Kaiser Permanente Call Center News Articles  
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Kaiser Call Center Stories

Suits criticize Kaiser emergency procedures
By Carrie Peyton Dahlberg
Published: Sunday, Feb. 15, 2009

The Sacramento region's largest health care provider, Kaiser Permanente, runs a special, doctor-to-doctor call operation that has become a target of legal actions alleging malpractice and failure to pay claims.

The doctors' telephone hub, unique in California medical care, has drawn legal criticism at the same time the state is investigating allegations that Kaiser's much larger customer call center lets unlicensed staffers make medical decisions.


State obtains documents in probe of Kaiser call center Published: Monday, Feb. 02, 2009 | Page 2B
After an initial refusal by Kaiser Permanente, state officials investigating the health plan's call centers have obtained the documents they need, according to the state Department of Managed Health Care.

State probes whether Kaiser call centers endanger patients
Published: Sunday, Jan. 11, 2009 | Page 1A

Worried that Kaiser Permanente may be letting unlicensed staffers make medical decisions, the state is investigating the giant HMO's call centers and plans to demand documents that Kaiser has refused to surrender.

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State investigators to visit Kaiser call centers
By Carrie Peyton Dahlberg
Published: Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2009
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