A Thorn In Their Side.
David and the Giant Profits

Once upon a time Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence of the upper Northwest asked the powers that be to bless them with  a sweet little boy to love and care for and raise to be a fine upstanding citizen of The United States of America. It is unclear which powers were in charge that day.  There was a rumor going around that Haides was involved in this birth but a kindly Kaiser Permaente Creek Hospital doctor quickly snuffed that rumor out.

To date, according to my own personal research in the public sector, I have deduced that the great and powerful David McKinnon Lawrence, M.D?, runs a rinky dink health care organization based in northern California. He has hired the most sensationalistic ad agency to promote this organization, Kaiser Health Care and also to inflate his own personal reputation.

Here are the results of little Davey's ad promotion.

He currently resides on the Board of Kaiser Permanente Health Care as CEO
He also holds several titles on other various Kaiser boards.  The duties of these board positions seems to be having his photograph taken with dignitaries.

He is on the board of PG&E - The people responsible for the California Energy Crisis

He is on the board of Agilent Technologies Inc and is listed as a Beneficial Owner.

David McKinnon Lawrence holds numerous titles with numerous other companies. organizations, government committees, etc.

But one very, very important thing that Mr. David McKinnon Lawrence does not want the people of America to know about is his position on the Board of Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

It has been reported that as of May 1, 2001 Mr. David McKinnon Lawrence was appointed as Vice President, Business Development by Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc.  Please see: http://biz.yahoo.com/t/82/2724.html
If any of the sites I refer you to for verification disappear, please let me know about it.  I have saved them to CD because when my investigation got underway, entire web sites started disappearing.

When I first made this discovery of Lawrence's involvement with Watson I thought that it was merely a conflict of interest situation, as Agilent, most likely is.  However the more I investigated the more interesting this became.

I begin with a brief background of Watson Pharmaceuticals.
In 1995 First Interstate Bancroft Financial Institution of Delaware began buying blocks of Watson Pharmaceuticals.
The did so again in 1996:
As per information directly from the Security and Exchange Commission available for your purusal at:
This web search at the Securities and Exchange Commission on is available back to 1993 but I don't think that we need to go much further back than that at this time.
In 1997 a Mr. Allen Chao, identified as using a conformed name, filed the following with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

           The following information is provided as of December 31, 1996:
           (a)   Amount Beneficially Owned: 2,115,393 shares. Comprises
                 478,793 shares subject to options which are exercisable,
                 793,213 shares held by Allen Chao Interests, Ltd., a
                 partnership in which Mr. Chao is a controlling partner,
                 490,323 shares held by MAL Investment Company, a
                 corporation of which Mr. Chao is a controlling
                 shareholder and 353,064 shares held by Allen Chao and
                 Lee Hwa Chao Family Trust. This statement shall not be
                 construed as an admission that Mr. Chao is, for purposes
                 of Section 13(d) or 13(g) of the Act, the beneficial
                 owner of these securities.
(b)   Percent of Class:    5.7%
           (c)   Number of shares as to which such person has:
                (i)    sole power to vote or to direct the vote: 2,115,393
                (ii)   shared power to vote or to direct the vote: 0
                (iii)  sole power to dispose or to direct the disposition
                       of: 2,115,393
                (iv)   shared power to dispose or to direct the
                       disposition of: 0
This document is dated: February  5, 1997

In 1998 Allan's son Michael Chao, a minor and born in the U.S.A. or a citizen according to this document was in possession of 500 shares of Watson Pharmaceutical stock, managed by Peter Dum custodian for Michael Chao.

This is where things begin to get interesting for this unassuming pharmaceutical company suddenly was becoming a very big player in the world pharmaceutical market.

For Mr. Allan Chao founded Watson Pharmaceuticals
According to this bio 1983:

Watson prospered with many nonconventional financing methods.  Non conventional at least to the common man.  In any event, wherever his money came from, he bought, bought and bought.  He also gave quite a bit to Purdue University and UC Irvine.  His background information on these sites has been fading away, since this investigation was made public.

One day I was quietly researching David McKinnon Lawrence and became very curious about his sudden involvement in Watson because many of the Watson subsidiaries appear to receive preferential generic contracts with Kaiser.  To me an average person, this seemed unusual because companies that have deals with the US Defense Department and the Veterans Administration, to name a few are supposed to be above having a personal interest for gain in such things.  And so I kept looking.

One day I ran across an unlisted, apparent hidden web page connected to the Watson Pharmaceuticals site which I found extremely interesting.  It can be found at:
In it claim is made that Watson (Asia) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc.  Of course I followed the links right to Changzhou No. 4 Pharmaceutical Factory, in mainland China.  It was officially listed as a government site owned by The People's Republic of China.  The site was at:
This site and it's little People's Republic flag are gone from the internet.  I of course thought this odd because it happened right after the Department of Defense was informed about Watson, a firm that is providing medicine to the Military and the Veteran's Department, might be owned by a foreign government.
As luck would have it I ran across this alternate site on this firm at:
E:\Changzhou Medicine and Pharmaceuticals.htm
The export information to the U.S. was really interesting because those are the very same pharmaceuticals that Kaiser buys in bulk.  Knowing full well that Kaiser is involved with the Veteran's Administration I decided to check out their pharmaceutical contracts.  Well I am sure you know the rest by now.  Watson again.
The Department of Defense had apparently contracted with Watson Pharmaceuticals to provide medications to our people in uniform and the Veteran's Administration that have been manufactured in and imported from The People's Republic of China.
Now I tried diligently to verify with Watson Pharmaceuticals at their administrations office whether this information was accurate or not.  They outright refuse to discuss this matter.  Just as they absolutely refuse to discuss David McKinnon Lawrence, CEO of Kaiser Permanente and Vice President of Watson Pharmaceuticals.  In fact all that Watson would say is that David Lawrence is involved in the everyday operations of Watson Pharmaceuticals and is one of the core people with the company.  Absolutely no further information has been released by Watson, nor to my knowledge has anyone else obtained any further information regarading David McKinnon's involvement in this pharmaceutical firm.

Not one to easily give up I kept searching for further information on Watson and David M. Lawrence.  In Singapore I discovered that these people had somehow become involved as board members of the Singapore Hospital.  So what, I said to myself let's keep looking.  And then I found what I was looking for.

In 1996 Kaiser Permanente and David McKinnon Lawrence joined forces with a chain of medical facilities in Asia which went by the name of Raffles.  Raffles, is a firm that is well known in investment circles in this country.  I doubt that the people in these circles are aware of the merger of Kaiser Permanente and Raffles Medical Group though.  They formed RKPH,  Raffles Kaiser Permanente Health Care.  Their advertising is that they are the largest  health care organization in the entire world. In the late 1990's they advertised themselves as working on a web based consultancy with Raffles.  Somewhere along the way things changed profitably for Raffles, Kaiser Permanente and Watson, Allan Chao and David McKinnon Lawrence.

   There is much information online about RKPH and I have tracked them all around the world and last found them in Algeria.  In Algeria they hook up with the World Bank and The Kaiser Family Foundation. The most interesting aspect of this new formal affiliation that Kaiser has formed is that a U.S. non-profit organization can now sell stock in it's firm.  As far as I can tell you can only be a non U.S. Resident to buy stock in RKPH which I think is kind of odd if they are really an honestly organized corporation.  I was told that generally speaking, if U.S. citizens cannot buy stock in a publicly traded firm it means that they have ties with governments that we deem to be not friendly to our country.

I am quite certain that all of these businesses, on paper, are very legally set up.  But as for ethics I doubt that they are even close.  Our country knowingly or unknowingly is condoning this affiliation with a country that openly wants to harm us.  David McKinnon Lawrence, that represents himself as a great American has his hands caught in a very filthy pot it appears.  How can he do this if he is a sterling example of good in this country?
I guess for Mr. Lawrence the greed card trumps everything else in the deck.