focus on spending money for end of life care  - How to market this program and make it very inexpensive.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 15 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - Implications - Medicare risk adjusted system by 2007 - risk adjustment made to identify populations and get Medicare money.  Marketing their program through symposiums, discussions, committees, etc.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 16 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - Chart showing a visual graph of new agenda.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 17 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - Application of what Kaiser has learned. - How to make the asthma population management program profitable
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 18 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 -  IT reporting, monitoring, surveys, etc.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 19 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - Areas of disease management to do for quality and utilization improvement but with benefits that are different.  
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 20 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - focus will be on vascular disease which includes diabetics, stroke, peripheral vascular disesase, chronic kidney disease, congestive heart failure, COPD, artrial fibrillation, eldercare - hospice - palliative - high utilizers - chronic pain, mental health, substance abuse, frail elderly.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 21 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - The other populations and programs - frail elderly, substance abuse, psychiatric and mental health, chronic pain.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 22 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - Ongoing efforts in these populations - frail elderly, etc. - All of these populations being addressed in Call center initiatives - CRI program, pilot on phone management of high volume call elderly, local call center programs.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 23 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - Impact on Utiizilization, Providers, and Communities - Measure the impact on outside claims costs - 5X the cost outside compared to the inside utilization - real dollars that we save - we should not be subsidizing inefficient care outside (claims reports) - Measure the impact on our inpatient hospital utilization - meet targets and create capacity within our own hospitals (UMAB, CCM data) - Measure the impact on the outpatient services - Call center, ED, Medicine, PT, Radiology, Specialty services, Pharmacy - create capabity (before and after utilization numbers) - Measure the impact on our MDS - is this off-loading them to do better panel management and create capacity for other member needs (survey) - Measure the impact on communitites - improved outcomes for the whole community and better coordination of services and resources available - we can't  do this alone (work with government, purchases, community clinics)
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 24 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - - 2003 and other future initiatives - IOM top 20 as 1/03, Obesity initiative - four parts partnering with CMU/CDC: Vascular Disease - Other areas that benefit from a population management approach, depressions, COPD, Atrial Fibrillation, Stroke Care in the hospitals and Rehab.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 25 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - IOM Priority Areas as of January 7, 2003 - Care coorination (cross-cutting), self management/health literacy, Astham - treatment for mild/mod persistent asthma, cancer screening, focus on colorectal and cervical, Children with special health care needs, Diabetes, focus on management of early disease, End of life with advanced organ system failiure -focus on Heart failure and COPD, frailty associated with old age - focus on fall prevention, pressure ulcers, maximizing function, developing advanced care plans, hypertension - early management of disese, immunization for children and adults.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 26 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - more on priority areas - Ischemic heart disease, major depressions, medication management, nosocomial infections, pain control with cancer, pregnancy and childbirth, severe and persistent mental illness, stroke, tobacco dependence, obesity.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 27 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - Obesity Initiative - partnership with CDC and CMI, Pediatrics and Adolescents, prevention, Bariatric Surgery.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 28 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - Atherosclerotic Risk Factor Management.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 29 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - Primary Prevention of Vascular disease and Metabolic Syndrome.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 30 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - IT Functionality Needs for Population Management
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 31 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - tracking function not in EPIC - IT functionality continued.
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 32 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - More focus on EPIC
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005
Document 33 - KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005 - Kaiser proposed future of healthcare.  
KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization to achieve by 2005

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