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                                Parcel 1 and Adjacent Building/Structure Chronological Usage List

Parcel 1
Current Structure
N/A913.023NE Box shop-shipping;North-Tool
crib;fuselage assembly;find shop-waterbased collant;Houses
engineering and administrative
offices, conference rooms, display
areas, clean room and
laboratories.  DEI room holds
shuttle mockup;bonded storage
Manufacturing: 1955-Chemical Milling, Plating, Silk Screening;Bonding and Assembly;tool maching;sheet metal;Welding and brazing;1990s-Fluid Dynamics Lab present.  DEI room once held Apollo 13 capsule;tooling.Main manufacutring area for NASA Downey
B/009NASAS40-E701955N/A24,000Main Cafeteria
B/010NASAN51-E701929N/A16,355Wood ship; plant operation;
welding ship in NE end.
SupportHouses plant maintenance and offices;wood shop, bag ft
sheet metal.  Discharges to Charley
B/011NASAS40-W301941N/A60,160Data management office, logistics
warehousing, manufacturing and
Manufacturing: Environmental test labs, 1967;Bonded warehouse, 1967 to present.By 1960 offices with test cells on eastern building exterior.  Missles Division, November 18, 1960;First floor and Mez B/11; Drawing D-11A-44
B/014NASAS40-E901956N/A3,700Fire Station, protective services,
control center.
B/025NASAN51-E921942N/A5,285Plant services, storage.Support;Manufacturing, 1967;  Paint and acid storage (1964)Fourt USTs associated with building (3-1000 gallon and on UST) stored wastewater
B/041NASAN67-E1051948N/A45,705Mostly abandoned, some
miscellaneous storage
Manufacturing:  Plastics and Processing;model shop; paint spraying;manufacturing support;heat treating, tempering; coldplating;mockup.Sump on East side receives quick quench colling water, degreasers (TCA) furnaces (PCB) oils;hydraulic;heat treat
Hazmat plan indicates Refrigerant 113 storage SW end of building;Oil quenching tank located central portion of building
B/042NASAN53-E531942N/A9,765Maintenance facility; steam
cleaning NW end; three stage
Support, Maintenace, garage; (N50E45) Flammable Chemical storage area, garage; 1989 (N50E55) Battery storage area-Canopy 744.July 96 UST removed;vehicle maintenance in aarage;ste clean bay, residual material discharges to floor drain which discharges to a cement pit, pit is pumped out every 6 months
B/051NASAN70-E1321958N/A240Loading dock areaEngineering/Unlabeled; Blueprint and trucking office
Electric power station
Located along North end of B/001;incorporated into B/001 1974
B/061NAAN117-E1151964N/A17,360Surplus storage/sales areaTube processing, silk screeing,;Freon IPA flush parts;tube fabrication;washout area; chemical processing;fluid systems fabrication;ultrasonic cleaning, passivating; etching, salt brazing, precision cleaning;major functions performedDegreaser, descaler, processing tanks not used for 4-5 years chrome rinse and mixed rinse sump;outside building used for surplus storage.  Canopy 737 located immediately North B/061-small equipment, some gasoline storage.  Built in 19? plating line, Tanks 6 to 23 and 34 and a tube cleaning the Tanks 1-5 and 23-33; the tube cleaning line expanded to it is color chem film line.  By 1974 the plating line was removed
B/101NASAN58-E1171948N/A4,060Office spaceManufacturing;Detailed Fabrication;Production control; upholstery room
B/108NASAN21-E171950N/A430UnknownEngineering/Unlabeled;VaultAppeared not to have an entrance on the first floor, c? entrance to building,at all.
B/114NASAN61-E871952N/A580Maintenance yard office,painting crew locker areaEngineering/Unlabeled;Warehouse, officesBuilding located adjacent Canopy 701 and B/262 (Paint chemical storage area).  Has open air canopy used to store chemicals, such as paint cans and refrigerants.  Used by the Maintenance Department.
B/118NASAS15-E901952N/A2,540StorageEngineering/Unlabeled;Tool fabricaton;Strain gauge tab (1964); Aero physics unit (1964); 1980-S9-E75 building used for machine coolant and oil storage;grind ship (1986)Sump located at the southwest corner of the building.
B/119NASAS10-E1001967N/A6,400Central Utility area/Cooling Plant for 8/001; houses the main chiller and hot water plant that supports B/001,B/009, and B/2891980 - chemical storage area (S20-E90)Has two 300 ton chillers and two 800 ton cooling towers installed in 1966-67.
B/122NASAS40-E1019411967?1,380Storage;part of B/001
B/131NASA120-N25N/AStorageManufacturing; Paint area, sign and placard fabricaton;Part of B/001No building listed, although old drawings indicate located west end of B/001.
B/133*NASAE120-N30N/AN/AN/ALumber StorageLocated adjacent B/001, incorporated into B/001 at a very ? date.
B/134NASAN005-E115N/AN/A5,560Quality assurance X-ray inspection;darkroom for developing filmUtilized lead shields;4160 volt transformer;tanks of unknown size and use historically located north of building.Portable transformers for x-ray equipment identified as usi containg oils as a collant.
B/143NASAN96-E92N/AN/A290PumphouseEngineering/Unlabeled;Paint area, oribital shuttle.
B/199NASAB106-E10619671967?70Wastewater treatment systemOffice;pretreatment sytem;Area clarifier,boiler blowdown clarifier.  1959 drawing (NAA #40201AC) shows water treatment unit north of B/277, the west end is shown as having storage tank.
Support Generator Room
B/221NASAN82-E102N/AN/A295Compressor RoomEngineering unlabled;compressor roomPart of B/001
B/226NASAN45-E83N/A83EmptyEngineering/Unlabeled Tool cribListed as part of B/001 as of August 1974
B/227NASAN45-E701955N/A2,600EmptyEngineering/Unlabeld; Tool cribListed as incorporated into B/001 as of July 1974.
B/239NASAS38-E461959N/A600Boiler roomEngineering/Unlabeled;Boiler and service area
B/244NASAN92-E1011956N/A10,155Miscellaneous equipment storage, no longer in use.Manufacturing;Lab and Test Materials and processing;chemical process control lab;Lab Passivating, cadmium plating, nicket and tin plating, anodizing, metallic dye processes;storage, tool control, processing, upholstery storage (1993); Area N100E105 used for hazardous waste accumulaton and corrosive chemicals storage (1980); tooling storage; dry chemical storage (1975), NE corner of building;Honeycomb area.  1959 drawing shows west side used for Chem Mfg. north of this area and east side used for parts accumulaton and cleaning lines (NAA, October 1959, Dwg 40201-AF) By 1970 the chemical milling process tanks removed and building converted to a metal finishing area on the east side.Processing/plating tanks still remain inside bilding;chemical milling facility built in 1956, consisting of two sections, a c- sections, and an etching section; area also used for hazard waste accumulation and chemical storage.
B/255NASAN86-E921956N/A1,520Electric power stationLocation of substations 501C,D,E,F.
B/262NASAN86-E951957N/A125Hazardous chemical storageEngineering/Unlabled:1980-(N49-E90) corrosive storage areaAttachmed to B/114
B/267NASAN70E1301967N/A240Traffic officeEngineering/Unlabeled:Traffis, trucking officeSmall storage area in the back of the bulding;small quant gas cylinders and some corrosive material located in this
B/276NASAN82-E1131959N/A6,000Coldplate processing and heat sink fabricationManufacturing;coldplate processing and chemical etch facility (1968);metal finishing operations consisted of Aluminum and stainless stell coldplate cleaning with acids and alkaline solutions.Processing tanks 301,317,351-357; Degreaser pit #350, rinse and wastewater sump located south of building; cool tower west experior of bilding.  Has welding workshop, a brazing furnace, scrubbers, cooling  tower, and evaporating condensers.  1959 drawing (NAA Dwg. 41201AF) sows it as being used to painting and flow coating.
B/277NASAN82-E1131959N/A8,575Processing, metal cleaningManufacturing,Passlvating,cadmium plating, nickel and tin plating, anodizing, metallic dye processes;storage, tool control processing, upholstery storage (1993); tooling storage;dry chemical storage(1975), northeast corner of bilding;1959 building interior configured differently.  Tube cleaning room on northwest end, plating and Chem Milling (research and developmentunit) on north and northeast, and on the south (Tanks 250-277).  The plating area (tanks 1-62), scribing and layout in southwest end, and sewing group on southeast end, fume scrubber and overflows sump on the northeast exterior (NAA October 28, 1958. Relocation and Rehabilitation Metal Finishing facilities, Dwgs. 412030-AF and 41201-AF) By 1971 facility reconfigured and current configurations of tanks installed by 1974.A total of 20 processing tanks located in this building;was and mixed rinse sump northeast and;vapor degreaser;
B/282NASAS118-E1101953N/A110GatehouseGatehouseGatehouse located adjacent to Gate 11.
B/287NASAN96-E1271963N/A27,460Surplus sales storage areaManufacturing;Bonding;passivating,cadmium plating, nickel and tin plating, anodizing, metallic dye processes;storage, tool control, processing paints and coatings, dry film lubricants; bonding and test, plastics, painting, propulsion and power.  Hazardous waste accumulation area on southeast (N83E138) in 1980.  Tanks installed in 1966.Sulfuric acid;chrom;Dl water system receives overflow l 203-40`IPA, toluane, MEK, naphtha; vapor degreaser;FF booth; SE mixing room, solvents/chemical cabinets.  B/118 machines moved to B/287 1993(mills, lathe); ultrasonic ul inspection unit on southwest side.
B/292NASAN110-E1001963N/A6,000Surplus sales storage areaManufacturing:Tube processing, Silk Screening;Freon, IPA flush parts; tube bending;washout area;chemical processing;fluid systems fabricaton;ultrasonic cleaning,passvating;etching, salt brazing.Canopy located on the SW end of the building was once used a paint stripping operation, a welding shop.  a sump associated with that activity is located adjacent to the Canopy now used for storage of old welding shop equipment.
B/455NASAS30W101990N/AGuard house at Gate 100
B/639NASAN45-E1171959N/A400Engineering/Unlabeled;Shed,compressor room
B/665NASAN45-E381955N/A48Storage shedGatehouseListed as incorporated into B/001 as of August 1974.
B/701NASAN60-E961962N/A3,600Maintenance;paint booths'paint and chemical storagePainting, protective coating, dry-film lubricants, thermo-controlled paint and coatins.  1980 (N50-E90) Hazardous waste accumulation and flammable chemical storage area;maintenance.Three dry-type paint booths.  Has a sink which discharges Sump 26 and ultimately to Charley sewer.
B/723NASAS of B2991963N/A900Limited chemical storageEngineering/Unlabeled
B/736NASANW of B041N/AN/A90Limited Chemical storate (550) gallons1980-Hazardous waste accumulaton;chemical storage areaOne of the two 55-gallon drums in the storage area is labeled containing PCB's, the other is labeled non-PCBS.  Main pak at B/041
B/737NASAN130-E1101989N/AN/A1980-Hazardous waste accumulation and flammable chemical storageNorth of B/061
1980 - Corrosive chemical storage area east of B/277
B/767NASAS12-E971964N/A1,860Maintenance area,oil and chemical storage
Tank Pad
Mixed rinse tank;service tank (D water);wash neutralizerManufacturingEast end'dual bed deionizers;water softeners;service tan system sump