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Nicolas P. Terry*
Leslie P. Francis**

In 2004, President Bush announced his plan to ensure that most Americans would have electronic health records within ten years. Although substantial progress has been made toward achieving that goal, this progress has primarily reflected institutional interests and priorities by focusing on system architecture and technical standards. This article argues that in order for a nationwide transition to electronic medical records to be successful, however, the system must receive
acceptance from patients and physicians. Thus, it must address and protect issues at the forefront of their concerns: namely, privacy and confidentiality. Instead of merely adopting the minimal protections afforded by HIPAA, the electronic health records system must embrace an autonomy-based, default position of full patient control over personal information, with very limited exceptions. Consequently, hard choices must be made as to the architectural and patient consent models that may involve subjugating some interoperability and comprehensiveness ambitions to principled protections of patient

On April 26, 2004, President Bush announced his plan to ensure that most Americans would have electronic health records within ten years.1 Although some technical and many financial issues remain, there

† Copyright © 2006, Nicolas P. Terry and Leslie P. Francis. All Rights Reserved.
* Chester A. Myers Professor of Law, Co-Director, Center for Health Law Studies, Professor
of Health Management & Policy, Saint Louis University, e-mail: I thank Michael Henderson,
SLU J.D. candidate 2007, for his most helpful editorial suggestions.
** Professor and Chair, Department of Philosophy, Alfred C. Emery Professor of Law, University
of Utah, e-mail:

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PLAN, 200404/chap3.html (last visited Oct. 3, 2006). A more generalized commitment was announced in the
2006 State of the Union Address: “We will make wider use of electronic records and other health in


has been substantial progress towards this goal. The project has now reached the point where acceptance by patients and physicians is crucial. In the health information technology (HIT) domain, the interests of patients and physicians do not always coincide;2 patients tend to want more connectivity and online service from their physicians, while physicians
are still ambivalent about technologically mediated care.3 However, physicians and patients share common ground over many of the confidentiality and privacy issues raised by electronic health records (EHRs).

To date, the Bush administration has framed the EHR privacy-confidentiality issue quite narrowly, identifying only divergent state laws as creating barriers to successful implementation of its grand scheme. In fact, the issue runs far deeper.4 In our view, the proposed national EHR system creates some fundamental privacy-confidentiality issues that must be satisfactorily resolved prior to implementation. Patients who lack trust in the national EHR system will opt out or frustrate many of the system’s goals by hiding information from their physicians. Equally, physicians who perceive the new system as inconsistent with their professional standards of confidentiality or as creating liability “traps” will avoid participation or, if given no choice, will reduce or distort their charting.

formation technology, to help control costs and reduce dangerous medical errors.” President George

W. Bush, State of the Union Address (Jan. 31, 2006) (transcript available at
2. See generally Nicolas P. Terry, Prescriptions sans Frontières (or How I Stopped Worrying
about Viagra on the Web but Grew Concerned about the Future of Healthcare Delivery), 4 YALE J.
HEALTH POL’Y L. & ETHICS 183, 226–32 (2004).

3. See Health Information Technology Activities at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Hearing Before the S. Comm. on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Subcomm. on Technology, Innovation, and Competitiveness, 109th Cong. 2, 6 (2005) (statement of Carolyn M. Clancy, M.D., Director, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) (“Unlike the baseball field in the movie Field of Dreams [sic], we have dramatic examples of the building of health IT systems, whose designers found physicians and other clinicians neither came nor played.”); see also Robert G. Brooks & Nir Menachemi, Physicians’ Use of Email With Patients: Factors Influencing Electronic Communication and Adherence to Best Practices, J. MED. INTERNET RES., Jan.–Mar. 2006, available at (survey reporting only modest advances in the adoption of e-mail communication with patients by physicians); Wall Street Journal Online/Harris Interactive Health-Care Poll, Few Patients Use or Have Access to Online Services for Communicating with their Doctors, but Most Would Like To, Sept. 22, 2006, iss16.pdf (finding that large majority of adults would like e-mail reminders and online appointment
scheduling and that a majority of patients consider the offer of such services as a discriminator in
choosing a provider).

4. One issued Request for Proposal on “Privacy and Security Solutions for Health Information Exchange” focuses on the need “to assess and develop solutions to address state and business privacy and security practices that may pose challenges to interoperable health information exchange.” U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Servs., Fact Sheet: Health Information Technology Requests for Proposals (June 6, 2005), [hereinafter Fact Sheet]. This resulted in a $11.5 million contract awarded to Privacy and Security Solutions to study the issue. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Servs., HHS Awards Contracts to Advance Nationwide Interoperable Health Information Technology (Oct. 6, 2005), available at http://www.hhs. gov/news/press/2005press/20051006a.html.


There are great advantages to using electronic records more extensively, both within the offices of individual providers, where they are known as electronic medical records (EMRs), and also when such records are linked across multiple providers, in which case they are known as electronic health records (EHRs). One obvious advantage is clarity.
Electronic records are far more readable than handwritten documents stored in fading folders, allowing providers to avoid the low-hanging fruit of medical and medication errors. Another advantage is searchability: electronic records can be scanned for drug interactions or for consistent patterns of symptoms. They can also be matched with evidence-based
protocols to discern treatment strategies that do not meet the standard of care or to recommend improved methods of patient management.

Moreover, in an EHR, records cease to exist in information silos, thus creating additional advantages over paper records. First, they are combined or interlinked to maximize coordination of care. Second, they offer enhanced accessibility: electronic records can be available to providers all over the country and the world, as mobile as the patients they
describe. Finally, on a social level, EHRs are searchable for patterns of disease, prescription use (or abuse), treatment outcomes, or even the costs of therapy. These great benefits cannot be gainsaid.

At the same time, these advantages are threats. When inappropriate or false material is included in records, it will be persistent and reverberate in subsequent patient management decisions. Linkages may be drawn that violate patient requests for, or expectations of, confidentiality. EHRs may be searched in problematic ways. Records might be accessible to those who many believe should not have access to them (secondary users). Commercial entities may seek to add medical data to their other data holdings and sell the aggregated data for marketing or surveillance purposes. Groups might be targeted in epidemiological searches.

As a regional or national EHR becomes a technologically achievable goal with broad congressional support, we must distinguish the genuine advantages of EHRs from the deep problems they present and engineer the technical and legal models to minimize the problems. Yet, these are difficult tasks. Several possible EHR architectures and a myriad
of patient choice models can be engineered. Worse, where the architectures and models fail to deal with the problems we identify, the legal and regulatory systems that should operate as surrogates themselves prove to be awkward or obstructive. In the United States, records law and privacy-confidentiality systems encompass both state and federal components. The United States does not have a robust track record in either conceptualizing or regulating health privacy.5 Apparent federal solutions, such as the confidentiality regulations under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), are as sieve-like as they are incomprehensible.

5. James G. Hodge et al., Legal Issues Concerning Electronic Health Information: Privacy,
Quality, and Liability, 282 JAMA 1466, 1467–68 (1999).


Medical literature, opinion polls, United Kingdom and other foreign EHR implementations, and our own interactions suggest that patients and physicians are skeptical about the privacy, security, and safety of HIT systems. Consumers are told on a daily basis that their computers, when attached to networks, are pathologically insecure. Physicians
continue to push back on safety technologies and remain deeply suspicious (even resentful) of the HIPAA transactional and patient privacy constructs.6 Meanwhile, the media tirelessly report medical privacy horror stories of lost, stolen, or hacked records.7

A rational policymaker may view these stories as merely transitional or statistically insignificant aberrations. Yet public and professional perceptions of an EHR system are far different and potentially corrosive. The nature of such a system is difficult to convey to the public. A public perception of an EHR as a governmental “big brother” is increasingly likely. Take, for example, the views of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons in a recent letter to Congress:

Patients will definitely not benefit from this type of program because they do not control who has access to their sensitive identifiable medical records in any meaningful way. . . . [A] national health information system would effectively eliminate any and all patient consent to the release of their records by placing the records online. Patients would have virtually no control over who can sneak-a-peak at their very private and sensitive medical records.8

6. Electronic Health Records and Privacy: Hearing Before the U.S. Dep’t of Health and Human Servs. Nat’l Comm. on Vital and Health Statistics Subcomm. on Privacy, 109th Cong. (2005) [hereinafter Health Records Hearing] (statement of Nicolas P. Terry).

7. See, e.g., Nicolas P. Terry, To HIPAA, a Son: Assessing the Technical, Conceptual, and Legal Frameworks for Patient Safety Information, 12 WIDENER L. REV. 137 (2006); Joplin Hospital Records Stolen from Company, COLUM. DAILY TRIB. (Columbia, Mo.), July 25, 2005 (computers containing personal information of 27,000 patients stolen from microfilming company); Hawaii Warns 43,000 Residents of Health Data Theft, MOD. HEALTHCARE ONLINE, Apr. 14, 2006,; Gary T. Kubota, Hospital Loses Patient Data,
HONOLULU STAR BULL., Oct. 21, 2005, at A3 (hospital lost computer drive of personal information implicating 130,000 patients); Todd Milbourn, Stolen Laptop Contains Files on HIV Patients, SACRAMENTO BEE, Feb. 23, 2006, at B3 (“A laptop computer containing health information for 1,764 clients of CARES, a Sacramento HIV/AIDS clinic, was stolen during a home burglary.”); Sean Webby, Medical Records Theft Alarms Parents, MERCURY NEWS (San Jose, Cal.), Sept. 20, 2005, at 1B (theft of records from Palo Alto nonprofit that works with emotionally troubled and developmentally
challenged children); Update: Thief Nabs Backup Data on 365,000 Patients, COMPUTERWORLD, Jan. 26, 2006,,10801,108101,00.html
(theft of generally unencrypted computer backup data on 365,000 hospice and home healthcare patients in Oregon and Washington from employee’s care); Press Release, Providence Health Sys. in Or., State Finds Providence Acted Appropriately Following Theft of Computer Disks, Tapes, available at

8. Letter from Jane M. Orient, M.D., Executive Director, Ass’n of Am. Physicians & Surgeons, to Congress (Feb. 2, 2006), available at; see also
Press Release, Institute for Health Freedom, Congress Could Vote Soon on a Bill that Abolishes State Health-Privacy Rights (Feb. 8, 2006), available at Privacy/ActNowHR4157.html.


This article is premised on the end of one important phase in the development of a national electronic interoperable health records (EIHR) system: the satisfactory near completion of the technical specifications for infrastructure and data exchange.9 As this “insider baseball” phase concludes, the “outside” stakeholders must be identified and satisfied.
For a national EIHR system, cost10 and lack of confidentiality are the two potential deal-breakers. This article addresses the second of these: the question of whether such an ambitious EIHR system can operate within a framework of ethically and practically satisfactory confidentiality, privacy, and security protections. Here, we analyze the possible EHR architectures and compare their implications for confidentiality, privacy, and security. Similarly, we examine the possible models of patient choice that can be integrated into such systems. Finally, we discuss what legal and regulatory steps will be required to provide privacy and confidentiality protections.

A. Technologies and Terminology

The HIT movement assaults us with a bewildering array of terminology expressed in “insider” acronyms.11 Records technologies have their own confusing labels. In this article, we discuss several electronic records technologies. The most generalized label is EMR, which describes any form of computerized record-keeping, from a modest software package used in a single doctor’s office to an enterprisewide, database-driven application. Primarily, however, this article concerns the EHR, a type of EMR architecture that permits the sharing of patient data among healthcare providers.

Some EHRs are conceptually and technically quite simple. For example, the personal EHR (PHR) is a database of medical information that is collected and maintained by the individual patient.12 However, the EHR label is most often applied to far more complex systems that  rely on technical interoperability between diverse electronic records systems.

9. See, e.g., Consolidated Health Informatics (CHI) Initiative; Health Care and Vocabulary
Standards for Use in Federal Health Information Technology Systems, 70 Fed. Reg. 76,287 (Dec. 23,
2005); FDA Selects SNOMED for Drug Labels, GOV’T HEALTH IT, Apr. 21, 2006, available at See generally ELEC. HEALTH RECORD VENDORS

10. For a summary of some of the financial issues, see infra text accompanying note 20.

11. Examples include Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Computerized Order Entry appliances
(CPOEs), and Clinical Decision-Support Systems (CDSS). See generally Terry, supra note 7.

12. E.g., CapMed’s Personal Health Record,; iHealthRecord,;,
See generally Julie Appleby, Don’t Let Hurricanes Blow Your Medical Records Away, USA TODAY,
Oct. 27, 2005, at B1 (“Backers of direct-to-consumer online medical records say their services will gain
ground, spurred by concern about record losses in disasters, the desire by consumers for more ease in
moving medical records from one doctor to another and by the growing push to create a more digitized
medical system.”). rely on technical interoperability between diverse electronic records systems.


The federal government is primarily interested in a fully interoperable, longitudinal records system that will initially operate on regional networks (Regional Health Information Organizations, or RHIOs) before transitioning to a National Health Information Network (NHIN).13 Due to scale and architecture, these models reduce or eliminate patient
involvement in the sharing process.

B. The Bush Administration’s EIHR Plan

Concomitant with his 2004 announcement that most Americans should have electronic health records within the next ten years, President Bush appointed Dr. David Brailer to a new post of National Health Information Technology Coordinator (ONCHIT) to guide the “nationwide implementation of interoperable health information technology.”14 ONCHIT has built on the previous work of NCVHS15 and the Consolidated Health Informatics (CHI) Initiative16 and oversees the Federal
Health Architecture.17

The Bush administration publicly eschews any regulatory mandate directing healthcare providers to adopt EHRs.18 Rather, it espouses EHR adoption via “a smooth market-led way.”19 Of course, with no government-funded mandate, there remain significant technical, cultural, and, particularly, financial20 barriers to EHR adoption in addition to the confidentiality-privacy issues raised in this article.21

13. See generally H.R. 4859, 109th Cong. (2004); H.R. 4157, 109th Cong. (2004).

14. Exec. Order No. 13,335, 69 Fed. Reg. 24,059, § 3 (Apr. 30, 2004).

15. U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Servs., National Committee on Vital Health Statistics, (last visited Oct. 15, 2006).

16. U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Servs., Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information
Technology, (last visited Jan. 3, 2007).

17. U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Servs., Federal Health Architecture (FHA), (last visited Jan. 3, 2007) (“The FHA is managed within the Office of the National
Coordination for Health IT . . . .”).

18. Chris Murphy & Marianne Kolbasuk McGee, Industry Must Improve Its Technology, INFORMATIONWEEK, June 21, 2004, at 30 (“I don’t want to see a Son of HIPAA put into law.” (quoting David Brailer, Coordinator, Nat’l Healthcare Info. Tech., Speech to the National Alliance for Health Information Technology)).

19. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Servs., Secretary Leavitt Takes New Steps to
Advance Health IT (June 6, 2005), available at 20050606.html.

20. The core issue is the misalignment of incentives such that, basically, there is an inverse relationship between those required to invest in EMR/EHR and those who would benefit. See Joan S. Ash & David W. Bates, Position Paper, Factors and Forces Affecting EHR System Adoption: Report of a 2004 ACMI Discussion, 12 J. AM. MED. INFORM. ASS’N 8, 10 (2005), available at; Michael W. Bender, Ahmed H. Mitwalli, & Steven J. Van Kuiken, What’s Holding Back Online Medical Data, MCKINSEY Q., Dec. 2005,; Terry, supra note 7, at 173–84; see also Nancy Ferris, Doctors Want Payment Boost for Using e-Health Records, Gov’t Health IT, Jan. 31, 2006, available at (detailing American College of Physicians’ call for Medicare to reimburse primary care physicians for using EHRs); Christopher Rowland, Digital Divide Widens in Medicine: Computerized Records Improve Care but Some Doctors Can’t Afford It, BOSTON GLOBE, Feb. 10, 2006, at C1, available at

 Notwithstanding, ONCHIT and its supporters have moved inextricably towards the most complex, professionally disruptive, and, at $400 billion,22 the most expensive EHR architecture.23 Current ONCHIT request for proposals (RFPs) address technical standards, the certification of EMR systems (to guarantee interoperability), and most crucially, prototyping an internet-based NHIN architecture.24 Not surprisingly, a NHIN (or multiple RHIO) architecture also provides the greatest challenge to protecting patient confidentiality, privacy, and security.

C. Alternative Models
Although the administration has not entered into a public debate
over its preferred EHR architecture, there are several alternatives to a
fully interoperable electronic record either in use or under development
in the United States and further afield. Some of these architectures have
different confidentiality and privacy implications, though they may also
lack some of the error-reduction and outcomes research benefits of a national

1. United States
Within the United States, two major alternatives to a fully interoperable
EHR architecture have emerged: Continuity of Care Records and
Personal EHRs. The Continuity of Care Record (CCR) is an effort to
standardize electronic records to ease portability.25 A specification developed
by the Health Information Management and Systems Society
(HIMSS) and various professional bodies,26 CCR aims to extract data
from existing proprietary EMR systems and export it to a common text

21. See discussion infra Part III.B.
22. Rainu Kaushal et al., The Costs of a National Health Information Network, 143 ANNALS OF
INTERNAL MEDICINE 165, 165 (2005). In contrast to the expected costs, the 2007 proposed federal
budget contains $116 million for the Office of the National Coordinator, $50 million for the Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality, and $3 million for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for
GOVERNMENT: FISCAL YEAR 2007, at 109 (2006), available at
23. See generally Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Servs., Thompson Launches
“Decade of Health Information Technology” (July 21, 2004),
20040721a.html (explaining the general parameters of the federal HER plan).
24. Fact Sheet, supra note 4.
25. The current specification is E2369-05, Standard Specification for Continuity of Care Record
(CCR). See ASTM International,
REDLINE_PAGES/E2369.htm?L+mystore+jjfs9503 (last visited Oct. 10, 2006); see also AAFP’s Center
for Health Information Technology, Essential Similarities and Differences Between the HL7
CDA/CRS and ASTM CCR, (last visited Jan. 3,
26. See Medical Records Institute, Continuity of Care Record (CCR), http://www.medrecinst.
com/pages/about.asp?id=54 (last visited Jan. 3, 2007).

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export format (XML27), which would allow portability of summary data28
and enable it to be given to a patient or transferred directly to the patient’s
next provider.29

A PHR is a personal database of medical information that is collected
and maintained by the patient, who controls whether and to what
extent it is shared with providers.30 PHRs are supplied free by, for example,
employers or healthcare providers on a subscription basis. They
may be web-based or databases created on the patient’s own computer.
Recently, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a
request for information (RFI) seeking input on how best it should make
data about Medicare beneficiaries available for incorporation into such
personal EHRs.31

2. Outside the United States
National or regional EIHRs are also gaining attention in the health-
care systems of other developed countries. For example, in Canada,
Infoway, a nonprofit partnership of federal, provincial, and territorial
governments, is coordinating the deployment of a pan-Canadian EHR.32
Currently, Infoway is emphasizing the development of technical interoperability
standards.33 New Zealand has announced a wide-ranging
Health Information Strategy that includes interoperable EHR event
summaries that can be distributed at local, regional, and national levels.34
New Zealand has decided not to create a national EHR database.35 The
most advanced EIHR projects, however, are in the United Kingdom and

In 1998, the United Kingdom commenced an ambitious and costly
information technology-based makeover of its entire healthcare system.
This National Programme for IT in the NHS (NPfIT) involved the in

27. See generally World Wide Web Consortium, Extensible Markup Language (XML), (last visited Oct. 3, 2006).
28. Medical Records Institute, supra note 26.
29. See David C. Kibbe et al., The Continuity of Care Record, 70 AM. FAM. PHYSICIAN 1220,
1222 (2004).
30. Tracy D. Gunter & Nicolas P. Terry, The Emergence of National Electronic Health Record
Architectures in the United States and Australia: Models, Costs, and Questions, J. MED. INTERNET RES.,
Jan.–Mar. 2005, available at; see e.g., CapMed’s Personal Health Record,
supra note 12; iHealthRecord, supra note 12. See generally Laura Landro, High-Tech Tools Help Patients
Manage Own Medical Records, DESERET NEWS (Salt Lake City, Utah), Feb. 28, 2005, at C1.
31. Federal Business Opportunities, Synopsis of Request for Information-Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services’ Role in Personal Health Records (July 18, 2005),
32. Canada Health Infoway, Overview,
Overview.aspx (last visited Jan. 3, 2007).
33. Canada Health Infoway, Infoway Standards Collaboration Process, http://www.orgwayinforoute.
ca/en/WhatWeDo/StandardsCollaboration.aspx (last visited Oct. 3, 2006).
ZEALAND 2005 (2005), available at
35. See id.

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vestment of some $11.1 billion over a ten-year program.36 The NHS Information
Authority originally led the United Kingdom program, but after
critical reviews, it was renamed NHS Connecting for Health37 and is
now directly overseen by the Department of Health.38 A key component
of the U.K. program is the NHS Care Records Service (NHS CRS),
which aims to provide an electronic NHS Care Record for all U.K. patients.
Although the first fully electronic transfer of a patient record between
doctors’ offices occurred in November 2005,39 organizational, cultural,
and financial woes have slowed considerably the EHR program in
the United Kingdom.40 Both providers and patients have seriously criticized
the EHR program because of privacy and security concerns.41

The Australian HealthConnect system has completed its initial trials,
but recent funding problems and questions about privacy and consent
issues have slowed progress.42 These delays have occurred despite
the fact that the HealthConnect model supports a robust health confidentiality-
privacy system43 by both pushing only “event summaries” to the
centralized EIHR and providing for considerable patient data carveouts
designed to keep certain data within patient control.44

First, HealthConnect does not create a true longitudinal record, but
aggregates elements extracted from a patient’s existing EMR(s).45 These
event summaries are defined as “an electronic overview of a visit to a
doctor or hospital, or some other health care event . . . contain[ing] only

36. See Editorial, National Programme for Information Technology Is Sorely Needed and Must
Succeed—but Is off to a Shaky Start, 328 BMJ 1145, 1145 (2004).
37. History of Our Organisation—NHS Connecting for Health, http://www.connectingforhealth. (last visited Nov. 10, 2006).
38. Id.
39. NHS Connecting for Health Completes Transfer of a Patient’s Medical Record, EGOV
MONITOR, Nov. 8, 2005, (last visited Oct. 12, 2006).
40. See Jane Hendy et al, Challenges to Implementing the National Programme for Information
Technology (NPfIT): A Qualitative Study, 331 BMJ 331, 332–34 (2005); see also Brian Robinson, U.K.
Lacks Support for Health IT Modernization, GOV’T HEALTH IT, Jan. 12, 2006, available at http://www. (reporting that nearly 70% of the doctors surveyed said
they would have insufficient funds to properly implement NPfIT, while only 30% of doctors view the
program an important priority for the NHS); Nicholas Timmins, NHS and Suppliers Struggle With Basics
on Patient Record System, FIN. TIMES UK, Nov. 1, 2006, available at 2006 WLNR 18981715.
41. See Call for Review of NHS IT Upgrade, BBC NEWS, Apr. 10, 2006,
1/hi/health/4896198.stm; GPs Fret over Online Records, TIMES (London), June 7, 2005, Public Agenda,
at 6; Alice Miles, The Spy in the GP’s Surgery, TIMES (London), Jan. 12, 2005, at 18; Helene Mulholdland,
NHS Set to Miss e-Booking Target, GUARDIAN UNLIMITED, Sept. 30, 2005, http://www.,16559,1582117,00.html; Nicholas Timmins, Doctors’ Debate Delays Patient
Record, FIN. TIMES UK, Apr. 27, 2006, available at 2006 WLNR 7068306 (describing additional
delays as doctors favor opt-in model); Nick Triggle, Confidentiality Fear over Records, BBC NEWS,
June 29, 2005,; see also infra text accompanying note
42. Karen Dearne, Feds’ Health Data Project Stalls, AUSTRALIAN, June 7, 2005, at 29.
43. See Australian Government, Office of the Privacy Commissioner, Health, http://www. (last visited Jan. 3, 2007).
44. Nicolas P. Terry, Electronic Health Records: International, Structural and Legal Perspectives,
12 J.L. & MED. 26, 33 (2004).
45. Id. at 32–33.

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the information that is relevant to the future health and care of the consumer,
rather than the comprehensive notes that a doctor may
keep . . . .”46 Additionally, HealthConnect utilizes a “push” model,
whereby data is sent from the local EMR to a centralized HealthConnect
record, in contrast to the proposed U.S. EIHR model that seems likely to
adopt a “pull” model, whereby the centralized system initiates a data request
from a provider’s record using a data pointer.47 Finally, Health-
Connect not only creates an event summary that is less than a complete
record, but it also allows the patient (in consultation with the physician)
to control what data are included and who may view it.48

Because of an apparent reduction in Commonwealth (federal) funding,
HealthConnect may evolve into a decentralized49 and less EHR-
centric project.50 While many Australian patients and physicians have
articulated a preference for simple consent models such as a generalized
“opt-in” and prospective consent for the pushing of their data to the centralized
HealthConnect summary record, many remain uncomfortable
with any participation in the system.51

3. RHIOs and the NHIN
ONCHIT is publicly encouraging and, to an extent, incentivizing
RHIOs while at the same time designing a NHIN.52 The fundamental
feature of both RHIOs and a NHIN is that they are not intrinsically electronic
records, but networking infrastructures that facilitate interconnectivity
between existing systems.53 As such, these systems are premised
not only on the widespread deployment of EMR and EHR systems in
medical offices, hospitals, and hospital systems, but also on the ability of

46. HealthConnect, Event Summaries,
nsf/Content/event-summaries (last visited Oct. 12, 2006).
47. HealthConnect, Privacy,
privacy (last visited Oct. 3, 2006).
48. Id.
49. See, e.g., Karen Dearne, Seniors Corralled for Pilot, AUSTRALIAN IT, Mar. 23, 2006 (on file
with author) (detailing New South Wales’ Health’s “shaky start” to trial of a HealthConnect-style
electronic record pilot, Healthelink, using an automatic enrollment, opt-out model).
50. See generally HealthConnect Implementation Strategy, Version 2.0 (rev.), June 2005,
AND HEALTHCONNECT TRIALS 8 (2005), available at
publishing.nsf/Content/key-reports (follow “Lessons Learned form the MediConnect Field Test and
HealthConnect Trials 1–10” hyperlink).
52. See, e.g., Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Servs., HHS Awards Contracts to
Develop Nationwide Health Information Network (Nov. 10, 2005), available at
53. The NHIN concept may grow closer to a national EHR if it utilizes a centralized data warehouse
rather than a pointer system. It is, however, unlikely that the federal government would be prepared
to finance such a centralized model.

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those deployed local systems to interconnect with the network. Neither
of those predicates is true.54

Even leaving aside the cultural, professional, legal,55 and financial
disincentives to electronic records, interoperable systems face something
of a catch-22: RHIOs and the NHIN cannot be built without local EMR
or EHR systems, but providers are hesitant to commit to local systems
without knowing the RHIO or NHIN to which they may connect. Providers
considering involvement in a RHIO additionally face the question
of what will happen to their RHIO if, subsequently, a NHIN is constructed.

Many potential benefits of interconnected EHRs seem easily measurable:
improved continuity of care, reduced frequency of errors in
medication and treatment, and increased potential for outcomes research
and public health surveillance.57 Beyond implementation costs, other
costs are more intangible: privacy, confidentiality, and security risks; and
concerns about the behavior of patients who, wary of the implications of
electronic records, attempt to keep their records, or even themselves, out
of the healthcare system altogether. These costs are significant, and addressing
them by system design at the outset may be necessary to generate
the trust in networked EHRs that will enable achievement of their
very substantial benefits. If, for example, concerns about security risks
result in an architecture that does not permit records to be searchable as
part of a common database, opportunities for performance evaluation,
outcomes research, and public health surveillance will be lost.58

A. Benefits and Drivers
“At its most sophisticated or most infused level, the EHR becomes
a hub of all activity, something that permeates every element of the

54. See, e.g., Ford et al., Predicting the Adoption of Electronic Health Records by Physicians:
When Will Health Care be Paperless?, 13 J. AM. MED. INFORMATICS ASS’N 106, 108–10 (2006) (concluding
that universal EMR/EHR adoption will not be met by 2014 and suggesting a conservative estimate
that 86.6% of physicians in small practices will be using EHRs in 2024).
55. See generally Terry, supra note 7, at 160.
56. See Joseph Goedert, Are RHIOs for Real?, HEALTH DATA MGMT., Feb. 6, 2006, at 44, 45.
58. For a summary of these benefits, costs, and strategies, see Letter Report from Simon P.
Cohn, Chairman, Nat’l Comm. on Vital and Health Statistics, to Michael O. Leavitt, Secretary, U.S.
Dep’t of Health & Human Servs. (Sept. 9, 2005), available at
For a discussion of the tensions concerning privacy, security, and proprietary information in system
design, see Kenneth D. Mandl, Peter Szolovits & Isaac S. Kohane, Public Standards and Patients’ Control:
How to Keep Electronic Medical Records Accessible but Private, 322 BMJ 283 (2001).

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workflow and of work life.”59 Although this characterization is somewhat
hyperbolic, a comprehensive, longitudinal EHR ideally will: (1) interconnect
with and enhance other error-reducing and cost-saving technologies
such as decision support systems; (2) streamline healthcare
dataflow using an interoperable and standardized nomenclature; (3) improve
quality of care by encouraging accurate, timely, and legible communication
among providers; (4) automate adverse event and medical
error disclosure; and (5) facilitate reliable and reproducible outcomes research
and reporting, as well as other public health initiatives.60

One of the most discussed benefits of EHRs is the potential for error
reduction. In an electronic format, data are legible, thus minimizing
the risks of pharmacists misreading handwriting on prescriptions or subsequent
providers struggling to decipher records of earlier treatment.
Data are also directly transferable, thus avoiding transcription errors and
delays in recording prescriptions or test results communicated by telephone.
61 Functions can be written to flag prior allergic reactions, drug
interactions, or other contraindications for contemplated therapy, thus
additionally reducing the potential for error.62 Computerized provider
order entry systems (CPOEs) linked to EHRs may reduce the incidence
of medication errors.63 These apparent advantages, however, are not uncontroversial;
there may be risks of additional adverse events, particularly
as electronic systems are introduced, and there is much discussion in
the literature about how to reduce unanticipated errors due to human/
technology interfaces.64

59. See Ash & Bates, supra note 20.
60. Gunter & Terry, supra note 30.
61. Jan Walker et al., The Value of Health Care Information Exchange and Interoperability,
HEALTH AFF. (Jan. 19, 2005),
62. E.g. Nadir R. Shah et al., Improving Acceptance of Computerized Prescribing Alerts in Ambulatory
Care, 13 J. AM. MED. INFO. ASS’N 5, 5 (2006); Robyn Tamblyn, Improving Patient Safety
Through Computerized Drug Management: The Devil Is in the Details, 5 HEALTHCARE PAPERS 52, 54–
56 (2004). For a discussion of the error-reduction potential of EHRs, see David A. Hyman & Charles
Silver, The Poor State of Health Care Quality in the U.S.: Is Malpractice Liability Part of the Problem
or Part of the Solution?, 90 CORNELL L. REV. 893 (2005). For an overview of the potential cost effectiveness
of electronic records systems, see Sarah Klein, Issue of the Month: Who Has $400 Billion to
Build a National Health Information Network?, QUALITY MATTERS: SEPTEMBER UPDATE FROM THE
COMMONWEALTH FUND, Sept. 2005, available at
htm?doc_id=294918. The Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative and the Massachusetts Medical Society
have just begun a demonstration of the use of EHRs in the offices of physicians. Press Release,
Mass. e-Health Collaborative, Massachusetts Takes a Giant Step Towards Electronic Health Records
(Oct. 5, 2005), available at
pdf. Many healthcare systems have significant experience with electronic records, including the Veterans
Health Administration, the New England Healthcare Electronic Data Interchange Network, the
Indiana Network for Patient Care, the Santa Barbara County Care Data Exchange, the Patient Safety
Institute’s National Benefit Trust Network, and the Markle Foundation’s Healthcare Collaborative
Network, Kelsey D. Patterson, Healing Health Care: Fixing a Broken System with Information Technology,
14 KAN. J.L. & PUB. POL’Y 193, 200 (2004).
63. Anne Bobb et al., The Epidemiology of Prescribing Errors: The Potential Impact of Computerized
Prescriber Order Entry, 164 ARCHIVES INTERNAL MED. 785, 789–90 (2004).
64. E.g., Margaret Caudill-Slosberg & William B. Weeks, Case Study: Identifying Potential Problems
at the Human/Technical Interface in Complex Clinical Systems, 20 AM. J. MED. QUALITY 353

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An electronic format also permits entries in patients’ records to be
checked against programmed guidelines and clinical decision support systems,
prompting providers if prescription amounts are out of range, if
necessary data have been omitted in the record, or if recommended procedures
have not been performed.65 Here, too, there is some dispute
about whether use of these support systems will improve outcomes for

To be sure, these benefits depend on accurate data entry into the
electronic record, but even here, electronic records may have advantages
over paper records. Some data, such as laboratory test results or digitized
scans, can be entered into a record automatically. Software monitoring
electronic records can be programmed to flag unusual or inconsistent
entries, from a blood pressure or prostrate-specific antigen (PSA)
reading much higher or lower than before, to a shift in noted patterns of
calcification in a mammography reading.67 Patients who have access to
their EHRs, which are more easily transmitted and more portable than
paper copies, can also check them for accuracy, just as they can perform
online reviews of credit card or banking statements.

Other potential advantages of electronic records in patient care are
patient education and communication. Physicians or patients can use
electronic records to graph progress in easily visualized ways.68 Electronic
record systems can be programmed to send patients e-mail reminders
for follow-up care. Electronically generated letters or e-mails
can be used to contact patients if new and relevant information becomes

(2005); Yong Y. Han et al., Unexpected Increased Mortality After Implementation of a Commercially
Sold Computerized Physician Order Entry System, 116 PEDIATRICS 1506 (2005); Ross Koppel et al.,
Role of Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems in Facilitating Medication Errors, 293 JAMA
1197 (2005); Jonathon R. Nebeker et al., High Rates of Adverse Drug Events in a Highly Computerized
Hospital, 165 ARCHIVES INTERNAL MED. 1111 (2005). For a response, see Press Release, The Leapfrog
Group, Leapfrog Responds to University of Pennsylvania Study on CPOE Errors (Mar. 10, 2005),
available at

65. E.g., Vahid Ebrahiminia et al., Representing the Patient’s Therapeutic History in Medical Records
and in Guideline Recommendations for Chronic Diseases Using a Unique Model, 116 STUD.
HEALTH TECH. INFORMATICS 101 (2005) (diabetes management); Steven Ornstein et al., A Multimethod
Quality Improvement Intervention to Improve Preventive Cardiovascular Care: A Cluster
Randomized Trial, 141 MED. 523 (2005) (quality indicators for cardiac disease prevention); Matthew
H. Samore et al., Clinical Decision Support and Appropriateness of Antimicrobial Prescribing: A Randomized
Trial, 294 JAMA 2305 (2005) (finding significant decline in antibiotic prescriptions for upper
respiratory infections in communities using CDSS system).
66. William M. Tierney et al., Can Computer-Generated Evidence-Based Care Suggestions Enhance
Evidence-Based Management of Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease? A Randomized,
Controlled Trial, 40 HEALTH SERVICES RES. 477, 477 (2005) (finding no relation between
care prompts and patient management in a randomized trial of electronic care prompts in asthma patients).
67. For a discussion of these benefits in the VistA system developed by the Veteran Health Administration,
see Jonathan B. Perlin et al., The Veterans Health Administration: Quality, Value, Accountability,
and Information as Transforming Strategies for Patient-Centered Care, AM. J. MANAGED
CARE, Nov. 2004, at 828, 832–36.
68. See Douglas McCarthy, Case Study: Frontline Physicians and Their Patients Reap Benefits

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available, if they are overdue for an appointment, or if medications are
withdrawn from the market.69 The advantages and disadvantages of provider-
patient e-mail contact and web-based communication are increasingly
discussed in the medical practice literature.70 Perhaps more controversially,
patients themselves use the web with increasing frequency to
learn about health conditions, therapeutic alternatives, and care providers
specializing in their conditions. Armed with their own EHRs, and
guided by their physicians, patients may be able to make more informed
use of this resource.71

Leaving aside the potential for the improvement of care at the level
of the individual patient, several forces relating to healthcare delivery
currently drive the U.S. interest in a national system of interoperable
electronic records.72 First, major shifts in care venues have accelerated
the need for efficient flow of patient medical and billing information between
organizationally and geographically distinct providers. Patients
now are more likely to receive care in ambulatory care rather than inpatient
settings. They are geographically mobile and also tend to change
providers as their insurance or preferences change. If test results from
prior treatment are readily available in an accurate and secure format,
patients may avoid the inconvenience, risk, and expense of reduplicative
testing that occurs when they see new providers who are unsure about
reports of prior medical evaluations.73

Second, the operational aspects of managed care have increased the
need for data transparency.74 “Gate keeping” physicians who authorize
referrals, third party payers who want pay-for-performance “report
cards,” and system administrators who need sophisticated utilization review
and risk management tools all are served by electronic record sets.

69. For a description of some of these uses of EHRs in a primary care practice, see Richard J.
Baron et al., Electronic Health Records: Just Around the Corner? Or Just over the Cliff?, 143 ANNALS
INTERNAL MED. 222 (2005).
70. E.g., Felicity Goodyear-Smith et al., Pandora’s Electronic Box: GPs Reflect upon Email
Communication with Their Patients, 13 INFORMATICS PRIMARY CARE 195 (2005); Steven J. Katz &
Cheryl A. Moyer, The Emerging Role of Online Communication Between Patients and Their Providers,
19 J. GEN. INTERNAL MED. 978 (2004); Stephen E. Ross et al., Providing a Web-Based Online Medical
Record with Electronic Communication Capabilities to Patients with Congestive Heart Failure: Randomized
Trial, 6 J. MED. INTERNET RES., Apr.–June 2004, available at
71. Alejandro (Alex) R. Jadad, What Will It Take to Bring the Internet into the Consulting Room:
We Cannot Remain Oblivious to Our Patients’ Expectations, 20 J. GEN. INTERNAL MED. 787, 787
(2005); S. H. Woolf et al., Promoting Informed Choice: Transforming Health Care to Dispense Knowledge
for Decision Making, 143 ANNALS INTERNAL MED. 293, 295 (2005).
72. Terry, supra note 44, at 28–29.
73. One estimate puts these costs of repeat testing at 15% of system costs. MARKLE FOUNDATION,
2005.pdf; see also Michael Weiner et al., Using Information Technology to Improve the Health Care of
Older Adults, 139 ANNALS INTERNAL MED. 430, 430 (2003).
74. Dewey Freeman, Pay for Performance: A Win for the NHIN?, 59 HEALTHCARE FIN. MGMT.
Aug. 2005, at 120, 120; Paul C. Tang & W. Ed. Hammond, Commentary, A Progress Report on Computer-
Based Patient Records in the United States, in THE COMPUTER-BASED PATIENT RECORD: AN
ESSENTIAL TECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH CARE (Richard S. Dick et al. eds., 1997).

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Large-scale third-party payers currently use electronic data sets to compare
local variations in utilization and quality of care,75 a trend that can
only be expected to continue.

Third, the growth of “shared care,” whereby the patient shares responsibility
with the care provider and is likely to have increasingly episodic
relationships with multiple providers, requires patients to have access
to health data generally and, more controversially, to information in
their health records.76 Furthermore, “shared care” requires that providers
have transparent access to other occasions of treatment received by
the patient, particularly pharmacotherapy.77 Thus, “shared care” used in
home care settings—among providers or between providers and family
members or other means of support—may also benefit from access to
electronic records.78

Finally, healthcare consumers and regulators are demanding increasing
amounts of data regarding medical errors, quality of care, and
treatment outcomes.79 This information is difficult to generate without
sophisticated data coding and nearly impossible to analyze without complex
database systems. The Health Plan Employer Data and Information
Set (HEDIS) measures,80 for example, are more accurate if they are
based on chart reviews rather than billing records, but it is expensive and
cumbersome to examine paper charts.81 With electronic records, it is far
simpler to get an accurate picture of the extent to which providers are
meeting performance indicators.

Beyond improved coordination of patient care and outcomes measurement,
electronic record data sets may serve critical public health
goals. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have noted the
likely usefulness of such records in monitoring immunization rates and

75. See Leonard D. Schaeffer & Dana E. McMurtry, Perspective: Variation in Medical Care:
Time for Action, HEALTH AFF. (Nov. 16, 2005),
hlthaff.w5.552v1 (follow link to PDF or HTML version of article).
76. See, e.g., Jem Rashbass, Student JAMA, The Patient-Owned, Population-Based Electronic
Medical Record: A Revolutionary Resource for Clinical Medicine, 285 JAMA 1769 (2001); Christopher
C. Tsai & Justin Starren, Student JAMA, Patient Participation in Electronic Medical Records, 285
JAMA 1765 (2001).
SHARED CARE 40–41 (2005), available at
AA9A_A536D61FB038/12130/SharedCareReportAug2005.pdf (listing pharmacotherapy as part of a
system guideline that would “facilitate the implementation of shared care”).
78. Maria Hagglund et al., Integration Architecture of a Mobile Virtual Health Record for Shared
Home Care, 116 STUD. HEALTH TECH. INFORMATICS 340, 340–41 (2005).
79. See, e.g., Laura Landro, Consumers Need Health-Care Data, WALL ST. J., Jan. 29, 2004, at
80. “HEDIS is a set of standardized performance measures designed to ensure that purchasers
and consumers have the information they need to reliably compare the performance of managed
health care plans.” National Committee for Quality Assistance, The Health Plan Employer Data and
Information Set (HEDIS) (2006),
81. Developed by the National Committee for Quality Assurance, HEDIS measures are standard
comparisons of the performance of managed care plans. See id.

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supporting efforts to contain outbreaks.82 Electronic records can generate
and automatically transmit state-mandated reports such as diagnoses
of infectious diseases or prescriptions of controlled substances. They
may also help in detecting patterns of disease outbreaks.83 Related arguments
have been made in the wake of Hurricane Katrina that EHRs
are necessary to better facilitate disaster relief.84 If EHR architecture is
designed to facilitate anonymized data sets, these goals can be furthered
consistently with the privacy, confidentiality, and security protections we
defend in this article.

B. Patient Concerns and Perceptions
Patients cite privacy, together with security, as their issues of greatest
concern about electronic records.85 The International Medical Informatics
Association lists patient privacy (and confidentiality) as a core
ethical principle: “All persons have a fundamental right to privacy, and
hence to control over the collection, storage, access, use, communication,
manipulation and disposition of data about themselves.”86 Data from
several recent surveys indicate that privacy protection remains highly salient
for patients—and that this salience may be even greater among patients
with diagnoses of illness and among racial and ethnic minorities.
According to a 2005 survey conducted by the California HealthCare
Foundation, 67% of Americans are concerned about the privacy of their
health records.87 An even greater percentage (73%) of ethnic and racial
minority patients in the survey expressed concern about the privacy of
health information.88 One in eight respondents reported having engaged

82. See, e.g., Ctrs. for Disease Control & Prevention, Immunization Information System Progress—
United States 2003, 54 MORBIDITY & MORTALITY WKLY. REP. 722, 723 (2005); John W.
Loonsk, BioSense—a National Initiative for Early Detection and Quantification of Public Health
Emergencies, 53 MORBIDITY MORTALITY WKLY REP. Supp. 53, 55 (2004); John W. Loonsk et al., The
Public Health Information Network (PHIN) Preparedness Initiative, 13 J. AM. MED. INFORMATICS
ASS’N 1, 1 (2006).
83. See, e.g., B. C. H. Ang et al., An Assessment of Electronically Captured Data in the Patient
Care Enhancement System (PACES) for Syndromic Surveillance, 34 ANN. ACAD. MED. SINGAPORE
539, 540 (2005); Roger S. Magnusson, Data Linkage, Health Research and Privacy: Regulating Data
Flows in Australia’s Health Information System, 24 SYDNEY L. REV. 5, 38–42 (2002).
84. Bob Brewin, Leavitt: Katrina Demonstrates Need for e-Health Records, GOV’T HEALTH IT,
Sept. 8, 2005, available at (“If there was ever a
case for [EHRs], this disaster underscores the need.” (quoting Mike Leavitt, Sec’y, Dep’t of Health &
Human Servs.)).
85. E.g., Laura Zurita & Christian Nohr, Patient Opinion—EHR Assessment from the Users Perspective,
11 MEDINFO 1333 (2004).
86. Eike-Henner W. Kluge, Security and Privacy of EHR Systems—Ethical, Social, and Legal
Requirements, 96 STUD. HEALTH TECH. INFORMATICS 121, 122 (2003); Int’l Med. Informatics Ass’n,
IMIA Code of Ethics for Health Information Professionals (2002), available at
English_code_of_ethics.html (adopted Oct. 4, 2002).
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 (2005), available at
88. Id.

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in actions to protect their privacy that might have compromised their
healthcare, including avoiding seeing a physician, asking a physician to
fudge a diagnosis, paying to keep information out of insurance records,
or avoiding medical testing altogether.89 These behaviors were more frequent
among patients with chronic diagnoses, such as cancer or diabetes.
90 Over half of the respondents surveyed indicated concerns about
whether providing health information might compromise their employment
or job opportunities.91 This report concludes that protection of
data confidentiality and security are critically important if patients are to
trust electronic records systems.92

Another recent survey from a group at Johns Hopkins, designed to
test whether special privacy concerns attached to genetic information,
generated similar findings.93 Patients with several different diagnoses,
together with a control group of well patients, were surveyed about their
preferences regarding keeping their health information private.94 The
survey results indicated that patients with genetic diagnoses were no
more inclined to keep information private than patients with other diagnoses,
but revealing genetic diagnoses did appear to put patients at
greater employment risk than revealing other diagnoses.95 The data did
indicate, however, that the extent to which people call themselves “private”
about their health conditions varies with gender (males more), race
(African Americans more), and disease condition.96 Not unexpectedly,
patients with HIV were more concerned to keep their diagnosis private—
but so were patients with colon cancer, a finding that suggests that
the information patients consider private may not be limited to psychiatric
and sexual matters.97

Still other data from the Hopkins group indicate that many patients
would prefer not to have their medical records used in research, without
separate consent.98 This study attempted to assess the acceptability to

available at
90. CAL. HEALTH CARE FOUND., supra note 87.
91. Id.
92. The patient search for privacy is not limited to concerns about technology. See e.g., Single
Hospital Rooms Rekindle Debate, BUS. FIRST OF BUFFALO, Feb. 5, 2006,
buffalo/stories/2006/02/06/story1.html (detailing conversion of semiprivate into single rooms in New
York in response to patient demands for increased privacy).
93. Nancy E. Kass et al., Medical Privacy and the Disclosure of Personal Medical Information:
The Beliefs and Experiences of Those with Genetic and Other Clinical Conditions, 128A AM. J. MED.
GENETICS 261 (2004).
94. Id. at 262.
95. Id.
96. Id. at 262.
97. Id. at 264.
98. Nancy E. Kass et al., The Use of Medical Records in Research: What Do Patients Want?, 31
J.L. MED. & ETHICS 429, 430 (2003).

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patients of HIPAA’s99 standards for waiver of consent for the use of
medical records in research: that the research is no more than minimal
risk, that it could not be conducted without the waiver, and that it has
been reviewed and approved by an IRB.100 Previous reported studies
appear schizophrenic: in one study, only 18% found the use of medical
records in research fully acceptable, and 34% of patients found the use
completely unacceptable; but other studies found that, when actually
asked, overwhelming majorities of patients tended to give consent.101

The Hopkins group surveyed patients with a variety of disease diagnoses,
many who had been involved in research studies at Hopkins.
They found 31% willing to allow the use of their records in research if it
would improve medical knowledge, but over half unwilling to allow the
use of their records without consent.102 A large majority (86%) of those
surveyed, however, would be willing to allow anonymous use of their records
without consent.103 The Hopkins group concluded that patients
should be enlisted as partners in the research enterprise, with more full
discussion about the use of records and efforts to obtain consent in advance,
even in quite general terms, for future record use.104

Finally, a 2006 survey by Harris Interactive found that 68% of respondents
thought that electronic medical records would improve quality
of care by reducing the number of redundant or unnecessary tests, 60%
thought that EMRs would reduce healthcare costs, and 55% thought that
they would reduce medical errors.105 However, 62% of respondents considered
that the use of EMRs would make it more difficult to guarantee
patient privacy.106

C. Autonomy vs. Instrumentalism
The accepted rationale for health privacy and confidentiality is
autonomy.107 A patient exercises his autonomy-based right of privacy
when he shares (or declines to share) information with his healthcare
provider or, for that matter, with anyone else. Any subsequent disclosure
by the provider is policed by autonomy-based confidentiality. Constitutional
and common law confidentiality protections suggested a

99. Pub. L. No. 104-191, 110 Stat. 1936 (codified as amended in scattered sections of 29 U.S.C.,
42 U.S.C., 26 U.S.C.).
100. 45 C.F.R. § 164.512(i) (2005).
101. Kass et al., supra note 98, at 429–30. These studies indicated that willingness to give consent
varied with treatment condition; patients being seen for mental healthcare, eye care, trauma, or gynecology
care were less likely to give consent.
102. Id. at 431.
103. Id.
104. Id. at 433.
105. Wall Street Journal Online/Harris Interactive Health-Care Poll, supra note 3.
106. Id.
ed. 1994).

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rights-based approach108 to legal confidentiality that paralleled the
autonomy principle. In contrast, the modern law of medical confidence
(particularly the federal code) does not appear to be based on an autonomy
model but on a more limited instrumental model.

The simplest (and least corrosive) instrumental justification for
medical confidentiality is that patients provide information to physicians
to further their diagnosis with the correlate that physicians respect confidences
in order to encourage patients to disclose personal and medical
information that will make diagnosis and treatment more effective. This
instrumental approach becomes dangerous when applied to institutional
or industrial models of care. In such models, the notion too easily falls
prey to arguments that see the generation, dispersal, and processing of
longitudinal patient health information primarily as a necessity to reduce
overall healthcare costs and to minimize medical error. As the context
changes, therefore, the simple and innocuous instrumental approach becomes
increasingly problematic.109

This movement to an instrumental rationale for protecting patient
information was exacerbated by HIPAA. Congress adopted what was
promulgated as the HIPAA-EDI110 model of health transactions to reduce
the “back-end,” transactional costs of healthcare delivery.111 The
concomitant HIPAA federal confidentiality code112 was enacted to
minimize objections to and maximize participation in a transactional
model desired by industry and promoted by government. As chillingly
confirmed by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Citizens for Health v.
Leavitt,113 the federal standards have gutted the nascent rights-based ap

108. See, e.g., Humphers v. First Interstate Bank of Or., 684 P.2d 581, 587 (Or. Ct. App. 1984),
aff’d in part, rev’d in part, 696 P.2d 527 (Or. 1985).
[T]here is widespread public knowledge of the ethical standards of the medical profession and
widespread belief that confidences made by a patient to a physician may not be disclosed without
the permission of the patient. Patients . . . have the right to rely on this common understanding of
the ethical requirements which have been placed on the medical profession and to obtain damages
against a physician if he violates such confidentiality.

Id.; see also Duquette v. Superior Court ex. rel. County of Maricopa, 778 P.2d 634, 640 (Ariz. Ct. App.
1989) (“[T]he public has a widespread belief that information given to a physician in confidence will
not be disclosed to third parties absent legal compulsion, and we further believe that the public has a
right to have this expectation realized.”).

109. See generally Nicolas P. Terry, What’s Wrong with Health Privacy?, in THE LAW AND
BIOETHICS (Ana Smith Iltis & Sandra H. Johnson eds., forthcoming 2007).
110. Wikipedia offers this definition of EDI:
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the computer-to-computer exchange of structured information,
by agreed message standards, from one computer application to another by electronic means
and with a minimum of human intervention. In common usage, EDI is understood to mean specific
interchange methods agreed upon by national or international standards bodies for the transfer
of business transaction data, with one typical application being the automated purchase of
goods and services.
Wikipedia, Electronic Data Interchange,
(last visited Oct. 3, 2006).

111. See Marie C. Pollio, The Inadequacy of HIPAA’s Privacy Rule: The Plain Language Notice
of Privacy Practices and Patient Understanding, 60 N.Y.U. ANN. SURV. AM. L. 579, 585–86 (2004).
112. 45 C.F.R. §§ 160, 164 (2005).
113. 428 F.3d 167 (3d Cir. 2005); see infra text accompanying note 209.

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proach to privacy and confidentiality, preferring an instrumental rationale
that is almost totally focused on institutions and compliance.

This process is being endorsed during the adoption of EHR technologies.
Process-driven, technologically enabled healthcare delivery, of
which the EHR is a core component, seeks to minimize the role of the
individual autonomous physician (and the correlative autonomous patient).
These next-generation healthcare technologies replace autonomy
and choice with systems that identify while simultaneously commodifying
patients (e.g., by positively identifying them with bar codes) and reduce
discretion in treatment (e.g., by relying on Clinical Practice Guidelines
and Clinical Decision Support Systems). Such technologies have a huge,
potentially deleterious impact on individuals’ privacy and confidentiality.
“Yet, they are likely to be accompanied by minimalist protections that,
as with the federal standards in HIPAA, will be designed so as not to impede
the overall error-reduction model, for example, by favoring outcomes
research to further the greater good of population-based care.”114
As we argue in this article, the adoption of EHR technologies should be
used as an opportunity to reverse this trend and adopt an approach to
patient privacy and confidentiality that recognizes an autonomy-based,
default position of full patient control over personal information.115 This
default should be compromised only in a narrow range of circumstances,
such as allowing the information to flow within the “circle of care” or
medical teams, to be shared after real and informed consent by the patient,
or to be used in cases where the data has been fully stripped of
identifiers. An initial clarification, however, should be emphasized at
this point: our claims in what follows apply only to EHRs; nothing we say
is intended to apply to or to preclude current practices in which patients
consent to the sharing of their health information. Our point is only that
these processes should continue to take place outside of the development
of the EHR architecture, at least in its initial trial period.

D. Promoting Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security
EHRs are not like paper records writ larger. The differences for patient
privacy and confidentiality and data security are matters of kind,
not simply matters of degree. The irony is that the more inefficient a
health records system, the more it is silo-based and makes interoperability
difficult, the fewer confidentiality and security issues it will pose.116
However, such inefficient systems will not realize the potential benefits
of an EIHR. Multisite EMRs or EHRs raise the stakes for protection of
important values for patients: patient privacy, informed consent about

 114. Terry, supra note 109.
115. See generally Cass R. Sunstein, Privacy and Medicine: A Comment, 30 J. LEGAL STUD. 709,
711–12 (2001).
116. See generally Hodge et al., supra note 5.

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what will be included in records and with whom these records will be
shared, and accuracy of records and resulting quality of care. The basic
issues here are accessibility, security, and replicability. Electronic records
can be viewed from across the globe; cut, pasted, or otherwise altered;
and copied and recopied with a switch of the finger.117 All occur
apparently invisibly, though means of tracking changes are of course possible.

The prevailing article of faith espoused by policymakers and regulators
in the United States is that patient information (be it transactional or
safety related) is to be protected by mechanisms to ensure data confidentiality
and security.118 Confidentiality (mislabeled by HIPAA as “privacy”)
limits access to previously disclosed patient data, thus denying the
option to leverage data for secondary uses such as marketing or patient
profiling. Security keeps out “hackers” who would misappropriate, damage,
or destroy data. In this article, we challenge the effectiveness of this
protective model in the EIHR context and defend the importance of
both limiting data access to providers within the “circle of care” on a
need-to-know basis, and basing the choice of which EHR architecture to
implement on the need to maximize data security.

Patient privacy refers to the extent to which information about patients
is gleaned in the first place. A decision by a patient not to share
information with a provider, or to give misleading information, both exercises
and protects privacy, but at the sacrifice of timely, accurate diagnosis
and treatment. Efforts by patients to obtain healthcare services
without having them entered into their medical records—such as anonymous
HIV testing—also protect privacy, but at the cost of what may be
important omissions in the medical record that can adversely affect patient

The principal patient privacy question posed by EHRs is whether
patient information should be entered into a system of electronic records
in the first place. As an interoperable electronic record system is developed,
there are a number of options for protecting patient privacy. Patients
could enter an interoperable system only on an “opt-in” basis; otherwise,
their records would remain silo-ed in the offices of providers. Or,
patients could be allowed to specify that records from particular providers
or from particular visits be omitted from the electronic record. Still
another option would allow patients to specify that certain types of sensitive
information be kept out of the electronic record.

Patients who do not opt in to a linked records system will lose whatever
benefits might attend an interoperable system. Some of the benefits
of electronic records, such as the use of clinical decision support tools
that can be downloaded to an office computer or automatic generation of

117. See PEW INTERNET & AM. LIFE PROJECT, supra note 89, at 3.
118. See, e.g., MARKLE FOUNDATION, supra note 73, at 43–58.

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reminders and other informational letters to patients, are available with
electronic records that are fully isolated from linkages beyond the individual
provider’s office. Other benefits, however—including the use of
internet-based provider-patient communication systems; off-site access to
records; coordination of records among providers; or inclusion of records
in larger data sets designed to monitor care quality, patient safety, or patient
outcomes—are available only in limited forms or are completely
unavailable with fully silo-ed records. It can be expected that, as use of
electronic records grows, this option will become increasingly difficult to

A second privacy-protective option would allow patients to specify
that entire records from particular providers, or entire records of particular
visits, be kept out of any linked electronic record system. Patients
might want, for example, to exclude from the electronic record visits to
any mental health professionals, treatment for sexual dysfunction, or the
fact that an HIV test was performed. Patients may also wish to exclude
information gathered in visits for second opinions; they may wish to be
able to reconfirm or reevaluate diagnoses or treatment recommendations
without informing their original care provider of additional consultation.
Exclusion of such records, however, may compromise the accuracy of the
electronic record; providers accessing the record may assume that it is
complete and, relying on it, make decisions about care based on records
that omit critical information. Such omissions can be dangerous; diagnosis
and treatment may fail to take account of the use of psychotropic
medications or drugs for erectile dysfunction, for example. Providers
might remain suspicious of records’ inclusiveness—or records might even
be flagged for incompleteness—but as electronic records increasingly become
the standard of care, reliance on them is likely to become routine.

Despite these difficulties, in order to maintain trust in an electronic
record system it may be important to require informed consent on an individual
provider basis before patient records are entered into a linked
system. A report from the Markle Foundation concludes that this guarantee
is necessary to generate trust in linked records systems.119 The report
recommends that current providers not enter records into a linked
system without consent and that consent be negotiated for the entry of
prior records.120 The Markle report also recommends that anonymous or
pseudonymous record entry be explored where linked data sets are necessary
for outcomes research or public health surveillance.121

Yet another privacy-protective option would allow patients to stipulate
exclusion of certain types of information from the medical record:

119. See MARKLE FOUNDATION, supra note 73, at 31–32.
120. See id.
121. Id. at 32.

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information about genetic testing,122 HIV testing, or treatment for conditions
such as sexually transmitted diseases, for example. This option also
raises difficulties about the integrity of the record for treatment purposes.
In addition, it may be costly and impractical, depending on system
design. Any system that requires physicians (or office staff) to redact
embargoed information from the medical record before it is entered into
the linked electronic record will require time-consuming processes of
data separation as well as a two-tier medical record system. Primary
providers will need to remember to consult the complete record; secondary
providers will not know what has been omitted from the linked record.
Moreover, it may prove impossible to effectively segregate all of
the embargoed information; information left in the linked record may be
as revealing of the patient’s condition as redacted information. For example,
redaction of an HIV test may not protect the privacy of a patient
who does not want information about a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS in the
medical record, if the record also contains a note about treatment for an
HIV-related fungal infection.

Electronic record design that separates data fields at the time of record
creation may be less costly to administer. Yet such “pull” systems
are flawed because they are limited by the information the patient
chooses to include, but may not effectively cull out all the information
the patient wishes to exclude. A “pull” system that enters all prescription
data, for example, may be as revealing of a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS
as the actual HIV test itself.

Patients are justly concerned about what an EIHR may mean for
their privacy. On the other hand, records system designs that attempt to
protect privacy by choosing the information entered into the record in
the first place are potentially both misleading and difficult to maintain.
At present, therefore, it seems that the best way to protect patient privacy
is to provide for patients to join an EIHR on an opt-in basis, rather
than being entered into such a system automatically. If larger data sets
are needed for outcomes research or for disease surveillance, they could
be constructed with anonymous or with pseudonymous records. Complete
records would be entered into the system for patients who opt in.

As a national EIHR is developed, safeguards also will need to be
put into place to protect patient confidentiality; downstream limitations
on the disclosure of patient information should be included in the EIHR.
The most protective standards would ensure that health records are not
shared without patient consent except within the “circle of care”—that is,
with practitioners who are immediately and directly involved in the care
of the patient—and on an as-needed basis with another member of a patient’s
medical team. This assurance is one of the most important guarantees
for patients. Given patient attitudes towards the privacy of their

122. See generally David E. Winickoff, Isaac S. Kohane & Russ B. Altman, Health-Information
Altruists, 354 NEW ENG. J. MED. 530, 530–31 (2006).

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healthcare information, suspicion of electronic records, and the disadvantages
detailed above of protecting patients by excluding information
from the record, these confidentiality guarantees are essential.

Just as with paper records, there will be situations in which electronic
health information cannot be kept confidential. The format of the
record will not change state reporting requirements for conditions as varied
as gunshot wounds, abuse, infectious diseases, or factors that impair
driving capacity. Providers should discuss limits on confidentiality with
patients before giving care, as providers ideally do now when there is a
likelihood of required reporting. What may be changed are the ease,
speed, and certainty of reporting. Record architecture could be designed
so that providers enter data only once, but that reportable data is transferred
automatically as it is entered into the record, without implicating
other information in the record. For example, some states require reporting
of controlled substance prescriptions to state agencies; providers
then search the database before prescribing controlled substances to
guard against drug abuse or diversion.123 This entire process can be electronic.
In advance of receiving such prescriptions, patients can be informed
both of the requirement that the medications be entered into databases
and of their providers’ protocols for searching databases.
Patients who do not want their information entered into the database
could reject the prescription. The ease and speed of electronic transmissions
intensify the importance of informing the patient when reporting is
anticipated. A similar structure of single entry/copied data could be utilized
when patients consent to the sharing of particular information outside
of the circle of care, such as for billing purposes. Our point here is
not to reject current structures by which patients consent to sharing
healthcare information; it is that such means for sharing should be built
in at the point of data entry, not at the point of the full EHR.

Serious questions of accuracy and fraud attend any electronic records
system. EHRs can be erased, cut, or pasted without the kind of
physical trail left when offices are broken into and paper records are
tampered with. EHRs are also searchable, and such searches are quick
and cheap. This raises the stakes about what is included in a record. A
note or an unauthorized alteration, dating from many years in the past,
can be brought back to notice more quickly than in a paper record. With
paper, it is far more likely that old or inaccurate records will simply remain
buried and unremarked; unearthing the records would take a long
read through the paper file and might be regarded as irrelevant. To be
sure, paper records can also be altered. But conventions have been developed
to guard against such malfeasance: records must be dated, en

123. See, e.g., Office of Health Professionals Regulation, Board of Pharmacy: Controlled Substance
Reporting Update, (last visited Oct.
3, 2006); Utah Dep’t of Commerce, Utah’s Controlled Substance Database, (last
visited Feb. 1, 2007).

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tered in ink, etc. Erasures can be apparent visually. With electronic records,
similar conventions must be developed to ensure data integrity
and facilitate audit.124

Data integrity will require a method for authentication. With electronic
records, there must be a method in place to ensure that entries are
dated and signed. Unique identifiers that are difficult to steal will be
needed to authorize entries, and penalties should attach to unauthorized
sharing of identifiers. Methods will also need to be implemented to track
and prevent any entry changes. Records should be correctable, but there
should be a method of noting that a correction has been made and what
the correction entailed. Otherwise, the integrity of all electronic records
will be suspect. Still another difficulty is the need to guard against careless
copying of records and the possibility that errors will be introduced
thereby. The Veterans Health Administration has found that one in ten
electronic records contains plagiarized text and has implemented detection
software as a result.125 Conventions for data entry and authentication
need to be commonly used and understood among all providers.

One of the most difficult issues for data security is to ensure that records
are not subject to inappropriate access that is either inadvertent or
deliberate.126 In order to gain access to paper records, someone must be
physically present with the record. By contrast, inadvertent release of
records and computer hacking are notorious problems with certain electronic
records—credit card information, for example.127 Courts have
wrestled with the risks of identity theft raised by electronic records such
as financial statements involved in divorce proceedings; they have responded
with solutions such as keeping the records in encrypted PDF
files on silo-ed local networks without outside access.128 Medical information
is at least as sensitive as information of these kinds, and before it
is assembled in a linkable, accessible fashion, these issues of protection

124. For a criticism of the data integrity and security mechanisms in Australia’s HealthConnect
record system, see Livia Iacovino, Trustworthy Shared Electronic Health Records: Recordkeeping Requirements
and HealthConnect, 12 J.L. & MED. 40 (2004).
125. Kenric W. Hammond et al., Are Electronic Medical Records Trustworthy? Observations on
Copying, Pasting and Duplication, AM. MED. INFORMATICS ASS’N ANN. SYMP. PROC. 269 (2003).
126. See, e.g., Dan Richman, Hacker at UW Medicine Revealed, SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER,
Feb. 16, 2006, available at (disclosing that
hacker had opportunity to access two million patient records for eighteen months before security hole
discovered); Jaikumar Viyayan, FBI Probes Hacking Incident at Indiana Clinic, COMPUTERWORLD,
Feb. 10, 2006,,10801,108585,00.html.
127. For a discussion of technical issues in data security, see Mike Boniface & Paul Wilkin,
ARTEMIS: Towards a Secure Interoperability Infrastructure for Healthcare Information Systems, 112
128. For discussions of the difficulties courts have faced in implementing electronic records systems,
see, for example, Peter A. Winn, Online Court Records: Balancing Judicial Accountability and
Privacy in an Age of Electronic Information, 79 WASH. L. REV. 307 (2004); Kristen M. Blankley, Note,
Are Public Records Too Public? Why Personally Identifying Information Should Be Removed from
Both Online and Print Versions of Court Documents, 65 OHIO ST. L.J. 413 (2004). In the view of one
court, paper records languished in “practical obscurity,” an unlikely fate for electronic records. U.S.
Dep’t of Justice v. Reporters Comm. for Freedom of the Press, 489 U.S. 749, 762 (1989).

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must be solved.129 Records of any unauthorized access must be kept, and
patients must be assured that they will be notified if their records have
become subject to unauthorized examination.130 Such record-keeping
and notification systems can be inexpensive if the default mechanism is
an e-mail to the patient of an unauthorized record access, combined with
general publicity about large-scale breaches of data security.131

Another difficult issue with electronic records is the ease with which
they can be duplicated and multiplied. Of course, paper records can be
copied too. But with electronic records, multiple copies can be generated
at the flick of a key, more readily than the brooms in The Sorcerer’s
Apprentice. These copies can materialize as e-mail attachments, burned
CDs, easily transported diskettes or portable hardware devices, among
other forms. As with paper records, copies of EHRs should not be made
or shared without patient permission, except as within ordinary provider
office practice. Electronic safeguards should be in place to detect when
copying has taken place.

Once “out,” electronic copies of an electronic record cannot be easily
traced or retrieved. Indeed, it may not be clear where all the copies
have gone. Information that should not have been included in the record,
that was inaccurate and has been corrected in the record by the
original provider, or that was inappropriately linked, may never be corrected
in copies that have been released. The analogous problem arises
for copies of paper records that were made at a given point in time, but it
is exacerbated with the ease of transmission of electronic records. In addition
to the risks of confidentiality, this ease of transmission poses real
risks for the care of mobile patients; if the “wrong” electronic record is
accessed, patient injury may be the result.

Finally, methods must be developed for tracking what is done with
electronic records that have been properly released and for redacting information
that should not have been released. For example, providers
sometimes include information in records that is not medically related,
such as social security numbers. This type of information should not be
released in the first place, but if it is, it should be subject to tracing and
redaction. Information in a record is sometimes corrected or updated,
and there must be ways to ensure that these additions are made to records
that were previously released. If updated information, such as a
diagnostic test that reveals a prior false positive, is not included in all
copies, this omission creates the risk that accuracy will be falsely assumed
and that care will be directed inappropriately.

129. See generally Joseph Menn, ID Theft Infects Medical Records, L.A. TIMES, Sept. 25, 2006, at
A1 (describing the consequences of and difficulties in preventing medical identity theft).
130. Ethan Preston and Paul Turner note that disclosure regimes are required in California and in
the European Union. Ethan Preston & Paul Turner, The Global Rise of a Duty to Disclose Information
Security Breaches, 22 J. MARSHALL J. COMPUTER & INFO. L. 457 (2004).
131. This is the default regime in California. CAL. CIV. CODE § 1798.82(g)(3) (West Supp. 2006).

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These concerns about privacy, data confidentiality, and data security
place special pressures on the creation, maintenance, and use of electronic
records. They raise difficulties that must be solved before linkable,
searchable, and accessible electronic records are generalized to the
population. Many of these issues raise complex technical questions.
Others require the development of practices such as informed consent
before identifiable information about patients is entered into databases
or linked with other records. We return to these issues in the discussion
of strategies for record development, patient choice, and regulation below.

As already noted, the Bush administration has framed the privacy-
confidentiality “issue” as one involving state laws whose divergence creates
a barrier to the successful implementation of a national EIHR.132
The apparent conclusion is that the HIPAA Privacy of Individually Identifiable
Health Information (PIHI)133 savings clause for more stringent
state laws134 should be rescinded.135 In contrast, we argue that the issue
should be framed as how to resolve the serious privacy-confidentiality
issues raised by a national EIHR system.136 Part of that analysis depends
on an examination of the extent to which patient privacy-confidentiality
under such a system would be protected by existing legal controls.

A fundamental terminological problem obscures comprehension of
the current state of the protection of health information in the United
States. The media, commentators, courts, and legislators frequently refer
to health “privacy” issues or protective models. In fact, two distinct issues
must be addressed, issues that find articulation in two separate legal
doctrines. Personal health information may be under threat either by its
collection or its disclosure. The law has responded to those threats sepa

132. See supra note 4 and accompanying text.
134. 45 C.F.R. § 160.202 (2005).
135. See, e.g., Health Information Technology Promotion Act of 2006, H.R. 4157, 109th Cong.
§ 205 (2006) (contemplating national uniform standards on confidentiality and security and with preemptive
136. See also Letter from Consumer Coalition for Health Privacy (CCHP) to Scott Wallace,
Chairman, Comm’n on Systemic Interoperability (Oct. 7, 2005), available at http://www.healthprivacy.
org/usr_doc/Commission_Letter.pdf. In this letter, the CCHP
strongly urge[s Chairman Wallace] to abandon any recommendation that takes privacy rights
away from patients. In fact, instead of disabling protections, there should be a serious effort to
bolster and extend established privacy rights. While the HIPAA Privacy Rule serves as a solid
foundation for protecting privacy, it does not address many of the issues health information technology
raises. For instance, many entities collecting and sharing electronic health information are
not covered by the law. In this context, stripping consumers of current safeguards is not just misguided
but dangerous, and would undoubtedly have a drastic impact on the extent to which patients
are willing to engage in health information technology initiatives.


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rately, expressed as the distinct models of privacy and confidentiality.137
A privacy model places limitations on data collection.138 Such a model
could, for example, prohibit all collection in certain circumstances or
limit collection via a proportionality rule (e.g., only information necessary
for treatment). The confidentiality model places limitations on data
disclosure (e.g., hospital records may be disclosed to physicians, but not
drug companies). Related protective models are either ancillary or corollary.
For example, a right of anonymity provides the patient with a
method to ensure privacy,139 while security systems create the technical
environment to limit access to information to those records subject to
confidentiality-based disclosure control.

Although frequently described in terms of privacy and privacy law,
the legal protections applied to patient health information by the common
law, state statutes, or the HIPAA federal standards have very little
to do with either. As will be seen, the law of privacy (or collection-
centric legal models) is narrowly circumscribed and underdeveloped. In
contrast, the confidentiality protective model, whereby limitations are
placed on data disclosure, is well established in U.S. law.140

Contemporary U.S. confidentiality and privacy models (particularly
as applied to an EIHR) are shaped and constrained by several persistent
features. First, the regulation of medical records is primarily a creature
of state law.141 Second, the law relating to the privacy of medical information
is woefully underdeveloped.142 Third, while comparatively mature,
state common law and statutory medical confidentiality regulations
provide few solutions to the threats posed by an EIHR.143 Fourth, the
more recent HIPAA Privacy Regulations144 have created a (frequently
parallel) federal confidentiality code whose flaws become considerably
more obvious when mapped to an EIHR. Finally, U.S. law generally
permits patients to waive or sign away almost all controls on the collection
or dissemination of their personal health information.145 In only
very limited circumstances are there bright-line rules rendering health
information inalienable.146

137. Health Record Hearings, supra note 6, at 5.
138. Id.
139. See infra text accompanying notes 239–44.
140. See Hodge et al., supra note 5, at 1468 (1999).
141. See id.
142. See id. at 1467.
143. See id. at 1468.
144. Security and Privacy, 45 C.F.R. § 164 (2005).
145. See, e.g., 45 C.F.R. § 164.503.
146. See Hodge et al., supra note 5, at 1468.

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A. State Law Paradigms
Historically, the governance of medical records has been a matter of
state law.147 As a result, ownership of records, access to records, mandatory
reporting, and data protection rules vary by state. The HIPAA
transactional standards represent one very important exception to this
general rule, but an incomplete and flawed exception because the so-
called privacy provisions (but not the security or transactional rules) are
subject to a savings clause preserving some state protections.148 State-
centricity is inconsistent with the proposed U.S. EIHR system. Whether
truly national or regionally based, the EIHR will be an interstate creature.
And, for the promise of the EIHR to be fulfilled, data must be entered
only one time and must be accessible from any part of the country.

It is generally accepted that doctors own the medical records they
keep about patients.149 State statutes have extended that default position
to hospital records.150 In addition to federal regulatory151 and Joint
Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
accreditation rules,152 state law (state statutory, licensing, or even common
law malpractice requirements) imposes duties of accuracy, completeness,
legibility, and timeliness.153 State statutes may prohibit the alteration
of records,154 while diverse common law remedies for spoliation
create disincentives to their concealment or destruction.155 Although

147. See id.
148. 42 U.S.C. § 1320d-2 (2000); see also Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of
1996, Pub. L. No. 104-191, Sec. 264(c)(2) (codified as amended in scattered sections of 29 U.S.C. and
42 U.S.C.).
149. See, e.g., American Medical Association, E-7.04 Sale of a Medical Practice, http://www.amaassn.
org/ama/pub/category/8381.html (last visited Oct. 3, 2006); see also Breen v. Williams (1996) 186
C.L.R. 71 (Austl.); Regensdorfer v. Orange Reg’l Med. Ctr., 799 N.Y.S.2d 571 (2005) (dealing with
ownership, transfer, and lending of mammography and pathology films).
150. See, e.g., TENN. CODE ANN. § 68-11-304(a)(1) (1995) (“Hospital records are and shall remain
the property of the various hospitals . . . .”).
151. Medicare Conditions of Participation: Medical Record Services, 42 C.F.R. § 482.24(b)(c)
152. “The medical record contains sufficient information to identify the patient; support the diagnosis/
condition; justify the care, treatment, and services; document the course and results of care,
treatment, and services; and promote continuity of care among providers.” 2005 CRITICAL ACCESS
HOSPITAL STANDARDS: MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION IM.6.10.6, at 14 (Joint Commission on Accreditation
of Healthcare Organizations ed., 2005).
153. See, e.g., N.M. STAT. § 61-6-15 D (1978) (“‘Unprofessional or dishonorable conduct’ . . . includes
. . . (33) improper management of medical records, including failure to maintain timely, accurate,
legible and complete medical records”); NEV. REV. STAT. § 630.3062(1) (2003); WYO. STAT. ANN.
§ 33-26-402(a) (xxvii) (G) (2005); Nieves v. Chassin, 625 N.Y.S.2d 344. (N.Y. App. Div. 3d 1995);
Schwarz v. Bd. of Regents, 453 N.Y.S.2d 836, 836–37 (N.Y. App. Div. 3d 1982); see also Thomas v.
United States, 660 F. Supp. 216, 218. (D.D.C. 1987) (keeping inadequate summary records may constitute
154. See, e.g., NEV. REV. STAT. ANN. § 630.3062-2.
155. See, e.g., Rosenblit v. Zimmerman, 766 A.2d 749, 754–58 (N.J. 2001) (canvassing various
remedies and adopting independent tort remedy); cf. Brown v. Hamid, 856 S.W.2d 51, 57 (Mo. 1993)
(“The Missouri cases, statutes, and common law address a physician’s duty to let the patient inspect
and copy medical records. They do not create an independent duty to maintain medical records. To
be sure, in another case, failure to maintain medical records may contribute to, or constitute, medical

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supplemented by Federal Medicare rules,156 state statutory rules generally
continue to govern records retention.157

B. Privacy
Although the U.S. Constitution does not contain any generalized
right of privacy, the Supreme Court has recognized limited privacy rights
derived from various constitutional provisions.158 Whalen v. Roe is the
foundational case, recognizing not only autonomy or decisional privacy
(“independence in making certain kinds of important decisions”),159 but
also informational privacy (“the individual interest in avoiding disclosure
of personal matters”).160 Whalen concerned the validity of a state statute
requiring computerized record keeping (including patient identification)
of scheduled prescription drugs. The Court held that, on the record as
presented, arguments of potential breach of security or confidentiality by
IT, medical, or judicial actors did not “pose a sufficiently grievous threat
to either interest to establish a constitutional violation.”161

The Whalen court recognized “a host of . . . unpleasant invasions of
privacy that are associated with many facets of health care,” while noting
that such disclosures “are often an essential part of modern medical practice.”
162 Although Whalen did not decide the issue,163 the court hinted
that such an invasion would rise to the level of a constitutional violation
only if such a scheme failed to “evidence a proper concern with, and protection
of, the individual’s interest in privacy.”164

Since Whalen, several federal courts have recognized constitutionally
protected privacy rights in connection with medical165 and prescrip

malpractice. . . . There is no need, in this case, to recognize an independent tort of negligent maintenance
of medical records.”).

156. See, e.g., 42 C.F.R. § 482.24(b)(1) (2005) (“Medical records must be retained in their original
or legally reproduced form for a period of at least 5 years.”).
157. See, e.g., LA. REV. STAT. ANN. § 40:2144(F) (2001 & Supp. 2006); N.M. Stat. Ann. § 14-6-2
(LexisNexis 2003).
158. See Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479, 484–85 (1965). See generally Roe v. Wade, 410
U.S. 113, 152 (1973) (“[A] right of personal privacy, or a guarantee of certain areas or zones of privacy”
is rooted in “the First Amendment; in the Fourth and Fifth Amendments; in the penumbras of
the Bill of Rights; in the Ninth Amendment; or in the concept of liberty guaranteed by the first section
of the Fourteenth Amendment.” (citations omitted)).
159. Whalen v. Roe, 429 U.S. 589, 599–600 (1977).
160. Id. at 599.
161. Id. at 600–02.
162. Id. at 602.
163. “We therefore need not, and do not, decide any question which might be presented by the
unwarranted disclosure of accumulated private data—whether intentional or unintentional—or by a
system that did not contain comparable security provisions.” Id. at 605–06.
164. Id.
165. See, e.g., Herring v. Keenan, 218 F.3d 1171, 1175 (10th Cir. 2000); F.E.R. v. Valdez, 58 F.3d
1530, 1535 (10th Cir. 1995); Lankford v. City of Hobart, 27 F.3d 477, 479 (10th Cir. 1994); A.L.A. v. W.
Valley City, 26 F.3d 989, 990 (10th Cir. 1994); United States v. Westinghouse Elec. Corp., 638 F.2d 570,
580 (3d Cir. 1980).

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tion records.166 Although recognized, this informational privacy right is
not absolute. For example, in Douglas v. Dobbs,167 a recent Tenth Circuit
case stemming from a court-authorized police search of pharmacy
records, the court noted: “We have no difficulty concluding that protection
of a right to privacy in a person’s prescription drug records . . . is sufficiently
similar to other areas already protected within the ambit of privacy.”
168 However, this abstract right was insufficient given that the
plaintiff failed her burden of showing that the right has been violated by
the defendant of record.169

Several state constitutions explicitly protect privacy.170 Typically
this privacy right has been applied to medical records. For example, one
state high court opined: “Because Georgia recognizes an even broader
concept of privacy [than the federal constitution], the personal medical
records of this state’s citizens clearly are protected by that right as guaranteed
by our constitution.”171 However, as with its recognition by the
federal courts, this right of informational privacy is not absolute and is
subject to typical public health, law enforcement, and other exceptions.172

At common law, it is beyond cavil that, as one court has stated, “[i]f
there is any right of privacy at all, it should include the right to obtain
medical treatment at home or in a hospital for an individual personal
condition (at least if it is not contagious or dangerous to others) without
personal publicity.”173 Such a broad statement notwithstanding, U.S. privacy
law limitations on data collection in the healthcare domain are less
than robust. The Restatement’s black-letter law of “privacy”174 fails to
provide any general or comprehensive “right of privacy.” Rather, the
“right” is a bundle of discrete tort actions and is highly qualified at
that.175 The patient must rely on factually restricted,176 doctrinally lim

166. See, e.g., United States v. Sutherland, 143 F. Supp. 2d 609, 610 (W.D. Va. 2001).
167. Douglas v. Dobbs, 419 F.3d 1097 (10th Cir. 2005).
168. Id. at 1102.
169. Id. at 1103. The defendant in this § 1983 action was an assistant district attorney who had
approved a police officer’s decision to request authorization from the court to conduct a warrantless
investigation of pharmacy records.
170. See, e.g., ALASKA CONST. art. I, § 22; FLA. CONST. art. I, § 23; GA. CONST. art. I, § 1, ¶ 1.
171. King v. State, 535 S.E.2d 492, 494 (Ga. 2000).
172. See, e.g., Limbaugh v. State, 887 So. 2d 387 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 4th Dist. 2004); Frank v.
State, 912 So. 2d 329 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 5th Dist. 2005); Rollins v. Ulmer, 15 P.3d 749, 750 (Alaska
173. Barber v. Time, Inc., 159 S.W.2d 291, 295 (Mo. 1942).
174. RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS § 652 (1965); see also Afro-Am. Publ’g Co. v. Jaffe, 366
F.2d 649, 653 (D.C. Cir. 1966) (recognizing common law tort); Reid v. Pierce County, 961 P.2d 333
(Wash. 1998) (adopting § 652).
175. See, e.g., Gilbert v. Med. Econ. Co., 665 F.2d 305, 310 (10th Cir. 1981) (outlining incidents of
malpractice by doctor and including her psychiatric history was protected First Amendment). For further
discussion of privacy rights, see Lee v. Calhoun, 948 F.2d 1162 (10th Cir. 1991), where a doctor
publicly defended himself against a high profile malpractice claim by arguing in a newspaper that the
misdiagnosis occurred because the patient had not disclosed that he had AIDS. Id. at 1164. The court
dismissed the subsequent invasion of privacy claim by the patient on the basis that the patient had become
a public figure and malpractice was a matter of public interest. Id. at 1165.

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ited,177 and somewhat clumsy protections against “unreasonable intrusion
upon the seclusion of another”178 or “public disclosure of private facts.”179
As a result, common law privacy actions tend to be successful in only a
few extreme or outlying cases of medical intrusions180 or publications.181

C. Confidentiality
Prior to the promulgation of the federal standards, most states had
developed robust common law and statutory protections applicable to
the confidentiality of health information. For example, there is now considerable
consistency across the states in recognizing an “independent”
or torts-based remedy for breach of confidence.182 The cause of action is
theoretically (and variously) based on licensing statutes, the physician’s
evidentiary privilege, common law principles of trust, the Hippocratic
oath, and general principles of medical ethics.183 Only a handful of states
reject the general proposition,184 although some persist in grounding it on
an outmoded doctrinal basis such as implied contract or breach of a fiduciary

The common law action for breach of confidence differs from the
less-developed common law tort of privacy. One court has stated the
most practical difference: “Only one who holds information in confi

176. See, e.g., Knight v. Penobscot Bay Med. Ctr., 420 A.2d 915 (Me. 1980) (finding no evidence
that a hospital worker’s husband who observed a stranger’s labor and delivery had intended the intrusion);
Corcoran v. Sw. Bell Tel. Co., 572 S.W.2d 212 (Mo. Ct. App. 1978) (requiring that defendant
intended or permitted unreasonable publication); Fisher v. State, 106 P.3d 836 (Wash. Ct. App. 2005)
(requiring deliberate intrusion); see also Mikel v. Abrams, 541 F. Supp. 591, 597, aff’d 716 F.2d 907
(8th Cir. 1983) (breach of privacy not applicable to doctor’s disclosure to plaintiff’s spouse); Tooley v.
Provident Life & Accident Ins. Co., 154 So. 2d 617 (La. Ct. App. 1963); Curry v. Corn, 277 N.Y.S.2d
470 (N.Y. Special Term 1966); cf. Colleen M. v. Fertility & Surgical Assocs. of Thousand Oaks, 34 Cal.
Rptr. 3d 439 (Cal. Ct. App. 2005) (patient had reasonable expectation of privacy that clinic would not
disclose specific nature of her treatment to ex-fiancé, notwithstanding her charging of treatment on his
credit card).
177. See, e.g., Tureen v. Equifax, 571 F.2d 411, 419 (8th Cir. 1978) (requiring “disclosure to the
general public or likely to reach the general public”); see also RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS
§ 652D cmt. c. (1977) (discussing “highly offensive” requirement).
178. RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS § 652(A)(2)(a) (1977).
179. PROSSER AND KEETON ON TORTS 856 (W. Page Keeton et al. eds., 5th ed. 1984).
180. See, e.g., Estate of Berthiaume v. Pratt, 365 A.2d 792 (Me. 1976) (physician intruded into a
dying cancer patient’s “physical or mental solitude or seclusion” when he took unauthorized photographs);
see also Swarthout v. Mut. Serv. Life Ins., 632 N.W.2d 741 (Minn. Ct. App. 2001) (doctrine
applicable when a life insurance company altered an applicant’s medical information release, used it to
obtain information from other sources, and transmitted the information to a medical records database,
which was available to other insurers).
181. See, e.g., Vassiliades v. Garfinckel’s, 492 A.2d 580, 585 (D.C. 1985) (upholding verdicts of
invasion of privacy based on publicity of private facts and breach of fiduciary duty against plastic surgeon
for use of “before” and “after” photographs of patient).
182. See, e.g., id. at 592; Biddle v. Warren Gen. Hosp., 715 N.E.2d 518, 523 (Ohio 1999); McCormick
v. England, 494 S.E.2d 431 (S.C. Ct. App. 1997). See generally Alan B. Vickery, Note, Breach of
Confidence: An Emerging Tort, 82 COLUM. L. REV. 1426 (1982).
183. See, e.g., Vassiliades, 492 A.2d at 590.
184. See, e.g., Quarles v. Sutherland, 389 S.W.2d 249, 252 (Tenn. 1965).
185. See, e.g., Fierstein v. DePaul Health Ctr., 24 S.W.3d 220, 223 (Mo. Ct. App. 2000).

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dence can be charged with a breach of confidence. If an act qualifies as a
tortious invasion of privacy, it theoretically could be committed by anyone.”
186 The converse is also true: if information that is not secret or private
is entrusted in confidence, its subsequent disclosure may be actionable.

Many states now also have some form of legislation that protects
medical information against disclosure, though few contain a comprehensive
prohibition against the disclosure of confidential medical information.
Rather, and similar to the HIPAA code, state statutes tend to
create a provider “disclosure” code detailing the large number of “safe
harbor” occasions and circumstances in which healthcare and other actors
are permitted to disclose confidential medical information.188 Also,
like HIPAA, the legislation in most states does not permit a private right
of action by patients.189 Some state laws protect only health information
in the hands of the state, not in the offices of private providers.190

Both federal191 and state courts192 have denied any implied private
cause of action for HIPAA breaches. As a result, the importance of the
common law action for breach of confidence and similar causes of action193
remains, notwithstanding HIPAA, unless and until the federal
government legislatively preempts all “more stringent” state laws.

D. Limitations of HIPAA “Privacy”
The HIPAA federal standards apply to a broad range of “covered
entities”194 that transmit health information in electronic form, but by no
means to all entities that maintain health information in electronic form.

186. Humphers v. First Interstate Bank, 696 P.2d 527, 530 (Or. 1985).
187. See id. at 528–29.
188. See, e.g., Colleen M. v. Fertility & Surgical Assocs. of Thousand Oaks, 34 Cal. Rptr. 3d 439,
443 (Cal. Ct. App. 2005) (applying California statute’s general and specific disclosure exceptions). See
also the savings provisions in Missouri’s S.B. No. 1041, 93d General Assemb. (Mo. 2006) (2006) (otherwise
criminalizing “knowingly obtaining, receiving, or selling personal health information without
189. Cf. WASH. REV. CODE ANN. § 70.02.170 (West 2002).
190. Hodge et al., supra note 5, at 1468.
191. See, e.g., Poli v. Mountain Valleys Health Ctrs., Inc., No. 2:05-2015-GEB-KJM, 2006 WL
83378, at *3 (E.D. Cal. Jan. 11, 2006); Univ. of Colo. Hosp. v. Denver Publ’g Co., 340 F. Supp. 2d 1142,
1144–45 (D. Colo. 2004); O’Donnell v. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyo., 173 F. Supp. 2d 1176, 1180 (D.
Wyo. 2001).
192. See, e.g., Cmty. Hosp. Group, Inc. v. Blume Goldfaden Berkowitz Donnelly Fried & Forte,
P.C., 885 A.2d 18 (N.J. Super. Ct. App. Div. 2005), modified on other grounds, 894 A.2d 702 (N.J. Super.
Ct. App. Div. 2006).
193. See, e.g., Doe v. Smith, 913 So. 2d 140, 143 (La. Ct. App. 2005) (finding patient stated claim
for negligence when medical center violated state law by leaving patient records in parking lot where
they could have been copied or disseminated); Foster ex rel. J.L. v. Hillcrest Baptist Med. Ctr., No. 1002-
143-CV, 2004 WL 254713, at *3 (Tex. App. Feb. 11, 2004) (holding negligence action could be
brought against hospital for failure to exercise reasonable care in formulation of confidentiality policies);
see also Poli, 2006 WL 83378, at *3 (denying motion to dismiss a negligence claim based on the
release of medical information).
194. 45 C.F.R. § 160.103 (2005).

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These providers,195 such as hospitals, physicians, and health plans, are
subject to the regulations if they transmit health information “in electronic
form in connection with a [HIPAA-EDI transaction].”196 The federal
standards place limitations on the disclosure of “protected health information,”
197 including information that “relates to the past, present, or
future physical or mental health or condition of an individual”198 and
identifies or could identify the individual.199 Thereafter, the provider
may disclose private health information (PHI) only as permitted by the
federal standards.200 Modeled as they are on existing state statutory protections,
the HIPAA standards do not protect health privacy. The standards
are in essence a federal confidentiality code based around a regulatory
compliance model rather than one that creates patient rights.201
HIPAA’s principal achievements are to require that the entities it covers
give patients notice of “privacy practices”202 and protect EHRs from access
outside of the entity without patient consent.203 Privacy notices and
patient consent are relatively pro forma, in the views of some critics.204
Although HIPAA has made it less likely that, for example, employers
will access employee health records from insurance claims, it contains
limited safeguards. For example, covered entities are not required to inform
patients about unauthorized access to their records, although entities
are required to provide an accounting of such access upon request.205

Unfortunately the federal standards are flawed and, as currently
written, will do little to create patient trust or physician participation in
an EIHR. In the words of one editorial: “With an Orwellian turn of
phrase, the ‘privacy rule’ has little to do with patient confidentiality. In
fact, it permits the widespread sharing of medical data among 800,000 or
so health, business and government entities.”206 First, the standards con

195. Defined in 45 C.F.R. § 160.103.
196. 45 C.F.R. § 160.102.
197. Id. § 160.103.
198. Id. But see Rogers v. NYU Hosp. Ctr., 795 N.Y.S.2d 438, 441 (Sup. Ct. 2005) (disclosing
identity of patient’s roommate in general rehabilitation where hospital would not disclose roommate’s
medical condition).
199. 45 C.F.R. § 160.103.
200. Id. § 164.502(a).
201. “[The legislation] does not focus on individuals whose privacy may be at risk, but instead on
regulating persons who might have access to individuals’ health information.” Univ. of Colo. Hosp.
Auth. v. Denver Publ’g Co., 340 F. Supp. 2d 1142, 1145 (D. Colo. 2004); see also Logan v. Dep’t of
Veterans Affairs, 357 F. Supp. 2d 149, 155 (D.D.C. 2004).
202. 45 C.F.R. § 164.520.
203. 45 C.F.R. § 164.306 (requiring protection of the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of
all protected electronic health information). For a discussion of what HIPAA does and does not accomplish,
see Mark Rothstein, Currents in Contemporary Ethics: Research Privacy Under HIPAA and
the Common Rule, 33 J.L. MED. & ETHICS 154 (2005).
204. E.g., Pollio, supra note 111; Mitchelle C. Pierre, Note: New Technology, Old Issues: The All-
Digital Hospital and Medical Information Privacy, 56 RUTGERS L. REV. 541 (2004).
205. 45 C.F.R. § 164.528.
206. A Dose of Bad Medicine, PHILA. INQUIRER, Jan. 6, 2006, at A16; see also Theo Francis, Taking
Control: Setting the Records Straight; When you sign medical-privacy forms, what exactly are you
agreeing to? Probably not what you think, WALL ST. J. (Eastern edition), Oct. 21, 2006, at R4.

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centrate almost exclusively on the process of patient consent to disclosure.
A true privacy-confidentiality regime should be more substantively
concerned with limiting the collection and dissemination of personal
health information. Questions of patient consent to disclosure only need
to be addressed at the margins.

Second, the standards as amended by the Bush administration now
lack any consent-to-disclosure provision for most healthcare activities.207
That amendment deprived the patient of a symbolic privacy-autonomy
“moment” at the commencement of the provider-patient relationship.
More specifically, in the EHR context, the amended regulation removes
any requirement for consent to disclosure for “routine uses”: “treatment,
payment, or health care operations.”208 The amendment was challenged,
in Citizens for Health v. Leavitt, as violating constitutional rights and the
enabling legislation.209 The Third Circuit ruled that any Fifth Amendment
substantive due process or First Amendment claims failed in the
absence of state action.210 Further, the court held that the amendment
was not ultra vires the HIPAA statute because, in part, the statutory purpose
was not to enhance patient privacy but to improve the efficiency of
the healthcare system.211

Third, although HIPAA confidentiality is premised on national
standards, the confusing and operationally obstructive “more stringent”
partial preemption rule—the so-called HIPAA floor—undercuts this
model.212 Indeterminacy is further increased by the interplay between
federal and state law regarding some “required by law” disclosures.213
Indeed, one circuit has held that a state’s more stringent medical-records
privilege does not apply in federal-question actions.214

Fourth, the federal standards apply broad, arguably overbroad, exceptions
(public health, judicial, and regulatory) where patient consent to
data processing is not required.215

Fifth, the privacy standards are still too lax regarding secondary
uses of patient information. There are still many unrestricted uses of patient
information outside of treatment and billing; in too many situations

207. See, e.g., 45 C.F.R. §§ 164.502, 164.506. In contrast, 45 C.F.R. § 164.506 as originally promulgated
generally required consent even for these routine uses.
208. “A covered entity may obtain consent of the individual to use or disclose protected health
information to carry out treatment, payment, or health care operations” § 164.506(b)(1).
209. 428 F.3d 167 (3d Cir. 2005).
210. Id. at 177–85.
211. Id. at 185. See the discussion of instrumentalism supra Part III.C.
212. 45 C.F.R. § 160.202 (2005); see, e.g., United States ex rel. Pogue v. Diabetes Treatment Ctrs.
of Am., Civ. No. 99-3298, 2004 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 21830, at *10–12 (D.D.C. May 17, 2004); Nat’l Abortion
Fed’n v. Ashcroft, 03 Civ. 8695, 2004 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 4530, at *9 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 18, 2004).
213. 45 C.F.R. 164.512 (2005); see, e.g., United States v. Mathis, 377 F. Supp. 2d 640, 645 (M.D.
Tenn. 2005) (Tennessee law in child abuse cases).
214. Nw. Mem’l Hosp. v. Ashcroft, 362 F.3d 923, 925 (7th Cir. 2004); see also Kalinoski v. Evans,
377 F. Supp. 2d 136, 140–41 (D.D.C. 2005).
215. 45 C.F.R. § 164.512; see, e.g., Kalinoski, 377 F. Supp. 2d at 139 (D.D.C. 2005).

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patient consent for secondary uses is not required,216 and in other situations
consideration should have been given to prohibiting some consented-
to secondary uses (e.g., the sale of patient data for pharmaceutical

Sixth, because of limitations in the enabling legislation, the federal
standards simply could not include all medical data or all users of such
data.218 There are gaps in the legislation caused by the “entities” or
HIPAA-EDI premises that arguably deny protection to data held in
some Personal or Trustee EHRs. Additionally, the “business associate”
extension is a cumbersome and inefficient extension of the regulatory
reach and is of dubious effectiveness as EIHR data processing is moved

By way of example, consider Beard v. City of Chicago,220 a relatively
obscure employment discrimination case against a fire department. The
plaintiff sought production of documents describing medical leaves of
absences taken by similarly situated coworkers. The fire department
kept a large number of medical records, which were generated by both
staff physicians who determined whether employees were fit to return to
duty and (with employee consent) by employees’ outside treating physicians.
The defendant resisted production on the basis, inter alia, that patient
records were protected by the HIPAA privacy regulations. An outsider
unversed in the intricacies of HIPAA could be forgiven for thinking
that the federal confidentiality rules would apply to the holder of medical
records generated by medical personnel (albeit perhaps subject to some
litigation exception). However, the court found three separate reasons
why HIPAA was inapplicable. First, the HIPAA regulations apply only
to health plans, healthcare clearinghouses, or healthcare providers who
engage in HIPAA electronic transactions.221 The Beard court found no
evidence that the fire department was a plan, clearinghouse, or other
provider under the HIPAA definition.222 Further, even if the department
was a healthcare provider, it was not engaging in electronic transactions.
223 Second, the court found that the medical records kept by the fire
department did not constitute “protected health information” because

216. See generally 45 C.F.R. §§ 164.508, .510, .512.
217. There is also generalized laxness as HIPAA compliance declines. See Nancy Ferris, Privacy
Rule Compliance Said to Be Diminishing, GOV’T HEALTH IT, Apr. 19, 2006, available at
218. See, e.g., Mathis, 377 F. Supp. 2d at 645 (FBI not a covered entity).
219. See, e.g., S.B. 1199, 47th Leg., 2d Sess. (Ariz. 2006) (requiring consent to offshore outsourcing
of health information processing). See generally ORG. FOR ECON. CO-OPERATION AND DEV.,
(1980), available at
220. Beard v. City of Chicago, No. 03 C 3527, 2005 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 374 (N.D. Ill. Jan. 7, 2005).
221. 45 C.F.R. § 164.104(a). For an explanation of these transactions, see Nicolas P. Terry, An
eHealth Diptych: The Impact of Privacy Regulation on Medical Error and Malpractice Litigation, 27
AM. J. LAW & MED. 361, 365–66 (2001).
222. Beard, 2005 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 374, at *8 (referencing 45 C.F.R. §§ 160.103, 164.502 (2005)).
223. Id.

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the regulations explicitly excluded “individually identifiable health information
in . . . employment records held by a covered entity in its role
as employer.”224 Third, the regulations specifically permit disclosure of
protected health information in response to a discovery request.225

In conclusion, as we further consider how to build patient and physician
trust in an EIHR, one overarching problem with the HIPAA standards
must be addressed: the standards are fatally flawed because they
lack transparency and clarity. They may be labeled (really, mislabeled)
as promoting “privacy,” but their sheer obliqueness detracts from any
educative or principled “message.” What was required of the federal
standards was a more generalized statement of principle based clearly on
an autonomy-focused rationale, a legal guarantee that patients have control
of their health information. As follows from earlier comments, exceptions
should have been more narrowly constructed and tightly controlled
by concepts of proportionality and the circle of care.226

E. Medical Information and Inalienability
One of the most pervasive characteristics of the U.S. approach to
medical confidentiality and privacy is that patients may sign away almost
all extant controls on the collection or dissemination of personal health
information. This was operationalized at common law through the doctrine
of waiver227 and in state medical confidentiality statutes by authorization
provisions.228 Nowhere has this tendency been more obvious than
in HIPAA’s Personally Identifiable Health Information (PIHI) regulation.
Indeed, PIHI reads less like a list of confidentiality protections and
more like a catalogue of exceptions and, specifically, process rules for authorizations
to avoid confidentiality. For example, although the regulation
notes that authorizations are required for certain uses or disclosures
of psychotherapy notes229 and some marketing uses,230 the bulk of the
relevant regulatory text details the process to be followed to obtain such

State laws that prohibit health information use or disclosures notwithstanding
authorization are very much the exception. However, these
inalienability provisions provide an interesting model, particularly given

224. Id. at *8–9 (citing 45 C.F.R. § 160.103); see also State ex rel. Cincinnati Enquirer v. Daniels,
844 N.E.2d 1181 (Ohio 2006) (finding lead-risk-assessment reports maintained by health department
and lead-citation notices issued to property owners of units reported to be the residence of children
whose blood test results indicate elevated lead levels did not contain “protected health information”).
225. Beard, 2005 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 374, at *9–10 (citing 45 C.F.R. § 164.512).
226. See generally Terry, supra note 109.
227. See, e.g., Mull v. String, 448 So. 2d 952 (Ala. 1984); Fedell v. Wierzbieniec, 485 N.Y.S.2d 460
(N.Y. Sup. Ct. 1985).
228. See, e.g., CAL. CIV. CODE § 56.11 (West 1982 & Supp. 2006).
229. 45 C.F.R. § 164.508(a)(2).
230. § 164.508(a)(3).
231. § 164.508(b)(c).

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the tempting secondary uses for EIHR information. For example, along
with related controls (e.g., prohibiting insurers from conditioning insurability
on genetic testing232) most states place some limitations on the use
of genetic information in the health insurance domain, while a few also
extend those limitations to life and disability insurance. Thus, many
states prohibit the use of individuated genetic data for nontherapeutic
purposes such as determining insurability or setting premiums.233 Relatively
few states undercut this prohibition by allowing for applicant consent
to its use.234 At the federal level, a presidential executive order prohibits
agencies from collecting genetic information concerning federal
employees.235 There have been a series of bills introduced in Congress to
make this proscription universal.236

Some AIDS/HIV reporting legislation has targeted similar issues.237
State legislatures have tried to reduce disincentives to HIV testing by
guaranteeing the confidentiality of the test results.238 For example, the
Illinois statute permits test subjects to remain anonymous.239 While the
same statute allows identified subjects to execute releases allowing for
disclosure,240 its overall tenor is to considerably limit the dissemination of
the results, utilizing need-to-know and limited circle of care models.241
Finally, and perhaps of most interest for our purposes, is a recent New
Hampshire law that prohibits the sale of prescription information (that
contains patient or prescriber-identifiable data) “for any commercial
purpose,” including advertising or marketing.242 Reportedly, the statute
is being challenged on First Amendment grounds by data aggregators.243

Three types of strategies are available to reduce the risks associated
with EHRs: specific system architectures, requirements for patient

232. See, e.g., ALA. CODE § 27-53-2(a) (LexisNexis 1998); KAN. STAT. ANN. § 40-2259(b)(1)
(2000); MINN. STAT. ANN. § 72A.139(3)(1) (West 2005).
233. See, e.g., ALA. CODE § 27-53-2(b); GA. CODE ANN. (2005) § 33-54-4; IND. CODE ANN. § 27-826-
5(2)–(4) (LexisNexis 1999); KAN. STAT. ANN. § 40-2259(b)(4); MINN. STAT. ANN.
§ 72A.139(3)(3)(4) (West 2005); OR. REV. STAT. § 746.135(3) (2005); TEX. INS. CODE ANN. § 546.052
(Vernon 2006).
234. See, e.g., MO. REV. STAT. § 375.1303-1(3)–(4) (2000).
235. Exec. Order No. 13,145, 65 Fed. Reg. 6877.1-202(c) (Feb. 8, 2000).
236. See, e.g., Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2005, S. 306, 109th Cong. § 104
(2005); Genetic Privacy and Nondiscrimination Act of 2003, H.R. 3636, 108th Cong. (2003) (introduced
to the House of Representatives, Nov. 21, 2003); Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of
2003, S. 1053, 108th Cong. (2003).
237. See, e.g., CONN. GEN. STAT. § 19a-583 (2005); 410 ILL. COMP. STAT. 305/1 (2005).
238. Some public health officials argue the protections go too far. See Marc Santora, Overhaul
Urged for Laws on AIDS Tests and Data, N.Y. TIMES, Feb. 2, 2006, at B1.
239. 410 ILL. COMP. STAT. 305/6.
240. Id. 305/9(b).
241. See, e.g., 410 ILL. COMP. STAT. 305/9(c)(h).
242. N.H. REV. STAT. § 318:47-f.
243. Beth Herskovits, Freedom of Information, PHARMACEUTICAL EXECUTIVE, Sept. 1, 2006,
available at

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choice, and legal requirements can be combined to protect patient health
information and generate the trust needed for an interoperable health
record system to succeed. The balance of strategies chosen will depend
on the EHR system architecture that is employed. The importance of
developing successful strategies for protecting privacy and confidentiality
cannot be emphasized too strongly.

Although the Markle Foundation’s data indicate public support for
easily accessible electronic records, respondents to its 2005 survey overwhelmingly
(79%) regard it as a “top” or “high” priority that their medical
information be shared electronically only with their consent.244 The
vast majority of respondents (91%) want mechanisms in place to confirm
the identity of anyone using the system and to guarantee against unauthorized
access.245 Reviewing who has had access to personal health information
is also a core priority (81%), with respondents (68%) unwilling
to give employers access to their health information.246

The Markle Foundation endorses seven patient and consumer principles
developed by the Personal Health Technology Council:

1. Individuals should be able to access their health and medical data
conveniently and affordably.
2. Individuals should be able to authorize when and with whom
their health data are shared. Individuals should be able to refuse
to make their health data available for sharing by opting out of
nationwide information exchange.
3. Individuals should be able to designate someone else, such as a
loved one, to have access to and exercise control over how their
records are shared.
4. Individuals should receive easily understood information about
all the ways that their health data may be used or shared.
5. Individuals should be able to review which entities have had access
to their personal health data.
6. Electronic health data exchanges must protect the integrity, security,
privacy, and confidentiality of an individual’s information.
7. Independent bodies, accountable to the public, should oversee
local and nationwide electronic health data exchanges. No single
stakeholder group should dominate these oversight bodies, and
244. Press Release, Markle Foundation, Americans Support Online Personal Health Records;
Patient Privacy and Control over Their Own Information Are Crucial for Acceptance (Oct. 11, 2005),
available at
245. Id.
246. Id.

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consumer representatives selected by their peers should participate
as full voting members.247

The recommendations we develop below endorse and develop these
principles. At the outset, however, we must address the “do nothing”
strategy. This approach could be premised either on an informed health-
care skeptic’s intuition that the financial and structural issues posed by
EHR development are insoluble, or on the more cynical view that in a
couple of years some other inexpensive-until-implemented State of the
Union sound bite will replace universality of health records.248 Such a
“do-nothing” strategy, however, cannot be countenanced because of the
proliferation of PHRs and the growth of hospital and systemwide
EMRs.249 The latter are not EHRs in the strictest sense but single EMRs
implemented by large, often regional or national healthcare systems250 or
even for federal government employees.251 While PHRs or systemwide
EMRs may not offer the same interoperability or quite the same scale as
NHIN-interlinked EHRs (and thus may be somewhat more secure), they
raise identical privacy and confidentiality concerns as their EHR fellow-

A. System Architectures
Four different general types of EHR architectures are available at
the present time, which we label as “Personal,” “Shared,” “Trustee,” and
“Interoperable.” This final type, the Electronic Interoperable Health
Record (EIHR), can be structured to operate either over a regional

247. Id.
248. See, e.g., Insiders Say Health Bill Unlikely to Pass This Year, GOV’T HEALTH IT, Apr. 12,
2006, available at
249. See, e.g., In-depth Focus: Kaiser Permanence, HealthConnect,
archive/indepth_faq_all.html (explaining the EMR system installed by Kaiser Permanente and designed
to integrate the records of its eight million members in nine states); see also Deborah Vrana,
Kaiser’s Prescription for Medicine is Digital, L.A. TIMES, May 30, 2005, at C1; R.H. Dolin et al., Kaiser
Permanente’s Convergent Medical Terminology, 11 MEDINFO 346 (2004). See generally George C.
Halverson, Reengineering Care with KP HealthConnect, PERMANENTE J., Fall 2004, at 28, available at In the public sector, for example, the
Department of Veterans Affairs, the country’s largest integrated healthcare system with 180,000
healthcare professionals and more than five million patients, uses the systemwide VistA EMR system
to share records among its facilities. See VETERANS HEALTH ADMIN., DEP’T OF VETERANS AFFAIRS,
VISTAA MONOGRAPH 2005–2006 (2006), available at
monograph2005_06.pdf. The Department of Defense plans to roll out its own Armed Forces Health
Longitudinal Technology Application (AHLTA) system (formerly known as CHCS II) for all uniformed
service personnel and their families by 2011. AHLTA,
default.cfm (last visited Oct. 15, 2006); see also Bob Brewin, DOD’s e-Health Record System to Be
Ready in a Year, GOV’T HEALTH IT, Jan. 30, 2006, available at
250. The EMR and EHR terminologies blend somewhat if a system creates its systemwide
“EMR” by creating interoperability between discrete EMR systems installed at different sites.
251. See, e.g., Federal Family Health Information Technology Act of 2006, H.R. 4859, 109th
Cong. (2006). See generally Stephen Barr, Bill to Promote Electronic Health Records, WASH. POST,
Mar. 2, 2006, at D4.

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health information organization (RHIO) or national health information
network (NHIN). Privacy, confidentiality, and security problems increase
as the interoperability of the EHR system increases, with a RHIO
or NHIN system posing the most pressing issues.

1. Personal EHR Model
In a personal EHR (PHR) model, patients are the dominant managers
and custodians of their electronic medical records. The record consists
of information fields into which data are entered either by the patient
or through data export, or managed by the patient from records
maintained by the patient’s physician.252 One PHR model has patients
subscribing to a web-based service that assists them in collecting data
from one physician and then disseminating it to others. The “Continuity
of Care” record proposed by the American Academy of Family Physicians
as a standardized form of summarized electronic records would be
a convenient data model.253 With a fully personal EHR system, only the
consumer can download, view, combine, or process all his records. Patients
would then be able to choose which records or parts of records
they would export. Exported records could be provided on a read-only
basis, protecting against alteration or entry of additional material. Employers,
254 hospital systems,255 and EMR vendors256 are also rolling out
hybrid models that enable web-based access for patients to portions of
their records for personal health monitoring. Future models could mimic
personal financial management software such as Intuit’s Quicken257 or
Microsoft’s Money.258

However, such individually maintained records have limited usefulness.
Although these records may be a helpful source of information for

252. For a description of system architecture, see William W. Simons, Kenneth D. Mandl, & Isaac
S. Kohane, The PING Personally Controlled Electronic Medical Record System: Technical Architecture,
12 J. AM. MED. INFORMATICS ASS’N 47 (2005).
253. American Academy of Family Physicians Center for Health Information Technology, ASTM
Continuity of Care Record (CCR), (last visited Oct. 15, 2005).
254. See, e.g., Carol Korne, Toward a Digital Health-Care Ecosystem, WALL ST. J. (Eastern edition),
Oct. 25, 2005, at B2 (discussing web-based health records system for employees of IBM); Timothy
J. Mullaney, Dell Takes Health Care Online, BUS. WK. ONLINE, Apr. 7, 2006, http://www. content/apr2006/tc20060407_825324.htm.
255. See, e.g., myHealthFolders, (web-based health and medical information
system offered by BJC HealthCare System); see also Hospital to Boost Branding with CDROMS
for Patients, PHILA. BUS. J., Mar. 28, 2006,
2006/03/27/daily12.html (discussing hospital program to distribute medical records software to patients).
256. See, e.g., Cerner Touts Diabetes Internet Program, ASSOCIATED PRESS, Oct. 12, 2005, (diabetes monitoring system).
257. Intuit recently announced plans to enter the PHR market. May Wong, TurboTax Maker to
Develop Health Care Management Software, ASSOCIATED PRESS, Apr. 13, 2006, http://mercurynews.
258. See also Milt Freudenheim, WebMD Wants to Go Beyond Information, N.Y. TIMES, Feb. 23,
2006, at C1 (describing WebMD agreements with health insurers and employers to operate web-based

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patients, they are less likely to be viewed as reliable by providers. Depending
on patient choices and data sources, personal records may not
always be comprehensive (longitudinal) or coded for interoperability.
Personal records that use a standardized format and are drawn from
standardized sources, such as the Continuity of Care Record, will be in a
format that permits the greatest likelihood of interoperability.

At the same time, individually maintained electronic records have
the least significant implications for privacy and security. The data in
such personal records will be patient-provided and maintained, thus enabling
patients to keep information they regard as private out of the medical
record. Confidentiality, however, will be more difficult to protect. If
patients share records with providers, and providers make copies—as
surely they will do for reference and liability purposes—there will be
copies passed from the patients’ control. Once any part of a Personal
EHR leaves a patient’s control and enters the control of a physician or
system, more typical privacy, confidentiality, and security issues will
arise. Providing copies on a read-only basis or incorporating other
means of digital rights management (DRM) protects the record from alterations
or additions, but not from further scrutiny or duplication
through transcription.

Such personal health records could be maintained in a location of
the patient’s choosing. If financial records are an apt analogy, these
choices are likely to include home computers, office computers, portable
hard drives, smart cards, thumb drives, or other personal information devices
(PIDs). Patients will have varying skills at maintaining their records;
some will keep adequate backup copies, but others will leave PIDs
with the only copy of their records in taxis with the same frequency that
they lose their iPods. Some will sequester records on a home computer;
others will wear their records on necklace PIDs. Such variability in data
availability, confidentiality, and security are in the hands of the patient,
and, at least to that extent, are subject to patient choice. When data are
compromised or lost, moreover, it will be on an individual patient basis;
there will be no large data banks of patient information subject to hacking
at a single swipe (at least for non-web-based PHRs). Because of the
vagaries of patients’ abilities to maintain their data, however, such personal
health records will not be adequate substitutes for medical records
maintained by providers or systems.

2. Shared Models
A variety of systems are available in which physicians and patients
share responsibility and control over electronic records, but the records
remain silo-ed. When physicians retain control over their records silos,
the model is physician-centric. The silo-ed records may not be interoperable,
as with either paper records or many of the individual electronic
records maintained today. Collecting the silo-ed records in a common

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format, such as the Continuity of Care Record or some of the systemwide
formats described below, allows for easy transfer or incorporation into
larger data sets. However, there is significant tension between entrenched
local practices for maintaining data and the desire for interoperable

In consultation with patients and subject to patient consent, physicians
could transmit all, parts, or summaries of such records to patients,
to other physicians, or to a centralized data warehouse. The most discussed
example of this type of “push” system for sharing electronic records
is the Australian HealthConnect system discussed earlier.260 As
HealthConnect has been pilot tested, commentators have emphasized the
importance of protecting patient confidentiality; in particular they focus
on the requirement of patient consent before new information is entered
and patient control of access to information that has already been entered.
261 Once data enter a centralized system, the difficulties of protecting
confidentiality intensify.

3. Trustee Models
In a trustee model, patients contract with a fiduciary to maintain
their health records.262 Trustee models can be offshoots of a PHR in that
the data remain in the control of the patient, who then pushes all or some
of the data to a trusted third party. The patient sets the terms of the trust
and instructs the trustee about the management of that information, including
to whom it may be disclosed, how long it may be kept, and who
may add to the record. Such a model could also be an offshoot of a
shared or physician-centric architecture if the physician, in consultation
with the patient, initiates the “push” directly from the record to the trustee.

A trustee model has limited privacy implications in that it is the patient
who decides what data is transferred to the trustee. Confidentiality
is protected by a trust agreement that governs further distribution of
data, but is assured only to the extent that the trustee lives up to its fiduciary
responsibilities. Trustee models increase ease of access to data for

259. John E. Mattison, Robert H. Dolin, & Diane Laberge, Managing the Tensions Between National
Standardization vs. Regional Localization of Clinical Content and Templates, 11 MEDINFO 1081
260. For a description of the HealthConnect system, see Gunter & Terry, supra note 30; Roger S.
Magnusson, Data Linkage, Health Research and Privacy: Regulating Data Flows in Australia’s Health
Information System, 24 SYDNEY L. REV. 5, 46–50 (2002).
261. E.g., Bernadette McSherry, Ethical Issues in HealthConnect’s Shared Electronic Health Record
System, 12 J.L. MED. 60, 64 (2004); Moira Paterson, HealthConnect and Privacy: a Policy Conundrum
12 J.L. MED. 80, 80–81 (2004).
262. For a description of a trustee model, see Paul T. Kostyack, Note, The Emergence of the
Healthcare Information Trust, 12 HEALTH MATRIX 393 (2002). See also eHealthTrust, http://www. (last visited Oct. 10, 2006).

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mobile patients, but present concomitant data security issues; trustees of
large data sets may be attractive targets for hackers.263

Moreover, once a trustee has authorized transmittal of a patient’s
record, it is unclear how the dissemination of the data is controlled
thereafter. One model would be for the information to flow into the receiving
provider’s record, posing anew the issues of protecting confidentiality
and data integrity. Another model would limit any data transferred
from the trustee to read-only (or some other form of DRM) such
that the control of the data remains with the trustee and within the terms
of the trust agreement. This model protects data integrity but risks to
confidentiality remain.

Many different types of trustees are possible. The trustee could be
a data warehouse or some other form of repository. Trustees could be
for-profit, not-for-profit, or public entities. As the number and variety of
trustees increase, so will the difficulties in protecting data security, confidentiality,
and transmissibility. A single trustee model might be preferable;
standards could be common across the nation and problems of protection
would need to be solved only once. A single trustee could
nonetheless offer different arrangements for data management and protection,
depending on the patient’s choice.

4. Regional or National Models
A fully longitudinal, EIHR, whether operating at a regional
(RHIO) or national (NHIN) level, has both the greatest advantages for
patient care and public health and the most fundamental implications for
patient privacy, confidentiality, and security. Current discussions suggest
that a RHIO or NHIN could utilize either a data warehouse or
pointer/records locator technical model. Models may be premised on the
aggregation of existing EMR silos, common data standards, and sophisticated
data-mining tools that improve usability and maximize the return
on investments.

These RHIO and NHIN models may have different technical security
implications, but they pose virtually identical privacy and confidentiality
issues. A regional organization has the advantage of potential protection
and at least some standardization. But depending on how it is
designed, it may not afford the full advantages of mobility. If patients
see providers outside of the region, there would need to be methods for
allowing both access and entry of data. Further, patients might not know
which region maintained their records or if their records should move
with them if they permanently relocate. If the different regional organizations
had different standards, moreover, patients might be confused

263. Lest this concern seem fanciful, for a list of data breaches in 2005, affecting over fifty million
Americans, see Privacy Rights Clearinghouse,
htm (last visited Oct. 10, 2006).

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about which standard governed their records. If a fully interoperable
system is desired, therefore, it seems that the best option is a single national
system. Recently, Dr. Brailer has stated, “Being a RHIO is a journey
. . . . We know it has a beginning and a middle, but we don’t know
what the end looks like.”264 Dr. Brailer has acknowledged that RHIOs
likely will morph from being fledgling technology infrastructures into
governing or advisory bodies.265 For the federal government, therefore, it
is clear that the future lies in a NHIN.

As follows from the discussion above, a national, fully interoperable
architecture poses the greatest privacy, confidentiality, and security risks
and suggests that the protection of personal health information will depend
on patient choice and legal protections.

B. Patient Choice
Legal mechanisms such as informed consent and privacy-
confidentiality that operationalize patient interaction with medical services
typically provide that patients may waive autonomy-derived
“rights.”266 Increasingly, however, such waivers tend to pay only lip service
to the underlying autonomy. Thus, informed consent (both in law
and medical practice) tends to focus on the narrow issue of “consent”
rather than the disclosure of information that increases patient choice
and participation.267 Similarly, patient “consent” to information sharing
is often a nonnegotiable precondition to treatment—there is no genuine
choice. The challenge in the EHR setting, therefore, is to identify potential
choices regarding patient participation in such a system—choices that
range from opting out completely, through redacting specific data or restricting
occasions of disclosure, to reviewing the data that is included in
the system.

1. Opting In or Opting Out
The initial option for patient choice is whether to enter into the system
in the first place. This option is most protective of patient privacy;
patients may decide that they want to stay “local,” with their records,
electronic or paper, either under their own control or at offices of their
individual providers. As an NHIN is developed, it may be preferable to
employ such an “opt-in” strategy for pilot programs. A trial period of

264. Brailer: RHIOs Will Need Makeovers, HEALTH DATA MGMT., Feb. 2006, available at
265. Id.
PRIVACY RULE (2003), available at http://www/hhs./gov/ocr/privacysummary.pdf (discussing consent
and privacy issues).
267. See generally Terry, supra note 109.

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perhaps five years would give some sense of the issues, both anticipated
and unanticipated, that could arise with a NHIN.

As the reported data about patient preferences suggest, informed
consent should be required before a patient is entered into the system.
This consent must include decisions about what information will be included,
what access will be authorized and what will not be authorized
without further consent, and what provisions will be in place to secure
additional consent before data are revealed. Perhaps most importantly
for patient trust in a NHIN, consent should also include basic information
about how data security will be protected and what steps will be
taken to inform patients if there are security breaches.

If a NHIN comes into general use, however, it may be increasingly
difficult in practice for patients to opt out of the network effectively.
Physicians may come to rely on access to the network for information
about their patients. They may use electronic searches or algorithms in
assessing patients’ conditions or in determining how patients have been
managed in the past. Patients who are not in the NHIN may be disadvantaged
as a result and the choice to opt out will become illusory. The
use of evidence-based protocols is a particular case in point; patients
without electronic records might be managed far differently than patients
with EHRs, and physicians might be more accustomed to using the EHR.
Similarly, some physicians might rely on searches of the NHIN for data
about drug allergies or drug interactions. Patients who do not have information
in the NHIN may be at risk if providers become less effective
at using patient-provided medical histories to guard against problematic
responses to prescriptions. Opting out of the network as a method of
protecting confidentiality will thus come at a price that will be unacceptably
high to many. Legislation also would be required to guarantee
access to care for, and eliminate discrimination against, patients who opt

2. Circle of Care
An alternative means to protect confidentiality is to reduce the size
of the population that has access to a patient’s data. Making patient
safety information available to all healthcare providers that are tangentially
involved in a patient’s care renders the level of privacy and security
accorded that data a function of the weakest link in the system. Fully interoperable
data is also immeasurably more valuable for secondary uses
(e.g., marketing) and is an irresistibly tempting target for commercial aggregators.
268 As it becomes more difficult for patients to opt out of inter

268. The level of commercial aggregation of personal information was highlighted by Choice-
Point’s acknowledgement that the personal financial records of more than 163,000 consumers in its
database had been compromised. See United States v. ChoicePoint Inc., No. 1:06-CV-00198 (N.D. Ga.
filed Jan. 30, 2006), available at; Personal
Information: Agencies and Resellers Vary in Providing Privacy Protections: Testimony Before the Sub

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operable networks, therefore, informed consent and patient confidentiality
become increasingly important. Recognizing these pressures, we recommend
that data in the system be available only to providers within the
therapeutic circle of care (those within the patient’s medical team) on a
need-to-know basis. This is not as radical a recommendation as it might
seem; as we have emphasized earlier, it does not preclude a system design
that permits the generation of anonymized data sets for quality improvement
or public health purposes. Nor does it preclude architectures
that permit data to be copied to different fields at the time of entry with
patient consent.

3. Data Carveouts
An additional confidentiality-protective strategy would be to build a
mechanism for placing certain aspects of the record in a “secure” envelope,
available only with specific permission of the patient. Obvious examples
of sensitive information that might be carved out and secured in
this way include mental health history and sexual/reproductive history
(including abortion, sexual dysfunction, pregnancy, and even birth control).
But it may not be easy to anticipate what information individual
people would find especially important to safeguard. The data from the
group at Johns Hopkins indicate that diagnoses of colon cancer are considered
more sensitive by patients than other cancer diagnoses.269 Some
people might regard treatment for acne, obesity, sleeplessness, or even
conditions as common as hypertension as especially sensitive. The rule
that is most protective of privacy would be to permit patients to stipulate
what information should be secured, although records will be less useful
if significant portions are secured and providers do not know which ones
these are. Three models are available for securing some, but not all, information:
a secure “envelope” model, a contextual disclosure model,
and an access-edit model.

a. Secure Envelope
The envelope model assumes that the patient opts in to the system
(or is given no choice), but is permitted to tag specific data as “highly

comm. on Commercial and Administrative Law and the Subcomm. on the Constitution, of the H.
Comm. on the Judiciary, 109th Cong. 15 (2006) (statement of Linda D. Koontz, Director, Info. Mgmt.
Issues, U.S. Gov’t Accountability Office), available at (“Although
the information resellers that do business with the federal agencies we reviewed have taken
steps to protect privacy, these measures were not fully consistent with the Fair Information Practices.
Most significantly, the first four principles, relating to collection limitation, data quality, purpose specification,
and use limitation, are largely at odds with the nature of the information reseller business.”);
Press Release, Fed. Trade Comm’n, ChoicePoint Settles Data Security Breach Charges; to Pay $10
Million in Civil Penalties, $5 Million for Consumer Redress (Jan. 26, 2006), available at http://www.ftc.
gov/opa/2006/01/choicepoint.htm (referring to settlement); see also Steve Bailey, Your Data for Sale?,
BOSTON GLOBE, Mar. 24, 2006, at C1 (detailing plans by providers to sell aggregated medical data).

269. Kass et al., supra note 93, at 266–67.

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confidential.” This data is then specially coded (e.g., with a DRM layer),
and although it circulates within the EIHR, is not generally readable.
The secure envelope could be opened only with a specific additional consent
from the patient or in the case of a particular medical interaction.
Examples of the latter might include: “To be opened if unconscious in an
ER,” “To be opened in an OB/GYN emergency,” or “To be opened if
psychotropic medications are prescribed.” Research would be required
to determine how the conditions “on” the envelope could be coded so
that they do not defeat the exercise by hinting at the secure data contained

b. Contextual Disclosure
Context-specific disclosure requires the patient (likely in consultation
with his provider) to create different layers of health information
that are made available to the EIHR. These layers would then provide
for context-specific disclosure. For example, ob/gyn-related data would
only be available to ob/gyn providers. Research would be required to
determine the impact of such limitations on health quality or medication
safety. For example, if a patient was taking Lithium and being treated in
an ER following an overdose, absent knowledge of the medication or
underlying diagnosis, the patient would be at extreme risk as there is no
screening test for detecting Lithium.

Patient-initiated carveouts aside, an EIHR system likely would have
to be coded for some layer restrictions on data because of existing restrictions
on the transparency of data involving, for example, HIV/AIDS
or child abuse. At present, there are immense variations in state law restricting
data transparency. These variations would need to be addressed
through the development of national standards or by allowing patients
both to specify states in which they are likely to receive care and to code
records to meet the regulations of the most restrictive state specified.

c. Access and Edit
Envelope storage or context constraints generally are discussed in
terms of restrictions placed on the data upon input. However, comparable
rights could be given to patients using an Access/Edit model similar
to that used by the HIPAA confidentiality standards or some state statutes.
Thus, a patient could be permitted to access his record and remove
or request removal of specific data, or place restrictions on its dissemination
(e.g., by moving it to a secure envelope). An Access/Edit system has
the difficulties of any model in which some data are unavailable to treating
physicians. It has the additional disadvantage for patient care that
patients may use idiosyncratic judgment in securing records, but the concomitant
advantage that patients will be able to exercise individualized
preferences in this regard.

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4. Review and Audit
As a more powerful EIHR system is developed, problems with the
integrity of records must also be addressed. Record inaccuracy or corruption
can adversely affect patient care—far more so than if the inaccurate
record is buried in the office of an individual provider. Data security
breaches carry the potential to release an entire record, rather than
whatever fragment may be located in the office of an individual provider.

As electronic records are relied on more extensively, their accuracy
will be important for patient safety and quality of care. Records gathered
far in the past may reappear with deleterious consequences. Patients
thus should be able to review their records for accuracy to be able
to ensure that old inaccuracies or errors do not recur in current approaches
to care. If old paper records are transformed into electronic
format, patients should be able to review what is included for accuracy
and to limit linkages as appropriate. As new electronic records are created,
patients should be permitted to review them for accuracy to the
same extent they currently can review paper records. When patients
challenge the accuracy of records, corrections should be made and noted
by providers where appropriate. If, in the judgment of the provider, a
correction is not appropriate, there should be a way to note in the EHR
that a particular aspect of the record has been challenged by the patient
for accuracy but has not been amended by the provider.

Patients should also be able to ascertain whether the patient choice
model selected has been employed appropriately to protect their privacy
and data confidentiality. Patients should know whether secure envelopes,
context-specific disclosures, and other selective strategies have
been implemented in their records.

The data about patient and consumer attitudes strongly support the
importance to patients of knowing whether the security of their electronic
information has been breached. Developers of electronic records
must explore methods for keeping patients apprised of security breaches
of their health information. HIPAA seems too weak; it requires simply
that custodians of electronic health information keep records about access
that patients can review on request. The difficulty is that patients
may not know that their records have been accessed and thus may not
request information about access. A relatively simple alternative would
be to keep a flagged list of who has accessed the records at the front of
the record; the list should be readily apparent to the patient or anyone
else accessing the record. A more aggressive strategy would permit patients
to stipulate electronic contact information that they would like to
have used if there are security breaches involving their medical records.
A still more aggressive—but the most protective—strategy would follow
California’s model for security breaches of electronic information: con

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tact is required, but public notice of a security breach will suffice when
contact information is not available.270

C. Legal Strategies
In May 2005, responding to criticisms about its Care Records Service
(CRS) system,271 the U.K. government issued the NHS Connecting
for Health Care Record Guarantee.272 This EHR “bill of rights” provides
that the NHS CRS system will

• allow only those involved in your care to have access to records
about you from which you can be identified;
• show only those parts of your record needed for your care;
• allow only authorized people to access your records (who will
need a ‘smart card’ as well as a password);
• allow you to control whether information in electronic records
made about you by the organization providing your care can be
seen elsewhere in the NHS.273
NHS also promised future technologies such that “if you are concerned
about particular entries . . . rather than about the whole record,
you will be able to ask us to keep parts of the record . . . from general
view and only share them with your permission . . . .”274 Thus, the NHS
plan endorses three confidentiality-privacy strategies: the “circle of
care,” “opt out” and “sealed envelope,” which we will return to.

We believe that patient privacy and confidentiality cannot be adequately
protected in a U.S. EIHR environment without similar strategies
and, inevitably given our context, federal statutory or regulatory attention.
A fortiori we believe such legal attention will be necessary to deal
with the informational dangers associated with the likely choice of a national
EIHR (NHIN) system. In this Section, we outline what we believe
are the four key legal protections that must be introduced: first, some
types of medical data should be protected against even consented-to collection
or disclosure; second, all healthcare information should reside
only in the medical domain; third, as a default position healthcare information
should flow only within the patient’s circle of care; fourth, an independent
regulatory body should be appointed that will have the power

270. See generally CAL. CIV. CODE § 1798.29 (West 2006).
271. See supra text accompanying note 41.
272. NAT’L HEALTH SERV. (U.K.), THE CARE RECORD GUARANTEE (2005), available at
273. Id. at 3.
274. Id. at 7. Notwithstanding, critics and opinion polls continue to criticize the program for its
potential damaging effects on physician-patient confidentiality. See Sam Lister, Medical Database Is
Huge Security Risk and Freedom Threat, Say Doctors, TIMES (London), June 30, 2005, at 24.

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to review the manner in which patient information is handled by any
EIHR system and resolve disputes.

1. Exclusion of Data Types and Inalienability
The legal model for privacy and confidentiality in the United States
has generally endorsed the approach that any and all personal information
(be it financial, medical, etc.) may be collected, processed, and disseminated
with the consent or authorization of the data subject. The
primary operational objection to this approach is that “consent” processes
are imperfect in situations involving parties with radically different
bargaining strengths or in informational asymmetry regarding the implications
of any such consent or authorization. A secondary objection is
that data protection is sectoral: both technical and regulatory regimes
among varying types of data such as financial records, insurance records,
health records, employment records, and court records. It may be very
difficult for people to understand and remember the differences associated
with these different regimes. Gaps in data protection may be especially
apparent if data are transferred across regimes, as when health records
are made available to insurers or employers.275 A third difficulty is
that most data regulation is state based,276 with state laws applicable to
medical and insurance domains varying widely; any NHIN system will
transcend state boundaries and thus pose the issue of whether protection
is only as strong as the weakest link.

Assuming movement towards a fully interoperable national EHR
and full inclusion of patient and physician stakeholders in its development,
the most important measure would be a federal statute that overrides
any consent/authorization regime and guarantees that certain types
of private information cannot find their way into an EIHR.

Specifically, lawmakers should place limits on the collection of certain
EHR information, such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
tracking data outside of hospital or pharmacy premises. Similarly, inalienability
rules (regardless of “consent”) should be applied to the disclosure
of genetic information or AIDS/HIV data outside of the medical

2. Medical Domain
Because of the great power and scope of the likely information in a
complete EHR on a given patient, at this time EHRs should be employed
for treatment purposes only. That is, they should be accessible

275. See, e.g., Rebecca L. Woodard, Note, Is Your Medical Information Safe? A Comparison of
Comprehensive and Sectoral Privacy and Security Laws, 15 IND. INT’L & COMP. L. REV. 147 (2004).
276. The HIPAA confidentiality code “exception” proves the general rule because of its “more
stringent” partial preemption rule. See supra text accompanying note 212.

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only to patients themselves and to healthcare providers for medical management.
Specifically, legislation is necessary to lock out secondary users
(e.g., pharmaceutical companies, life insurers, and employers) and to
prohibit the commercial aggregation of identifiable EHR-sourced data.

Other uses of the entire EHR by healthcare providers—for billing
purposes, for cost management, or for evidence—should not currently be
permitted. These uses are simply too risky for patients if EHRs are released
on an all-or-nothing basis. EHRs should not be available for
these other purposes even on a consensual basis; patients may be unaware
of what is in the record and what such consent really means. The
information can be acquired in other ways. For example, unlinked electronic
records in individual providers’ offices could be used instead—just
as paper records are today. If this is regarded as impractical, an alternative
would be to allow entries in specified fields—but not the entire
EHR—to be released with consent from the patient or the patient’s representative.
Or, at the point of entry, given data could be transferred
with the patient’s consent—e.g., for billing purposes. To be sure, achieving
this separation presents a problem of software design; as providers
enter data into an EHR, there will be a need to separate data for the
NHIN from data used for billing purposes. But the full power of the
identifiable EHR should, as systems are developed, be restricted to the
medical domain.

3. Circle of Care
As discussed above, existing U.S. confidentiality provisions do little
to limit the dissemination of patient-specific health information within
the health domain. That is, once the data is entered, it is freely available
to healthcare providers.

The common law position was discussed by the D.C. Court of Appeals
in Suesbury v. Caceres,277 a case involving the alleged disclosure of a
patient’s HIV-positive status between doctors in the same medical office
in the context of a complaint about one doctor sexually molesting the patient.
The court noted that “[d]octors within the same medical office
should be allowed to work together with some latitude of freedom of
communication not only to treat patients, but also to respond to patient
administrative requests and, as here, patient complaints.”278 Cognizant
that, although the doctors shared a practice, the context of the alleged
disclosure was not strictly medical, the court concluded:

It is true that, in the case before us, the communication was

not made in connection with the immediate on-going treatment of a

common patient. Nonetheless, the communication was related to

and arose as a consequence of such medical treatment and was

277. Suesbury v. Caceres, 840 A.2d 1285 (D.C. 2004).
278. Id. at 1289.

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made in the course of the business of administering the mutual

medical practice.279

The HIPAA confidentiality code applies a similar, and similarly
flawed approach, providing that a “covered entity may use or disclose
protected health information for treatment, payment, or health care operations,”
280 with disclosure permitted if it is for the entity’s “own treatment,
payment, or health care operations,”281 the “treatment activities of
a health care provider,”282 or the “payment activities” of the recipient entity.
283 We believe that patient confidentiality would be better served if
the data and its dissemination were subject to a default limitation based
on necessity or proportionality. For example, a “privacy” rule could
limit the collection of patient data to that required for the contemplated
procedure. Equally, a “confidentiality” rule could limit the dissemination
of the patient data to those providers directly involved in the patient’s
current treatment, restricted to the “circle of care” or within the
patient’s medical team.

4. Regulatory Overview and Dispute Resolution
As already noted, the federal confidentiality rule is flawed in large
part because its opaque regulatory language makes it difficult for patients
and providers to understand the importance of health privacy and
confidentiality.284 Worse, its enforcement is in the hands of the Office for
Civil Rights, Department of Health and Human Services.285 As a result,
from a patient’s perspective, enforcement is placed in the hands of an
“insider” primarily interested in ensuring the efficiency of the HIPAAEDI
transactional model. From a provider’s perspective, HIPAA regulation
and enforcement have added yet another layer of detailed regulation
of healthcare and another possibility for heavy penalties or even
criminal sanctions.

In contrast, a traditional “rights” analysis would suggest that those
who suffer privacy-confidentiality violations should be given private
rights of action against the violators, a position refuted by HIPAA and
most state medical privacy laws, yet permitted by common law actions
such as breach of confidence.286 While it should be obvious that we are

279. Id. In a footnote the court left itself some room for future maneuver with the comment, “We
limit our holding here, however, to the facts before us, namely, a communication between two physicians
working together in the same medical practice, and leave a broader analysis for another day.”
Id. at 1288 n.4.
280. 45 C.F.R. § 164.506(a) (2005).
281. Id. § 164.506(c)(1).
282. Id. § 164.506(c)(2).
283. Id. § 164.506(c)(3).
284. See supra text accompanying note 226.
285. U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Servs., Office for Civil Rights—HIPAA,
ocr/hipaa/ (last visited Oct. 15, 2006).
286. See supra text accompanying notes 189–94.

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privacy advocates and view violations of privacy or confidentiality as extremely
serious and potentially very harmful to patients, we do not believe
that most informational transgressions rise to the level of personal
injuries. Any extension of traditional private rights in this area would
merely embroil privacy and confidentiality in the politics287 and cycles of
tort retrenchment associated with the “malpractice crisis.”

Rather, what is required is an independent, apolitical institution
that can educate both patients and providers with codes of conduct and
resolve disputes in a constructive, nonlitigious way. The model described
is that of a government-funded independent agency or ombudsman.
Australia,288 Canada,289 New Zealand,290 and the United Kingdom291 have
all adopted such regulatory review and dispute resolution models as part
of their data protection regimes and most have been particularly active in
the health domain. For example, the Australian Privacy Commissioner is
legislatively tasked with complaint investigations and audits and publishes
data protection guidelines.292 Specifically within the health domain,
the Commissioner has published the influential Guidelines on Privacy
in the Private Health Sector,293 which spell out in comprehensible
fashion both the general principles of health privacy and seek to provide
guidance for specific issues. We believe that Congress should promulgate
an EHR “bill of rights” and appoint an independent Health Privacy
Commissioner charged with the mandate to educate patients, providers,
and regulators and equipped with the powers to mediate disputes and
publish codes of conduct.

In May 2005, Secretary Leavitt labeled the movement to electronic
records an “economic imperative” designed to “maintain health and at

287. “Despite the health care system’s acute need—indeed because of it—broad coalitions across
the political spectrum are tempted to co-opt medicine to advance larger agendas about the effect of
lawsuits on social stability and economic prosperity. . . . [N]o matter which camp claims victory in the
overall battle, the outcome will not remedy serious deficiencies in how American law deals with medical
errors.” William M. Sage, Understanding the First Malpractice Crisis of the 21st Century, HEALTH
L. HANDBOOK 28 (Alice Gosfield ed., West Group 2003).
288. Office of the Privacy Comm’r (Austl.), About the Office,
index.html (last visited Oct. 15, 2006).
289. Office of the Privacy Comm’r of Can., About Us,
index_e.asp (last visited Jan. 8, 2007). Additionally, some Canadian provinces have their own Privacy
Commissioners. For example, the Information and Privacy Commissioner for Ontario has published
guidelines for using RFID tags in Ontario public libraries. ANN CAVOUKIAN, PH.D., GUIDELINES FOR
Ontario Commissioner is also responsible for aspects of health privacy under the province’s Personal
Health Information Protection Act, 2004.
290. Privacy Comm’r (N.Z.), Your Privacy, (last visited
Oct. 15, 2006).
291. U.K. Info. Comm’r’s Office, (last visited Oct. 15, 2006).
292. Office of the Privacy Comm’r, supra note 288.
HEALTH SECTOR (2001), available at

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the same time maintain the momentum of our economy.”294 There is little
doubt that a well-constructed, secure EIHR can improve the quality
of our healthcare, reduce medical and medication errors, and provide a
platform for patients to better understand and participate in their health-
care. However, progress towards these laudable goals has, so far, reflected
institutional interests and priorities. It has been an example of
“insider baseball” that has focused primarily on architecture and technical
standards. The debate now must be broadened to reflect the interests
and participation of patients and physicians and to incorporate a principled,
autonomy-based, and comprehensible privacy-confidentiality structure
for EHRs.

Prior to his resignation from ONCHIT,295 Dr. Brailer argued for a
sea change in the relationship between patients, physicians, and medical
records whereby physicians will relinquish ownership of medical records
and, instead, become their “stewards”: “[I]n black and white, no questions
asked, the data belongs to patients.”296 Or, in the President’s recent
words: “We’re really talking about making sure each American has an
electronic medical record over which he or she has got control of the privacy.”
297 These strong protective concepts must be fully operationalized.
A cavalier, instrumental, HIPAA-like business-as-usual approach to the
privacy and confidentiality of EIHR data will not suffice. Hard choices
must be made as to the architectural and patient consent models that
may involve subjugating some interoperability and comprehensiveness
ambitions to principled protections of patient autonomy. Equally, some
simple tweaking of the HIPAA confidentiality rules is insufficient. Patient
privacy and confidentiality must be more broadly protected with
principled and comprehensible bright-line legislation.

294. Esther Landhuis, Health Chief: Put Data Online, MERCURY NEWS, May 24, 2005, http://www.
295. Nicholas Timmins, Top U.S. Health Official Steps Down, FIN. TIMES, Apr. 20, 2006.
296. Andis Robeznieks Brailer: IT Can Help Reverse Culture of Errors, Inefficiencies, MOD.
PHYSICIAN, Sept. 23, 2005,
297. Press Release, White House, President Participates in Panel Discussion on Health Care Initiatives
(Feb. 16, 2006), available at

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This article argues that in order for a nationwide transition to electronic
medical records to be successful, however, the system must receive
acceptance from patients and physicians. Thus, it must address
and protect issues at the forefront of their concerns: namely, privacy
and confidentiality. Instead of merely adopting the minimal protections
afforded by HIPAA, the electronic health records system must
embrace an autonomy-based, default position of full patient control
over personal information, with very limited exceptions. Consequently,
hard choices must be made as to the architectural and patient
consent models that may involve subjugating some interoperability
and comprehensiveness ambitions to principled protections of patient

On April 26, 2004, President Bush announced his plan to ensure

that most Americans would have electronic health records within ten

years.1 Although some technical and many financial issues remain, there

† Copyright © 2006, Nicolas P. Terry and Leslie P. Francis. All Rights Reserved.
* Chester A. Myers Professor of Law, Co-Director, Center for Health Law Studies, Professor
of Health Management & Policy, Saint Louis University, e-mail: I thank Michael Henderson,
SLU J.D. candidate 2007, for his most helpful editorial suggestions.
** Professor and Chair, Department of Philosophy, Alfred C. Emery Professor of Law, University
of Utah, e-mail:

200404/chap3.html (last visited Oct. 3, 2006). A more generalized commitment was announced in the
2006 State of the Union Address: “We will make wider use of electronic records and other health in681

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has been substantial progress towards this goal. The project has now
reached the point where acceptance by patients and physicians is crucial.
In the health information technology (HIT) domain, the interests of patients
and physicians do not always coincide;2 patients tend to want more
connectivity and online service from their physicians, while physicians
are still ambivalent about technologically mediated care.3 However, physicians
and patients share common ground over many of the confidentiality
and privacy issues raised by electronic health records (EHRs).

To date, the Bush administration has framed the EHR privacy-
confidentiality issue quite narrowly, identifying only divergent state laws
as creating barriers to successful implementation of its grand scheme. In
fact, the issue runs far deeper.4 In our view, the proposed national EHR
system creates some fundamental privacy-confidentiality issues that must
be satisfactorily resolved prior to implementation. Patients who lack
trust in the national EHR system will opt out or frustrate many of the
system’s goals by hiding information from their physicians. Equally, physicians
who perceive the new system as inconsistent with their professional
standards of confidentiality or as creating liability “traps” will
avoid participation or, if given no choice, will reduce or distort their

formation technology, to help control costs and reduce dangerous medical errors.” President George

W. Bush, State of the Union Address (Jan. 31, 2006) (transcript available at http://www.whitehouse.
2. See generally Nicolas P. Terry, Prescriptions sans Frontières (or How I Stopped Worrying
about Viagra on the Web but Grew Concerned about the Future of Healthcare Delivery), 4 YALE J.
HEALTH POL’Y L. & ETHICS 183, 226–32 (2004).
3. See Health Information Technology Activities at the Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality: Hearing Before the S. Comm. on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Subcomm. on Technology,
Innovation, and Competitiveness, 109th Cong. 2, 6 (2005) (statement of Carolyn M. Clancy,
M.D., Director, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services) (“Unlike the baseball field in the movie Field of Dreams [sic], we have dramatic examples of
the building of health IT systems, whose designers found physicians and other clinicians neither came
nor played.”); see also Robert G. Brooks & Nir Menachemi, Physicians’ Use of Email With Patients:
Factors Influencing Electronic Communication and Adherence to Best Practices, J. MED. INTERNET
RES., Jan.–Mar. 2006, available at (survey reporting only modest advances
in the adoption of e-mail communication with patients by physicians); Wall Street Journal
Online/Harris Interactive Health-Care Poll, Few Patients Use or Have Access to Online Services for
Communicating with their Doctors, but Most Would Like To, Sept. 22, 2006, http://www.
iss16.pdf (finding that large majority of adults would like e-mail reminders and online appointment
scheduling and that a majority of patients consider the offer of such services as a discriminator in
choosing a provider).
4. One issued Request for Proposal on “Privacy and Security Solutions for Health Information
Exchange” focuses on the need “to assess and develop solutions to address state and business privacy
and security practices that may pose challenges to interoperable health information exchange.” U.S.
Dep’t of Health & Human Servs., Fact Sheet: Health Information Technology Requests for Proposals
(June 6, 2005), [hereinafter Fact Sheet].
This resulted in a $11.5 million contract awarded to Privacy and Security Solutions to study the issue.
Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Servs., HHS Awards Contracts to Advance Nationwide
Interoperable Health Information Technology (Oct. 6, 2005), available at http://www.hhs.

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There are great advantages to using electronic records more extensively,
both within the offices of individual providers, where they are
known as electronic medical records (EMRs), and also when such records
are linked across multiple providers, in which case they are known
as electronic health records (EHRs). One obvious advantage is clarity.
Electronic records are far more readable than handwritten documents
stored in fading folders, allowing providers to avoid the low-hanging fruit
of medical and medication errors. Another advantage is searchability:
electronic records can be scanned for drug interactions or for consistent
patterns of symptoms. They can also be matched with evidence-based
protocols to discern treatment strategies that do not meet the standard of
care or to recommend improved methods of patient management.

Moreover, in an EHR, records cease to exist in information silos,
thus creating additional advantages over paper records. First, they are
combined or interlinked to maximize coordination of care. Second, they
offer enhanced accessibility: electronic records can be available to providers
all over the country and the world, as mobile as the patients they
describe. Finally, on a social level, EHRs are searchable for patterns of
disease, prescription use (or abuse), treatment outcomes, or even the
costs of therapy. These great benefits cannot be gainsaid.

At the same time, these advantages are threats. When inappropriate
or false material is included in records, it will be persistent and reverberate
in subsequent patient management decisions. Linkages may be
drawn that violate patient requests for, or expectations of, confidentiality.
EHRs may be searched in problematic ways. Records might be accessible
to those who many believe should not have access to them (secondary
users). Commercial entities may seek to add medical data to
their other data holdings and sell the aggregated data for marketing or
surveillance purposes. Groups might be targeted in epidemiological

As a regional or national EHR becomes a technologically achievable
goal with broad congressional support, we must distinguish the
genuine advantages of EHRs from the deep problems they present and
engineer the technical and legal models to minimize the problems. Yet,
these are difficult tasks. Several possible EHR architectures and a myriad
of patient choice models can be engineered. Worse, where the architectures
and models fail to deal with the problems we identify, the legal
and regulatory systems that should operate as surrogates themselves
prove to be awkward or obstructive. In the United States, records law
and privacy-confidentiality systems encompass both state and federal
components. The United States does not have a robust track record in
either conceptualizing or regulating health privacy.5 Apparent federal
solutions, such as the confidentiality regulations under the Health Insur

5. James G. Hodge et al., Legal Issues Concerning Electronic Health Information: Privacy,
Quality, and Liability, 282 JAMA 1466, 1467–68 (1999).

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ance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), are as sieve-
like as they are incomprehensible.

Medical literature, opinion polls, United Kingdom and other foreign
EHR implementations, and our own interactions suggest that patients
and physicians are skeptical about the privacy, security, and safety
of HIT systems. Consumers are told on a daily basis that their computers,
when attached to networks, are pathologically insecure. Physicians
continue to push back on safety technologies and remain deeply
suspicious (even resentful) of the HIPAA transactional and patient privacy
constructs.6 Meanwhile, the media tirelessly report medical privacy
horror stories of lost, stolen, or hacked records.7

A rational policymaker may view these stories as merely transitional
or statistically insignificant aberrations. Yet public and professional
perceptions of an EHR system are far different and potentially
corrosive. The nature of such a system is difficult to convey to the public.
A public perception of an EHR as a governmental “big brother” is increasingly
likely. Take, for example, the views of the Association of
American Physicians and Surgeons in a recent letter to Congress:

Patients will definitely not benefit from this type of program because
they do not control who has access to their sensitive identifiable
medical records in any meaningful way. . . . [A] national health
information system would effectively eliminate any and all patient
consent to the release of their records by placing the records online.
Patients would have virtually no control over who can sneak-a-peak
at their very private and sensitive medical records.8

6. Electronic Health Records and Privacy: Hearing Before the U.S. Dep’t of Health and Human
Servs. Nat’l Comm. on Vital and Health Statistics Subcomm. on Privacy, 109th Cong. (2005) [hereinafter
Health Records Hearing] (statement of Nicolas P. Terry).
7. See, e.g., Nicolas P. Terry, To HIPAA, a Son: Assessing the Technical, Conceptual, and Legal
Frameworks for Patient Safety Information, 12 WIDENER L. REV. 137 (2006); Joplin Hospital Records
Stolen from Company, COLUM. DAILY TRIB. (Columbia, Mo.), July 25, 2005 (computers containing
personal information of 27,000 patients stolen from microfilming company); Hawaii Warns 43,000
Residents of Health Data Theft, MOD. HEALTHCARE ONLINE, Apr. 14, 2006, http://www.; Gary T. Kubota, Hospital Loses Patient Data,
HONOLULU STAR BULL., Oct. 21, 2005, at A3 (hospital lost computer drive of personal information
implicating 130,000 patients); Todd Milbourn, Stolen Laptop Contains Files on HIV Patients,
SACRAMENTO BEE, Feb. 23, 2006, at B3 (“A laptop computer containing health information for 1,764
clients of CARES, a Sacramento HIV/AIDS clinic, was stolen during a home burglary.”); Sean
Webby, Medical Records Theft Alarms Parents, MERCURY NEWS (San Jose, Cal.), Sept. 20, 2005, at 1B
(theft of records from Palo Alto nonprofit that works with emotionally troubled and developmentally
challenged children); Update: Thief Nabs Backup Data on 365,000 Patients, COMPUTERWORLD, Jan.
26, 2006,,10801,108101,00.html
(theft of generally unencrypted computer backup data on 365,000 hospice and home healthcare patients
in Oregon and Washington from employee’s care); Press Release, Providence Health Sys. in Or.,
State Finds Providence Acted Appropriately Following Theft of Computer Disks, Tapes, available at
8. Letter from Jane M. Orient, M.D., Executive Director, Ass’n of Am. Physicians & Surgeons,
to Congress (Feb. 2, 2006), available at; see also
Press Release, Institute for Health Freedom, Congress Could Vote Soon on a Bill that Abolishes State
Health-Privacy Rights (Feb. 8, 2006), available at

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This article is premised on the end of one important phase in the
development of a national electronic interoperable health records
(EIHR) system: the satisfactory near completion of the technical specifications
for infrastructure and data exchange.9 As this “insider baseball”
phase concludes, the “outside” stakeholders must be identified and satisfied.
For a national EIHR system, cost10 and lack of confidentiality are
the two potential deal-breakers. This article addresses the second of
these: the question of whether such an ambitious EIHR system can operate
within a framework of ethically and practically satisfactory confidentiality,
privacy, and security protections. Here, we analyze the possible
EHR architectures and compare their implications for confidentiality,
privacy, and security. Similarly, we examine the possible models of patient
choice that can be integrated into such systems. Finally, we discuss
what legal and regulatory steps will be required to provide privacy and
confidentiality protections.

A. Technologies and Terminology
The HIT movement assaults us with a bewildering array of terminology
expressed in “insider” acronyms.11 Records technologies have
their own confusing labels. In this article, we discuss several electronic
records technologies. The most generalized label is EMR, which describes
any form of computerized record-keeping, from a modest software
package used in a single doctor’s office to an enterprisewide, database-
driven application. Primarily, however, this article concerns the
EHR, a type of EMR architecture that permits the sharing of patient
data among healthcare providers.

Some EHRs are conceptually and technically quite simple. For example,
the personal EHR (PHR) is a database of medical information
that is collected and maintained by the individual patient.12 However,
the EHR label is most often applied to far more complex systems that

9. See, e.g., Consolidated Health Informatics (CHI) Initiative; Health Care and Vocabulary
Standards for Use in Federal Health Information Technology Systems, 70 Fed. Reg. 76,287 (Dec. 23,
2005); FDA Selects SNOMED for Drug Labels, GOV’T HEALTH IT, Apr. 21, 2006, available at See generally ELEC. HEALTH RECORD VENDORS
10. For a summary of some of the financial issues, see infra text accompanying note 20.
11. Examples include Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Computerized Order Entry appliances
(CPOEs), and Clinical Decision-Support Systems (CDSS). See generally Terry, supra note 7.
12. E.g., CapMed’s Personal Health Record,; iHealthRecord,;,
See generally Julie Appleby, Don’t Let Hurricanes Blow Your Medical Records Away, USA TODAY,
Oct. 27, 2005, at B1 (“Backers of direct-to-consumer online medical records say their services will gain
ground, spurred by concern about record losses in disasters, the desire by consumers for more ease in
moving medical records from one doctor to another and by the growing push to create a more digitized
medical system.”).

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rely on technical interoperability between diverse electronic records systems.
The federal government is primarily interested in a fully interoperable,
longitudinal records system that will initially operate on regional
networks (Regional Health Information Organizations, or RHIOs) before
transitioning to a National Health Information Network (NHIN).13
Due to scale and architecture, these models reduce or eliminate patient
involvement in the sharing process.

B. The Bush Administration’s EIHR Plan
Concomitant with his 2004 announcement that most Americans
should have electronic health records within the next ten years, President
Bush appointed Dr. David Brailer to a new post of National Health Information
Technology Coordinator (ONCHIT) to guide the “nationwide
implementation of interoperable health information technology.”14
ONCHIT has built on the previous work of NCVHS15 and the Consolidated
Health Informatics (CHI) Initiative16 and oversees the Federal
Health Architecture.17

The Bush administration publicly eschews any regulatory mandate
directing healthcare providers to adopt EHRs.18 Rather, it espouses
EHR adoption via “a smooth market-led way.”19 Of course, with no government-
funded mandate, there remain significant technical, cultural,
and, particularly, financial20 barriers to EHR adoption in addition to the

13. See generally H.R. 4859, 109th Cong. (2004); H.R. 4157, 109th Cong. (2004).
14. Exec. Order No. 13,335, 69 Fed. Reg. 24,059, § 3 (Apr. 30, 2004).
15. U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Servs., National Committee on Vital Health Statistics, (last visited Oct. 15, 2006).
16. U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Servs., Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information
Technology, (last visited Jan. 3, 2007).
17. U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Servs., Federal Health Architecture (FHA), http://www. (last visited Jan. 3, 2007) (“The FHA is managed within the Office of the National
Coordination for Health IT . . . .”).
18. Chris Murphy & Marianne Kolbasuk McGee, Industry Must Improve Its Technology,
INFORMATIONWEEK, June 21, 2004, at 30 (“I don’t want to see a Son of HIPAA put into law.” (quoting
David Brailer, Coordinator, Nat’l Healthcare Info. Tech., Speech to the National Alliance for
Health Information Technology)).
19. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Servs., Secretary Leavitt Takes New Steps to
Advance Health IT (June 6, 2005), available at
20. The core issue is the misalignment of incentives such that, basically, there is an inverse relationship
between those required to invest in EMR/EHR and those who would benefit. See Joan S.
Ash & David W. Bates, Position Paper, Factors and Forces Affecting EHR System Adoption: Report of
a 2004 ACMI Discussion, 12 J. AM. MED. INFORM. ASS’N 8, 10 (2005), available at http://www.jamia.
org/cgi/reprint/12/1/8; Michael W. Bender, Ahmed H. Mitwalli, & Steven J. Van Kuiken, What’s Holding
Back Online Medical Data, MCKINSEY Q., Dec. 2005,
aspx?L2=12&L3=63&ar=1699; Terry, supra note 7, at 173–84; see also Nancy Ferris, Doctors Want
Payment Boost for Using e-Health Records, Gov’t Health IT, Jan. 31, 2006, available at (detailing American College of Physicians’ call for
Medicare to reimburse primary care physicians for using EHRs); Christopher Rowland, Digital Divide
Widens in Medicine: Computerized Records Improve Care but Some Doctors Can’t Afford It, BOSTON
GLOBE, Feb. 10, 2006, at C1, available at

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confidentiality-privacy issues raised in this article.21 Notwithstanding,
ONCHIT and its supporters have moved inextricably towards the most
complex, professionally disruptive, and, at $400 billion,22 the most expensive
EHR architecture.23 Current ONCHIT request for proposals (RFPs)
address technical standards, the certification of EMR systems (to guarantee
interoperability), and most crucially, prototyping an internet-based
NHIN architecture.24 Not surprisingly, a NHIN (or multiple RHIO) architecture
also provides the greatest challenge to protecting patient confidentiality,
privacy, and security.

C. Alternative Models
Although the administration has not entered into a public debate
over its preferred EHR architecture, there are several alternatives to a
fully interoperable electronic record either in use or under development
in the United States and further afield. Some of these architectures have
different confidentiality and privacy implications, though they may also
lack some of the error-reduction and outcomes research benefits of a national

1. United States
Within the United States, two major alternatives to a fully interoperable
EHR architecture have emerged: Continuity of Care Records and
Personal EHRs. The Continuity of Care Record (CCR) is an effort to
standardize electronic records to ease portability.25 A specification developed
by the Health Information Management and Systems Society
(HIMSS) and various professional bodies,26 CCR aims to extract data
from existing proprietary EMR systems and export it to a common text

21. See discussion infra Part III.B.
22. Rainu Kaushal et al., The Costs of a National Health Information Network, 143 ANNALS OF
INTERNAL MEDICINE 165, 165 (2005). In contrast to the expected costs, the 2007 proposed federal
budget contains $116 million for the Office of the National Coordinator, $50 million for the Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality, and $3 million for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for
GOVERNMENT: FISCAL YEAR 2007, at 109 (2006), available at
23. See generally Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Servs., Thompson Launches
“Decade of Health Information Technology” (July 21, 2004),
20040721a.html (explaining the general parameters of the federal HER plan).
24. Fact Sheet, supra note 4.
25. The current specification is E2369-05, Standard Specification for Continuity of Care Record
(CCR). See ASTM International,
REDLINE_PAGES/E2369.htm?L+mystore+jjfs9503 (last visited Oct. 10, 2006); see also AAFP’s Center
for Health Information Technology, Essential Similarities and Differences Between the HL7
CDA/CRS and ASTM CCR, (last visited Jan. 3,
26. See Medical Records Institute, Continuity of Care Record (CCR), http://www.medrecinst.
com/pages/about.asp?id=54 (last visited Jan. 3, 2007).

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export format (XML27), which would allow portability of summary data28
and enable it to be given to a patient or transferred directly to the patient’s
next provider.29

A PHR is a personal database of medical information that is collected
and maintained by the patient, who controls whether and to what
extent it is shared with providers.30 PHRs are supplied free by, for example,
employers or healthcare providers on a subscription basis. They
may be web-based or databases created on the patient’s own computer.
Recently, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a
request for information (RFI) seeking input on how best it should make
data about Medicare beneficiaries available for incorporation into such
personal EHRs.31

2. Outside the United States
National or regional EIHRs are also gaining attention in the health-
care systems of other developed countries. For example, in Canada,
Infoway, a nonprofit partnership of federal, provincial, and territorial
governments, is coordinating the deployment of a pan-Canadian EHR.32
Currently, Infoway is emphasizing the development of technical interoperability
standards.33 New Zealand has announced a wide-ranging
Health Information Strategy that includes interoperable EHR event
summaries that can be distributed at local, regional, and national levels.34
New Zealand has decided not to create a national EHR database.35 The
most advanced EIHR projects, however, are in the United Kingdom and

In 1998, the United Kingdom commenced an ambitious and costly
information technology-based makeover of its entire healthcare system.
This National Programme for IT in the NHS (NPfIT) involved the in

27. See generally World Wide Web Consortium, Extensible Markup Language (XML), (last visited Oct. 3, 2006).
28. Medical Records Institute, supra note 26.
29. See David C. Kibbe et al., The Continuity of Care Record, 70 AM. FAM. PHYSICIAN 1220,
1222 (2004).
30. Tracy D. Gunter & Nicolas P. Terry, The Emergence of National Electronic Health Record
Architectures in the United States and Australia: Models, Costs, and Questions, J. MED. INTERNET RES.,
Jan.–Mar. 2005, available at; see e.g., CapMed’s Personal Health Record,
supra note 12; iHealthRecord, supra note 12. See generally Laura Landro, High-Tech Tools Help Patients
Manage Own Medical Records, DESERET NEWS (Salt Lake City, Utah), Feb. 28, 2005, at C1.
31. Federal Business Opportunities, Synopsis of Request for Information-Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services’ Role in Personal Health Records (July 18, 2005),
32. Canada Health Infoway, Overview,
Overview.aspx (last visited Jan. 3, 2007).
33. Canada Health Infoway, Infoway Standards Collaboration Process, http://www.orgwayinforoute.
ca/en/WhatWeDo/StandardsCollaboration.aspx (last visited Oct. 3, 2006).
ZEALAND 2005 (2005), available at
35. See id.

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vestment of some $11.1 billion over a ten-year program.36 The NHS Information
Authority originally led the United Kingdom program, but after
critical reviews, it was renamed NHS Connecting for Health37 and is
now directly overseen by the Department of Health.38 A key component
of the U.K. program is the NHS Care Records Service (NHS CRS),
which aims to provide an electronic NHS Care Record for all U.K. patients.
Although the first fully electronic transfer of a patient record between
doctors’ offices occurred in November 2005,39 organizational, cultural,
and financial woes have slowed considerably the EHR program in
the United Kingdom.40 Both providers and patients have seriously criticized
the EHR program because of privacy and security concerns.41

The Australian HealthConnect system has completed its initial trials,
but recent funding problems and questions about privacy and consent
issues have slowed progress.42 These delays have occurred despite
the fact that the HealthConnect model supports a robust health confidentiality-
privacy system43 by both pushing only “event summaries” to the
centralized EIHR and providing for considerable patient data carveouts
designed to keep certain data within patient control.44

First, HealthConnect does not create a true longitudinal record, but
aggregates elements extracted from a patient’s existing EMR(s).45 These
event summaries are defined as “an electronic overview of a visit to a
doctor or hospital, or some other health care event . . . contain[ing] only

36. See Editorial, National Programme for Information Technology Is Sorely Needed and Must
Succeed—but Is off to a Shaky Start, 328 BMJ 1145, 1145 (2004).
37. History of Our Organisation—NHS Connecting for Health, http://www.connectingforhealth. (last visited Nov. 10, 2006).
38. Id.
39. NHS Connecting for Health Completes Transfer of a Patient’s Medical Record, EGOV
MONITOR, Nov. 8, 2005, (last visited Oct. 12, 2006).
40. See Jane Hendy et al, Challenges to Implementing the National Programme for Information
Technology (NPfIT): A Qualitative Study, 331 BMJ 331, 332–34 (2005); see also Brian Robinson, U.K.
Lacks Support for Health IT Modernization, GOV’T HEALTH IT, Jan. 12, 2006, available at http://www. (reporting that nearly 70% of the doctors surveyed said
they would have insufficient funds to properly implement NPfIT, while only 30% of doctors view the
program an important priority for the NHS); Nicholas Timmins, NHS and Suppliers Struggle With Basics
on Patient Record System, FIN. TIMES UK, Nov. 1, 2006, available at 2006 WLNR 18981715.
41. See Call for Review of NHS IT Upgrade, BBC NEWS, Apr. 10, 2006,
1/hi/health/4896198.stm; GPs Fret over Online Records, TIMES (London), June 7, 2005, Public Agenda,
at 6; Alice Miles, The Spy in the GP’s Surgery, TIMES (London), Jan. 12, 2005, at 18; Helene Mulholdland,
NHS Set to Miss e-Booking Target, GUARDIAN UNLIMITED, Sept. 30, 2005, http://www.,16559,1582117,00.html; Nicholas Timmins, Doctors’ Debate Delays Patient
Record, FIN. TIMES UK, Apr. 27, 2006, available at 2006 WLNR 7068306 (describing additional
delays as doctors favor opt-in model); Nick Triggle, Confidentiality Fear over Records, BBC NEWS,
June 29, 2005,; see also infra text accompanying note
42. Karen Dearne, Feds’ Health Data Project Stalls, AUSTRALIAN, June 7, 2005, at 29.
43. See Australian Government, Office of the Privacy Commissioner, Health, http://www. (last visited Jan. 3, 2007).
44. Nicolas P. Terry, Electronic Health Records: International, Structural and Legal Perspectives,
12 J.L. & MED. 26, 33 (2004).
45. Id. at 32–33.

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the information that is relevant to the future health and care of the consumer,
rather than the comprehensive notes that a doctor may
keep . . . .”46 Additionally, HealthConnect utilizes a “push” model,
whereby data is sent from the local EMR to a centralized HealthConnect
record, in contrast to the proposed U.S. EIHR model that seems likely to
adopt a “pull” model, whereby the centralized system initiates a data request
from a provider’s record using a data pointer.47 Finally, Health-
Connect not only creates an event summary that is less than a complete
record, but it also allows the patient (in consultation with the physician)
to control what data are included and who may view it.48

Because of an apparent reduction in Commonwealth (federal) funding,
HealthConnect may evolve into a decentralized49 and less EHR-
centric project.50 While many Australian patients and physicians have
articulated a preference for simple consent models such as a generalized
“opt-in” and prospective consent for the pushing of their data to the centralized
HealthConnect summary record, many remain uncomfortable
with any participation in the system.51

3. RHIOs and the NHIN
ONCHIT is publicly encouraging and, to an extent, incentivizing
RHIOs while at the same time designing a NHIN.52 The fundamental
feature of both RHIOs and a NHIN is that they are not intrinsically electronic
records, but networking infrastructures that facilitate interconnectivity
between existing systems.53 As such, these systems are premised
not only on the widespread deployment of EMR and EHR systems in
medical offices, hospitals, and hospital systems, but also on the ability of

46. HealthConnect, Event Summaries,
nsf/Content/event-summaries (last visited Oct. 12, 2006).
47. HealthConnect, Privacy,
privacy (last visited Oct. 3, 2006).
48. Id.
49. See, e.g., Karen Dearne, Seniors Corralled for Pilot, AUSTRALIAN IT, Mar. 23, 2006 (on file
with author) (detailing New South Wales’ Health’s “shaky start” to trial of a HealthConnect-style
electronic record pilot, Healthelink, using an automatic enrollment, opt-out model).
50. See generally HealthConnect Implementation Strategy, Version 2.0 (rev.), June 2005,
AND HEALTHCONNECT TRIALS 8 (2005), available at
publishing.nsf/Content/key-reports (follow “Lessons Learned form the MediConnect Field Test and
HealthConnect Trials 1–10” hyperlink).
52. See, e.g., Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Servs., HHS Awards Contracts to
Develop Nationwide Health Information Network (Nov. 10, 2005), available at
53. The NHIN concept may grow closer to a national EHR if it utilizes a centralized data warehouse
rather than a pointer system. It is, however, unlikely that the federal government would be prepared
to finance such a centralized model.

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those deployed local systems to interconnect with the network. Neither
of those predicates is true.54

Even leaving aside the cultural, professional, legal,55 and financial
disincentives to electronic records, interoperable systems face something
of a catch-22: RHIOs and the NHIN cannot be built without local EMR
or EHR systems, but providers are hesitant to commit to local systems
without knowing the RHIO or NHIN to which they may connect. Providers
considering involvement in a RHIO additionally face the question
of what will happen to their RHIO if, subsequently, a NHIN is constructed.

Many potential benefits of interconnected EHRs seem easily measurable:
improved continuity of care, reduced frequency of errors in
medication and treatment, and increased potential for outcomes research
and public health surveillance.57 Beyond implementation costs, other
costs are more intangible: privacy, confidentiality, and security risks; and
concerns about the behavior of patients who, wary of the implications of
electronic records, attempt to keep their records, or even themselves, out
of the healthcare system altogether. These costs are significant, and addressing
them by system design at the outset may be necessary to generate
the trust in networked EHRs that will enable achievement of their
very substantial benefits. If, for example, concerns about security risks
result in an architecture that does not permit records to be searchable as
part of a common database, opportunities for performance evaluation,
outcomes research, and public health surveillance will be lost.58

A. Benefits and Drivers
“At its most sophisticated or most infused level, the EHR becomes
a hub of all activity, something that permeates every element of the

54. See, e.g., Ford et al., Predicting the Adoption of Electronic Health Records by Physicians:
When Will Health Care be Paperless?, 13 J. AM. MED. INFORMATICS ASS’N 106, 108–10 (2006) (concluding
that universal EMR/EHR adoption will not be met by 2014 and suggesting a conservative estimate
that 86.6% of physicians in small practices will be using EHRs in 2024).
55. See generally Terry, supra note 7, at 160.
56. See Joseph Goedert, Are RHIOs for Real?, HEALTH DATA MGMT., Feb. 6, 2006, at 44, 45.
58. For a summary of these benefits, costs, and strategies, see Letter Report from Simon P.
Cohn, Chairman, Nat’l Comm. on Vital and Health Statistics, to Michael O. Leavitt, Secretary, U.S.
Dep’t of Health & Human Servs. (Sept. 9, 2005), available at
For a discussion of the tensions concerning privacy, security, and proprietary information in system
design, see Kenneth D. Mandl, Peter Szolovits & Isaac S. Kohane, Public Standards and Patients’ Control:
How to Keep Electronic Medical Records Accessible but Private, 322 BMJ 283 (2001).

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workflow and of work life.”59 Although this characterization is somewhat
hyperbolic, a comprehensive, longitudinal EHR ideally will: (1) interconnect
with and enhance other error-reducing and cost-saving technologies
such as decision support systems; (2) streamline healthcare
dataflow using an interoperable and standardized nomenclature; (3) improve
quality of care by encouraging accurate, timely, and legible communication
among providers; (4) automate adverse event and medical
error disclosure; and (5) facilitate reliable and reproducible outcomes research
and reporting, as well as other public health initiatives.60

One of the most discussed benefits of EHRs is the potential for error
reduction. In an electronic format, data are legible, thus minimizing
the risks of pharmacists misreading handwriting on prescriptions or subsequent
providers struggling to decipher records of earlier treatment.
Data are also directly transferable, thus avoiding transcription errors and
delays in recording prescriptions or test results communicated by telephone.
61 Functions can be written to flag prior allergic reactions, drug
interactions, or other contraindications for contemplated therapy, thus
additionally reducing the potential for error.62 Computerized provider
order entry systems (CPOEs) linked to EHRs may reduce the incidence
of medication errors.63 These apparent advantages, however, are not uncontroversial;
there may be risks of additional adverse events, particularly
as electronic systems are introduced, and there is much discussion in
the literature about how to reduce unanticipated errors due to human/
technology interfaces.64

59. See Ash & Bates, supra note 20.
60. Gunter & Terry, supra note 30.
61. Jan Walker et al., The Value of Health Care Information Exchange and Interoperability,
HEALTH AFF. (Jan. 19, 2005),
62. E.g. Nadir R. Shah et al., Improving Acceptance of Computerized Prescribing Alerts in Ambulatory
Care, 13 J. AM. MED. INFO. ASS’N 5, 5 (2006); Robyn Tamblyn, Improving Patient Safety
Through Computerized Drug Management: The Devil Is in the Details, 5 HEALTHCARE PAPERS 52, 54–
56 (2004). For a discussion of the error-reduction potential of EHRs, see David A. Hyman & Charles
Silver, The Poor State of Health Care Quality in the U.S.: Is Malpractice Liability Part of the Problem
or Part of the Solution?, 90 CORNELL L. REV. 893 (2005). For an overview of the potential cost effectiveness
of electronic records systems, see Sarah Klein, Issue of the Month: Who Has $400 Billion to
Build a National Health Information Network?, QUALITY MATTERS: SEPTEMBER UPDATE FROM THE
COMMONWEALTH FUND, Sept. 2005, available at
htm?doc_id=294918. The Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative and the Massachusetts Medical Society
have just begun a demonstration of the use of EHRs in the offices of physicians. Press Release,
Mass. e-Health Collaborative, Massachusetts Takes a Giant Step Towards Electronic Health Records
(Oct. 5, 2005), available at
pdf. Many healthcare systems have significant experience with electronic records, including the Veterans
Health Administration, the New England Healthcare Electronic Data Interchange Network, the
Indiana Network for Patient Care, the Santa Barbara County Care Data Exchange, the Patient Safety
Institute’s National Benefit Trust Network, and the Markle Foundation’s Healthcare Collaborative
Network, Kelsey D. Patterson, Healing Health Care: Fixing a Broken System with Information Technology,
14 KAN. J.L. & PUB. POL’Y 193, 200 (2004).
63. Anne Bobb et al., The Epidemiology of Prescribing Errors: The Potential Impact of Computerized
Prescriber Order Entry, 164 ARCHIVES INTERNAL MED. 785, 789–90 (2004).
64. E.g., Margaret Caudill-Slosberg & William B. Weeks, Case Study: Identifying Potential Problems
at the Human/Technical Interface in Complex Clinical Systems, 20 AM. J. MED. QUALITY 353

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An electronic format also permits entries in patients’ records to be
checked against programmed guidelines and clinical decision support systems,
prompting providers if prescription amounts are out of range, if
necessary data have been omitted in the record, or if recommended procedures
have not been performed.65 Here, too, there is some dispute
about whether use of these support systems will improve outcomes for

To be sure, these benefits depend on accurate data entry into the
electronic record, but even here, electronic records may have advantages
over paper records. Some data, such as laboratory test results or digitized
scans, can be entered into a record automatically. Software monitoring
electronic records can be programmed to flag unusual or inconsistent
entries, from a blood pressure or prostrate-specific antigen (PSA)
reading much higher or lower than before, to a shift in noted patterns of
calcification in a mammography reading.67 Patients who have access to
their EHRs, which are more easily transmitted and more portable than
paper copies, can also check them for accuracy, just as they can perform
online reviews of credit card or banking statements.

Other potential advantages of electronic records in patient care are
patient education and communication. Physicians or patients can use
electronic records to graph progress in easily visualized ways.68 Electronic
record systems can be programmed to send patients e-mail reminders
for follow-up care. Electronically generated letters or e-mails
can be used to contact patients if new and relevant information becomes

(2005); Yong Y. Han et al., Unexpected Increased Mortality After Implementation of a Commercially
Sold Computerized Physician Order Entry System, 116 PEDIATRICS 1506 (2005); Ross Koppel et al.,
Role of Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems in Facilitating Medication Errors, 293 JAMA
1197 (2005); Jonathon R. Nebeker et al., High Rates of Adverse Drug Events in a Highly Computerized
Hospital, 165 ARCHIVES INTERNAL MED. 1111 (2005). For a response, see Press Release, The Leapfrog
Group, Leapfrog Responds to University of Pennsylvania Study on CPOE Errors (Mar. 10, 2005),
available at

65. E.g., Vahid Ebrahiminia et al., Representing the Patient’s Therapeutic History in Medical Records
and in Guideline Recommendations for Chronic Diseases Using a Unique Model, 116 STUD.
HEALTH TECH. INFORMATICS 101 (2005) (diabetes management); Steven Ornstein et al., A Multimethod
Quality Improvement Intervention to Improve Preventive Cardiovascular Care: A Cluster
Randomized Trial, 141 MED. 523 (2005) (quality indicators for cardiac disease prevention); Matthew
H. Samore et al., Clinical Decision Support and Appropriateness of Antimicrobial Prescribing: A Randomized
Trial, 294 JAMA 2305 (2005) (finding significant decline in antibiotic prescriptions for upper
respiratory infections in communities using CDSS system).
66. William M. Tierney et al., Can Computer-Generated Evidence-Based Care Suggestions Enhance
Evidence-Based Management of Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease? A Randomized,
Controlled Trial, 40 HEALTH SERVICES RES. 477, 477 (2005) (finding no relation between
care prompts and patient management in a randomized trial of electronic care prompts in asthma patients).
67. For a discussion of these benefits in the VistA system developed by the Veteran Health Administration,
see Jonathan B. Perlin et al., The Veterans Health Administration: Quality, Value, Accountability,
and Information as Transforming Strategies for Patient-Centered Care, AM. J. MANAGED
CARE, Nov. 2004, at 828, 832–36.
68. See Douglas McCarthy, Case Study: Frontline Physicians and Their Patients Reap Benefits

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available, if they are overdue for an appointment, or if medications are
withdrawn from the market.69 The advantages and disadvantages of provider-
patient e-mail contact and web-based communication are increasingly
discussed in the medical practice literature.70 Perhaps more controversially,
patients themselves use the web with increasing frequency to
learn about health conditions, therapeutic alternatives, and care providers
specializing in their conditions. Armed with their own EHRs, and
guided by their physicians, patients may be able to make more informed
use of this resource.71

Leaving aside the potential for the improvement of care at the level
of the individual patient, several forces relating to healthcare delivery
currently drive the U.S. interest in a national system of interoperable
electronic records.72 First, major shifts in care venues have accelerated
the need for efficient flow of patient medical and billing information between
organizationally and geographically distinct providers. Patients
now are more likely to receive care in ambulatory care rather than inpatient
settings. They are geographically mobile and also tend to change
providers as their insurance or preferences change. If test results from
prior treatment are readily available in an accurate and secure format,
patients may avoid the inconvenience, risk, and expense of reduplicative
testing that occurs when they see new providers who are unsure about
reports of prior medical evaluations.73

Second, the operational aspects of managed care have increased the
need for data transparency.74 “Gate keeping” physicians who authorize
referrals, third party payers who want pay-for-performance “report
cards,” and system administrators who need sophisticated utilization review
and risk management tools all are served by electronic record sets.

69. For a description of some of these uses of EHRs in a primary care practice, see Richard J.
Baron et al., Electronic Health Records: Just Around the Corner? Or Just over the Cliff?, 143 ANNALS
INTERNAL MED. 222 (2005).
70. E.g., Felicity Goodyear-Smith et al., Pandora’s Electronic Box: GPs Reflect upon Email
Communication with Their Patients, 13 INFORMATICS PRIMARY CARE 195 (2005); Steven J. Katz &
Cheryl A. Moyer, The Emerging Role of Online Communication Between Patients and Their Providers,
19 J. GEN. INTERNAL MED. 978 (2004); Stephen E. Ross et al., Providing a Web-Based Online Medical
Record with Electronic Communication Capabilities to Patients with Congestive Heart Failure: Randomized
Trial, 6 J. MED. INTERNET RES., Apr.–June 2004, available at
71. Alejandro (Alex) R. Jadad, What Will It Take to Bring the Internet into the Consulting Room:
We Cannot Remain Oblivious to Our Patients’ Expectations, 20 J. GEN. INTERNAL MED. 787, 787
(2005); S. H. Woolf et al., Promoting Informed Choice: Transforming Health Care to Dispense Knowledge
for Decision Making, 143 ANNALS INTERNAL MED. 293, 295 (2005).
72. Terry, supra note 44, at 28–29.
73. One estimate puts these costs of repeat testing at 15% of system costs. MARKLE FOUNDATION,
2005.pdf; see also Michael Weiner et al., Using Information Technology to Improve the Health Care of
Older Adults, 139 ANNALS INTERNAL MED. 430, 430 (2003).
74. Dewey Freeman, Pay for Performance: A Win for the NHIN?, 59 HEALTHCARE FIN. MGMT.
Aug. 2005, at 120, 120; Paul C. Tang & W. Ed. Hammond, Commentary, A Progress Report on Computer-
Based Patient Records in the United States, in THE COMPUTER-BASED PATIENT RECORD: AN
ESSENTIAL TECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH CARE (Richard S. Dick et al. eds., 1997).

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Large-scale third-party payers currently use electronic data sets to compare
local variations in utilization and quality of care,75 a trend that can
only be expected to continue.

Third, the growth of “shared care,” whereby the patient shares responsibility
with the care provider and is likely to have increasingly episodic
relationships with multiple providers, requires patients to have access
to health data generally and, more controversially, to information in
their health records.76 Furthermore, “shared care” requires that providers
have transparent access to other occasions of treatment received by
the patient, particularly pharmacotherapy.77 Thus, “shared care” used in
home care settings—among providers or between providers and family
members or other means of support—may also benefit from access to
electronic records.78

Finally, healthcare consumers and regulators are demanding increasing
amounts of data regarding medical errors, quality of care, and
treatment outcomes.79 This information is difficult to generate without
sophisticated data coding and nearly impossible to analyze without complex
database systems. The Health Plan Employer Data and Information
Set (HEDIS) measures,80 for example, are more accurate if they are
based on chart reviews rather than billing records, but it is expensive and
cumbersome to examine paper charts.81 With electronic records, it is far
simpler to get an accurate picture of the extent to which providers are
meeting performance indicators.

Beyond improved coordination of patient care and outcomes measurement,
electronic record data sets may serve critical public health
goals. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have noted the
likely usefulness of such records in monitoring immunization rates and

75. See Leonard D. Schaeffer & Dana E. McMurtry, Perspective: Variation in Medical Care:
Time for Action, HEALTH AFF. (Nov. 16, 2005),
hlthaff.w5.552v1 (follow link to PDF or HTML version of article).
76. See, e.g., Jem Rashbass, Student JAMA, The Patient-Owned, Population-Based Electronic
Medical Record: A Revolutionary Resource for Clinical Medicine, 285 JAMA 1769 (2001); Christopher
C. Tsai & Justin Starren, Student JAMA, Patient Participation in Electronic Medical Records, 285
JAMA 1765 (2001).
SHARED CARE 40–41 (2005), available at
AA9A_A536D61FB038/12130/SharedCareReportAug2005.pdf (listing pharmacotherapy as part of a
system guideline that would “facilitate the implementation of shared care”).
78. Maria Hagglund et al., Integration Architecture of a Mobile Virtual Health Record for Shared
Home Care, 116 STUD. HEALTH TECH. INFORMATICS 340, 340–41 (2005).
79. See, e.g., Laura Landro, Consumers Need Health-Care Data, WALL ST. J., Jan. 29, 2004, at
80. “HEDIS is a set of standardized performance measures designed to ensure that purchasers
and consumers have the information they need to reliably compare the performance of managed
health care plans.” National Committee for Quality Assistance, The Health Plan Employer Data and
Information Set (HEDIS) (2006),
81. Developed by the National Committee for Quality Assurance, HEDIS measures are standard
comparisons of the performance of managed care plans. See id.

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supporting efforts to contain outbreaks.82 Electronic records can generate
and automatically transmit state-mandated reports such as diagnoses
of infectious diseases or prescriptions of controlled substances. They
may also help in detecting patterns of disease outbreaks.83 Related arguments
have been made in the wake of Hurricane Katrina that EHRs
are necessary to better facilitate disaster relief.84 If EHR architecture is
designed to facilitate anonymized data sets, these goals can be furthered
consistently with the privacy, confidentiality, and security protections we
defend in this article.

B. Patient Concerns and Perceptions
Patients cite privacy, together with security, as their issues of greatest
concern about electronic records.85 The International Medical Informatics
Association lists patient privacy (and confidentiality) as a core
ethical principle: “All persons have a fundamental right to privacy, and
hence to control over the collection, storage, access, use, communication,
manipulation and disposition of data about themselves.”86 Data from
several recent surveys indicate that privacy protection remains highly salient
for patients—and that this salience may be even greater among patients
with diagnoses of illness and among racial and ethnic minorities.
According to a 2005 survey conducted by the California HealthCare
Foundation, 67% of Americans are concerned about the privacy of their
health records.87 An even greater percentage (73%) of ethnic and racial
minority patients in the survey expressed concern about the privacy of
health information.88 One in eight respondents reported having engaged

82. See, e.g., Ctrs. for Disease Control & Prevention, Immunization Information System Progress—
United States 2003, 54 MORBIDITY & MORTALITY WKLY. REP. 722, 723 (2005); John W.
Loonsk, BioSense—a National Initiative for Early Detection and Quantification of Public Health
Emergencies, 53 MORBIDITY MORTALITY WKLY REP. Supp. 53, 55 (2004); John W. Loonsk et al., The
Public Health Information Network (PHIN) Preparedness Initiative, 13 J. AM. MED. INFORMATICS
ASS’N 1, 1 (2006).
83. See, e.g., B. C. H. Ang et al., An Assessment of Electronically Captured Data in the Patient
Care Enhancement System (PACES) for Syndromic Surveillance, 34 ANN. ACAD. MED. SINGAPORE
539, 540 (2005); Roger S. Magnusson, Data Linkage, Health Research and Privacy: Regulating Data
Flows in Australia’s Health Information System, 24 SYDNEY L. REV. 5, 38–42 (2002).
84. Bob Brewin, Leavitt: Katrina Demonstrates Need for e-Health Records, GOV’T HEALTH IT,
Sept. 8, 2005, available at (“If there was ever a
case for [EHRs], this disaster underscores the need.” (quoting Mike Leavitt, Sec’y, Dep’t of Health &
Human Servs.)).
85. E.g., Laura Zurita & Christian Nohr, Patient Opinion—EHR Assessment from the Users Perspective,
11 MEDINFO 1333 (2004).
86. Eike-Henner W. Kluge, Security and Privacy of EHR Systems—Ethical, Social, and Legal
Requirements, 96 STUD. HEALTH TECH. INFORMATICS 121, 122 (2003); Int’l Med. Informatics Ass’n,
IMIA Code of Ethics for Health Information Professionals (2002), available at
English_code_of_ethics.html (adopted Oct. 4, 2002).
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 (2005), available at
88. Id.

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in actions to protect their privacy that might have compromised their
healthcare, including avoiding seeing a physician, asking a physician to
fudge a diagnosis, paying to keep information out of insurance records,
or avoiding medical testing altogether.89 These behaviors were more frequent
among patients with chronic diagnoses, such as cancer or diabetes.
90 Over half of the respondents surveyed indicated concerns about
whether providing health information might compromise their employment
or job opportunities.91 This report concludes that protection of
data confidentiality and security are critically important if patients are to
trust electronic records systems.92

Another recent survey from a group at Johns Hopkins, designed to
test whether special privacy concerns attached to genetic information,
generated similar findings.93 Patients with several different diagnoses,
together with a control group of well patients, were surveyed about their
preferences regarding keeping their health information private.94 The
survey results indicated that patients with genetic diagnoses were no
more inclined to keep information private than patients with other diagnoses,
but revealing genetic diagnoses did appear to put patients at
greater employment risk than revealing other diagnoses.95 The data did
indicate, however, that the extent to which people call themselves “private”
about their health conditions varies with gender (males more), race
(African Americans more), and disease condition.96 Not unexpectedly,
patients with HIV were more concerned to keep their diagnosis private—
but so were patients with colon cancer, a finding that suggests that
the information patients consider private may not be limited to psychiatric
and sexual matters.97

Still other data from the Hopkins group indicate that many patients
would prefer not to have their medical records used in research, without
separate consent.98 This study attempted to assess the acceptability to

available at
90. CAL. HEALTH CARE FOUND., supra note 87.
91. Id.
92. The patient search for privacy is not limited to concerns about technology. See e.g., Single
Hospital Rooms Rekindle Debate, BUS. FIRST OF BUFFALO, Feb. 5, 2006,
buffalo/stories/2006/02/06/story1.html (detailing conversion of semiprivate into single rooms in New
York in response to patient demands for increased privacy).
93. Nancy E. Kass et al., Medical Privacy and the Disclosure of Personal Medical Information:
The Beliefs and Experiences of Those with Genetic and Other Clinical Conditions, 128A AM. J. MED.
GENETICS 261 (2004).
94. Id. at 262.
95. Id.
96. Id. at 262.
97. Id. at 264.
98. Nancy E. Kass et al., The Use of Medical Records in Research: What Do Patients Want?, 31
J.L. MED. & ETHICS 429, 430 (2003).

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patients of HIPAA’s99 standards for waiver of consent for the use of
medical records in research: that the research is no more than minimal
risk, that it could not be conducted without the waiver, and that it has
been reviewed and approved by an IRB.100 Previous reported studies
appear schizophrenic: in one study, only 18% found the use of medical
records in research fully acceptable, and 34% of patients found the use
completely unacceptable; but other studies found that, when actually
asked, overwhelming majorities of patients tended to give consent.101

The Hopkins group surveyed patients with a variety of disease diagnoses,
many who had been involved in research studies at Hopkins.
They found 31% willing to allow the use of their records in research if it
would improve medical knowledge, but over half unwilling to allow the
use of their records without consent.102 A large majority (86%) of those
surveyed, however, would be willing to allow anonymous use of their records
without consent.103 The Hopkins group concluded that patients
should be enlisted as partners in the research enterprise, with more full
discussion about the use of records and efforts to obtain consent in advance,
even in quite general terms, for future record use.104

Finally, a 2006 survey by Harris Interactive found that 68% of respondents
thought that electronic medical records would improve quality
of care by reducing the number of redundant or unnecessary tests, 60%
thought that EMRs would reduce healthcare costs, and 55% thought that
they would reduce medical errors.105 However, 62% of respondents considered
that the use of EMRs would make it more difficult to guarantee
patient privacy.106

C. Autonomy vs. Instrumentalism
The accepted rationale for health privacy and confidentiality is
autonomy.107 A patient exercises his autonomy-based right of privacy
when he shares (or declines to share) information with his healthcare
provider or, for that matter, with anyone else. Any subsequent disclosure
by the provider is policed by autonomy-based confidentiality. Constitutional
and common law confidentiality protections suggested a

99. Pub. L. No. 104-191, 110 Stat. 1936 (codified as amended in scattered sections of 29 U.S.C.,
42 U.S.C., 26 U.S.C.).
100. 45 C.F.R. § 164.512(i) (2005).
101. Kass et al., supra note 98, at 429–30. These studies indicated that willingness to give consent
varied with treatment condition; patients being seen for mental healthcare, eye care, trauma, or gynecology
care were less likely to give consent.
102. Id. at 431.
103. Id.
104. Id. at 433.
105. Wall Street Journal Online/Harris Interactive Health-Care Poll, supra note 3.
106. Id.
ed. 1994).

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rights-based approach108 to legal confidentiality that paralleled the
autonomy principle. In contrast, the modern law of medical confidence
(particularly the federal code) does not appear to be based on an autonomy
model but on a more limited instrumental model.

The simplest (and least corrosive) instrumental justification for
medical confidentiality is that patients provide information to physicians
to further their diagnosis with the correlate that physicians respect confidences
in order to encourage patients to disclose personal and medical
information that will make diagnosis and treatment more effective. This
instrumental approach becomes dangerous when applied to institutional
or industrial models of care. In such models, the notion too easily falls
prey to arguments that see the generation, dispersal, and processing of
longitudinal patient health information primarily as a necessity to reduce
overall healthcare costs and to minimize medical error. As the context
changes, therefore, the simple and innocuous instrumental approach becomes
increasingly problematic.109

This movement to an instrumental rationale for protecting patient
information was exacerbated by HIPAA. Congress adopted what was
promulgated as the HIPAA-EDI110 model of health transactions to reduce
the “back-end,” transactional costs of healthcare delivery.111 The
concomitant HIPAA federal confidentiality code112 was enacted to
minimize objections to and maximize participation in a transactional
model desired by industry and promoted by government. As chillingly
confirmed by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Citizens for Health v.
Leavitt,113 the federal standards have gutted the nascent rights-based ap

108. See, e.g., Humphers v. First Interstate Bank of Or., 684 P.2d 581, 587 (Or. Ct. App. 1984),
aff’d in part, rev’d in part, 696 P.2d 527 (Or. 1985).
[T]here is widespread public knowledge of the ethical standards of the medical profession and
widespread belief that confidences made by a patient to a physician may not be disclosed without
the permission of the patient. Patients . . . have the right to rely on this common understanding of
the ethical requirements which have been placed on the medical profession and to obtain damages
against a physician if he violates such confidentiality.

Id.; see also Duquette v. Superior Court ex. rel. County of Maricopa, 778 P.2d 634, 640 (Ariz. Ct. App.
1989) (“[T]he public has a widespread belief that information given to a physician in confidence will
not be disclosed to third parties absent legal compulsion, and we further believe that the public has a
right to have this expectation realized.”).

109. See generally Nicolas P. Terry, What’s Wrong with Health Privacy?, in THE LAW AND
BIOETHICS (Ana Smith Iltis & Sandra H. Johnson eds., forthcoming 2007).
110. Wikipedia offers this definition of EDI:
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the computer-to-computer exchange of structured information,
by agreed message standards, from one computer application to another by electronic means
and with a minimum of human intervention. In common usage, EDI is understood to mean specific
interchange methods agreed upon by national or international standards bodies for the transfer
of business transaction data, with one typical application being the automated purchase of
goods and services.
Wikipedia, Electronic Data Interchange,
(last visited Oct. 3, 2006).

111. See Marie C. Pollio, The Inadequacy of HIPAA’s Privacy Rule: The Plain Language Notice
of Privacy Practices and Patient Understanding, 60 N.Y.U. ANN. SURV. AM. L. 579, 585–86 (2004).
112. 45 C.F.R. §§ 160, 164 (2005).
113. 428 F.3d 167 (3d Cir. 2005); see infra text accompanying note 209.

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proach to privacy and confidentiality, preferring an instrumental rationale
that is almost totally focused on institutions and compliance.

This process is being endorsed during the adoption of EHR technologies.
Process-driven, technologically enabled healthcare delivery, of
which the EHR is a core component, seeks to minimize the role of the
individual autonomous physician (and the correlative autonomous patient).
These next-generation healthcare technologies replace autonomy
and choice with systems that identify while simultaneously commodifying
patients (e.g., by positively identifying them with bar codes) and reduce
discretion in treatment (e.g., by relying on Clinical Practice Guidelines
and Clinical Decision Support Systems). Such technologies have a huge,
potentially deleterious impact on individuals’ privacy and confidentiality.
“Yet, they are likely to be accompanied by minimalist protections that,
as with the federal standards in HIPAA, will be designed so as not to impede
the overall error-reduction model, for example, by favoring outcomes
research to further the greater good of population-based care.”114
As we argue in this article, the adoption of EHR technologies should be
used as an opportunity to reverse this trend and adopt an approach to
patient privacy and confidentiality that recognizes an autonomy-based,
default position of full patient control over personal information.115 This
default should be compromised only in a narrow range of circumstances,
such as allowing the information to flow within the “circle of care” or
medical teams, to be shared after real and informed consent by the patient,
or to be used in cases where the data has been fully stripped of
identifiers. An initial clarification, however, should be emphasized at
this point: our claims in what follows apply only to EHRs; nothing we say
is intended to apply to or to preclude current practices in which patients
consent to the sharing of their health information. Our point is only that
these processes should continue to take place outside of the development
of the EHR architecture, at least in its initial trial period.

D. Promoting Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security
EHRs are not like paper records writ larger. The differences for patient
privacy and confidentiality and data security are matters of kind,
not simply matters of degree. The irony is that the more inefficient a
health records system, the more it is silo-based and makes interoperability
difficult, the fewer confidentiality and security issues it will pose.116
However, such inefficient systems will not realize the potential benefits
of an EIHR. Multisite EMRs or EHRs raise the stakes for protection of
important values for patients: patient privacy, informed consent about

 114. Terry, supra note 109.
115. See generally Cass R. Sunstein, Privacy and Medicine: A Comment, 30 J. LEGAL STUD. 709,
711–12 (2001).
116. See generally Hodge et al., supra note 5.

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what will be included in records and with whom these records will be
shared, and accuracy of records and resulting quality of care. The basic
issues here are accessibility, security, and replicability. Electronic records
can be viewed from across the globe; cut, pasted, or otherwise altered;
and copied and recopied with a switch of the finger.117 All occur
apparently invisibly, though means of tracking changes are of course possible.

The prevailing article of faith espoused by policymakers and regulators
in the United States is that patient information (be it transactional or
safety related) is to be protected by mechanisms to ensure data confidentiality
and security.118 Confidentiality (mislabeled by HIPAA as “privacy”)
limits access to previously disclosed patient data, thus denying the
option to leverage data for secondary uses such as marketing or patient
profiling. Security keeps out “hackers” who would misappropriate, damage,
or destroy data. In this article, we challenge the effectiveness of this
protective model in the EIHR context and defend the importance of
both limiting data access to providers within the “circle of care” on a
need-to-know basis, and basing the choice of which EHR architecture to
implement on the need to maximize data security.

Patient privacy refers to the extent to which information about patients
is gleaned in the first place. A decision by a patient not to share
information with a provider, or to give misleading information, both exercises
and protects privacy, but at the sacrifice of timely, accurate diagnosis
and treatment. Efforts by patients to obtain healthcare services
without having them entered into their medical records—such as anonymous
HIV testing—also protect privacy, but at the cost of what may be
important omissions in the medical record that can adversely affect patient

The principal patient privacy question posed by EHRs is whether
patient information should be entered into a system of electronic records
in the first place. As an interoperable electronic record system is developed,
there are a number of options for protecting patient privacy. Patients
could enter an interoperable system only on an “opt-in” basis; otherwise,
their records would remain silo-ed in the offices of providers. Or,
patients could be allowed to specify that records from particular providers
or from particular visits be omitted from the electronic record. Still
another option would allow patients to specify that certain types of sensitive
information be kept out of the electronic record.

Patients who do not opt in to a linked records system will lose whatever
benefits might attend an interoperable system. Some of the benefits
of electronic records, such as the use of clinical decision support tools
that can be downloaded to an office computer or automatic generation of

117. See PEW INTERNET & AM. LIFE PROJECT, supra note 89, at 3.
118. See, e.g., MARKLE FOUNDATION, supra note 73, at 43–58.

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reminders and other informational letters to patients, are available with
electronic records that are fully isolated from linkages beyond the individual
provider’s office. Other benefits, however—including the use of
internet-based provider-patient communication systems; off-site access to
records; coordination of records among providers; or inclusion of records
in larger data sets designed to monitor care quality, patient safety, or patient
outcomes—are available only in limited forms or are completely
unavailable with fully silo-ed records. It can be expected that, as use of
electronic records grows, this option will become increasingly difficult to

A second privacy-protective option would allow patients to specify
that entire records from particular providers, or entire records of particular
visits, be kept out of any linked electronic record system. Patients
might want, for example, to exclude from the electronic record visits to
any mental health professionals, treatment for sexual dysfunction, or the
fact that an HIV test was performed. Patients may also wish to exclude
information gathered in visits for second opinions; they may wish to be
able to reconfirm or reevaluate diagnoses or treatment recommendations
without informing their original care provider of additional consultation.
Exclusion of such records, however, may compromise the accuracy of the
electronic record; providers accessing the record may assume that it is
complete and, relying on it, make decisions about care based on records
that omit critical information. Such omissions can be dangerous; diagnosis
and treatment may fail to take account of the use of psychotropic
medications or drugs for erectile dysfunction, for example. Providers
might remain suspicious of records’ inclusiveness—or records might even
be flagged for incompleteness—but as electronic records increasingly become
the standard of care, reliance on them is likely to become routine.

Despite these difficulties, in order to maintain trust in an electronic
record system it may be important to require informed consent on an individual
provider basis before patient records are entered into a linked
system. A report from the Markle Foundation concludes that this guarantee
is necessary to generate trust in linked records systems.119 The report
recommends that current providers not enter records into a linked
system without consent and that consent be negotiated for the entry of
prior records.120 The Markle report also recommends that anonymous or
pseudonymous record entry be explored where linked data sets are necessary
for outcomes research or public health surveillance.121

Yet another privacy-protective option would allow patients to stipulate
exclusion of certain types of information from the medical record:

119. See MARKLE FOUNDATION, supra note 73, at 31–32.
120. See id.
121. Id. at 32.

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information about genetic testing,122 HIV testing, or treatment for conditions
such as sexually transmitted diseases, for example. This option also
raises difficulties about the integrity of the record for treatment purposes.
In addition, it may be costly and impractical, depending on system
design. Any system that requires physicians (or office staff) to redact
embargoed information from the medical record before it is entered into
the linked electronic record will require time-consuming processes of
data separation as well as a two-tier medical record system. Primary
providers will need to remember to consult the complete record; secondary
providers will not know what has been omitted from the linked record.
Moreover, it may prove impossible to effectively segregate all of
the embargoed information; information left in the linked record may be
as revealing of the patient’s condition as redacted information. For example,
redaction of an HIV test may not protect the privacy of a patient
who does not want information about a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS in the
medical record, if the record also contains a note about treatment for an
HIV-related fungal infection.

Electronic record design that separates data fields at the time of record
creation may be less costly to administer. Yet such “pull” systems
are flawed because they are limited by the information the patient
chooses to include, but may not effectively cull out all the information
the patient wishes to exclude. A “pull” system that enters all prescription
data, for example, may be as revealing of a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS
as the actual HIV test itself.

Patients are justly concerned about what an EIHR may mean for
their privacy. On the other hand, records system designs that attempt to
protect privacy by choosing the information entered into the record in
the first place are potentially both misleading and difficult to maintain.
At present, therefore, it seems that the best way to protect patient privacy
is to provide for patients to join an EIHR on an opt-in basis, rather
than being entered into such a system automatically. If larger data sets
are needed for outcomes research or for disease surveillance, they could
be constructed with anonymous or with pseudonymous records. Complete
records would be entered into the system for patients who opt in.

As a national EIHR is developed, safeguards also will need to be
put into place to protect patient confidentiality; downstream limitations
on the disclosure of patient information should be included in the EIHR.
The most protective standards would ensure that health records are not
shared without patient consent except within the “circle of care”—that is,
with practitioners who are immediately and directly involved in the care
of the patient—and on an as-needed basis with another member of a patient’s
medical team. This assurance is one of the most important guarantees
for patients. Given patient attitudes towards the privacy of their

122. See generally David E. Winickoff, Isaac S. Kohane & Russ B. Altman, Health-Information
Altruists, 354 NEW ENG. J. MED. 530, 530–31 (2006).

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healthcare information, suspicion of electronic records, and the disadvantages
detailed above of protecting patients by excluding information
from the record, these confidentiality guarantees are essential.

Just as with paper records, there will be situations in which electronic
health information cannot be kept confidential. The format of the
record will not change state reporting requirements for conditions as varied
as gunshot wounds, abuse, infectious diseases, or factors that impair
driving capacity. Providers should discuss limits on confidentiality with
patients before giving care, as providers ideally do now when there is a
likelihood of required reporting. What may be changed are the ease,
speed, and certainty of reporting. Record architecture could be designed
so that providers enter data only once, but that reportable data is transferred
automatically as it is entered into the record, without implicating
other information in the record. For example, some states require reporting
of controlled substance prescriptions to state agencies; providers
then search the database before prescribing controlled substances to
guard against drug abuse or diversion.123 This entire process can be electronic.
In advance of receiving such prescriptions, patients can be informed
both of the requirement that the medications be entered into databases
and of their providers’ protocols for searching databases.
Patients who do not want their information entered into the database
could reject the prescription. The ease and speed of electronic transmissions
intensify the importance of informing the patient when reporting is
anticipated. A similar structure of single entry/copied data could be utilized
when patients consent to the sharing of particular information outside
of the circle of care, such as for billing purposes. Our point here is
not to reject current structures by which patients consent to sharing
healthcare information; it is that such means for sharing should be built
in at the point of data entry, not at the point of the full EHR.

Serious questions of accuracy and fraud attend any electronic records
system. EHRs can be erased, cut, or pasted without the kind of
physical trail left when offices are broken into and paper records are
tampered with. EHRs are also searchable, and such searches are quick
and cheap. This raises the stakes about what is included in a record. A
note or an unauthorized alteration, dating from many years in the past,
can be brought back to notice more quickly than in a paper record. With
paper, it is far more likely that old or inaccurate records will simply remain
buried and unremarked; unearthing the records would take a long
read through the paper file and might be regarded as irrelevant. To be
sure, paper records can also be altered. But conventions have been developed
to guard against such malfeasance: records must be dated, en

123. See, e.g., Office of Health Professionals Regulation, Board of Pharmacy: Controlled Substance
Reporting Update, (last visited Oct.
3, 2006); Utah Dep’t of Commerce, Utah’s Controlled Substance Database, (last
visited Feb. 1, 2007).

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tered in ink, etc. Erasures can be apparent visually. With electronic records,
similar conventions must be developed to ensure data integrity
and facilitate audit.124

Data integrity will require a method for authentication. With electronic
records, there must be a method in place to ensure that entries are
dated and signed. Unique identifiers that are difficult to steal will be
needed to authorize entries, and penalties should attach to unauthorized
sharing of identifiers. Methods will also need to be implemented to track
and prevent any entry changes. Records should be correctable, but there
should be a method of noting that a correction has been made and what
the correction entailed. Otherwise, the integrity of all electronic records
will be suspect. Still another difficulty is the need to guard against careless
copying of records and the possibility that errors will be introduced
thereby. The Veterans Health Administration has found that one in ten
electronic records contains plagiarized text and has implemented detection
software as a result.125 Conventions for data entry and authentication
need to be commonly used and understood among all providers.

One of the most difficult issues for data security is to ensure that records
are not subject to inappropriate access that is either inadvertent or
deliberate.126 In order to gain access to paper records, someone must be
physically present with the record. By contrast, inadvertent release of
records and computer hacking are notorious problems with certain electronic
records—credit card information, for example.127 Courts have
wrestled with the risks of identity theft raised by electronic records such
as financial statements involved in divorce proceedings; they have responded
with solutions such as keeping the records in encrypted PDF
files on silo-ed local networks without outside access.128 Medical information
is at least as sensitive as information of these kinds, and before it
is assembled in a linkable, accessible fashion, these issues of protection

124. For a criticism of the data integrity and security mechanisms in Australia’s HealthConnect
record system, see Livia Iacovino, Trustworthy Shared Electronic Health Records: Recordkeeping Requirements
and HealthConnect, 12 J.L. & MED. 40 (2004).
125. Kenric W. Hammond et al., Are Electronic Medical Records Trustworthy? Observations on
Copying, Pasting and Duplication, AM. MED. INFORMATICS ASS’N ANN. SYMP. PROC. 269 (2003).
126. See, e.g., Dan Richman, Hacker at UW Medicine Revealed, SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER,
Feb. 16, 2006, available at (disclosing that
hacker had opportunity to access two million patient records for eighteen months before security hole
discovered); Jaikumar Viyayan, FBI Probes Hacking Incident at Indiana Clinic, COMPUTERWORLD,
Feb. 10, 2006,,10801,108585,00.html.
127. For a discussion of technical issues in data security, see Mike Boniface & Paul Wilkin,
ARTEMIS: Towards a Secure Interoperability Infrastructure for Healthcare Information Systems, 112
128. For discussions of the difficulties courts have faced in implementing electronic records systems,
see, for example, Peter A. Winn, Online Court Records: Balancing Judicial Accountability and
Privacy in an Age of Electronic Information, 79 WASH. L. REV. 307 (2004); Kristen M. Blankley, Note,
Are Public Records Too Public? Why Personally Identifying Information Should Be Removed from
Both Online and Print Versions of Court Documents, 65 OHIO ST. L.J. 413 (2004). In the view of one
court, paper records languished in “practical obscurity,” an unlikely fate for electronic records. U.S.
Dep’t of Justice v. Reporters Comm. for Freedom of the Press, 489 U.S. 749, 762 (1989).

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must be solved.129 Records of any unauthorized access must be kept, and
patients must be assured that they will be notified if their records have
become subject to unauthorized examination.130 Such record-keeping
and notification systems can be inexpensive if the default mechanism is
an e-mail to the patient of an unauthorized record access, combined with
general publicity about large-scale breaches of data security.131

Another difficult issue with electronic records is the ease with which
they can be duplicated and multiplied. Of course, paper records can be
copied too. But with electronic records, multiple copies can be generated
at the flick of a key, more readily than the brooms in The Sorcerer’s
Apprentice. These copies can materialize as e-mail attachments, burned
CDs, easily transported diskettes or portable hardware devices, among
other forms. As with paper records, copies of EHRs should not be made
or shared without patient permission, except as within ordinary provider
office practice. Electronic safeguards should be in place to detect when
copying has taken place.

Once “out,” electronic copies of an electronic record cannot be easily
traced or retrieved. Indeed, it may not be clear where all the copies
have gone. Information that should not have been included in the record,
that was inaccurate and has been corrected in the record by the
original provider, or that was inappropriately linked, may never be corrected
in copies that have been released. The analogous problem arises
for copies of paper records that were made at a given point in time, but it
is exacerbated with the ease of transmission of electronic records. In addition
to the risks of confidentiality, this ease of transmission poses real
risks for the care of mobile patients; if the “wrong” electronic record is
accessed, patient injury may be the result.

Finally, methods must be developed for tracking what is done with
electronic records that have been properly released and for redacting information
that should not have been released. For example, providers
sometimes include information in records that is not medically related,
such as social security numbers. This type of information should not be
released in the first place, but if it is, it should be subject to tracing and
redaction. Information in a record is sometimes corrected or updated,
and there must be ways to ensure that these additions are made to records
that were previously released. If updated information, such as a
diagnostic test that reveals a prior false positive, is not included in all
copies, this omission creates the risk that accuracy will be falsely assumed
and that care will be directed inappropriately.

129. See generally Joseph Menn, ID Theft Infects Medical Records, L.A. TIMES, Sept. 25, 2006, at
A1 (describing the consequences of and difficulties in preventing medical identity theft).
130. Ethan Preston and Paul Turner note that disclosure regimes are required in California and in
the European Union. Ethan Preston & Paul Turner, The Global Rise of a Duty to Disclose Information
Security Breaches, 22 J. MARSHALL J. COMPUTER & INFO. L. 457 (2004).
131. This is the default regime in California. CAL. CIV. CODE § 1798.82(g)(3) (West Supp. 2006).

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These concerns about privacy, data confidentiality, and data security
place special pressures on the creation, maintenance, and use of electronic
records. They raise difficulties that must be solved before linkable,
searchable, and accessible electronic records are generalized to the
population. Many of these issues raise complex technical questions.
Others require the development of practices such as informed consent
before identifiable information about patients is entered into databases
or linked with other records. We return to these issues in the discussion
of strategies for record development, patient choice, and regulation below.

As already noted, the Bush administration has framed the privacy-
confidentiality “issue” as one involving state laws whose divergence creates
a barrier to the successful implementation of a national EIHR.132
The apparent conclusion is that the HIPAA Privacy of Individually Identifiable
Health Information (PIHI)133 savings clause for more stringent
state laws134 should be rescinded.135 In contrast, we argue that the issue
should be framed as how to resolve the serious privacy-confidentiality
issues raised by a national EIHR system.136 Part of that analysis depends
on an examination of the extent to which patient privacy-confidentiality
under such a system would be protected by existing legal controls.

A fundamental terminological problem obscures comprehension of
the current state of the protection of health information in the United
States. The media, commentators, courts, and legislators frequently refer
to health “privacy” issues or protective models. In fact, two distinct issues
must be addressed, issues that find articulation in two separate legal
doctrines. Personal health information may be under threat either by its
collection or its disclosure. The law has responded to those threats sepa

132. See supra note 4 and accompanying text.
134. 45 C.F.R. § 160.202 (2005).
135. See, e.g., Health Information Technology Promotion Act of 2006, H.R. 4157, 109th Cong.
§ 205 (2006) (contemplating national uniform standards on confidentiality and security and with preemptive
136. See also Letter from Consumer Coalition for Health Privacy (CCHP) to Scott Wallace,
Chairman, Comm’n on Systemic Interoperability (Oct. 7, 2005), available at http://www.healthprivacy.
org/usr_doc/Commission_Letter.pdf. In this letter, the CCHP
strongly urge[s Chairman Wallace] to abandon any recommendation that takes privacy rights
away from patients. In fact, instead of disabling protections, there should be a serious effort to
bolster and extend established privacy rights. While the HIPAA Privacy Rule serves as a solid
foundation for protecting privacy, it does not address many of the issues health information technology
raises. For instance, many entities collecting and sharing electronic health information are
not covered by the law. In this context, stripping consumers of current safeguards is not just misguided
but dangerous, and would undoubtedly have a drastic impact on the extent to which patients
are willing to engage in health information technology initiatives.


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rately, expressed as the distinct models of privacy and confidentiality.137
A privacy model places limitations on data collection.138 Such a model
could, for example, prohibit all collection in certain circumstances or
limit collection via a proportionality rule (e.g., only information necessary
for treatment). The confidentiality model places limitations on data
disclosure (e.g., hospital records may be disclosed to physicians, but not
drug companies). Related protective models are either ancillary or corollary.
For example, a right of anonymity provides the patient with a
method to ensure privacy,139 while security systems create the technical
environment to limit access to information to those records subject to
confidentiality-based disclosure control.

Although frequently described in terms of privacy and privacy law,
the legal protections applied to patient health information by the common
law, state statutes, or the HIPAA federal standards have very little
to do with either. As will be seen, the law of privacy (or collection-
centric legal models) is narrowly circumscribed and underdeveloped. In
contrast, the confidentiality protective model, whereby limitations are
placed on data disclosure, is well established in U.S. law.140

Contemporary U.S. confidentiality and privacy models (particularly
as applied to an EIHR) are shaped and constrained by several persistent
features. First, the regulation of medical records is primarily a creature
of state law.141 Second, the law relating to the privacy of medical information
is woefully underdeveloped.142 Third, while comparatively mature,
state common law and statutory medical confidentiality regulations
provide few solutions to the threats posed by an EIHR.143 Fourth, the
more recent HIPAA Privacy Regulations144 have created a (frequently
parallel) federal confidentiality code whose flaws become considerably
more obvious when mapped to an EIHR. Finally, U.S. law generally
permits patients to waive or sign away almost all controls on the collection
or dissemination of their personal health information.145 In only
very limited circumstances are there bright-line rules rendering health
information inalienable.146

137. Health Record Hearings, supra note 6, at 5.
138. Id.
139. See infra text accompanying notes 239–44.
140. See Hodge et al., supra note 5, at 1468 (1999).
141. See id.
142. See id. at 1467.
143. See id. at 1468.
144. Security and Privacy, 45 C.F.R. § 164 (2005).
145. See, e.g., 45 C.F.R. § 164.503.
146. See Hodge et al., supra note 5, at 1468.

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A. State Law Paradigms
Historically, the governance of medical records has been a matter of
state law.147 As a result, ownership of records, access to records, mandatory
reporting, and data protection rules vary by state. The HIPAA
transactional standards represent one very important exception to this
general rule, but an incomplete and flawed exception because the so-
called privacy provisions (but not the security or transactional rules) are
subject to a savings clause preserving some state protections.148 State-
centricity is inconsistent with the proposed U.S. EIHR system. Whether
truly national or regionally based, the EIHR will be an interstate creature.
And, for the promise of the EIHR to be fulfilled, data must be entered
only one time and must be accessible from any part of the country.

It is generally accepted that doctors own the medical records they
keep about patients.149 State statutes have extended that default position
to hospital records.150 In addition to federal regulatory151 and Joint
Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
accreditation rules,152 state law (state statutory, licensing, or even common
law malpractice requirements) imposes duties of accuracy, completeness,
legibility, and timeliness.153 State statutes may prohibit the alteration
of records,154 while diverse common law remedies for spoliation
create disincentives to their concealment or destruction.155 Although

147. See id.
148. 42 U.S.C. § 1320d-2 (2000); see also Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of
1996, Pub. L. No. 104-191, Sec. 264(c)(2) (codified as amended in scattered sections of 29 U.S.C. and
42 U.S.C.).
149. See, e.g., American Medical Association, E-7.04 Sale of a Medical Practice, http://www.amaassn.
org/ama/pub/category/8381.html (last visited Oct. 3, 2006); see also Breen v. Williams (1996) 186
C.L.R. 71 (Austl.); Regensdorfer v. Orange Reg’l Med. Ctr., 799 N.Y.S.2d 571 (2005) (dealing with
ownership, transfer, and lending of mammography and pathology films).
150. See, e.g., TENN. CODE ANN. § 68-11-304(a)(1) (1995) (“Hospital records are and shall remain
the property of the various hospitals . . . .”).
151. Medicare Conditions of Participation: Medical Record Services, 42 C.F.R. § 482.24(b)(c)
152. “The medical record contains sufficient information to identify the patient; support the diagnosis/
condition; justify the care, treatment, and services; document the course and results of care,
treatment, and services; and promote continuity of care among providers.” 2005 CRITICAL ACCESS
HOSPITAL STANDARDS: MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION IM.6.10.6, at 14 (Joint Commission on Accreditation
of Healthcare Organizations ed., 2005).
153. See, e.g., N.M. STAT. § 61-6-15 D (1978) (“‘Unprofessional or dishonorable conduct’ . . . includes
. . . (33) improper management of medical records, including failure to maintain timely, accurate,
legible and complete medical records”); NEV. REV. STAT. § 630.3062(1) (2003); WYO. STAT. ANN.
§ 33-26-402(a) (xxvii) (G) (2005); Nieves v. Chassin, 625 N.Y.S.2d 344. (N.Y. App. Div. 3d 1995);
Schwarz v. Bd. of Regents, 453 N.Y.S.2d 836, 836–37 (N.Y. App. Div. 3d 1982); see also Thomas v.
United States, 660 F. Supp. 216, 218. (D.D.C. 1987) (keeping inadequate summary records may constitute
154. See, e.g., NEV. REV. STAT. ANN. § 630.3062-2.
155. See, e.g., Rosenblit v. Zimmerman, 766 A.2d 749, 754–58 (N.J. 2001) (canvassing various
remedies and adopting independent tort remedy); cf. Brown v. Hamid, 856 S.W.2d 51, 57 (Mo. 1993)
(“The Missouri cases, statutes, and common law address a physician’s duty to let the patient inspect
and copy medical records. They do not create an independent duty to maintain medical records. To
be sure, in another case, failure to maintain medical records may contribute to, or constitute, medical

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supplemented by Federal Medicare rules,156 state statutory rules generally
continue to govern records retention.157

B. Privacy
Although the U.S. Constitution does not contain any generalized
right of privacy, the Supreme Court has recognized limited privacy rights
derived from various constitutional provisions.158 Whalen v. Roe is the
foundational case, recognizing not only autonomy or decisional privacy
(“independence in making certain kinds of important decisions”),159 but
also informational privacy (“the individual interest in avoiding disclosure
of personal matters”).160 Whalen concerned the validity of a state statute
requiring computerized record keeping (including patient identification)
of scheduled prescription drugs. The Court held that, on the record as
presented, arguments of potential breach of security or confidentiality by
IT, medical, or judicial actors did not “pose a sufficiently grievous threat
to either interest to establish a constitutional violation.”161

The Whalen court recognized “a host of . . . unpleasant invasions of
privacy that are associated with many facets of health care,” while noting
that such disclosures “are often an essential part of modern medical practice.”
162 Although Whalen did not decide the issue,163 the court hinted
that such an invasion would rise to the level of a constitutional violation
only if such a scheme failed to “evidence a proper concern with, and protection
of, the individual’s interest in privacy.”164

Since Whalen, several federal courts have recognized constitutionally
protected privacy rights in connection with medical165 and prescrip

malpractice. . . . There is no need, in this case, to recognize an independent tort of negligent maintenance
of medical records.”).

156. See, e.g., 42 C.F.R. § 482.24(b)(1) (2005) (“Medical records must be retained in their original
or legally reproduced form for a period of at least 5 years.”).
157. See, e.g., LA. REV. STAT. ANN. § 40:2144(F) (2001 & Supp. 2006); N.M. Stat. Ann. § 14-6-2
(LexisNexis 2003).
158. See Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479, 484–85 (1965). See generally Roe v. Wade, 410
U.S. 113, 152 (1973) (“[A] right of personal privacy, or a guarantee of certain areas or zones of privacy”
is rooted in “the First Amendment; in the Fourth and Fifth Amendments; in the penumbras of
the Bill of Rights; in the Ninth Amendment; or in the concept of liberty guaranteed by the first section
of the Fourteenth Amendment.” (citations omitted)).
159. Whalen v. Roe, 429 U.S. 589, 599–600 (1977).
160. Id. at 599.
161. Id. at 600–02.
162. Id. at 602.
163. “We therefore need not, and do not, decide any question which might be presented by the
unwarranted disclosure of accumulated private data—whether intentional or unintentional—or by a
system that did not contain comparable security provisions.” Id. at 605–06.
164. Id.
165. See, e.g., Herring v. Keenan, 218 F.3d 1171, 1175 (10th Cir. 2000); F.E.R. v. Valdez, 58 F.3d
1530, 1535 (10th Cir. 1995); Lankford v. City of Hobart, 27 F.3d 477, 479 (10th Cir. 1994); A.L.A. v. W.
Valley City, 26 F.3d 989, 990 (10th Cir. 1994); United States v. Westinghouse Elec. Corp., 638 F.2d 570,
580 (3d Cir. 1980).

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tion records.166 Although recognized, this informational privacy right is
not absolute. For example, in Douglas v. Dobbs,167 a recent Tenth Circuit
case stemming from a court-authorized police search of pharmacy
records, the court noted: “We have no difficulty concluding that protection
of a right to privacy in a person’s prescription drug records . . . is sufficiently
similar to other areas already protected within the ambit of privacy.”
168 However, this abstract right was insufficient given that the
plaintiff failed her burden of showing that the right has been violated by
the defendant of record.169

Several state constitutions explicitly protect privacy.170 Typically
this privacy right has been applied to medical records. For example, one
state high court opined: “Because Georgia recognizes an even broader
concept of privacy [than the federal constitution], the personal medical
records of this state’s citizens clearly are protected by that right as guaranteed
by our constitution.”171 However, as with its recognition by the
federal courts, this right of informational privacy is not absolute and is
subject to typical public health, law enforcement, and other exceptions.172

At common law, it is beyond cavil that, as one court has stated, “[i]f
there is any right of privacy at all, it should include the right to obtain
medical treatment at home or in a hospital for an individual personal
condition (at least if it is not contagious or dangerous to others) without
personal publicity.”173 Such a broad statement notwithstanding, U.S. privacy
law limitations on data collection in the healthcare domain are less
than robust. The Restatement’s black-letter law of “privacy”174 fails to
provide any general or comprehensive “right of privacy.” Rather, the
“right” is a bundle of discrete tort actions and is highly qualified at
that.175 The patient must rely on factually restricted,176 doctrinally lim

166. See, e.g., United States v. Sutherland, 143 F. Supp. 2d 609, 610 (W.D. Va. 2001).
167. Douglas v. Dobbs, 419 F.3d 1097 (10th Cir. 2005).
168. Id. at 1102.
169. Id. at 1103. The defendant in this § 1983 action was an assistant district attorney who had
approved a police officer’s decision to request authorization from the court to conduct a warrantless
investigation of pharmacy records.
170. See, e.g., ALASKA CONST. art. I, § 22; FLA. CONST. art. I, § 23; GA. CONST. art. I, § 1, ¶ 1.
171. King v. State, 535 S.E.2d 492, 494 (Ga. 2000).
172. See, e.g., Limbaugh v. State, 887 So. 2d 387 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 4th Dist. 2004); Frank v.
State, 912 So. 2d 329 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 5th Dist. 2005); Rollins v. Ulmer, 15 P.3d 749, 750 (Alaska
173. Barber v. Time, Inc., 159 S.W.2d 291, 295 (Mo. 1942).
174. RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS § 652 (1965); see also Afro-Am. Publ’g Co. v. Jaffe, 366
F.2d 649, 653 (D.C. Cir. 1966) (recognizing common law tort); Reid v. Pierce County, 961 P.2d 333
(Wash. 1998) (adopting § 652).
175. See, e.g., Gilbert v. Med. Econ. Co., 665 F.2d 305, 310 (10th Cir. 1981) (outlining incidents of
malpractice by doctor and including her psychiatric history was protected First Amendment). For further
discussion of privacy rights, see Lee v. Calhoun, 948 F.2d 1162 (10th Cir. 1991), where a doctor
publicly defended himself against a high profile malpractice claim by arguing in a newspaper that the
misdiagnosis occurred because the patient had not disclosed that he had AIDS. Id. at 1164. The court
dismissed the subsequent invasion of privacy claim by the patient on the basis that the patient had become
a public figure and malpractice was a matter of public interest. Id. at 1165.

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ited,177 and somewhat clumsy protections against “unreasonable intrusion
upon the seclusion of another”178 or “public disclosure of private facts.”179
As a result, common law privacy actions tend to be successful in only a
few extreme or outlying cases of medical intrusions180 or publications.181

C. Confidentiality
Prior to the promulgation of the federal standards, most states had
developed robust common law and statutory protections applicable to
the confidentiality of health information. For example, there is now considerable
consistency across the states in recognizing an “independent”
or torts-based remedy for breach of confidence.182 The cause of action is
theoretically (and variously) based on licensing statutes, the physician’s
evidentiary privilege, common law principles of trust, the Hippocratic
oath, and general principles of medical ethics.183 Only a handful of states
reject the general proposition,184 although some persist in grounding it on
an outmoded doctrinal basis such as implied contract or breach of a fiduciary

The common law action for breach of confidence differs from the
less-developed common law tort of privacy. One court has stated the
most practical difference: “Only one who holds information in confi

176. See, e.g., Knight v. Penobscot Bay Med. Ctr., 420 A.2d 915 (Me. 1980) (finding no evidence
that a hospital worker’s husband who observed a stranger’s labor and delivery had intended the intrusion);
Corcoran v. Sw. Bell Tel. Co., 572 S.W.2d 212 (Mo. Ct. App. 1978) (requiring that defendant
intended or permitted unreasonable publication); Fisher v. State, 106 P.3d 836 (Wash. Ct. App. 2005)
(requiring deliberate intrusion); see also Mikel v. Abrams, 541 F. Supp. 591, 597, aff’d 716 F.2d 907
(8th Cir. 1983) (breach of privacy not applicable to doctor’s disclosure to plaintiff’s spouse); Tooley v.
Provident Life & Accident Ins. Co., 154 So. 2d 617 (La. Ct. App. 1963); Curry v. Corn, 277 N.Y.S.2d
470 (N.Y. Special Term 1966); cf. Colleen M. v. Fertility & Surgical Assocs. of Thousand Oaks, 34 Cal.
Rptr. 3d 439 (Cal. Ct. App. 2005) (patient had reasonable expectation of privacy that clinic would not
disclose specific nature of her treatment to ex-fiancé, notwithstanding her charging of treatment on his
credit card).
177. See, e.g., Tureen v. Equifax, 571 F.2d 411, 419 (8th Cir. 1978) (requiring “disclosure to the
general public or likely to reach the general public”); see also RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS
§ 652D cmt. c. (1977) (discussing “highly offensive” requirement).
178. RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS § 652(A)(2)(a) (1977).
179. PROSSER AND KEETON ON TORTS 856 (W. Page Keeton et al. eds., 5th ed. 1984).
180. See, e.g., Estate of Berthiaume v. Pratt, 365 A.2d 792 (Me. 1976) (physician intruded into a
dying cancer patient’s “physical or mental solitude or seclusion” when he took unauthorized photographs);
see also Swarthout v. Mut. Serv. Life Ins., 632 N.W.2d 741 (Minn. Ct. App. 2001) (doctrine
applicable when a life insurance company altered an applicant’s medical information release, used it to
obtain information from other sources, and transmitted the information to a medical records database,
which was available to other insurers).
181. See, e.g., Vassiliades v. Garfinckel’s, 492 A.2d 580, 585 (D.C. 1985) (upholding verdicts of
invasion of privacy based on publicity of private facts and breach of fiduciary duty against plastic surgeon
for use of “before” and “after” photographs of patient).
182. See, e.g., id. at 592; Biddle v. Warren Gen. Hosp., 715 N.E.2d 518, 523 (Ohio 1999); McCormick
v. England, 494 S.E.2d 431 (S.C. Ct. App. 1997). See generally Alan B. Vickery, Note, Breach of
Confidence: An Emerging Tort, 82 COLUM. L. REV. 1426 (1982).
183. See, e.g., Vassiliades, 492 A.2d at 590.
184. See, e.g., Quarles v. Sutherland, 389 S.W.2d 249, 252 (Tenn. 1965).
185. See, e.g., Fierstein v. DePaul Health Ctr., 24 S.W.3d 220, 223 (Mo. Ct. App. 2000).

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dence can be charged with a breach of confidence. If an act qualifies as a
tortious invasion of privacy, it theoretically could be committed by anyone.”
186 The converse is also true: if information that is not secret or private
is entrusted in confidence, its subsequent disclosure may be actionable.

Many states now also have some form of legislation that protects
medical information against disclosure, though few contain a comprehensive
prohibition against the disclosure of confidential medical information.
Rather, and similar to the HIPAA code, state statutes tend to
create a provider “disclosure” code detailing the large number of “safe
harbor” occasions and circumstances in which healthcare and other actors
are permitted to disclose confidential medical information.188 Also,
like HIPAA, the legislation in most states does not permit a private right
of action by patients.189 Some state laws protect only health information
in the hands of the state, not in the offices of private providers.190

Both federal191 and state courts192 have denied any implied private
cause of action for HIPAA breaches. As a result, the importance of the
common law action for breach of confidence and similar causes of action193
remains, notwithstanding HIPAA, unless and until the federal
government legislatively preempts all “more stringent” state laws.

D. Limitations of HIPAA “Privacy”
The HIPAA federal standards apply to a broad range of “covered
entities”194 that transmit health information in electronic form, but by no
means to all entities that maintain health information in electronic form.

186. Humphers v. First Interstate Bank, 696 P.2d 527, 530 (Or. 1985).
187. See id. at 528–29.
188. See, e.g., Colleen M. v. Fertility & Surgical Assocs. of Thousand Oaks, 34 Cal. Rptr. 3d 439,
443 (Cal. Ct. App. 2005) (applying California statute’s general and specific disclosure exceptions). See
also the savings provisions in Missouri’s S.B. No. 1041, 93d General Assemb. (Mo. 2006) (2006) (otherwise
criminalizing “knowingly obtaining, receiving, or selling personal health information without
189. Cf. WASH. REV. CODE ANN. § 70.02.170 (West 2002).
190. Hodge et al., supra note 5, at 1468.
191. See, e.g., Poli v. Mountain Valleys Health Ctrs., Inc., No. 2:05-2015-GEB-KJM, 2006 WL
83378, at *3 (E.D. Cal. Jan. 11, 2006); Univ. of Colo. Hosp. v. Denver Publ’g Co., 340 F. Supp. 2d 1142,
1144–45 (D. Colo. 2004); O’Donnell v. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyo., 173 F. Supp. 2d 1176, 1180 (D.
Wyo. 2001).
192. See, e.g., Cmty. Hosp. Group, Inc. v. Blume Goldfaden Berkowitz Donnelly Fried & Forte,
P.C., 885 A.2d 18 (N.J. Super. Ct. App. Div. 2005), modified on other grounds, 894 A.2d 702 (N.J. Super.
Ct. App. Div. 2006).
193. See, e.g., Doe v. Smith, 913 So. 2d 140, 143 (La. Ct. App. 2005) (finding patient stated claim
for negligence when medical center violated state law by leaving patient records in parking lot where
they could have been copied or disseminated); Foster ex rel. J.L. v. Hillcrest Baptist Med. Ctr., No. 1002-
143-CV, 2004 WL 254713, at *3 (Tex. App. Feb. 11, 2004) (holding negligence action could be
brought against hospital for failure to exercise reasonable care in formulation of confidentiality policies);
see also Poli, 2006 WL 83378, at *3 (denying motion to dismiss a negligence claim based on the
release of medical information).
194. 45 C.F.R. § 160.103 (2005).

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These providers,195 such as hospitals, physicians, and health plans, are
subject to the regulations if they transmit health information “in electronic
form in connection with a [HIPAA-EDI transaction].”196 The federal
standards place limitations on the disclosure of “protected health information,”
197 including information that “relates to the past, present, or
future physical or mental health or condition of an individual”198 and
identifies or could identify the individual.199 Thereafter, the provider
may disclose private health information (PHI) only as permitted by the
federal standards.200 Modeled as they are on existing state statutory protections,
the HIPAA standards do not protect health privacy. The standards
are in essence a federal confidentiality code based around a regulatory
compliance model rather than one that creates patient rights.201
HIPAA’s principal achievements are to require that the entities it covers
give patients notice of “privacy practices”202 and protect EHRs from access
outside of the entity without patient consent.203 Privacy notices and
patient consent are relatively pro forma, in the views of some critics.204
Although HIPAA has made it less likely that, for example, employers
will access employee health records from insurance claims, it contains
limited safeguards. For example, covered entities are not required to inform
patients about unauthorized access to their records, although entities
are required to provide an accounting of such access upon request.205

Unfortunately the federal standards are flawed and, as currently
written, will do little to create patient trust or physician participation in
an EIHR. In the words of one editorial: “With an Orwellian turn of
phrase, the ‘privacy rule’ has little to do with patient confidentiality. In
fact, it permits the widespread sharing of medical data among 800,000 or
so health, business and government entities.”206 First, the standards con

195. Defined in 45 C.F.R. § 160.103.
196. 45 C.F.R. § 160.102.
197. Id. § 160.103.
198. Id. But see Rogers v. NYU Hosp. Ctr., 795 N.Y.S.2d 438, 441 (Sup. Ct. 2005) (disclosing
identity of patient’s roommate in general rehabilitation where hospital would not disclose roommate’s
medical condition).
199. 45 C.F.R. § 160.103.
200. Id. § 164.502(a).
201. “[The legislation] does not focus on individuals whose privacy may be at risk, but instead on
regulating persons who might have access to individuals’ health information.” Univ. of Colo. Hosp.
Auth. v. Denver Publ’g Co., 340 F. Supp. 2d 1142, 1145 (D. Colo. 2004); see also Logan v. Dep’t of
Veterans Affairs, 357 F. Supp. 2d 149, 155 (D.D.C. 2004).
202. 45 C.F.R. § 164.520.
203. 45 C.F.R. § 164.306 (requiring protection of the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of
all protected electronic health information). For a discussion of what HIPAA does and does not accomplish,
see Mark Rothstein, Currents in Contemporary Ethics: Research Privacy Under HIPAA and
the Common Rule, 33 J.L. MED. & ETHICS 154 (2005).
204. E.g., Pollio, supra note 111; Mitchelle C. Pierre, Note: New Technology, Old Issues: The All-
Digital Hospital and Medical Information Privacy, 56 RUTGERS L. REV. 541 (2004).
205. 45 C.F.R. § 164.528.
206. A Dose of Bad Medicine, PHILA. INQUIRER, Jan. 6, 2006, at A16; see also Theo Francis, Taking
Control: Setting the Records Straight; When you sign medical-privacy forms, what exactly are you
agreeing to? Probably not what you think, WALL ST. J. (Eastern edition), Oct. 21, 2006, at R4.

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centrate almost exclusively on the process of patient consent to disclosure.
A true privacy-confidentiality regime should be more substantively
concerned with limiting the collection and dissemination of personal
health information. Questions of patient consent to disclosure only need
to be addressed at the margins.

Second, the standards as amended by the Bush administration now
lack any consent-to-disclosure provision for most healthcare activities.207
That amendment deprived the patient of a symbolic privacy-autonomy
“moment” at the commencement of the provider-patient relationship.
More specifically, in the EHR context, the amended regulation removes
any requirement for consent to disclosure for “routine uses”: “treatment,
payment, or health care operations.”208 The amendment was challenged,
in Citizens for Health v. Leavitt, as violating constitutional rights and the
enabling legislation.209 The Third Circuit ruled that any Fifth Amendment
substantive due process or First Amendment claims failed in the
absence of state action.210 Further, the court held that the amendment
was not ultra vires the HIPAA statute because, in part, the statutory purpose
was not to enhance patient privacy but to improve the efficiency of
the healthcare system.211

Third, although HIPAA confidentiality is premised on national
standards, the confusing and operationally obstructive “more stringent”
partial preemption rule—the so-called HIPAA floor—undercuts this
model.212 Indeterminacy is further increased by the interplay between
federal and state law regarding some “required by law” disclosures.213
Indeed, one circuit has held that a state’s more stringent medical-records
privilege does not apply in federal-question actions.214

Fourth, the federal standards apply broad, arguably overbroad, exceptions
(public health, judicial, and regulatory) where patient consent to
data processing is not required.215

Fifth, the privacy standards are still too lax regarding secondary
uses of patient information. There are still many unrestricted uses of patient
information outside of treatment and billing; in too many situations

207. See, e.g., 45 C.F.R. §§ 164.502, 164.506. In contrast, 45 C.F.R. § 164.506 as originally promulgated
generally required consent even for these routine uses.
208. “A covered entity may obtain consent of the individual to use or disclose protected health
information to carry out treatment, payment, or health care operations” § 164.506(b)(1).
209. 428 F.3d 167 (3d Cir. 2005).
210. Id. at 177–85.
211. Id. at 185. See the discussion of instrumentalism supra Part III.C.
212. 45 C.F.R. § 160.202 (2005); see, e.g., United States ex rel. Pogue v. Diabetes Treatment Ctrs.
of Am., Civ. No. 99-3298, 2004 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 21830, at *10–12 (D.D.C. May 17, 2004); Nat’l Abortion
Fed’n v. Ashcroft, 03 Civ. 8695, 2004 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 4530, at *9 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 18, 2004).
213. 45 C.F.R. 164.512 (2005); see, e.g., United States v. Mathis, 377 F. Supp. 2d 640, 645 (M.D.
Tenn. 2005) (Tennessee law in child abuse cases).
214. Nw. Mem’l Hosp. v. Ashcroft, 362 F.3d 923, 925 (7th Cir. 2004); see also Kalinoski v. Evans,
377 F. Supp. 2d 136, 140–41 (D.D.C. 2005).
215. 45 C.F.R. § 164.512; see, e.g., Kalinoski, 377 F. Supp. 2d at 139 (D.D.C. 2005).

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patient consent for secondary uses is not required,216 and in other situations
consideration should have been given to prohibiting some consented-
to secondary uses (e.g., the sale of patient data for pharmaceutical

Sixth, because of limitations in the enabling legislation, the federal
standards simply could not include all medical data or all users of such
data.218 There are gaps in the legislation caused by the “entities” or
HIPAA-EDI premises that arguably deny protection to data held in
some Personal or Trustee EHRs. Additionally, the “business associate”
extension is a cumbersome and inefficient extension of the regulatory
reach and is of dubious effectiveness as EIHR data processing is moved

By way of example, consider Beard v. City of Chicago,220 a relatively
obscure employment discrimination case against a fire department. The
plaintiff sought production of documents describing medical leaves of
absences taken by similarly situated coworkers. The fire department
kept a large number of medical records, which were generated by both
staff physicians who determined whether employees were fit to return to
duty and (with employee consent) by employees’ outside treating physicians.
The defendant resisted production on the basis, inter alia, that patient
records were protected by the HIPAA privacy regulations. An outsider
unversed in the intricacies of HIPAA could be forgiven for thinking
that the federal confidentiality rules would apply to the holder of medical
records generated by medical personnel (albeit perhaps subject to some
litigation exception). However, the court found three separate reasons
why HIPAA was inapplicable. First, the HIPAA regulations apply only
to health plans, healthcare clearinghouses, or healthcare providers who
engage in HIPAA electronic transactions.221 The Beard court found no
evidence that the fire department was a plan, clearinghouse, or other
provider under the HIPAA definition.222 Further, even if the department
was a healthcare provider, it was not engaging in electronic transactions.
223 Second, the court found that the medical records kept by the fire
department did not constitute “protected health information” because

216. See generally 45 C.F.R. §§ 164.508, .510, .512.
217. There is also generalized laxness as HIPAA compliance declines. See Nancy Ferris, Privacy
Rule Compliance Said to Be Diminishing, GOV’T HEALTH IT, Apr. 19, 2006, available at
218. See, e.g., Mathis, 377 F. Supp. 2d at 645 (FBI not a covered entity).
219. See, e.g., S.B. 1199, 47th Leg., 2d Sess. (Ariz. 2006) (requiring consent to offshore outsourcing
of health information processing). See generally ORG. FOR ECON. CO-OPERATION AND DEV.,
(1980), available at
220. Beard v. City of Chicago, No. 03 C 3527, 2005 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 374 (N.D. Ill. Jan. 7, 2005).
221. 45 C.F.R. § 164.104(a). For an explanation of these transactions, see Nicolas P. Terry, An
eHealth Diptych: The Impact of Privacy Regulation on Medical Error and Malpractice Litigation, 27
AM. J. LAW & MED. 361, 365–66 (2001).
222. Beard, 2005 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 374, at *8 (referencing 45 C.F.R. §§ 160.103, 164.502 (2005)).
223. Id.

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the regulations explicitly excluded “individually identifiable health information
in . . . employment records held by a covered entity in its role
as employer.”224 Third, the regulations specifically permit disclosure of
protected health information in response to a discovery request.225

In conclusion, as we further consider how to build patient and physician
trust in an EIHR, one overarching problem with the HIPAA standards
must be addressed: the standards are fatally flawed because they
lack transparency and clarity. They may be labeled (really, mislabeled)
as promoting “privacy,” but their sheer obliqueness detracts from any
educative or principled “message.” What was required of the federal
standards was a more generalized statement of principle based clearly on
an autonomy-focused rationale, a legal guarantee that patients have control
of their health information. As follows from earlier comments, exceptions
should have been more narrowly constructed and tightly controlled
by concepts of proportionality and the circle of care.226

E. Medical Information and Inalienability
One of the most pervasive characteristics of the U.S. approach to
medical confidentiality and privacy is that patients may sign away almost
all extant controls on the collection or dissemination of personal health
information. This was operationalized at common law through the doctrine
of waiver227 and in state medical confidentiality statutes by authorization
provisions.228 Nowhere has this tendency been more obvious than
in HIPAA’s Personally Identifiable Health Information (PIHI) regulation.
Indeed, PIHI reads less like a list of confidentiality protections and
more like a catalogue of exceptions and, specifically, process rules for authorizations
to avoid confidentiality. For example, although the regulation
notes that authorizations are required for certain uses or disclosures
of psychotherapy notes229 and some marketing uses,230 the bulk of the
relevant regulatory text details the process to be followed to obtain such

State laws that prohibit health information use or disclosures notwithstanding
authorization are very much the exception. However, these
inalienability provisions provide an interesting model, particularly given

224. Id. at *8–9 (citing 45 C.F.R. § 160.103); see also State ex rel. Cincinnati Enquirer v. Daniels,
844 N.E.2d 1181 (Ohio 2006) (finding lead-risk-assessment reports maintained by health department
and lead-citation notices issued to property owners of units reported to be the residence of children
whose blood test results indicate elevated lead levels did not contain “protected health information”).
225. Beard, 2005 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 374, at *9–10 (citing 45 C.F.R. § 164.512).
226. See generally Terry, supra note 109.
227. See, e.g., Mull v. String, 448 So. 2d 952 (Ala. 1984); Fedell v. Wierzbieniec, 485 N.Y.S.2d 460
(N.Y. Sup. Ct. 1985).
228. See, e.g., CAL. CIV. CODE § 56.11 (West 1982 & Supp. 2006).
229. 45 C.F.R. § 164.508(a)(2).
230. § 164.508(a)(3).
231. § 164.508(b)(c).

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the tempting secondary uses for EIHR information. For example, along
with related controls (e.g., prohibiting insurers from conditioning insurability
on genetic testing232) most states place some limitations on the use
of genetic information in the health insurance domain, while a few also
extend those limitations to life and disability insurance. Thus, many
states prohibit the use of individuated genetic data for nontherapeutic
purposes such as determining insurability or setting premiums.233 Relatively
few states undercut this prohibition by allowing for applicant consent
to its use.234 At the federal level, a presidential executive order prohibits
agencies from collecting genetic information concerning federal
employees.235 There have been a series of bills introduced in Congress to
make this proscription universal.236

Some AIDS/HIV reporting legislation has targeted similar issues.237
State legislatures have tried to reduce disincentives to HIV testing by
guaranteeing the confidentiality of the test results.238 For example, the
Illinois statute permits test subjects to remain anonymous.239 While the
same statute allows identified subjects to execute releases allowing for
disclosure,240 its overall tenor is to considerably limit the dissemination of
the results, utilizing need-to-know and limited circle of care models.241
Finally, and perhaps of most interest for our purposes, is a recent New
Hampshire law that prohibits the sale of prescription information (that
contains patient or prescriber-identifiable data) “for any commercial
purpose,” including advertising or marketing.242 Reportedly, the statute
is being challenged on First Amendment grounds by data aggregators.243

Three types of strategies are available to reduce the risks associated
with EHRs: specific system architectures, requirements for patient

232. See, e.g., ALA. CODE § 27-53-2(a) (LexisNexis 1998); KAN. STAT. ANN. § 40-2259(b)(1)
(2000); MINN. STAT. ANN. § 72A.139(3)(1) (West 2005).
233. See, e.g., ALA. CODE § 27-53-2(b); GA. CODE ANN. (2005) § 33-54-4; IND. CODE ANN. § 27-826-
5(2)–(4) (LexisNexis 1999); KAN. STAT. ANN. § 40-2259(b)(4); MINN. STAT. ANN.
§ 72A.139(3)(3)(4) (West 2005); OR. REV. STAT. § 746.135(3) (2005); TEX. INS. CODE ANN. § 546.052
(Vernon 2006).
234. See, e.g., MO. REV. STAT. § 375.1303-1(3)–(4) (2000).
235. Exec. Order No. 13,145, 65 Fed. Reg. 6877.1-202(c) (Feb. 8, 2000).
236. See, e.g., Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2005, S. 306, 109th Cong. § 104
(2005); Genetic Privacy and Nondiscrimination Act of 2003, H.R. 3636, 108th Cong. (2003) (introduced
to the House of Representatives, Nov. 21, 2003); Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of
2003, S. 1053, 108th Cong. (2003).
237. See, e.g., CONN. GEN. STAT. § 19a-583 (2005); 410 ILL. COMP. STAT. 305/1 (2005).
238. Some public health officials argue the protections go too far. See Marc Santora, Overhaul
Urged for Laws on AIDS Tests and Data, N.Y. TIMES, Feb. 2, 2006, at B1.
239. 410 ILL. COMP. STAT. 305/6.
240. Id. 305/9(b).
241. See, e.g., 410 ILL. COMP. STAT. 305/9(c)(h).
242. N.H. REV. STAT. § 318:47-f.
243. Beth Herskovits, Freedom of Information, PHARMACEUTICAL EXECUTIVE, Sept. 1, 2006,
available at

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choice, and legal requirements can be combined to protect patient health
information and generate the trust needed for an interoperable health
record system to succeed. The balance of strategies chosen will depend
on the EHR system architecture that is employed. The importance of
developing successful strategies for protecting privacy and confidentiality
cannot be emphasized too strongly.

Although the Markle Foundation’s data indicate public support for
easily accessible electronic records, respondents to its 2005 survey overwhelmingly
(79%) regard it as a “top” or “high” priority that their medical
information be shared electronically only with their consent.244 The
vast majority of respondents (91%) want mechanisms in place to confirm
the identity of anyone using the system and to guarantee against unauthorized
access.245 Reviewing who has had access to personal health information
is also a core priority (81%), with respondents (68%) unwilling
to give employers access to their health information.246

The Markle Foundation endorses seven patient and consumer principles
developed by the Personal Health Technology Council:

1. Individuals should be able to access their health and medical data
conveniently and affordably.
2. Individuals should be able to authorize when and with whom
their health data are shared. Individuals should be able to refuse
to make their health data available for sharing by opting out of
nationwide information exchange.
3. Individuals should be able to designate someone else, such as a
loved one, to have access to and exercise control over how their
records are shared.
4. Individuals should receive easily understood information about
all the ways that their health data may be used or shared.
5. Individuals should be able to review which entities have had access
to their personal health data.
6. Electronic health data exchanges must protect the integrity, security,
privacy, and confidentiality of an individual’s information.
7. Independent bodies, accountable to the public, should oversee
local and nationwide electronic health data exchanges. No single
stakeholder group should dominate these oversight bodies, and
244. Press Release, Markle Foundation, Americans Support Online Personal Health Records;
Patient Privacy and Control over Their Own Information Are Crucial for Acceptance (Oct. 11, 2005),
available at
245. Id.
246. Id.

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consumer representatives selected by their peers should participate
as full voting members.247

The recommendations we develop below endorse and develop these
principles. At the outset, however, we must address the “do nothing”
strategy. This approach could be premised either on an informed health-
care skeptic’s intuition that the financial and structural issues posed by
EHR development are insoluble, or on the more cynical view that in a
couple of years some other inexpensive-until-implemented State of the
Union sound bite will replace universality of health records.248 Such a
“do-nothing” strategy, however, cannot be countenanced because of the
proliferation of PHRs and the growth of hospital and systemwide
EMRs.249 The latter are not EHRs in the strictest sense but single EMRs
implemented by large, often regional or national healthcare systems250 or
even for federal government employees.251 While PHRs or systemwide
EMRs may not offer the same interoperability or quite the same scale as
NHIN-interlinked EHRs (and thus may be somewhat more secure), they
raise identical privacy and confidentiality concerns as their EHR fellow-

A. System Architectures
Four different general types of EHR architectures are available at
the present time, which we label as “Personal,” “Shared,” “Trustee,” and
“Interoperable.” This final type, the Electronic Interoperable Health
Record (EIHR), can be structured to operate either over a regional

247. Id.
248. See, e.g., Insiders Say Health Bill Unlikely to Pass This Year, GOV’T HEALTH IT, Apr. 12,
2006, available at
249. See, e.g., In-depth Focus: Kaiser Permanence, HealthConnect,
archive/indepth_faq_all.html (explaining the EMR system installed by Kaiser Permanente and designed
to integrate the records of its eight million members in nine states); see also Deborah Vrana,
Kaiser’s Prescription for Medicine is Digital, L.A. TIMES, May 30, 2005, at C1; R.H. Dolin et al., Kaiser
Permanente’s Convergent Medical Terminology, 11 MEDINFO 346 (2004). See generally George C.
Halverson, Reengineering Care with KP HealthConnect, PERMANENTE J., Fall 2004, at 28, available at In the public sector, for example, the
Department of Veterans Affairs, the country’s largest integrated healthcare system with 180,000
healthcare professionals and more than five million patients, uses the systemwide VistA EMR system
to share records among its facilities. See VETERANS HEALTH ADMIN., DEP’T OF VETERANS AFFAIRS,
VISTAA MONOGRAPH 2005–2006 (2006), available at
monograph2005_06.pdf. The Department of Defense plans to roll out its own Armed Forces Health
Longitudinal Technology Application (AHLTA) system (formerly known as CHCS II) for all uniformed
service personnel and their families by 2011. AHLTA,
default.cfm (last visited Oct. 15, 2006); see also Bob Brewin, DOD’s e-Health Record System to Be
Ready in a Year, GOV’T HEALTH IT, Jan. 30, 2006, available at
250. The EMR and EHR terminologies blend somewhat if a system creates its systemwide
“EMR” by creating interoperability between discrete EMR systems installed at different sites.
251. See, e.g., Federal Family Health Information Technology Act of 2006, H.R. 4859, 109th
Cong. (2006). See generally Stephen Barr, Bill to Promote Electronic Health Records, WASH. POST,
Mar. 2, 2006, at D4.

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health information organization (RHIO) or national health information
network (NHIN). Privacy, confidentiality, and security problems increase
as the interoperability of the EHR system increases, with a RHIO
or NHIN system posing the most pressing issues.

1. Personal EHR Model
In a personal EHR (PHR) model, patients are the dominant managers
and custodians of their electronic medical records. The record consists
of information fields into which data are entered either by the patient
or through data export, or managed by the patient from records
maintained by the patient’s physician.252 One PHR model has patients
subscribing to a web-based service that assists them in collecting data
from one physician and then disseminating it to others. The “Continuity
of Care” record proposed by the American Academy of Family Physicians
as a standardized form of summarized electronic records would be
a convenient data model.253 With a fully personal EHR system, only the
consumer can download, view, combine, or process all his records. Patients
would then be able to choose which records or parts of records
they would export. Exported records could be provided on a read-only
basis, protecting against alteration or entry of additional material. Employers,
254 hospital systems,255 and EMR vendors256 are also rolling out
hybrid models that enable web-based access for patients to portions of
their records for personal health monitoring. Future models could mimic
personal financial management software such as Intuit’s Quicken257 or
Microsoft’s Money.258

However, such individually maintained records have limited usefulness.
Although these records may be a helpful source of information for

252. For a description of system architecture, see William W. Simons, Kenneth D. Mandl, & Isaac
S. Kohane, The PING Personally Controlled Electronic Medical Record System: Technical Architecture,
12 J. AM. MED. INFORMATICS ASS’N 47 (2005).
253. American Academy of Family Physicians Center for Health Information Technology, ASTM
Continuity of Care Record (CCR), (last visited Oct. 15, 2005).
254. See, e.g., Carol Korne, Toward a Digital Health-Care Ecosystem, WALL ST. J. (Eastern edition),
Oct. 25, 2005, at B2 (discussing web-based health records system for employees of IBM); Timothy
J. Mullaney, Dell Takes Health Care Online, BUS. WK. ONLINE, Apr. 7, 2006, http://www. content/apr2006/tc20060407_825324.htm.
255. See, e.g., myHealthFolders, (web-based health and medical information
system offered by BJC HealthCare System); see also Hospital to Boost Branding with CDROMS
for Patients, PHILA. BUS. J., Mar. 28, 2006,
2006/03/27/daily12.html (discussing hospital program to distribute medical records software to patients).
256. See, e.g., Cerner Touts Diabetes Internet Program, ASSOCIATED PRESS, Oct. 12, 2005, (diabetes monitoring system).
257. Intuit recently announced plans to enter the PHR market. May Wong, TurboTax Maker to
Develop Health Care Management Software, ASSOCIATED PRESS, Apr. 13, 2006, http://mercurynews.
258. See also Milt Freudenheim, WebMD Wants to Go Beyond Information, N.Y. TIMES, Feb. 23,
2006, at C1 (describing WebMD agreements with health insurers and employers to operate web-based

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patients, they are less likely to be viewed as reliable by providers. Depending
on patient choices and data sources, personal records may not
always be comprehensive (longitudinal) or coded for interoperability.
Personal records that use a standardized format and are drawn from
standardized sources, such as the Continuity of Care Record, will be in a
format that permits the greatest likelihood of interoperability.

At the same time, individually maintained electronic records have
the least significant implications for privacy and security. The data in
such personal records will be patient-provided and maintained, thus enabling
patients to keep information they regard as private out of the medical
record. Confidentiality, however, will be more difficult to protect. If
patients share records with providers, and providers make copies—as
surely they will do for reference and liability purposes—there will be
copies passed from the patients’ control. Once any part of a Personal
EHR leaves a patient’s control and enters the control of a physician or
system, more typical privacy, confidentiality, and security issues will
arise. Providing copies on a read-only basis or incorporating other
means of digital rights management (DRM) protects the record from alterations
or additions, but not from further scrutiny or duplication
through transcription.

Such personal health records could be maintained in a location of
the patient’s choosing. If financial records are an apt analogy, these
choices are likely to include home computers, office computers, portable
hard drives, smart cards, thumb drives, or other personal information devices
(PIDs). Patients will have varying skills at maintaining their records;
some will keep adequate backup copies, but others will leave PIDs
with the only copy of their records in taxis with the same frequency that
they lose their iPods. Some will sequester records on a home computer;
others will wear their records on necklace PIDs. Such variability in data
availability, confidentiality, and security are in the hands of the patient,
and, at least to that extent, are subject to patient choice. When data are
compromised or lost, moreover, it will be on an individual patient basis;
there will be no large data banks of patient information subject to hacking
at a single swipe (at least for non-web-based PHRs). Because of the
vagaries of patients’ abilities to maintain their data, however, such personal
health records will not be adequate substitutes for medical records
maintained by providers or systems.

2. Shared Models
A variety of systems are available in which physicians and patients
share responsibility and control over electronic records, but the records
remain silo-ed. When physicians retain control over their records silos,
the model is physician-centric. The silo-ed records may not be interoperable,
as with either paper records or many of the individual electronic
records maintained today. Collecting the silo-ed records in a common

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format, such as the Continuity of Care Record or some of the systemwide
formats described below, allows for easy transfer or incorporation into
larger data sets. However, there is significant tension between entrenched
local practices for maintaining data and the desire for interoperable

In consultation with patients and subject to patient consent, physicians
could transmit all, parts, or summaries of such records to patients,
to other physicians, or to a centralized data warehouse. The most discussed
example of this type of “push” system for sharing electronic records
is the Australian HealthConnect system discussed earlier.260 As
HealthConnect has been pilot tested, commentators have emphasized the
importance of protecting patient confidentiality; in particular they focus
on the requirement of patient consent before new information is entered
and patient control of access to information that has already been entered.
261 Once data enter a centralized system, the difficulties of protecting
confidentiality intensify.

3. Trustee Models
In a trustee model, patients contract with a fiduciary to maintain
their health records.262 Trustee models can be offshoots of a PHR in that
the data remain in the control of the patient, who then pushes all or some
of the data to a trusted third party. The patient sets the terms of the trust
and instructs the trustee about the management of that information, including
to whom it may be disclosed, how long it may be kept, and who
may add to the record. Such a model could also be an offshoot of a
shared or physician-centric architecture if the physician, in consultation
with the patient, initiates the “push” directly from the record to the trustee.

A trustee model has limited privacy implications in that it is the patient
who decides what data is transferred to the trustee. Confidentiality
is protected by a trust agreement that governs further distribution of
data, but is assured only to the extent that the trustee lives up to its fiduciary
responsibilities. Trustee models increase ease of access to data for

259. John E. Mattison, Robert H. Dolin, & Diane Laberge, Managing the Tensions Between National
Standardization vs. Regional Localization of Clinical Content and Templates, 11 MEDINFO 1081
260. For a description of the HealthConnect system, see Gunter & Terry, supra note 30; Roger S.
Magnusson, Data Linkage, Health Research and Privacy: Regulating Data Flows in Australia’s Health
Information System, 24 SYDNEY L. REV. 5, 46–50 (2002).
261. E.g., Bernadette McSherry, Ethical Issues in HealthConnect’s Shared Electronic Health Record
System, 12 J.L. MED. 60, 64 (2004); Moira Paterson, HealthConnect and Privacy: a Policy Conundrum
12 J.L. MED. 80, 80–81 (2004).
262. For a description of a trustee model, see Paul T. Kostyack, Note, The Emergence of the
Healthcare Information Trust, 12 HEALTH MATRIX 393 (2002). See also eHealthTrust, http://www. (last visited Oct. 10, 2006).

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mobile patients, but present concomitant data security issues; trustees of
large data sets may be attractive targets for hackers.263

Moreover, once a trustee has authorized transmittal of a patient’s
record, it is unclear how the dissemination of the data is controlled
thereafter. One model would be for the information to flow into the receiving
provider’s record, posing anew the issues of protecting confidentiality
and data integrity. Another model would limit any data transferred
from the trustee to read-only (or some other form of DRM) such
that the control of the data remains with the trustee and within the terms
of the trust agreement. This model protects data integrity but risks to
confidentiality remain.

Many different types of trustees are possible. The trustee could be
a data warehouse or some other form of repository. Trustees could be
for-profit, not-for-profit, or public entities. As the number and variety of
trustees increase, so will the difficulties in protecting data security, confidentiality,
and transmissibility. A single trustee model might be preferable;
standards could be common across the nation and problems of protection
would need to be solved only once. A single trustee could
nonetheless offer different arrangements for data management and protection,
depending on the patient’s choice.

4. Regional or National Models
A fully longitudinal, EIHR, whether operating at a regional
(RHIO) or national (NHIN) level, has both the greatest advantages for
patient care and public health and the most fundamental implications for
patient privacy, confidentiality, and security. Current discussions suggest
that a RHIO or NHIN could utilize either a data warehouse or
pointer/records locator technical model. Models may be premised on the
aggregation of existing EMR silos, common data standards, and sophisticated
data-mining tools that improve usability and maximize the return
on investments.

These RHIO and NHIN models may have different technical security
implications, but they pose virtually identical privacy and confidentiality
issues. A regional organization has the advantage of potential protection
and at least some standardization. But depending on how it is
designed, it may not afford the full advantages of mobility. If patients
see providers outside of the region, there would need to be methods for
allowing both access and entry of data. Further, patients might not know
which region maintained their records or if their records should move
with them if they permanently relocate. If the different regional organizations
had different standards, moreover, patients might be confused

263. Lest this concern seem fanciful, for a list of data breaches in 2005, affecting over fifty million
Americans, see Privacy Rights Clearinghouse,
htm (last visited Oct. 10, 2006).

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about which standard governed their records. If a fully interoperable
system is desired, therefore, it seems that the best option is a single national
system. Recently, Dr. Brailer has stated, “Being a RHIO is a journey
. . . . We know it has a beginning and a middle, but we don’t know
what the end looks like.”264 Dr. Brailer has acknowledged that RHIOs
likely will morph from being fledgling technology infrastructures into
governing or advisory bodies.265 For the federal government, therefore, it
is clear that the future lies in a NHIN.

As follows from the discussion above, a national, fully interoperable
architecture poses the greatest privacy, confidentiality, and security risks
and suggests that the protection of personal health information will depend
on patient choice and legal protections.

B. Patient Choice
Legal mechanisms such as informed consent and privacy-
confidentiality that operationalize patient interaction with medical services
typically provide that patients may waive autonomy-derived
“rights.”266 Increasingly, however, such waivers tend to pay only lip service
to the underlying autonomy. Thus, informed consent (both in law
and medical practice) tends to focus on the narrow issue of “consent”
rather than the disclosure of information that increases patient choice
and participation.267 Similarly, patient “consent” to information sharing
is often a nonnegotiable precondition to treatment—there is no genuine
choice. The challenge in the EHR setting, therefore, is to identify potential
choices regarding patient participation in such a system—choices that
range from opting out completely, through redacting specific data or restricting
occasions of disclosure, to reviewing the data that is included in
the system.

1. Opting In or Opting Out
The initial option for patient choice is whether to enter into the system
in the first place. This option is most protective of patient privacy;
patients may decide that they want to stay “local,” with their records,
electronic or paper, either under their own control or at offices of their
individual providers. As an NHIN is developed, it may be preferable to
employ such an “opt-in” strategy for pilot programs. A trial period of

264. Brailer: RHIOs Will Need Makeovers, HEALTH DATA MGMT., Feb. 2006, available at
265. Id.
PRIVACY RULE (2003), available at http://www/hhs./gov/ocr/privacysummary.pdf (discussing consent
and privacy issues).
267. See generally Terry, supra note 109.

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perhaps five years would give some sense of the issues, both anticipated
and unanticipated, that could arise with a NHIN.

As the reported data about patient preferences suggest, informed
consent should be required before a patient is entered into the system.
This consent must include decisions about what information will be included,
what access will be authorized and what will not be authorized
without further consent, and what provisions will be in place to secure
additional consent before data are revealed. Perhaps most importantly
for patient trust in a NHIN, consent should also include basic information
about how data security will be protected and what steps will be
taken to inform patients if there are security breaches.

If a NHIN comes into general use, however, it may be increasingly
difficult in practice for patients to opt out of the network effectively.
Physicians may come to rely on access to the network for information
about their patients. They may use electronic searches or algorithms in
assessing patients’ conditions or in determining how patients have been
managed in the past. Patients who are not in the NHIN may be disadvantaged
as a result and the choice to opt out will become illusory. The
use of evidence-based protocols is a particular case in point; patients
without electronic records might be managed far differently than patients
with EHRs, and physicians might be more accustomed to using the EHR.
Similarly, some physicians might rely on searches of the NHIN for data
about drug allergies or drug interactions. Patients who do not have information
in the NHIN may be at risk if providers become less effective
at using patient-provided medical histories to guard against problematic
responses to prescriptions. Opting out of the network as a method of
protecting confidentiality will thus come at a price that will be unacceptably
high to many. Legislation also would be required to guarantee
access to care for, and eliminate discrimination against, patients who opt

2. Circle of Care
An alternative means to protect confidentiality is to reduce the size
of the population that has access to a patient’s data. Making patient
safety information available to all healthcare providers that are tangentially
involved in a patient’s care renders the level of privacy and security
accorded that data a function of the weakest link in the system. Fully interoperable
data is also immeasurably more valuable for secondary uses
(e.g., marketing) and is an irresistibly tempting target for commercial aggregators.
268 As it becomes more difficult for patients to opt out of inter

268. The level of commercial aggregation of personal information was highlighted by Choice-
Point’s acknowledgement that the personal financial records of more than 163,000 consumers in its
database had been compromised. See United States v. ChoicePoint Inc., No. 1:06-CV-00198 (N.D. Ga.
filed Jan. 30, 2006), available at; Personal
Information: Agencies and Resellers Vary in Providing Privacy Protections: Testimony Before the Sub

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operable networks, therefore, informed consent and patient confidentiality
become increasingly important. Recognizing these pressures, we recommend
that data in the system be available only to providers within the
therapeutic circle of care (those within the patient’s medical team) on a
need-to-know basis. This is not as radical a recommendation as it might
seem; as we have emphasized earlier, it does not preclude a system design
that permits the generation of anonymized data sets for quality improvement
or public health purposes. Nor does it preclude architectures
that permit data to be copied to different fields at the time of entry with
patient consent.

3. Data Carveouts
An additional confidentiality-protective strategy would be to build a
mechanism for placing certain aspects of the record in a “secure” envelope,
available only with specific permission of the patient. Obvious examples
of sensitive information that might be carved out and secured in
this way include mental health history and sexual/reproductive history
(including abortion, sexual dysfunction, pregnancy, and even birth control).
But it may not be easy to anticipate what information individual
people would find especially important to safeguard. The data from the
group at Johns Hopkins indicate that diagnoses of colon cancer are considered
more sensitive by patients than other cancer diagnoses.269 Some
people might regard treatment for acne, obesity, sleeplessness, or even
conditions as common as hypertension as especially sensitive. The rule
that is most protective of privacy would be to permit patients to stipulate
what information should be secured, although records will be less useful
if significant portions are secured and providers do not know which ones
these are. Three models are available for securing some, but not all, information:
a secure “envelope” model, a contextual disclosure model,
and an access-edit model.

a. Secure Envelope
The envelope model assumes that the patient opts in to the system
(or is given no choice), but is permitted to tag specific data as “highly

comm. on Commercial and Administrative Law and the Subcomm. on the Constitution, of the H.
Comm. on the Judiciary, 109th Cong. 15 (2006) (statement of Linda D. Koontz, Director, Info. Mgmt.
Issues, U.S. Gov’t Accountability Office), available at (“Although
the information resellers that do business with the federal agencies we reviewed have taken
steps to protect privacy, these measures were not fully consistent with the Fair Information Practices.
Most significantly, the first four principles, relating to collection limitation, data quality, purpose specification,
and use limitation, are largely at odds with the nature of the information reseller business.”);
Press Release, Fed. Trade Comm’n, ChoicePoint Settles Data Security Breach Charges; to Pay $10
Million in Civil Penalties, $5 Million for Consumer Redress (Jan. 26, 2006), available at http://www.ftc.
gov/opa/2006/01/choicepoint.htm (referring to settlement); see also Steve Bailey, Your Data for Sale?,
BOSTON GLOBE, Mar. 24, 2006, at C1 (detailing plans by providers to sell aggregated medical data).

269. Kass et al., supra note 93, at 266–67.

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confidential.” This data is then specially coded (e.g., with a DRM layer),
and although it circulates within the EIHR, is not generally readable.
The secure envelope could be opened only with a specific additional consent
from the patient or in the case of a particular medical interaction.
Examples of the latter might include: “To be opened if unconscious in an
ER,” “To be opened in an OB/GYN emergency,” or “To be opened if
psychotropic medications are prescribed.” Research would be required
to determine how the conditions “on” the envelope could be coded so
that they do not defeat the exercise by hinting at the secure data contained

b. Contextual Disclosure
Context-specific disclosure requires the patient (likely in consultation
with his provider) to create different layers of health information
that are made available to the EIHR. These layers would then provide
for context-specific disclosure. For example, ob/gyn-related data would
only be available to ob/gyn providers. Research would be required to
determine the impact of such limitations on health quality or medication
safety. For example, if a patient was taking Lithium and being treated in
an ER following an overdose, absent knowledge of the medication or
underlying diagnosis, the patient would be at extreme risk as there is no
screening test for detecting Lithium.

Patient-initiated carveouts aside, an EIHR system likely would have
to be coded for some layer restrictions on data because of existing restrictions
on the transparency of data involving, for example, HIV/AIDS
or child abuse. At present, there are immense variations in state law restricting
data transparency. These variations would need to be addressed
through the development of national standards or by allowing patients
both to specify states in which they are likely to receive care and to code
records to meet the regulations of the most restrictive state specified.

c. Access and Edit
Envelope storage or context constraints generally are discussed in
terms of restrictions placed on the data upon input. However, comparable
rights could be given to patients using an Access/Edit model similar
to that used by the HIPAA confidentiality standards or some state statutes.
Thus, a patient could be permitted to access his record and remove
or request removal of specific data, or place restrictions on its dissemination
(e.g., by moving it to a secure envelope). An Access/Edit system has
the difficulties of any model in which some data are unavailable to treating
physicians. It has the additional disadvantage for patient care that
patients may use idiosyncratic judgment in securing records, but the concomitant
advantage that patients will be able to exercise individualized
preferences in this regard.

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4. Review and Audit
As a more powerful EIHR system is developed, problems with the
integrity of records must also be addressed. Record inaccuracy or corruption
can adversely affect patient care—far more so than if the inaccurate
record is buried in the office of an individual provider. Data security
breaches carry the potential to release an entire record, rather than
whatever fragment may be located in the office of an individual provider.

As electronic records are relied on more extensively, their accuracy
will be important for patient safety and quality of care. Records gathered
far in the past may reappear with deleterious consequences. Patients
thus should be able to review their records for accuracy to be able
to ensure that old inaccuracies or errors do not recur in current approaches
to care. If old paper records are transformed into electronic
format, patients should be able to review what is included for accuracy
and to limit linkages as appropriate. As new electronic records are created,
patients should be permitted to review them for accuracy to the
same extent they currently can review paper records. When patients
challenge the accuracy of records, corrections should be made and noted
by providers where appropriate. If, in the judgment of the provider, a
correction is not appropriate, there should be a way to note in the EHR
that a particular aspect of the record has been challenged by the patient
for accuracy but has not been amended by the provider.

Patients should also be able to ascertain whether the patient choice
model selected has been employed appropriately to protect their privacy
and data confidentiality. Patients should know whether secure envelopes,
context-specific disclosures, and other selective strategies have
been implemented in their records.

The data about patient and consumer attitudes strongly support the
importance to patients of knowing whether the security of their electronic
information has been breached. Developers of electronic records
must explore methods for keeping patients apprised of security breaches
of their health information. HIPAA seems too weak; it requires simply
that custodians of electronic health information keep records about access
that patients can review on request. The difficulty is that patients
may not know that their records have been accessed and thus may not
request information about access. A relatively simple alternative would
be to keep a flagged list of who has accessed the records at the front of
the record; the list should be readily apparent to the patient or anyone
else accessing the record. A more aggressive strategy would permit patients
to stipulate electronic contact information that they would like to
have used if there are security breaches involving their medical records.
A still more aggressive—but the most protective—strategy would follow
California’s model for security breaches of electronic information: con

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tact is required, but public notice of a security breach will suffice when
contact information is not available.270

C. Legal Strategies
In May 2005, responding to criticisms about its Care Records Service
(CRS) system,271 the U.K. government issued the NHS Connecting
for Health Care Record Guarantee.272 This EHR “bill of rights” provides
that the NHS CRS system will

• allow only those involved in your care to have access to records
about you from which you can be identified;
• show only those parts of your record needed for your care;
• allow only authorized people to access your records (who will
need a ‘smart card’ as well as a password);
• allow you to control whether information in electronic records
made about you by the organization providing your care can be
seen elsewhere in the NHS.273
NHS also promised future technologies such that “if you are concerned
about particular entries . . . rather than about the whole record,
you will be able to ask us to keep parts of the record . . . from general
view and only share them with your permission . . . .”274 Thus, the NHS
plan endorses three confidentiality-privacy strategies: the “circle of
care,” “opt out” and “sealed envelope,” which we will return to.

We believe that patient privacy and confidentiality cannot be adequately
protected in a U.S. EIHR environment without similar strategies
and, inevitably given our context, federal statutory or regulatory attention.
A fortiori we believe such legal attention will be necessary to deal
with the informational dangers associated with the likely choice of a national
EIHR (NHIN) system. In this Section, we outline what we believe
are the four key legal protections that must be introduced: first, some
types of medical data should be protected against even consented-to collection
or disclosure; second, all healthcare information should reside
only in the medical domain; third, as a default position healthcare information
should flow only within the patient’s circle of care; fourth, an independent
regulatory body should be appointed that will have the power

270. See generally CAL. CIV. CODE § 1798.29 (West 2006).
271. See supra text accompanying note 41.
272. NAT’L HEALTH SERV. (U.K.), THE CARE RECORD GUARANTEE (2005), available at
273. Id. at 3.
274. Id. at 7. Notwithstanding, critics and opinion polls continue to criticize the program for its
potential damaging effects on physician-patient confidentiality. See Sam Lister, Medical Database Is
Huge Security Risk and Freedom Threat, Say Doctors, TIMES (London), June 30, 2005, at 24.

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to review the manner in which patient information is handled by any
EIHR system and resolve disputes.

1. Exclusion of Data Types and Inalienability
The legal model for privacy and confidentiality in the United States
has generally endorsed the approach that any and all personal information
(be it financial, medical, etc.) may be collected, processed, and disseminated
with the consent or authorization of the data subject. The
primary operational objection to this approach is that “consent” processes
are imperfect in situations involving parties with radically different
bargaining strengths or in informational asymmetry regarding the implications
of any such consent or authorization. A secondary objection is
that data protection is sectoral: both technical and regulatory regimes
among varying types of data such as financial records, insurance records,
health records, employment records, and court records. It may be very
difficult for people to understand and remember the differences associated
with these different regimes. Gaps in data protection may be especially
apparent if data are transferred across regimes, as when health records
are made available to insurers or employers.275 A third difficulty is
that most data regulation is state based,276 with state laws applicable to
medical and insurance domains varying widely; any NHIN system will
transcend state boundaries and thus pose the issue of whether protection
is only as strong as the weakest link.

Assuming movement towards a fully interoperable national EHR
and full inclusion of patient and physician stakeholders in its development,
the most important measure would be a federal statute that overrides
any consent/authorization regime and guarantees that certain types
of private information cannot find their way into an EIHR.

Specifically, lawmakers should place limits on the collection of certain
EHR information, such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
tracking data outside of hospital or pharmacy premises. Similarly, inalienability
rules (regardless of “consent”) should be applied to the disclosure
of genetic information or AIDS/HIV data outside of the medical

2. Medical Domain
Because of the great power and scope of the likely information in a
complete EHR on a given patient, at this time EHRs should be employed
for treatment purposes only. That is, they should be accessible

275. See, e.g., Rebecca L. Woodard, Note, Is Your Medical Information Safe? A Comparison of
Comprehensive and Sectoral Privacy and Security Laws, 15 IND. INT’L & COMP. L. REV. 147 (2004).
276. The HIPAA confidentiality code “exception” proves the general rule because of its “more
stringent” partial preemption rule. See supra text accompanying note 212.

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only to patients themselves and to healthcare providers for medical management.
Specifically, legislation is necessary to lock out secondary users
(e.g., pharmaceutical companies, life insurers, and employers) and to
prohibit the commercial aggregation of identifiable EHR-sourced data.

Other uses of the entire EHR by healthcare providers—for billing
purposes, for cost management, or for evidence—should not currently be
permitted. These uses are simply too risky for patients if EHRs are released
on an all-or-nothing basis. EHRs should not be available for
these other purposes even on a consensual basis; patients may be unaware
of what is in the record and what such consent really means. The
information can be acquired in other ways. For example, unlinked electronic
records in individual providers’ offices could be used instead—just
as paper records are today. If this is regarded as impractical, an alternative
would be to allow entries in specified fields—but not the entire
EHR—to be released with consent from the patient or the patient’s representative.
Or, at the point of entry, given data could be transferred
with the patient’s consent—e.g., for billing purposes. To be sure, achieving
this separation presents a problem of software design; as providers
enter data into an EHR, there will be a need to separate data for the
NHIN from data used for billing purposes. But the full power of the
identifiable EHR should, as systems are developed, be restricted to the
medical domain.

3. Circle of Care
As discussed above, existing U.S. confidentiality provisions do little
to limit the dissemination of patient-specific health information within
the health domain. That is, once the data is entered, it is freely available
to healthcare providers.

The common law position was discussed by the D.C. Court of Appeals
in Suesbury v. Caceres,277 a case involving the alleged disclosure of a
patient’s HIV-positive status between doctors in the same medical office
in the context of a complaint about one doctor sexually molesting the patient.
The court noted that “[d]octors within the same medical office
should be allowed to work together with some latitude of freedom of
communication not only to treat patients, but also to respond to patient
administrative requests and, as here, patient complaints.”278 Cognizant
that, although the doctors shared a practice, the context of the alleged
disclosure was not strictly medical, the court concluded:

It is true that, in the case before us, the communication was

not made in connection with the immediate on-going treatment of a

common patient. Nonetheless, the communication was related to

and arose as a consequence of such medical treatment and was

277. Suesbury v. Caceres, 840 A.2d 1285 (D.C. 2004).
278. Id. at 1289.

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made in the course of the business of administering the mutual

medical practice.279

The HIPAA confidentiality code applies a similar, and similarly
flawed approach, providing that a “covered entity may use or disclose
protected health information for treatment, payment, or health care operations,”
280 with disclosure permitted if it is for the entity’s “own treatment,
payment, or health care operations,”281 the “treatment activities of
a health care provider,”282 or the “payment activities” of the recipient entity.
283 We believe that patient confidentiality would be better served if
the data and its dissemination were subject to a default limitation based
on necessity or proportionality. For example, a “privacy” rule could
limit the collection of patient data to that required for the contemplated
procedure. Equally, a “confidentiality” rule could limit the dissemination
of the patient data to those providers directly involved in the patient’s
current treatment, restricted to the “circle of care” or within the
patient’s medical team.

4. Regulatory Overview and Dispute Resolution
As already noted, the federal confidentiality rule is flawed in large
part because its opaque regulatory language makes it difficult for patients
and providers to understand the importance of health privacy and
confidentiality.284 Worse, its enforcement is in the hands of the Office for
Civil Rights, Department of Health and Human Services.285 As a result,
from a patient’s perspective, enforcement is placed in the hands of an
“insider” primarily interested in ensuring the efficiency of the HIPAAEDI
transactional model. From a provider’s perspective, HIPAA regulation
and enforcement have added yet another layer of detailed regulation
of healthcare and another possibility for heavy penalties or even
criminal sanctions.

In contrast, a traditional “rights” analysis would suggest that those
who suffer privacy-confidentiality violations should be given private
rights of action against the violators, a position refuted by HIPAA and
most state medical privacy laws, yet permitted by common law actions
such as breach of confidence.286 While it should be obvious that we are

279. Id. In a footnote the court left itself some room for future maneuver with the comment, “We
limit our holding here, however, to the facts before us, namely, a communication between two physicians
working together in the same medical practice, and leave a broader analysis for another day.”
Id. at 1288 n.4.
280. 45 C.F.R. § 164.506(a) (2005).
281. Id. § 164.506(c)(1).
282. Id. § 164.506(c)(2).
283. Id. § 164.506(c)(3).
284. See supra text accompanying note 226.
285. U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Servs., Office for Civil Rights—HIPAA,
ocr/hipaa/ (last visited Oct. 15, 2006).
286. See supra text accompanying notes 189–94.

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privacy advocates and view violations of privacy or confidentiality as extremely
serious and potentially very harmful to patients, we do not believe
that most informational transgressions rise to the level of personal
injuries. Any extension of traditional private rights in this area would
merely embroil privacy and confidentiality in the politics287 and cycles of
tort retrenchment associated with the “malpractice crisis.”

Rather, what is required is an independent, apolitical institution
that can educate both patients and providers with codes of conduct and
resolve disputes in a constructive, nonlitigious way. The model described
is that of a government-funded independent agency or ombudsman.
Australia,288 Canada,289 New Zealand,290 and the United Kingdom291 have
all adopted such regulatory review and dispute resolution models as part
of their data protection regimes and most have been particularly active in
the health domain. For example, the Australian Privacy Commissioner is
legislatively tasked with complaint investigations and audits and publishes
data protection guidelines.292 Specifically within the health domain,
the Commissioner has published the influential Guidelines on Privacy
in the Private Health Sector,293 which spell out in comprehensible
fashion both the general principles of health privacy and seek to provide
guidance for specific issues. We believe that Congress should promulgate
an EHR “bill of rights” and appoint an independent Health Privacy
Commissioner charged with the mandate to educate patients, providers,
and regulators and equipped with the powers to mediate disputes and
publish codes of conduct.

In May 2005, Secretary Leavitt labeled the movement to electronic
records an “economic imperative” designed to “maintain health and at

287. “Despite the health care system’s acute need—indeed because of it—broad coalitions across
the political spectrum are tempted to co-opt medicine to advance larger agendas about the effect of
lawsuits on social stability and economic prosperity. . . . [N]o matter which camp claims victory in the
overall battle, the outcome will not remedy serious deficiencies in how American law deals with medical
errors.” William M. Sage, Understanding the First Malpractice Crisis of the 21st Century, HEALTH
L. HANDBOOK 28 (Alice Gosfield ed., West Group 2003).
288. Office of the Privacy Comm’r (Austl.), About the Office,
index.html (last visited Oct. 15, 2006).
289. Office of the Privacy Comm’r of Can., About Us,
index_e.asp (last visited Jan. 8, 2007). Additionally, some Canadian provinces have their own Privacy
Commissioners. For example, the Information and Privacy Commissioner for Ontario has published
guidelines for using RFID tags in Ontario public libraries. ANN CAVOUKIAN, PH.D., GUIDELINES FOR
Ontario Commissioner is also responsible for aspects of health privacy under the province’s Personal
Health Information Protection Act, 2004.
290. Privacy Comm’r (N.Z.), Your Privacy, (last visited
Oct. 15, 2006).
291. U.K. Info. Comm’r’s Office, (last visited Oct. 15, 2006).
292. Office of the Privacy Comm’r, supra note 288.
HEALTH SECTOR (2001), available at

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the same time maintain the momentum of our economy.”294 There is little
doubt that a well-constructed, secure EIHR can improve the quality
of our healthcare, reduce medical and medication errors, and provide a
platform for patients to better understand and participate in their health-
care. However, progress towards these laudable goals has, so far, reflected
institutional interests and priorities. It has been an example of
“insider baseball” that has focused primarily on architecture and technical
standards. The debate now must be broadened to reflect the interests
and participation of patients and physicians and to incorporate a principled,
autonomy-based, and comprehensible privacy-confidentiality structure
for EHRs.

Prior to his resignation from ONCHIT,295 Dr. Brailer argued for a
sea change in the relationship between patients, physicians, and medical
records whereby physicians will relinquish ownership of medical records
and, instead, become their “stewards”: “[I]n black and white, no questions
asked, the data belongs to patients.”296 Or, in the President’s recent
words: “We’re really talking about making sure each American has an
electronic medical record over which he or she has got control of the privacy.”
297 These strong protective concepts must be fully operationalized.
A cavalier, instrumental, HIPAA-like business-as-usual approach to the
privacy and confidentiality of EIHR data will not suffice. Hard choices
must be made as to the architectural and patient consent models that
may involve subjugating some interoperability and comprehensiveness
ambitions to principled protections of patient autonomy. Equally, some
simple tweaking of the HIPAA confidentiality rules is insufficient. Patient
privacy and confidentiality must be more broadly protected with
principled and comprehensible bright-line legislation.

294. Esther Landhuis, Health Chief: Put Data Online, MERCURY NEWS, May 24, 2005, http://www.
295. Nicholas Timmins, Top U.S. Health Official Steps Down, FIN. TIMES, Apr. 20, 2006.
296. Andis Robeznieks Brailer: IT Can Help Reverse Culture of Errors, Inefficiencies, MOD.
PHYSICIAN, Sept. 23, 2005,
297. Press Release, White House, President Participates in Panel Discussion on Health Care Initiatives
(Feb. 16, 2006), available at

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