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John W. Miller, Inc.
Attorneys at Law
101 Moody Court, Suite 100
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
(805) 497-0857 ext. 111
Fax (805) 495-2684

April 24, 2006

Frank P. Serrao
Address shielded for this online presentation
Simi Valley, CA 93063

Re:  Frank P. Serrao vs. Global Entertainment Partners
WCAB No :  VNO 0525423

Dear Mr. Serrao:


This is a status on what we have learned in your case and the other mold exposure cases we are handling for you and your co-workers at Downey Studios.  We have volumes of documents we are wading through in an effort to determine what chemicals you may have been exposed to in the air and dust at Downey Studios.  We are certain, however, of your exposure to molds.

In speaking with ., one of the leading mold experts in the country, he and others have been doing DNA testing at the University of Illinois on people exposed to molds.  What they have found, which surprised Dr. Gillis, is that people who work around molds for even a short period of time on a regular basis injure their immune systems.  While their immune systems have been injured, and if they continue to work around molds, it causes further injury.

Unless you receive the correct anti-fungal medication and treatment which could take a long period of time, your immune system remains depressed.  This explains why you may continue to have infections, pulmonary problems and asthmas over and over again which may go away and come back, or may not go away at all.

I am attempting to have the DNA blood testing done for you and each of your co-workers which will give us a base line and determine the amount of injuries you have sustained from the molds.  Once that is done and you start with the correct medical treatment, the tests can be re-run in a couple of years to determine the effectiveness of the treatment and the status of your immune system.

Very truly yours,

John W. Miller


Letter from Attorney John W. Miller admitting employees illnesses are directly related to contamination at Downey Studios.


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