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Foster Wheeler Report 



Active Leak Testing, Inc. (ALT), 1988a, January. Final Report of Site Investigation, Phase II. (Report identifies solvents in soil boring RW-39 at 15.5-16 feet below ground surface in the vicinity of underground storage tank (UST) (18)

ALT, 1988b, May. Final Report of Site Investigation perfonned for Rockwell International Corporation, Downey Facility, 12214 Lakewood Boulevard, Downey, California Phase III, Sumps.

ALT, 1988c, August. Report of Observations Near a Pipe Break and Contaminant Metals Analyses Performed at Space Transportation Systems Division, Rockwell International Corporation, (Building 61 - Excavation Pit).

ALT, 1988d, August. Report of Site Investigation Performed at Space Transportation Systems Division, Rockwell International Corporation, (Building 61 - Tank #1).

ALT, 1989, May 3. Addendum to Final Report of Site Investigation. Phase II - Rockwell/ NASA Tanks.

ALT, 1990, March 29. Tank Closure Report (for USTs 8, 9, 13, 14, and 18 and Building 61, Sump #29). Submitted to County of Los Angeles Department of Pubilc Works.

ALT, 1992a. Assessment Proposal for the Rockwell International Site at 12214 Lakewood Boulevard, Downey, California. October 13, 1992.

ALT, 1992b. Letter RE: Tank Removal Report - Building 36, Tank #15. Submitted to County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Waste Management Division. Rockwell International, Downey, California.

* Author Unknown. circa 1960. Diagram - Underground Fuel Service to Missiles - Preflight Area.

* Author Unknown, 1966, July 29. Schematic Design Storm Drain System to Serve 1970 and Beyond. Map obtained from Facilities Engineering Department of Rockwell.

Author Unknown, 1971, February 2. Ecological Review of NASA Facility, Downey, California.

* Author Unknown, 1974, July. Downey Facility: Facility Code, Plot Code 016. Space Division Building Inventory, July 1974.

* Author Unknown 1975, October. Space Division Building Inventory.

*Autonetics, 1937. Drawing #D-871007-D, Proposed Gas Pump and Tank Locations, West Yard Area, Building #12.

*Barclay, R J., 1986, March 27. Letter to R. A. Petrone regarding an operational audit at North American Space Operations, Space Transportation Systems Division, Downey, California.

* California Water Resources Control Board, Hazardous Substance Storage Statement, 1994.

Tank #19, Building 289. Note attached to Hazardous Substance Storage Statement, 1994 indicates that Tank 19 is used for overflow only and therefore is not defined as a UST or a sump by the State or the County and is therefore unregulated.

CET Environmental Services, Inc., 1994. Tank Closure Report for 12214 Lakewood Boulevard; Downey, California. Prepared for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, Bellflower District.

* Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft Corp., 1943, August 8. Drawing #4VPE3277, Paving and Drainage Plan, Lumber Storage Area,Dept. 19.

Converse Foundation Engineering Company (Converse), 1955, December 20. Foundation Investigation, Proposed Building "X", Engineering Office and Manufacturing Building, Imperial Boulevard, East of Clark Avenue, Downey, California.

DWR (California Department of Water Resources), 1990. Planned Utilization of the Groundwater Basins of the Coastal Plain of Los Angeles County, Appendix A. Groundwater Geology. Bulletin #104. Reprinted May 1990.

Earth Tech, Inc,,, May 23, 1996. Closure Report for Underground Diesel Tanks at Rockwell International Corporation, 12214 Lakewood Boulevard, Downey, California.

Earth Tech, Inc. 1997. Limited Soil and Groundwater Assessment, Parcels I and II, NASA Industrial Plant, Downey, California.

Earth Tech, Inc. July 1998. Underground Storage Tank Removal Closure Report Building 25 Area, NASA Industrial Plant, Downey, California

Earth Tech, Inc. Sept. 1999. Underground Storage Tank Closure Workplan Boeing North American, NASA Industrial Plant, Downey, Califonnia

* Facility Files, Specification #A84-27, 1984, March 29. Sumps, Downey Facility, Revised schedule.

* Ford Aerospace, 1990, July 23. Third Phase PCB Abatement "Author Look". Ford Aerospace, Downey, California.

Fugro-McClelland, Inc., 1993, May 24. Environmental Site Assessment Helipad Area, NASA Industrial Plant, Downey, California.

* Gaveness, C. E., 1971. Specification #N71-94. Maintenance Specification for Liquid Removal and Sump Cleaning, SD Facilities.

Geocon Environmental Consultants, 1993, January. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for Rockwell International Space Systems Division.

Groundwater Resources Consultants, Inc. (GRC), 1994a, September 8. Phase I Assessment, Shallow Groundwater Conditions Tank 011 Area at the Rockwell International Corporation, Space System Division, Downey, California.

GRC, 1994b, November 10. Phase I Investigation, Soil Shallow Groundwater Conditions, Tank 011 Area. Rockwell International Corporation, Space System Division, Downey, California.

GRC, 1995a, February 28. Draft Phase II Investigation, Groundwater Conditions, Tank 011 Area. Rockwell International Corporation, Space System Division, Downey, California.

GRC, 1995b April 6. Phase I Investigation Shallow Groundwater Conditions and Pilot Soil Vapor Extraction Testing Tank 015 Area, Rockwell International Space System Division, Downey,Caiifornia.

GRC, 1995c, May 12. Letter from Mr. C.M. Dickens, GRC, to Hermilo Layung, Rockwell International, entitled, "Response to County of Los aneeles Department of Public Works Comments Concernin Tank 15 Reports" and attachment entitled, addendum to UST Cleanup Fund Claim Application Form V."

GRC, 1996a, February 15. Groundwater Monitoring Report, January 1996, on Former Tank 015 Site for Rockwell International Corporation.

GRC; 1996b, August 21. Subsurface Soil Investigation Parcels 4, 5 and 6 NASA Industrial Plant, Downey.

Heavener, N. B. 1983. Maintenance Specification for Repair of PCB-Filled Transformers. Specification #RS3-07.

Justice, N. D. 1981. Letter to William B. Wilson, Resident Manager-SSPRO, indicating that an inventory of PCB-filled equipment included 15 PCB transformers and two PCB capacitor banks are located in theDowney facility.

*Kritzer, S., 1989, May 1. Letter to M.C. Amdt entitled, Installation of Automatic Shutoff Valves for Chemical Processing Tanks.

LeRoy Crandall and Associates (Crandall), 1963. Report of Foundation Investigation, Proposed Space Systems Development Facilities, BellflowerBoulevard and Imperial Highway, Downey, California for North American Aviation, Inc.

Los Angeles County, Department of Public Works (LACDPW), 1996, June 5. Letter to M. J. Bimmer regarding Hazardous Materials Underground Storage Closure Certification.  Application #159050.

* Mitchell-Lewis, K.M., 1991, September 26. Letter to JDL/Manager, Facility Planning Office entitled, Chemical Spills at Downey Facility.

Murray, R, circa 1981. "Downey Plant, Cradle of the Cosmic Age." In Rockwell News.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration OI~ASA), 1973. October. Environmental Impact Assessment for Facilities and Functions at the NASA Industrial Plant, Downey, California In Support of the Space Shuttle Program. Institutional Assessment. National Aeronautics and Space. Administration, kyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. October 1973.

NASA, 1995, December. Statement of Work for Environmental Baseline Survey. NASA Industrial Plan (NIP) Downey Parcels.

* North American Aviation Inc (NAA)., Undated, Drawing #D48028G, Gas Piping Buildings 39 and 56.

* NAA, 1954a. Drawing #88084-134B. Improve Degreaser Ventilation Construct Walls 3-Sides.

* NAA, 1954b. Drawing #88095-252D, Paving Plan T-29 Test and Pump Area.

* NAA, 1956. Drawing #85095-3310, Utilities Air and Water T-29 Test and Runup Area.

* NAA, 1957a. Drawing #D-li6-A-5, Relocate Fuel Test Cells to Building #126.

* NAA, 1957b. Drawing #D-123-A-10, Revision 1, New Roof on Bomb Shelter Building #123.

* NAA, 1957. Missile and Control Equipment, Drawing #9565-81006-G, Revision #2, G-38 Booster Fuel and Lox Tanks, Cleansing and Hydrotest Facility, Foundation Plan and Details.

* NAA, 1957. Drawing #D58046-D, Revision #1, G38 Missile Temperature Control.

NAA, 1962. Drawing #DO-125-00-0-M009, Revision 1, Repair Temporary Cryogenics Facility -Building 126 Downey Facility.

NAA, 1967, May 17. Industrial Planning Map D/187.

NAA 1968, December 16. Piping and Plan Details. Drawing #PL-D-290. Plate 67-10, Rev. 10.

NAA, 1968. Drawing #D-290-M-198, Revision O, Hazardous Waste Disposal System Building 290, Plan, Section, Elevation and Detail.

NAA, 1965. Drawing #D-290-E-506. Revision i, Hazardous Waste Disposal, Plan View and Wiring Diagram.

NAA, 1974, July 8. Building 289 Plate 1 of 1 Revision 15. Scope of work indicates modifications to include propellants lab.

* Oscarson, M., 1989, September 28. Letter to M.C. Arndt entitled Safety Inspection of B/292 Canopy Area.

* Ferry, Y., 1996. Hazardous Materials Business P~an and Contingency Plan, Space Systems Division, Rockwell International, Downey, California.

* Rockwell International (Rockwell), 1967a, April 1. Downey Complex, Industrial Planning Departrment.

* Rockwell, 1967b, November 15. By Site and Building Number Southern California Facilities - Buildings and Structures as of November 15, 1967.

* Rockwell, Space Division, 1973, Dec. 4. Wastewater Discharge System, Rockwell International Division, Downey, California.

*Rockwell, 1973, August 3. Rockwell International Corporation Space Division, Building Numbers. Revised.

* Rockwell, 1980. Rockwell International Downey Facility Environmental Resources Document. Prepared by D. Attaway, Facilities and Industrial Engineering.

* Rockwell, 1981, November. Downey Complex Pressure Vessels Location Plan, Rev. November 1981, Rockwell International Drawing DO-000-00-8-P241.

* Rockwell, 1984, March 29. Maintenance Specification for Liquid Removal and Sump Cleaning.

* Rockwell, 1986, March 4. Letter to D. J. Ewart in reference to NASA letter NE/86-L210, RI031IMA and DCASR letter LA-GURI

* Rockwell, 1986, July. California Asbestos Survey Report, Baker Consultants, Inc.

* Rockwell, 1986, July 15. Real Property Survey, NASA Industrial Plant, Downey California.  Prepared by P. L. Lab.

* Rockwell, circa 1989. Rockwell Buildings on NASA property.

* Rockwell, 1989, June. Rockwell International Space Transportation Systems Division. Building Numbers (Field 21).

* Rockwell, 1990, December. Rockwell International Downey Facility Environmental Resources Document. SOD 80-054, Contract NAS9-14000, IRD MA-36852 or 3, WBS, Prepared by D. Attaway, Facilities and Industrial Engineering.

* Rockwell, 1991, May. Rockwell International, Space Transportation Systems Division. Building Numbers (Field 21).

* Rockwell, 1991, August. Contingency Plan.

* Rockwell, 1992, January 28. Rockwell International Space Transportation Systems Division. Building Numbers (Field 21).

*Rockwell, 1992. Hazardous Materials Business Plan, Space Systems Division Rockwell International Downey, CA.

Rockwell, 1993a.` Industrial Wastewater Permits, Volumes 1, 2 and 3.

Rockwell, 1993b, March 18. Rockwell International Space Transportation Systems Division. Building Numbers (Field 21).

Rockwell, 1996. Hazardous Chemical Storage Areas.

Ross, Barbara, 1994a, July 1. Memo to PCB File Subject: 1994 Annual Report covering January 1993- December 1993.

* Ross, Barbara, 1994b, December. Underground Storage Tank Inventory.

Ross, Baibara, 1995, March 30. Letter to the City of Downey from Ms. Barbara Ross, Subject: Voided Industrial Waste Permits, March 30, 1995.

Sub Surface Surveys (SSS), 1994, June 17. Letter report to Ms..Marti Klein, Rockwell International, entitiled, "Rockwell Internation Geophysical Surveys, Downey, California.

United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1985. Guidance for Controlling Asbestos Containing Materials in Buildings.

Weisberg, I. M. 1981. Letter to G. Bennett indicating that the EPA required all electrical transformers containing PCBs to undergo mandatory quarterly inspections. Letter then explains that the first inspection had already been completed as of August 21, 1981.

* Yarbrough Ronald, 1990, July 23. Third Phase PCB Abatement "Another Look." Prepared for NASA Industrial Plant, Downey, California.

* Yarbrough, Ronald, 1991, July 23. Chemical Spills, Alarm and Overflow Detection, Downey, California.

*Documents used to prepare Tables I, 2, 3 and 5.


Microfiche documents and Engineering Drawings reviewed to prepare Environmental Baseline Survey for Parcel 1.


NAA, Inc., 1955, Drawing #D0-001-25-M035, .Revision 1, Department 95-4 Laboratory Drainage System-West (Sump location).

NAA, Inc., 1953, Drawing #E-88093-61D, Move facilities from Room 20 to New Area, Dept. 93-73 (transformer Vault location).

North American Aviation Inc., 1952, Drawing #55095-265, Waste System-Material Research (Metallwgical Heat Treating lab) (Sump location).

North American Aviation Inc., 1952, Drawing #85095-266, Sink and Sump for Research Group (Detail location of sump in above reference).

North American Aviation Inc., 1952, Drawing #85095-271, Dept. 95, Plating (Locates plating facility - exact location unknown).

Vultee Aircraft Inc., 1941, Drawing #565, General Plot Plan (entregrip)

Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp, 1994, Drawing #6-VPE-3458, Key Map for Building and Hanger Numbers.

North American Aviation Inc., 1955, Drawing #DO-001-25-0-M034, Department 95-4 Laboratory Drainage System-East (Indicates a sump and clarifier pii. Exact location of lab in B/001 unknown).

Consolidated Vuhee Aircraft Corp, 1943, Drawing #PE.1516, Pumps-Sump Ejector Type for Knapp Salt Heat Treat Drainage (Dept. 50) (Indicates sump location)

Vultee Aircraft, 1943, Drawing #PE1316-7, Tanks and Salt Bath Rinse and Wash Tanks Layout (Detail location of sump in previous reference).

Plant Engineering, 1941, Drawing #1565, Drinking Fountain Plan (Indicates location of various sumps and cesspools).

Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp., 1955, Drawing #4VPE 4062, Pump Sump - Tank Pit and Drainage Magnesium Process (Unknown specific location).

Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp., 1943, Drawing #4VPE 3277, Paving and Drainage Plan, Lumber Storage Area (Indicates drainage, catch basins, incinerators, and pad drains along drainage canals. Drawing also indicates oil soaked dirt in majority of area of lumber yard.)

Vultee Aircraft, 1942, Drawing #P.E. 1896, Revision #5, Tanks - Underground Storage, Waste Oil - Paint Storage Building (Indicates locations ofUSTs, but exact location of Building unknown - Building 001?.

Vultee Aircraft, no drawing number, Sewage Lines and Plan View (3) separate drawings -indicates locations of USTs and floors drains, Building 001?.

Vultee Aircraft, 1942, Drawing #P.E. 1896, Sheet 5, Tanks, Undergrdund Storage, Waste Oil - Paint Storage Building.

Vuhee Aircraft, no date, no drawing number, Sewage Lines and Plans

Vultee Aircraft, no date, no drawing number, Gas Lines and Plans.

B/4A (B/001)

Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp., 1943, Drawing #P.E. 1816, Pumps - Sump Ejector Tanks for Knapp Salt Heat Treat Drainage.

B/4A & Bnl (B/001)

Vultee Aircraft, 1941, Draihing #P.E. 1968, Sheet 21, Overload and Underground Main Pipe Lines, Building #44.

Vultee Aircraft, 1941, Drawing #P.E. 1968, Sheet 9, Overhead and Underground Main Piping, Building #21.


NAA Inc., 1966, Drawing #D-9-A-2, Revision 1, Rehabilitation of Cafeteria, Building #9, Downey Facility, Floor Plan, Interior Elevation and Details.


North Americana Aviation Inc., Missile Division, 1960, Drawing #0-11-A-44, First Floor and Mezzanine Plan, Building 11 (Indicates that boiler room may now by building. 239).



NAA Inc. Sheet #A-Building M-1, Downey facility Rehabilitation, Equipment Building Construction - Zone "A" Underground Sewer Piping Columns 1-5, H-J Ground Floor.

B/25 & B26

Vultee Aircraft, 1941, Drawing #P.E. 1968, Pipe Lines ·- Underground Buildings #25 and #26.


NAA Inc., 1956, Drawing: #D-41-A-28, Revision 1, Record Drawings, Floor Plans and Elevations, Building 41, Zones 41, 41A, 45.

NAA Inc., 1959, Drawing #D-71139-D, Revision 3, Relocation of Westinghouse Quick Quench Furnace and Knapp Aging Oven, Plan and Section of Pit.

NAA Inc., 1959, Drawing #D-71148 AF, Revision 2, Relocate Water Treatment Facility, Structural Layout and Details.

NAA Inc., 1959, Drawing #D-71153-AF, Revision 1. Relocate Wet Paint Spray Booth, Plot Plan.

NAA Inc., 1956, Drawing #D-41176D, Revision 2, Relocate Heat Treating Facilities, General Arrangement, Mechanical Equipment Layout.


Vultee Aircraft, 1943, Drawing #P.E. 225, Heaters - Service Garage Fuel Oil Tank and Piping Building 42.


NAA Inc., Apollo Tube Cleaning and Plating, 1963, Drawing D61-A-Z, Building 061, Pit and Trench Plans, Sections, and Details.

NAA, Inc. Apollo Tube Cleaning andPlating, 1963, Drawing #D61-P-1, Revision 2, Building 061, Site and Plot Plan.

North American Rockwell Corporation, Space Division, 1970, Drawing #D-61-A-46, Silk Screen Operations, Building #61, Downey, Architectural Plan North American Rockwell Corporation, Space Division, 1969, Drawing #D-61-A-39, Revision 1 Design Modifications Chemical Processing Building 61, Downey Facility, Partial Floor Plan.

NAA Inc., 1969, Drawing #D-61-A-33, Revision 1, Upgrade Paint Stripping Area.Downey Facility, Construction Details.

North American Rockwell Corporation, Space Division, 1978, Drawing #DO-061-00-1-A-052, Revision 2, Electropolish System, Building 061, Downey Facility, Platform and Support Details.

NAA Inc., 1975, Drawing" #DO-061-00-AA-036, Revision 2, Plating System, Building 061, Downey Facility, Architectural Plan.

NAA Inc., 1975, Drawing #DO-061-00-1-A-011, Revision 3, Apollo Tube Cleaning and Plating, Building 61, Pit and Trench Plans, Sections and Details.

NAA Inc., 1975, Drawing #DO-061-00-1-A-012, Revision 6, Building 61 Extension and Dip Brazing Facilities.

Rockwell International Corporation, Space Division, 1975, Drawing #DO-061-00-2-X-051, As Built, Project Title Unknown, Plan & Sections.

Rockwell international Corporation, Space Division, 1975, Drawing #DO-061-00-1-A-050,

Revision 2, Rehabilitation Processing Area, Building 61,Downey Facility, Structural Plan and Sections.


NAA Inc., 1955, Drawing #D-118-00-0-M019, Revision 1, Drain Line from Sump and Water Coolers Area Near Equipment Building #118.

NAA Inc., 1967, Drawing No. D-118-M-10, Revision O, Rehab of Utilities Building #118, Downey Facilities.


NAA Inc., 1956, Drawing #D-75038-D, Revision 1, Floor Plan and Door Schedule, Proposed New X-ray Building and Alterations to Building 134.


Rockwell International Corporation, Space Division, Drawing #DO-199-00-0-M011, Recycling Industrial Water, General Arrangement.


NAA Inc 1959 Drawing #D41205-AF, Relocatio'n and Rehabilitation of the Metal Finishing Facilities,Exhaust System Plan

NAA Inc., 1959, Drawing #41201-AF, Relocated and Rehabilitation of the Meal Finishing Facilities, Plot Plan.

NAA Inc., 1959, Drawing #41203-AF, Relocation and Rehabilitation of the Metal Finishing Facilities, First Floor Piping.

NAA Inc., 1959, Drawing #41202-AF, Relocation and Rehabilitation of the Metal Finishing Facilities, Underground Piping Plan

North American Rockwell Corporation, Space Division, 1971, Drawing #DO-277-00-0-A-023,

As Built, Strip-Out S & T Processing, Building 277, Downey Facility, Location of Photos Area Demolition.

NAA Inc., 1952, Drawing #A5095-271, Low Voltage Wiring - Rearrange Dept. 95 Plating. B/244/277

North American Rockwell, Space Division, 1974, Drawing DO-277-00-M-032, Revision 6, Process Facility Building 244/277, Mechanical Tank Layout.


NAA Inc., 1956, Drawing #D-244-A-20, Chemical Mill Building General Arrangement.

NAA Inc., 1956. Drawing #D-244-A-26, Sumps #1 and #2 Chemical Milling Facility.

NAA Inc., 1956, Drawing #D-244-A-25, Tank Pit, Enlarged Plan and Sections, Chemical Milling Facility.

NAA Inc., 1957, Drawing #D-244-4-24, Revision 1, Foundation and Tank P7 Construction Details, Chemical Milling Facility.

North American Rockwell Corporation, Space Division, 1971, Drawing #DO-244-00-0-A-059, As Built, Strip-Out Tank Line, Building 244, Downey Facility, Architectural Demolition.

Rockwell International Corporation, Space Division, 1983, Drawing #DO-244-00-I-A-067, As Built, Fill Processing Tank Pit, Building 244, Downey, Partial Plan and Sections.

NAA Inc., 1957, Drawirig #DO-244-00-0-A-058, Revision 0, Install Acid Storage Tanks, Plans & Miscellaneous Details.


NAA Inc., 1966, Drawig D-276-M-11, Install Enlarged Tanks Building 276, Downey Facility Plan and Details.

NAA Inc., 1959, Drawing D-276-A-14, Paint Booth Relocation, Floor Plan, Interior and Exterior Wall Details.

NAA Inc., 1959, Drawing #DO-276-00-0-A-009, Revision 1, Relocate Wet Paint Spray Booth, Plot Plan.


Rockwell International Corporation Space Division, 1981, Drawing #DO-287-00-A-0-649, Revision 3, Rehabilitation Processing Area, Building 287, Downey Facility, Structural Plan and Sections.

NAA Inc., 1962; Drawing #D-287-A-3, As Built, Apollo Bonding Test Facility, Floor Plan.


North American Rockwell Corp., Space Division, 1973, Drawing #DO-701-000-M;OOS, Revision1, New Paint Booths in Existing Canopy #701, Floor Plans, Root Plan, Sections.


NAA Inc., Undated, Drawing #D-86015-G Building 1 Zone 5 Expansion, Master Pilot Plan Current Layout.

NAA Inc.,t 1948, Drawing #D-880-4, Plot Plan, C.T.A.C. Plant and Water Airport, Downey California.

NAA Inc., 1953, Drawing #850-307, Sewer and Gas Lines, Mezzanine C.

NAA Inc., 1955, Master Utility Plan, Downey Plant.

NAA Inc., 1955, Drawing #8809-198, Plot Plan.

NAA Inc., 1956, Drawing #80064, Existing and Proposed Sewer Lines.

NAA Inc., 1956, Drawing #D80071G, Plot Plan, Showing Buildings, Fences, Pavement and Roadways.

NAA Inc., Missile Division, Drawing #D80072AF, Utility Plot Plan Showing Sewer Service.

NAA Inc., 1962, Drawing #D80071AF, Plot Plan; Buildings, Gates, Easements, Fences.

NAA Inc., 1966, Drawing #D80070AF, Plot Plan; Boundaries, Easements, Zoning.

North America Rockwell Corporation, Space Division, Circa 1960's, Coding Towers Downey Complex, Equipment Schedule Complete Site.

NAA Inc., 1956, Drawing #D30073G, Sprinkler Layout Downey Plant.

NAA Inc., 1956, Drawing #D41098G, Domestic Water and Sewers Buildings 42, 10, 25, 41 and Yard.

NAA Inc., 1955, Drawing #D-49002-D, Additions to Fire Protection System Piping Plot Plan and Details.

NAA Inc., 1956, Drawing #861002, Paving - North and South Side of E-M Building.

NAA Inc., 1956, Drawing #D-59069-D, Perimeter Fence Lighting Northeast Plot Plan.

Vultee Aircraft, 1939, Drawing #P.E. 1902, Survey for Vultee Aircraft.

NAA Inc., 1955, Drawing #D-85007F, Revision # i, Drainage East of Test Tower, Plot Plan.


Rockwell International,1993, Drawing #DO-000-00-0-P-422, Chemical Processing Facilities,Downey Site, General Arrangement of Processing Facilities. (B/244, 277, 276, 289, 61, 292, 287).

Rockwell International 1993, Drawing #DO-000-00-0-M-423, Chemical Processing Facilities,Downey Site, Building 199 - Tank Farm

Rockwell International 1993, Drawing #DO-000-00-0-P-424, Chemical Processiilg Facilities, Downey Site, Piping Layout - Tank Farm.

Rockwell International, 1993, Drawing #DO-000-00-0-P-425, Chemical Processing Facilities, Downey Site, Buildirig 61.

Rockwell International 1993, Drawing #DO-000-00-0-P-426, Chemical Processing Facilities, Downey Site, Building 276.

Rockwell International 1993, Drawing #DO-000-00-0-P-427, Chemical Processing Facilities, Downey Site, Building 277.

Rockwell International 1993, Drawing #DO-000-00-0-P-421, Flow Diagram, Water and Sewer System, Downey Site, Abel, Baker, Charley; Dog, Easy, Fox, George, How, Jig, King, Mike, Queen, Peter, Oboe, Buildings 303, 305, 4, and 39 Sewer.


NAA Inc.,  1951, Drawing #D40048D, Master Utility Easement Plan.

NAA Inc.,  1967, Drawing #D40050D, Master Utility Easement Plan.

NAA Inc.,  1957, Drawing #D40047D, Master 
Utility Easement Plan.

NAA Inc.,  1957, Drawing #D40044D, Master 
Utility Easement Plan.

NAA Inc.,  1957, Drawing #D40042D, Master Utility Easement Plan.