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The Manipulation of HMO Medical Testing
By Charles Phillips, MD FACP -
Fresno, California, April 22, 2003

XIII. Exhibits

#l - Kaiser Ads - the Promises:
#2 - "Patient" vs. "Customer" Detailed Essay;
#3 - Sample Cover of the Permanente Journal;
#4 - Kaiser Cartoon - why the lines will stay long;
#5 - Web Pathway and Article - "Selecting and Interpreting Diagnostic Tests" - and the table on Lyme's testing;
#6 - Abnormal Stress Test - read by Kaiser as "unremarkable";
#7 - Comparing Blood Counts:
#8 - Renal Tests - Northern California - creatinine - upper limit set too high.
#9- Lyme Tests
        a.  9a-Topic Introduction;
        b.  9b - Overview by Miguel Perez-Lizano;
        c.  9c - Kaiser's Lyme protocol - now taken offline by Kaiser;
        d.  9d - Dr. Donta's published protocol on Lyme - Boston;
        e.  9e - A Critique of Kaiser v. Dr. Donta;
        f.   9f - One Lyme patient's experience with Kaiser;
        g.  9g - Another Patient's Experience;
        h.  9h -Yet Another Patient;
         i.  9i - $65,000 Award for Missed Lyme Disease and a Wrecked Life.
#10- Anthrax
#11- Chest X-rays:
#12- Underreading of MRIs
          b.  Correct Reading of the same MRI;
#13 - California Leads the Nation in HMO Penetration - [Bad News];
#14-  Cover and page II of "The Evolution of Medical Groups and Capitation in California";
#15 - Fewer Physicians for More Patients
#16- The Permanente Map;
#17 - Patients vs. Staff
#18 - Kaiser's Dirty Little Secret;
#19 - Kaiser Colorado Spin on Physician Incentives;
#20 - Medicare Benefits Going Down;
#21 - Dr. Lawrence's Life Style:
#22 - Mr. Halvorson - Kaiser's New CEO - Caught with Huge Perks in Minnesota -Fooling his own Staff;
#23 - Bayer/Kaiser Fraud - Scheming to Defraud the Government on Cipro;
#24 - Kaiser Uses 990 to Emphasize Non-profit images with for profit physicians obscured;
#25 - Kaiser Tries to Look Benevolent (no KP stocks);
#26 - The Permanente Medical Group Clearly Has Stock;
#27 -  My Own Physician Profile on the Kaiser Computer  Note secret "Report Card" (that I'll never see);
#28 - Outcome Goes Down for the Poor and Elderly in Managed Care
#29 - Kaiser's Net Income $137 per Quarter - or $648 million a year (Now divide half of that among the 3000 Permanente partners) = $100,000+ per year in dividend from under treating and undertesting;
#30 - Kaiser Hints at Incentives but Down Plays the Amount Every Time;
#31 - Physicians Brag about being Part Owners;
#32 - The Tahoe Agreement;
#33 - Documents Disappear Easily at Kaiser - State Department of Corporation Investigator Notices.
