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Foster Wheeler Environmental has compiled the following historical synopsis of the site based on a review of available historical aerial photographs and site maps for Parcel 1 (site). Historical aerial photographs and site maps were obtained from Rockwell International and NASA files. Aerial photograplis were obtained primarily from the files of the Audio Visual Department, Public Relations Department, and Real Property. Some of the photographs were undated and in these cases, we have attempted to provide an approximate date based on the presence or absence of buildings and structures. These photographs are identified with the word "circa" and the year. Stereo pairs of aerial photographs were unavailable, and therefore, all interpretatjons are based on single image photographs.

circa Pre-1929Ground level photograph of James Hughan's ranch house and barn. The site is surrounded by plowed fields and some orchards. A water well with a windmill pump is located north of the ranch house (PR#7198). Based on the information reviewed, this well could possibly have been located south of the old Vultee Lobby, beneath the engineering offices
currently located in that area.

Parcel 1: Hupha's ranch is located on Parcel 1 and the surrounding fields are located in Parcels 1 and II.
1930Oblique, low-angle photograph looking northwest across the site and toward Lakewood Blvd. Portions of Parcels I, II, and V are visible.

Parcel 1: Eleven separate buildings are located in the area of main Building 001. A small court yard separates these buildings. The easternmost building appears to be used as a hangar for small aircraft. A plane is parked on the concrete pad north of this area. The area south of the buildings is used for limited outdoor storage. Old Washbum Road parallels the north end of the buildings. Farm houses are located north of the road. The old Hughan farmhouse, located southwest of the building complex appears to be in use. A parking lot partially filled with vehicles is located in this area (Parcel II). The water well and windmill are located north of the farm and south of the main building complex. A southwest-northeast trending runway crosses the area east of the main building complex (Neg. No. XA-820-91; PR#7198-A). According to information reviewed, the complex was operated by Emsco at this time. A light-toned linear feature, possibly a ditch, parallels Washburn Road from the eastern end of the building complex toward the east, extending onto Parcel V, and located south approximately 60 feet from Washbum Road. This linear feature is identified in a 1939 Vultee engineering drawing as an oiled runway about 60 feet wide (Dwg. No. PE 1902,
Microfiche (MF) 1490).
1939 Low-angle oblique·photogtaphs looking to the north and northwest at main structures on-site. Portions of Parcels I, II, III, V and VI are visible. The majority of the area is undeveloped except for portions of Parcel 1. The old Emsco runway crosses Parcels II, III and V. A building is present at the northeastern end of Parcel V (XA-820-101A; PR #7198-B and NAA, 1964).

Parcel 1:  The eleven structures present in 1930 have been merged under one, sawtooth roof. The main building complex (Building 001) has been expanded southward toward the existing runway. A court yard, located south of the main building complex separates an open storage area and buildings that are under construction. This court yard has two soil piles
and is visibly stained with darker-toned markings. Similar staining and piles are visible in the open storage area south of the buildings under construction. This open storage area contains equipment and crates (XA-820-101A; PR #7 198-B). The approximate location of this storage area is somewhere between Buildings 11 and 6. According to records  reviewed, the facility was operated by Vultee in 1939. Farm houses still appear to be located north of the old Washbum Crossing Road and Building 001 . The remainder of this area are vacant fields (NAA, 1964).
Circa 1939-1940 Low -angle, oblique aerial photograph looking toward the east at the western side of Building 001 of Parcel 1 and the northwestern edge of Parcel II. Off-site and to the west of Building 001 a building has been constructed within an orchard that has small, immature trees. A more mature orchard with larger trees is located due south of this building. The aerial photograph is identified as, "Vultee Aircraft, Inc. Downey, California" (C410 b).

Parcel 1. Circular Vultee entrance and sawtoothed engineering offices on western side of Building 001 have been constructed.  Building 001 appears to under construction on the northern end on old Washbum Crossing Road. Six administrative offices and a lunch area are located south of the sawtooth engineering offices (Parcel Il).
Circa 1940-1941Low-angle oblique photograph looking east across the site towards Bellflower Blvd. The majority of the facility is visible.

Parcel II administrative buildings and parking lot are visible. The
runway to the south has vehicles on it. A complex of buildings and lighter-toned areas area visible on the central portion of Parcel II just north of Parcel III. Lighter-toned areas along with parked aircraft are visible in this area (PR#7198-C).

East-west linear trenches containing liquid are visible at the eastern edge of the subject facility on the southern portion of Parcel VI and northern edge of Parcel V. These trenches are just north of the old Washbum Road and the Emsco runway, and east of the new runway. Ground disturbances are visible on the eastern and southern ends of the subject property (PR#7198C).

Parcel 1: Old Washburn Crossing Road has been abandoned, and the main building complex (Building 001) has been expanded northward and the Annex area is under construction.  North of Building 001, Building 42 has been constructed and there is a parking lot north of it. Just east of the parking lot are row of aircraft and the northeastern end of Parcel 1 is vacant. Storage areas are located in the area east of Building 42. The old
Emsco runway is visible, a new north-south runway has been constructed north of the Building 001.
1942USAF (United States Air Force) Plant 16 report photograph (1942); low-angle oblique view looking east from Lakewood Blvd. The area west of Lakewood has a combination of orange orchards and newly constructed markets. Pedestrian bridges are located across Lakewood, one just north of the Annex area and the other just south of the old Vultee lobby. The subject facility has been camouflaged to look like an orchard. The asphalt pavement, runways, and rooftops have been painted with circular configurations representing trees.

On Parcel Il south of the Building 001 sawtooth engineering offices, additional buildings have been added to the administrative area, and a new east-west runway has been constructed, south and parallel to the old Emsco runway (USAF, circa 1964). A grass area is located between the two runways. This area has a series of about ten buildings, and lighter-toned, ground disturbances, and parked aircraft. Building 39 is present, west of this grass area, in about the area of current Building 6 (USAF, circa 1964).

Parcel 1: Additional buildings have been constructed north of Building 001 (Buildings 10 and 25). Additional buildings have been constructed east of the north parking lot; however, difficult to discern number. The asphalt pavement in this area has been camouflaged to resemble an orchard.
1944 A Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft engineering drawing identifies the buildings on Parcel 1 andII. On Parcel II, Building 39 is identified as material conservation; An incineraror (Building 38) is located to the east of Buildling 39.

Parcel 1: the following buildings are located north of Building 001: shipping and storage building and Service Hangar (identified as Buildings 41, 41A, 41B, and 45); flight office (Building 26); gas loading dock (building 43); and engine warm-up shed (Building 44) (Dwg. No. 6-VPE-3458).
1948USAF Plant 16 report photograph (1948) showing an orthogonal view of complete facility. Remnants of the orchard camouflage painted on some of the building roofs and runways are visible. The old Emsco runway has Vultee painted at its eastern end (Parcel V). Aircraft are parked on this runway and on the east-west runway located south of the Vultee runway. National American Aviation (NAA) leases the Convair-owned property  (Author Unknown, 188).

Parcel II appears to be predominantly undeveloped. Aircraft are parked along the Vultee runway and the east-west runway. The grassy area separating the runways has minor ground disturbances that appear to be associated with the engine test area. The engine test area has trailers east and south of it. Minor ground disturbances are present east of Building 39 (located in area of current Building 6). Building 38, the incinerator, is located southeast of Building 39. The aerodynamic wind tunnel test buildings are visible southwest of Building 39. An unidentified building is located northwest of the intersection of the north-south and east-west runways.

Parcel I: Aerial photograph identifies aircraft area and engineering and general support area for missile program as occuningin Building 001. The missile area incorporated the southwestern portion of Building 001, excluding the sawtoothed engineering area and annex which were being leased to another entity. The remainder of Building 001 was being used for AT-6 modification, F-82 final and flight testing, and T-28 subassembly. North of Building 001, additional buildings wereconstructed. Building 10 (maintenance building) is expanded northward and eastward (identified as Building 13, used for maintenance storage) (NAA, 1952). The area north of Buildings 10 and 25 has four trailers and was being used for miscellaneous storage. A 1952 facility map indicates that this area is being used for lumber storage (NAA, 1952, June 30). Another engineering drawing shows two paint booths just south of the lumber vard, one north of Building 10 and the other north of Building 25 (NAA, 1952, August) The Stripping Area is also shown on this drawing, and it appears to have aircraft present and miscellaneous storage. The area to the east of the Stripping Area and Building 41 has parked aircraft. A small building has been added on the east of Building 41, to the north end ofihe southern wing.
Circa 1951Low angle oblique photograph, looking due east at adjacent residential units and the facility. Portions of Parcels 1 and II are visible. Difficult to discern activities on Parcels V and VI, except that miscellaneous buildings have been constructed on Parcel V and aircraft are parked on both parcels. Parcel II appears as described in 1948, except for the addition of open storage in the area southeast of Building 39.

Off-site, residential units have been constructed over most of the west. A small orchard is still present, west of the administrative area. Off-site on the east the northern portion appears to have widely spaced miscellaneous buildings and the southern portion are still orchards.

Parcel 1: The portion of the parcel visible appears as in 1948. The area north of Building 11 is being used for storage (NAA, 1964).
Circa 1953Plot Plan for Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft Corporation (CVAC) and Vultee Airport shows Buildings 30 and 30A, the Aerodynamics and Wind Tunnel Building and Electrical Test Laboratory, respectively on Parcel II. These buildings are located immediately north or at about the northeast end of Parcel III (NAA, 1 952). The southeast quarter of the subject parcel has two roads leading from the east-west runway, southward to Buildings 111 and 112 (Parcel IV). These buildings are listed as the Microwave Antenna Building and Motor Generator building, respectively. A copy of this map is provided at the end of this appendix.

High-angle, oblique photograph, of complete facility shows camouflage on building roofs has been painted over. On Parcel II, aircraft are located on the Vultee runway remnants and the east-west runway. Indiscemible activities appear to be occurring north of this runway and south of the Building 001 complex. The administrative buildings located on the western end of the facility are still present, south of the staggered engineering buildings of Building 001. The underground water reservoir is located in this area and pumphouse Building 36 has been constructed. Building 39 is located southeast of this administration area. Two buildings southeast of Building 39 are identified as Building 38, an incinerator, on a 1944 map (Consolidated-Vultee, 1944, Dwg. #6VPE- 3458). The grass area on Parcel II and south of the east-west runway has an isolated, lighter-toned, circular feature that is located due north of the northwestern comer of Spartan Chemical (off-site). The purpose for this circular area is not known, however, it appear to be used for testing.

Wavy linear features are visible on the southern one-third of Parcel VI, in an area north of the Vultee runway. It is difficult to discern the cause of these linear features. Residential homes have been constructed west of Lakewood and north of Stewart and Gray. Orchards are still visible east of the subject facility. Fertilizer facility is in operation south of the eastern end ofthe facility.

Parcel 1: Camouflage remnants are still visible on the asphalt pavement west of the north-south runway. Small aircraft are parked in this area and may refuel in this area as suggested by a small darker-toned stain on the pavement and the presence of two tanker trucks. West of this area is the Stripping Area. An aircraft is present in the Stripping Area and an open storage area is located north of the Stripping Area. Lighter-toned  pavement possibly from paint sprayed, surrounds the paint booth north of
Building 25.  Activity appears minimal at the paint booth north of Building 10. The lumber storage yard is still being used. Activity appears to be west of Building 42; a possible fuel island area and the a parking area west ofthat. The eastern side of Buildings 001 and 11 are being used for equipment storage. Buildings 134 and 118 have been
constructed east of Building 118. The area north of Building 118 is a fenced storage area.
1954, February 4 The subject facility appears similar to view in 1953. The wavy linear features present on Parcel VI are still present. These linear features appear to be bermed dirt. A small group of boxes appear to be stored near the easternmost end of this area which also appears to be fenced. Aircraft are parked on southernmost east-west runway. Vultee runway
slowly disappearing as site ages. A parking lot has been created in the area west of the northernmost compass rose, by the north-south runway (XXD-820-9H).

On Parcel II, a line of aircraft are parked along the east-west runway and one plane on the old Vultee runway. Additional activity is occurring in the somewhat grassy area separating the old Vultee runway and the east-west runway. A paved storage area has been created southeast of Building 39 and north and south of the incinerator. A blast wall has been added to the area on the south. Three buildings have been constructed north of the blast wall and south of the trailers, which are south of the engine test area The Aerodynamic wind tunnel buildings are present. The area has been surrounded by a fence and paved. materials are stored  in the area. The light-toned circular feature first seen in 1953 within the  grass area south of the east-west runway, now has a road leading to it.  The circular feature is surrounded by this gray-toned road that has linear
features radiating from it like sunflower petals. A tank appears to be in the center of the lighter-toned area. It is possible that this is a test area or tanker car refueling area (PR# 7198-E2).

Parcel 1: Building 134 has been expanded southward and equipment is stored on its northern and southern exterior. The storage area north of Building 118 appears to have a couple of towers present. The storage areas east of Building II and south of Building 001 is still being used for storage. North of Building 001, the site is as: described in 1953. Buildings have been added north of Building 41 west wing and east of the Stripping Area storage. A plane is located in the Stripping Area and two darker-toned stains, possible puddles of liquid are visible south of the plane. Aircraft are still parked near possible tanker trucks and a darker-toned stain on the pavement.
Circa 1954 Low angle oblique photograph looking south toward Stewart and Gray and the facility. The majority of the facility is visible except that which is covered due to the angle of the photograph. A parking lot has been constructed at the northern end of the facility on Parcels 1 and VI, just east of the Stripping Area. Aircraft fueling operations appear to be
occurring south of this lot. The flight control building, Building 26 is still located north of Building 41. A tower is visible on southeast of Building 001. Building 39 is still present southwest of Building 11. Additional activity appears to be occurring on the grass area of Parcel II, however, difficult to discern.

Parcel I: The north parking lot on the northwest end of Parcel I appears to have expanded in all directions. The site is as previously described.
1955, February 18Plan view photograph of the subject property shows site somewhat as it was in 1954. The wavy linear features present on the eastern edge of the site (Parcel VI) are no longer present. Straight linear features (possibly trenches) are located in this area. Lighter-toned material, possibly powder appears to be located adjacent to some of these trenches (XA- 820-9).

On Parcel II, three, T-28 concrete pads for planes to be serviced are under construction just north of the east-west runway as suggested by earthen pads and associated conduit trenches. The engine test building and the majority of the trailers located southeast of it have been removed.

Building 39, has been moved in the area of the former engine test building: Its foundation is still visible southwest of Building 11. Building 123 has been constructed southwest of Building 39 and southeast of Building 11.  The two incinerator buildings are still located
due south of this area. Building 56 has been constructed. The east-west runway is being used at one end to store miscellaneous equipment. An aircraft appears to have landed on the north-south runway. The grass area south of the east-west runway still has the light-toned circular area, as described in 1954. Ground disturbances that line up in a north-south direction and are oriented in an east-west direction intersect the dirt road
leading to this circular area. The purpose of these disturbances is not known (Neg. # XA-820-9).

Parcel l: Parcel appears very similar in appearance to 1953 and 1954 photographs. Darker-toned pavement is visible on the southern end of the Stripping area. The fenced storage area north of Building 118 and present in 1954, has been removed. A second tower may have been constructed south of the original tower.             
1955, June 1 7The linear features located on the eastern side of main runway just north of old Vultee runway are visible. These possible trenches appear to have been used for incineration as suggested by the light powder on the eastern end. This area is fenced as suggested by the recent disking of the unpaved field to the north.

Concrete pads have been constructed on the Parcel II earthen pads described in the February 18, 1955 photograph. Planes are parked on these pads. Fuel tankers are parked nearby. Building 230 has been constructed north of the concrete pads. The area between Building 123 and the incinerator is being for storage. Buildings 6 and 9 are under construction. Buildings 130 and 229 have been constructed southeast of Building 39. The area east of Building 128 is still a grass area with a plane parked on its southern end. The remainder of Parcel II appears to have been paved, except for a small eastern portion of the grass area south of the east-west runway. Parcel III parking lot has encroached eastward to almost the western end of the light-toned, circular area. A new structure with two pathways radiating eastward has been constructed north of the circular area. These facilities are possible testing areas (Neg.# XA-820-18 A).

A depression is visible on the southeastern end of the facility on Parcel IV. This depression appears to receive liquid waste from the fertilizer company located immediately to the east. A trench with fluid exits the fertilizer company and discharges into this depression. Recent disking of the field has occurred around this depression (XA-820-18 A).

Parcel 1: Similar to the February 1955 photograph . Building 9 is under construction. The darker-toned areas are not visible on the southern end of the Stripping Area.
1956, August 16 Vertical plan view of site. The possible linear trenches located on the eastern end of the facility have been graded over and a parking area is present (Parcel VI). Faint traces of staining are visible. The depression on the southern end of the site has been backfilled (Parcel IV). The soil appears stained in this area. The fertilizer company appears to be
discharging liquid waste onto their own property. Buildings have been constructed at the flightline on the eastern end of the subject facility. Building 302, located east of Bellflower Blvd., and Building2,located south of Imperial Highway, are under construction. The two structures located immediately east of Parcel III are visible, but not as distinctive

On Parcel II, construction of Building 6 is complete. An aboveground water tank is located on the eastern side of the northern exterior. The aerodynamic wind tunnel building, located southwest of Building 6. The electrical building remains. A fenced storage area and associated building are located south of Building 6. Materials are stored in the area around Buildings 39, 123, 125 and 230. Buildings have been constructed on the western and eastern ends of Building 230. The incinerator buildings are still present. Cargo-type aircraft are located on the three aircraft pads. A north-south drainage ditch appears to cross the area just east of the easternmost T-28 pad and discharges to the grass area located south of the east-west runway. Activity appears to be occurring in the possible test areas where the light-toned circular area and the radiating structure are located. A tower appears to be present in the center of the
radiating structure (possible paraglider program test).

Parcel 1: The western end of Building 244 and nearby cooling tower have been constructed. The building south of Building 26 and north of Building 41 has been removed. A small building has been constructed north of Building 101 and east of Building 41. The southern end of the Stripping Area appears to have been subdivided and may be used for storage. The parking area on the northern end of the facility appears to have expanded southward to the fueling area. The paint booth located
north of Building 10 has been removed and the area appears to now be used for storage. Storage areas have expanded on the eastern exterior of 
Buildings 001, 118 and 1 I.and the northern and southern ends of Building 134. The remainder of the parcel appears as previously described.
1956, October 1 Vertical plan view of facility.The subject facility appears as in August 1956. More ground stains associated with the former potential trenches on the east end and the former depression on the southeast end east of the fertilizer company are evident. Building 2 appear to be near completion and possibly in use. Further expansion has occurred along the flightline buildings. Dirt has been bermed around the fenced area of Building 247.
The water tank located· on the southeast comer of the flight line buildings is under construction (XA-820-59; PR#7198-E).

Parcel 1: No obvious change from August 16, 1956 photograph.
1957, March 12Vertical plan view of facility. Minor changes across the subject facility since 1956. On Parcel V the open field west of Building 247 appears disturbed and is being used for outdoor storage. The east end of the old Vultee runway is being used for outdoor storage of equipment. On Parcel II, groundstains are visible east of the easternmost T-28 fueling
pad, just west of the junction of the two runways. Releases associated with refueling operations appear to have occurred. The drainage ditches crossing the area east of the T-28 pad appears to discharge a portion of the releases to the grass area south of the east-west runway. No distinct stains are visible in the grass area. Three trailers are located north of these releases. The grass area north of the these trailers is still present.
The northern portion of the light-toned circular area has been paved along with the radiating tower. Another road radiates from this possible test tower. Additional test towers appear to be present south of this area.The remainder of Parcel II has been paved over. The area east of Building 39 appears to be used for storage. Test cells have been constructed north of Building 123. Activities are occurring around the building, in particular to the south. The incineration unit is still present. A slightly darker-toned stain is present between the two buildings. The storage area located south of Building 6 is no longer present, however, the building associated with it is still present. Three office trailers are located on the southern exterior of Building 6 0(A-820-72; PR#7198-El).

Parcel I: The southern half of the northern parking lot at the central end of the facility, is being used for storage in the area due east of Building 41. The Stripping Area is used mainly for storage at its northern end and
appears to small buildings located on the eastern end. It is difficult to discern activities on the southern end of the Stripping Area. There appears to be an overhead metal track/frame that may be used to carry parts between dipping tanks. This area may be where Rockwell personnel recalled open top tanks being located out doors. The paint booth due north of Building 25 has been expanded westward. Storage areas are visible on the eastern sides of Buildings 001, 41, 118 and 11. The Navaho test area north of Building 118 has expanded so that there
area at least three towers and a few miscellaneous canopies. The parking area west of Building 42 has expanded southward. Trailers are located between the Building 001 Annex and the main structure.

1958Photocopy ofUSAF Historical Report photograph (1961), oblique view looking to the northeast across the Parcel III parking lot and Building 001. Parcel VI parking lot has expanded across the north-south runway and covers most of the parcel. The southern end has a fenced paved area with a building on it. Additional buildings have been constructed to the south on Parcel V.

On Parcel II, the underground water reservoir for the emergency fire response is present in the administrative area. Building 6 has a possible water tank located on the east side of the northern exterior.

Parcel 1: Where discernible, the parcel appears as described in 1957.
1960, February 2Low-angle oblique looking northwest from Imperial Blvd. Buildings 4 and 5 have been constructed south of Imperial Highway. The fertilizer company has constructed additional buildings. Building 201 has been constructed along the flightlirie. On Parcel II, the area immediately east of Parcel III appears to have two towers and a building, and the area
south of Building 6 also appears to have two tower frames. These towers appear to be used for testing (XA-820-86N). Building 230 has been removed. The wastewater treatment unit east of Building 39 has been constructed.

Parcel 1: Oblique view of the parcel makes it difficult to discern operations. Two of the towers in the Navaho test area, north of Building 118 have been removed. The area east of Building 001 on the north-south runway appear to be used for storage. Photograph apparently taken shortly after rainfall as "dark': patches are visible on runways and near
most buildings.
1960, February 15 Vertical view of the site.. Additional buildings have been constructed across the facility. The runways are no longer in operation as indicated by the material stored on them. A helicopter pad has been constructed east of the southeastern end of Building 001 . The north-south runway appears to be used for parking on Parcel IV, in the area west of the
fertilizer company and in Parcel VI (XA-820-89).

On Parcel II, the concrete pad of Buiiding 230 and adjacent T-28 pads, are being used to store materials. A storage facility and the radiating test towers are present to the south. The area to the east appears to still be grass. The asphalt/concrete foundation for the Southern California Edison (SCE) fenced transformer area has been created. A concrete pad has been constructed on the southern side of the eastern exterior of
Building 6.

Parcel I: The northwest end of the parcel is being used as a parking lot. The remaining northern end of the parcel is being used for limited storage activities. Building 277 and 276 are present. The eastern end of Building 244 has been constructed. A building has been added south of Buiiding 001 and north of Building 136.                               
1961, April 27Low-angle oblique looking west from Bellflower Blvd. The north-south runway have hound dog missiles present on the north-south runway, just west of the Parcel V grass area. Two buildings and open storage areas are located north of this area on the runway-and east of Building 001. The north-south oriented building first seen in 1958 has equipment stored within its boundaries. Darker-toned surface stains are visible north of the building. The grass area on Parcels V and VI have non vegetated patches visible (XA-820-94 B; PR#7198-F). A 1961 dated USAF Plant 16 historical aerial photograph shows four surface impoundments located at the fertilizer company near the southeastern end of Parcel IV (USAF, 1961).

On Parcel II, at the southern end, the tower test area and open storage are still present. The open storage area is paved and the activities appear to have been more organized. A building is located on the northern end of this storage area. Two sheds are on the easternmost T-28 pad; the other
two appear vacant with minor light-toned staining adjacent to the centermost pad. Building 279 and associated electrical substation has
been constructed north west of the Building 230 concrete pad. Ramps leading from the north and south to the eastern incineration unit is visible. Looking from toward the west, a possible aboveground tank is visible on the west side of the southern exterior of Building 39 (XA-820-94-B),
poor resolution of the photograph makes it difficult to verify. Another 1961 photograph looking toward the northeast suggests that a covered overhang is present in this area(XA-820-94-N). The wastewater treatmem unit east of Building 39 has two aboveground tanks. The SCE transformer area has transformers present. The water tank located north of Building 6 has been removed. The buildings located south of Building 6 are present, however, the two test towers have been removed (XA-820- 94-N).

Parcel 1: The northern end of the parcel is not discernible and/or visible.Two buildings and a canopy have been added on the east side of Building 41,just north of Building 101. A truck ramp.and loading dock have been constructed due east of this area, on the eastern edge of the parcel.  Building 51 is located north of this area. The Navaho tower east of  Building 118 is still present. The storage area associated with the tower
has a one story building and material stored. The area is fenced (XA- 820-94-B, -N).

1962, April 23  Low-angle oblique looking north from Imperial Blvd. The subject facility is essentially as described in 1961. Surface impoundments are visible on the western end of the fertilizer company, east of Parcel IV. They do not appear to contain liquid (XA-820-103 J). Three baseball fields are located immediately east of Bellflower and south of Building
302. The north-south runway has vehicles parked on its southern end and missiles immediately north of the vehicles. The southern end of the north-south runway has been paved westward and is used for parking.

On Parcel II, sixteen office trailers have been added to the northern and southern sides of Building 6. The six, southern trailers are immediately adjacent to the northeastern end of Parcel 111 (XA-820-103 J and USAF,1964). Additional activity is present east of the two tower flames and test stands (USAF, circa 1964). The area to the east has grass and vehicles parked on the north-south runway. The tank visible on the southern end
of Building 39 is no longer present.

Parcel 1: The site appears to be as described in 1961. A storage area is located north of Building 51, on the eastern end of the parcel. Operations on the north end of Parcel II are not discernible due to the poor photograph resolution. Missiles are parked on the north-south runway, due southeast of Building 001.
1963, November 6Low-angle oblique photograph looking southwest, from north of the intersection of Bellflower and Lakewood Blvds. The foundation for Building 305 has been set ih the area of the three 1962 baseball fields (USAF, circa 1964). Additional office trailers area located on the eastern end of Parcel III. The majority of the buildings on Parcel V have been constructed. A smaller helicopter padhas also been constructed in the grass area of Parcel V CCIISAF, circa 1964). The northern two-thirds of Parcel VI area used as parking lots and the southern one-third is used for storage and possible testing (S&-820-20B).

On Parcel II, Building 290 has been constructed immediately west of Building 6 (S&ID-820-20B). A USAF historical photograpih shows that Building 288 is being constructed immediately east of Parcel III. This building is located in the area of the former test towers visible in earlier photographs. Just east of Building 288, the Apollo capsule impact test tank and tower have been constructed. The tank is filled with water and the space capsule is tested for structural integrity by dropping it on the water from the tower. An October 1963 map shows Building 290 being extended southward (NAA, 1963a).

Parcel I: Additional buildings have been constructed north of Building 001. Building 287 has been consructed on the northeastern end of Parcel I. The area north and west of the building is used for storage. Another helicopter pad has been constructed east and immediately adjacent to the helicopter pad east of Buiiding 001. Additional buildings have been constructed east of Buildings 41 and 277. Building 199 is present north of Building 277. A building is located in the former Stripping Area. Minor ground disturbances that appearto be associated with the construction of Building 287 are located in the open storage area due north. The area west of the Lumber storage area has about 12 trailers and an open storage yard.
circa late 1963-early 1964Vertical plan view of facility. Buildings 288 and 305 are under construction. Building 303 and another building have been constructed, off-site, south of Parcel V at the northern end of the fertilizer plant. The majority of the buildings on Parcel V have been constructed. Testing facilities and storage areas are still located on the southern end of Parcel VI. Remnants of the old north-south runway are visible, and that portion between the flightline and Building 001 is being used for storage of equipment and boxes. Eleven structures/trailers are located at the eastern edge of Parcel III. The majority of Parcel IV has been paved with asphalt. Overall the parking lots at the facility appear vacant, except for the lot south of Building 290. Buildings 2, 4 , 5 and 18 have been constructed on the south side of lmperial Highway.

On Parcel II, Building 290 has been completed. A total of eleven trailers remain on the northern and southern sides of Building 6. Open storage facilities are present on the northern and possibly southern ends of Buildings 6/290. Small grass areas remains south of Building 288 and east of the SCE transformer yard. Buildings 286 and 289 have been constructed. Test cells east of Building 123 appear to have been expanded eastward. The incinerator buildings are still present south of Building 125 (Unlabeled, Plant Facility files).

Parcel I: Additional buildings/canopies have been constructed east of Buildings Il, 118 and 277. A building and above ground storage tank area located in the former Stripping Area. Building 134 has been expanded southward. Building 701 also appears to have had additions constructed on its western side. The northern end of Parcel I is being
 used for open storage. The north parking lot is present on the west.

1964February 17 Low altitude, low angle color photograph (SID-820-30), looking northwest toward a potion of Parcel II and the southwest end of Parcel V.   Buildings 201, 2503 203,,247, and 303 are visible on Parcel V. Unpaved areas east of the north-south runway appear to have unvegetated soil,  ground stains, and soil piles.

Only the eastern edge of Parcel II is visible.  Building 260 is under construction on the north-south runway southeast of Building 289. A storage area is located south of the SCE transformer yard. Building 222, located on the eastern end of the former Building 230 pad has been removed. Open storage facilities are located on Building 230 pad and the area on the west. Two buildings are present in this area. A parking lot is located in the area east of the Impact Test facility.

 Parcel 1: Only the southeastern edge of Parcel 1 is visible. The two helicopter pads located east of Building 001 have been painted over. Fire trucks are parked at Building 14, and a small building is located due east.  Large cylinders and cones are located south of Building 134, possible cooling tower (SID-820-30).
1964, March 25 Low-angle oblique photograph looking northeast from the intersection of Lakewood Blvd. and Imperial Highway. Buildings 288 and 305 are completed. The area south of the drop tank and Building 288 has been paved and is used for parking. The fertilizer company is still present. Liquid is visible in the two westernmost surface impoundments. The  materials stored on the north-south runway have been removed (SID-820-3 5K).

On Parcel II, a 1964 USAF Plant 16 historical photograph shows that Building 260 is completed. The storage area located south of the SCE transformer unit is vacant. Building 299 has been constructed south of Building 56. An aboveground tank is located southeast of Building 299. The area south of the incinerator and substation has four buildings. Six trailers and five trailer offices fare located on the northern and southern
exterior of Building 6 (USAF, circa. 1964).

Parcel 1: Building 61 has been constructed north of Building 199. Open storage activities at the northern end of the facility have been minimized and a parking lot is located on the northern edge. The building in the Stripping Area is still present. Buildings 143 and 255 have been constructed west of Building 244. Two additional buildings have been added in the storage area south of the lumber storage yard. Buildings have been constructed east and south of Building 118. Storage activities are still present east and west of Building 11. A concrete pad is located on the western exterior of the building (USAF, circa 1964).
1966, October Photocopy of low-angle oblique photograph looking north from south of: Building 4. Two new structures located north of the Impact Test tower. The structures and storage areas associated with it are gone; however, the area is slightly darker-toned. The fertilizer company is still present (Plant Facility files).

On Parcel II, the site appears as previously described. Some of the trailers located on the southern end of Building 6 have been removed. The trailers at the eastern end of Parcel III have also removed.

 Parcel 1: Due to low angle and scale of photograph detailed observations are difficult. No obvious changes to major buildings from previous photograph observed.
1968, July Vertical plan view of facility. The majority of the facility is paved, except in the Parcel V and VI grass area. Ground scars are visible in this area. A concrete pad has been constructed northwest of Building 201. The fertilizer company is present. Activity appears to be occurring in the area west of the ·Washbum Street intersection.

On Parcel II, two new structures located north of the Impact Test tower are the centrifuge test area and buildings. The trailers that were on the northern and southern ends of Building 6 have been removed. Three new buildings have been constructed in their place on the north and six buildings and two trailers are located on Parcel III, south of Buildings 6 and 290. A concrete storage pad has been constructed on the southern end of Building 290 (Parcel III). North of Building 36 within the administrative area, the northernmost buildings have been removed and the area is paved as a visitor parking lot. Just north of this area, the lunch area canopies have been erected. The area surrounding BuiIding 260 has been paved and is being used for minor storage; South of this area are the
centrifuge and associated test buildings. The two incinerator buildings are no longer present. Building 298 has been constructed (Plant Facility files).

Parcel 1: Building 292 has been constructed on the western side of Building 61. Building 267 has been constructed between Building 51 and the truck ramp. The building located on the north side of Building 134 has been removed. Building 119 with two cooling towers on its roof has been constructed on the southern end of Building 118. Building 239 and another larger building has been constructed on the eastern side of Building 11 The trailers located west of the lumber yard have been removed and minor storage is occurring in the area (Plant Facility Files).
1973, FebruaryVertical plan view of facility. The majority of the buildings on the facility have been constructed. The southern one-third of Parcel VI is a vacant grass area with minor staining. Testing activities appear to be occurring on the west central end of Parcel V. The fertilizer plant is still present; however, by September 1973, the northern edge is being used as an asphalt parking lot for a newly constructed building on its eastern end
(Plant Facility files).

On Parcel II, the centrift;lge is still present; however, by September 27,1973 the centrifuge appears to have been removed (Plant Facility Files). The buildings on the northern and southern ends of Buildings 6 and 290 have been removed. The storage area south of Building 125 is vacant. Building 120 has been constructed. The areas to the east and south of the Impact Test tower are being used for open storage and are no longer being used for parking. Storage activities appear to have resumed in the
areas south of the SCE transformer area. The administrative building located east of Building 36 has been removed.

Parcel 1: The northwest parking lot has expanded eastward, so that portions of the lumber storage yard and Stripping Area have been paved over and are being used as a parking lot. Minor storage activities are occurring north of Buiiding 701 and south of Building 255. The open storage areas north of Buildings 61 and 287 are almost vacant. A paint stripping canopy area is located on the western side of Building 292.  
Two buildings that were located east of Building 41 and north of Building 101 have been removed and replaced with a canopy. Buildings and storage areas east and west of Building 11 have been removed (Plant Facility Files).
1975, November 12Oblique photograph looking northeast from southwest of Building 4. Operations in the area of the fertilizer company have been reduced to just the northern end with the remainder of the property vacant (A 75 1 1 12D-24C).

On Parcel II, an August 29, 1975 photograph shows the Impact Tower with the tank backfilled with dirt. By November 1975 the tank is covered with cement and the tower is still present (A750829 C-9 0). The centrifuge is no longer present. The area south of Building 125 is being used for storage.

Parcel 1: The oblique angle of the photograph does not permit a detailed review of the parcel. The August 1975 photograph is a low angle oblique looking toward the southeast from across Lakewood Boulevard.   Storage areas are located in the area north of Building 701, west of Building 4 1 and east of the northwest parking lot (A750829C-9 0).
1979, August 8 Obiique photograph looking northeast from southwest of Building 4. Difficult to discern activities at the subject facility. The fertilizer company operations appear to be limited to the northern edge with the rest of the area being vacant, unpaved land. The area west of the fertilizer company is used as an open storage area for equipment (Plant Facility files).

Parcel 1: Low angle of view and scale of photograph make it very difficult to make detailed observations. No obvious major building changes since last photograph.
1990, November 8 Oblique low-angle photograph looking northeast from the 105 Freeway area. The 105 Freeway is under construction and is graded (A901 108 v-1C).

Parcel 1: No obvious major building changes since last photograph. Difficult to make detailed observations from photograph.

National American Aviation, Inc. (NAA), 1948, April30. Plot Plan Downey Facility, Drawing Mo. 820-12B.

NAA, 1952, June 30. Plot Plan, (Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft Corporation) CVAC Plant and Vultee Airport, Downey, California. Drawing No. 880-4 (original base map appears to be dated about 1949).

NAA, 1963a, October. Downey Facility - Plot Plan, 10-63 AP36533.

NPLA, 1963b, October. Downey Complex, October 1963, Industrial Planning D/41-085, 1-64 PS 70206.

Rockwell International (Rockwell), 1989, May. Downey Complex, Area Planning, revised.

Rockwell, 1966, July 24, Schematic Design Storm Drain System to serve 1970 and beyond.

Rockwell, 1967a, April 1. Downey Complex, Industrial Planning Department.

Rockwell. 1967b, November 15. By Site and Building Number, Southern California Facilities -

             Buildings and Structures as of November 15, 1967.

Unlabeled, Plant Facility Files.

USAF, 1961, May 18. USAF Plant 16 Construction Phasing.

USAF, 1964.