The Kaiser Papers A Public Service Web SiteIn Copyright Since September 11, 2000
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Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation (Foster Wheeler Environmental) performed an Environmental BaseIine Survey (EBS) of Parcel I located at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)Industrial Plant (subject facility) in Downey, California (Figures 1 and 2). The EBS documents, to the extent feasible, recognized environmental conditions associated with Parcel 1.   The EBS is based on practically reviewable and reasonably ascertainable information
collected by Foster Wheeler Environmental. This information included several reports from NASA and Rockwell International (Rockwell) files, agency record reviews, interviews with knowledgeable individuals, interpretation of historical aerial photographs and maps, and visual site inspections (VSls). Field inspections for the EBS were performed between June and August 1996. Based on our initial analysis of the data, NASA requested Boeing Aerospace to conduct a
prelimirmry soil and groundwater assessment during February and March 1997 to evaluate those areas identified as being potentially impacted.  Field investigations were conducted by Earth Tech, Inc. (Earth Tech, 1997) for Boeing. Information gathered through the EBS is used to categorize Parcel 1. NASA will use this information to certify the property and report it as excess property to the General Service Administration (GSA) for subsequent real property disposal.

The EBS was performed in accordance with our Task Plan, prepared under Task Order No. 87, NASA Contract No. NASW-4598 and approved by NASA on May 6, 1996. The approved Task Plan did not include activities associated with identification, sampling, and documentation of asbestos and lead-based paints for Parcel I. Nor did the Task Plan include testing of polychlorinated biphenylS (PCBs), radon, and radiological materials.


This EBS has been prepared to document recognized environmental conditions that may have resulted from the storage, release, and disposal of hazardous substances and petroleum products and their derivatives over the history of Parcel 1, and to establish a baseline for NASA to use in making decisions concerning real property transactions. The EBS is performed to identify property acceptable to GSA for transfer or disposal.


 This EBS was prepared in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard E 1527-94 (ASTM, 1994). Applicable provisions of the following regulations were followed in completing this EBS: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Section 120(h), as amended [42 US Code (USC) 9620(h)]; and United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Hazardous Substances Reporting Requirements for Selling or Transferring Federal Real Property [Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 373].


The surveys presented in this report are conducted in accordance with the degree of skill and care consistent with customarily accepted good practices and procedures applicable at the time and place of this study and for the types of services performed. Conclusions and recommendations require the balance of diverse, often conflicting; client priorities and scientific, regulatory, economic, business, legal and other criteria The conclusions presented are based on Foster
Wheeler Environmental's assessment of conditions existing on the dates of the VSls. Recommendations of this study are based on future use of the land and facilities similar to commercial/lndustrial uses described herein.  Due to the extent of operations on Parcel 1 and surrounding area during the past six decades, data gaps exist; therefore, Foster Wheeler
Environmental's investigation is limited and conclusions have been made without complete knowledge of the facility's history and subsurface conditions. The conclusions and recommendations in the report are based on readily available data (records, reports, and employee interviews) and may undergo revision as additional data are obtained. Connecting data and information gathered from various sources has been resolved to the extent possible, given the constraints of this study. The diverse scientific and technical disciplines required to perform environmental scientific and related services are developing rapidly and are highly sensitive to changes in regulatory criteria, scientific methodologies and interpretations. This report is not a guarantee that hazardous substances exist, or do not exist, at a specific site. This study does not
consider the consequences of the demolition of facilities. if demolition is contemplated, additional environmental studies may be required. No warranty, either expressed or implied, is given.