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Selected Writings of Dr. Charles Phillips - 
Former Kaiser Permanente Physician

Dr. Charles Phillips
This is Dr. Charles Phillips, a former Kaiser Permanente Physician that decided to do the right thing and let the world know what it is that Kaiser and the for Profit Permanente have been up to for many years.

The Selected Writings of Dr. Charles Phillips are for your education.  If the public is not aware, if they are not educated properly and simply blindly trust they then can then rapidly become victims.

The Manipulation of HMO Medical Testing
Prepared by Dr. Charles Phillips, M.D. for the United States Congress.

October 19, 2007 - Dr. Charles Phillips provides additional information on Dr. Hamid Safari of Fresno, California , Kaiser Permanente.

Cross Referenced with:
original source - http://www.latimes.com/news/la-me-kaiser16oct16,0,684129,full.story?coll=la-tot-topstories
related story -
The United States has a sharply higher rate of women dying during or just after pregnancy than European countries, even some relatively poor countries such as Macedonia and Bosnia, according to the first estimates in five years on maternal deaths worldwide. - http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSN1339620220071013?sp=true
mirrored for historical purposes and supporting document at:

Kaiser Responds to the above article at: http://xnet.kp.org/newscenter/kpresponds/2007-10-15.html
and we have mirrored the response for historical purposes with brief commentary at:

Commentary from Dr. Charles Phillips regarding the relevance of - Article K of the Medical Service Agreement between Kaiser Plan and Permanente Physicians.
"The relationship between PMG and Kaiser-KC is a defacto 'partnership.' Kaiser Permanente's (the Defendants collectively) literature, internal documents and internal memorandum, and even its public statements and advertising are full of descriptions of this relationship as a 'partnership.' The relationship is a 'symbiotic' one and one of 'interdependence,' a relationship where each depends on the other.  Kaiser Permanente handles the 'business side' and PMG handles the 'medicine side' (although those divisions are murky at best, if any divisions could be said to exist).  Kaiser - K.C., Kaiser-California, and PMG documents repeatedly refer to 'partnership,' 'joint responsibility,' 'joint control,' 'joint management,' 'joint efforts,' and 'joint coordination.'"

Editorial Posted on Sat, Aug. 19, 2006 on Kaiser on target
By Charles Phillips

Your editorial "Kaiser fine a pittance" is on target. Kaiser's attempt to move 
its renal-transplant patients to its own
internal and dysfunctional system is but a symptom of a more fundamental problem.


mirrored for historical purposes at:  https://kaiserpapers.com/drphillips/pittance.html

Injured On The Job host Steve Zeltzer and Co-Host Dina Padilla, President of
 VOICES/B.E.S.T.CA.Chapter and former Kaiser and the For Profit Permanente
employee sit down with Dr. Chuck Phillips, the Kaiserologist and find out the real
truth about the Kaiser Permanente Medical Plan; for profit or non-profit? -
Watch this television program produced by Californians Injured at Work.
You can view this 1/2 hour television program online by clicking the web address below:

Response from Dr. Charles Phillips on the December 2004
MSNBC Kaiser paid advertisement on a newsprogram "Kaiser bucks the HMO trend"

Dear Mr. Wells (NYC Analyst for Fitch Ratings), on Kaiser Bond Information. 
This is posted here to fore warn the public before they spend their money on any
Kaiser and the For-Profit Permanente Bonds.

To Congressman Peter Stark and Other Members of the Subcommittee on
Health With in the  House Committee on Ways and Means regarding the
testimony of Kaiser Dr. Andrew M. Weisenthal 
on June 17, 2004

A Letter from Dr. Charles Phillips to President and Mrs. Bush.

Kaiser Sanction by The Department of Health and Human Services - April 25, 2001
The following is first a letter from Dr. Charles Phillips in regards to the little power
government agencies actually have in protecting the public.  The second is my
personal denouncement of the inspection and the last is six pages of documents
from the Los Angeles County Department of Health.

Contrary to Kaiser recommendations for Hospice patients with difficulty
breathing to take Morphine -


Kaiser's Special Tax Status and How They Got It!
Kaiser's Special Tax Status and How They Got It!

Dr. Phillip's speaks out about David McKinnon Lawrence

The Real Truth About What Kaiser and The Permanente Is!

A letter from Dr. Charles Phillips to Senior Advantage Patients

Bioterrorism-Related Anthrax - an Over View


To The Kaiser Papers