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The methodology used by Foster Wheeler Environmental to performthe EBS for the NASA Downey facility consisted of reviewing available historical records, interviewing knowledgeable personnel, performing a visual site inspection (VSI) of Parcel 1 and a reconnaissance survey of adjacent property. The methodology used for each of these activities is described below.


Foster Wheeler Environmental reviewed reasonably ascertainable and practically reviewable records pertinent to Parcel 1 to prepare this EBS. Records reviewed consisted of the following:

  •    NASA Downey Facility Records
  •    Historical Aerial Photographs and Maps
  •    Regulatory Agency Lists and Available Records

These items are described in the following subsections.

2.1.1 NASA Downey Facility Record Review

Foster Wheeler Environmental reviewed relevant historical literature and records for Parcel 1 provided by NASA and Rockwell. Files reviewed included information regarding on-site operations, permits, notices of violation, spills and releases, above-ground tanks and UST records, engineering drawings and plans for the subject parcel chemical materials and disposal practices, historical building usage, wastewater treatment and disposal processes, and other pertinent information on Parcel 1. In addition during the VSI process, files found inside closed offices were reviewed for information regarding operation and storage, release or disposal of hazardous substances and petroleum products on Parcel 1.

Historical file records from the 1920s through the 1950s are incomplete. The historical record for these activities was developed from historical overviews prepared for the United States Air Force (USAF) by North American Aviation, Inc. (NAA), the predecessor to Rockwell, and by Rockwell historians and newspaper journalists. Information contained within these historical records was not verified for accuracy; and therefore, may contain inconsistencies. Where necessary, additional clarification was sought from NASA and Rockwell to resolve apparent inconsistencies. A chronological summary of historical usage of the subject facility is provided in Appendix A.

The information reviewed was used to assess the historical activities and operations that may have occurred at the site and their potential to impact the environmental condition of the subject parcel.

2.1.2 Historical Aerial Photograph and Map Interpretation

Foster Wheeler Environmental reviewed historical aerial photographs and maps of the subject facility that were made available by NASA and Rockwell.

Aerial photographs reviewed and interpreted for the subject facility were dated pre-1929 to 1990. These photographs were obtained from the files of Rockwell's Audio Visual Department, Public Relations Department and Real Property, and NASA.  Aerial photographs that were undated were provided an approximate date (identified with the word "circa") based on physical features identified in preceding and succeeding years. The majority of the photographs reviewed were
oblique photographs, which limit the ability to discern activities at a distance. Aerial photograph interpretation was performed with single photographs and not as stereographic images.

Historical facility maps dated 1941 to 1996 were reviewed. These maps were obtained from Rockwell's Facilities Engineering Department and historical reports. Pertinent facility maps are included in Appendix B.  In addition, we reviewed historical United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-Minute Quadrangles dated 1957 to 1981. These maps provide a general overview of the region and show the expansion of the subject facility.  No Sanborn Insurance Maps from the subject facility were located from the Environmental Risk Information and Imaging Services (ERIIS) database that covers the period of 1867 to 1990. Appendix B provides a combines historical interpretation of aerial photographs and facility maps.

2.1.3 Regulatory Agency Listing Review

The following Federal, state, regional and local regulatory databases were searched for a radial distance of 1.25 miles from the center of the subject facility:

  •   National Priorities List (NPL), also called Superfund List, USEPA
  •   Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System
  •     (CERCLIS), USEPA
  •   Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System - Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities
  •      (RCRIS-TS), USEPA
  •   Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System - Large Quantity Generators (RCRIS-LG),                      USEPA   
  •   Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System - Small Quantity Generators (RCRIS-SG), USEPA
  •   Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS), USEPA
  •   California Leaking Underground Storage Tank Report (LRST), California Environmental Protection Agency       (Cal/EPA)       and California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB)
  •   California Underground Storage Tank Report (RST), California State Water Resources Control Board               (SWRCB)  
  •   California Solid Waste Information System (SWF), Cal/EPA
  •   California CalSites (HWS), Ca/EPA
  •   No Further Remedial Action Planned Sites (NFRAP), USEPA
  •   California Oil and Gas Well Report (OGW), Petroleum Information Corporation
  •   Facility Index Systems (FINDS)- USEPA
  •   California Hazardous Waste Information System (HWIS)- Cal/EPA

Information obtained from these searches was reviewed to assess whether Parcel 1 or adjacent properties were listed and whether there was a potential for Parcel 1 to have been impacted. Appendix E provides a copy of the final ERIIS report. In 1998, a BBL database search was conducted. The database identified nearby drinking water supply wells operated by the City of Downey, which had low levels of trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE).
Appendix E contains a copy of the BBL report.

2.1.4 Regulatory Agency File Reviews

         Freedom of Information Act requests for information on USTs and hazardous substance usage, spills, cleanups or investigations were sent to the USEPA, Region IX, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Cal/EPA Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), RWQCB Los Angeles Region, Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW), Los Angeles  County Sanitation District (LACSD), South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD),
and the Downey Fire Department. Appendix E provides a copy of our requests. Pertinent  records, where available, were obtained from the other agencies. Visits were made to the DTSC, RWQCB, LACSD, LACDPW, and the Downey Fire Department to review files relevant to Parcel 1 and immediately adjacent facilities with potential to impact Parcel 1. Discussions with the LARWQCB in 1998 identified three facilities of potential concern for groundwater contamination.
These include the Astro Pak facility, Primer Technologies, and Downey Properties located to the north of NASA Downey facility.


Foster Wheeler Environmental conducted several interviews between June 25, 1996 and August 1, 1996 with individuals, from NASA and Rockwell, knowledgeable of operations at the subject parcel. The majority of the information for Parcel 1 was obtained from retired personnel and persons who had worked in the facility at least for 5 years. Interview summaries are provided in Appendix D.

Information gathered from the interviews supplement the documents and record searches performed. Interviewees were also requested to clarify features observed in aerial photographs. A tour of the subject facility was performed where needed, so that specific areas could be pointed out and discussed with the interviewee.


Foster Wheeler Environmental performed a VSI of Parcel 1 between June 25, 1996 and August 1,1996, to observe existing site conditions and activities. Recorded information included visual staining, stressed vegetation, ground disturbances, unusual features, potential UST vent pipes, clarifiers, septic tanks and associated leaching fields, fueling stations, building layouts, equipment, exposed floor drains, and current operations. In addition, an inventory was made of potential hazardous substances present at Parcel 1. Observations were recorded and the site photographed to show the current status and features of interest. VSI photographs and notes are provided in Appendix C.

In addition to the VSI of Parcel 1, Foster Wheeler Environmental performed a perimeter visual survey of the adjacent properties within 0.25 mile of the subject facility to assess the potential of their operations to environmentally impact Parcel 1. Notes and photographs of these adjacent properties were recorded.