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This story is being mirrored here for historical purposes from:

Kaiser hid my Cancer from me for 4 1/2 years! (amended version)

I have been a member of Kaiser Permanente in California for most of my life. But when I was suffering from Chemical Exposure from my employer not providing the right respiratory protection on my job in 2006, I went to Kaiser Occuptaional Health in Milpitas and saw a Dr. Ramon Garcia, within 2 weeks he watched me fail a Spirometry Test 5-6 times and took Blood Tests that showed a high ALT & AST level in my blood, yet he released me the next day.

Several months later I came back to this doctor, because I was still having problems. Dr. Garcia told me that he only released me because the Workers Compensation Insurance Company adjustor named Ted Kuhl told him that he had already scheduled me to see a Pulmonary Qualified Medical Evaluator and that he just needed the doctor to release me first. But when I was released the Respirator Claim against my employer was denied.

Dr. Garcia did a 2nd Spirometry Test on me that showed I had a Moderate Obstructive Defect, but then someone in his office changed my weight and my height on the Spirometry Test Questionnaire and added 10 pounds and made 2 inches shorter, the test result would change to a Mild Obstruction. So Kaiser Occupational Health in Milpitas made me shorter and fatter for that Spirometry Test. Then if that wasn't enough, I was referred to a Chemical Exposure doctor at the Kaiser Occupational Health Office in San Francisco, this doctor, named Dr. Linda Morse missed her appointment with me on 3 occasions. I had driven 50 miles to get to those appointments and 50 miles back home.

Then I went to a Doctor at Kaiser Fremont named Dr. Henry Moon, who read a chest x-ray that I had on June 26th, 2007. He saw "fine bibasilar reticulations", which is consistent with Lymphoma Cancer of the Lungs. He wrote me a letter delaying a knee surgery I was about to have, due to what he had seen in my X-ray. Then I was given a new treating physician by Kaiser Permanente in Fremont, named Dr. Yasmeen Wengrow. I told her that I had suffered chemical exposure at work and had a severe heartburn and acid reflux problem (this is also consistent with Lung Cancer), she referred me to the Kaiser Fremont Pulmonary Department. Here I was seen by a Pulmonologist named Dr. Edith Andrea Glassberg, (one of the cruelest doctors you will ever deal with in your life) she ordered a CT scan of my Chest on that showed I had a very "Large Tumor in the upper part of my Colon". But the Radiology Report that was completed on , said that everything was within "Normal Limits", yet there was a huge Tumor in my Colon (I have provided a photo of the CT scan).

Then Dr. Glassberg did a Spirometry Test on , that showed I had a "Moderate Obstructive Defect" (I had Lung Cancer at the time). 13 days after the Spirometry Test on August 27th, 2007, Kaiser Fremont had a doctor change the Spirometry Test Results from a Moderate Obstructive Defect to a Mild Obstructive Defect for no reason. This is actually unheard because the computer actually does the determinations and recommends the diagnoses to the Pulmonologists. If that wasn't enough, Kaiser Permanente also deleted the original Spirometry Test from August 14th, 2007 from my medical files in their Kaiser Fremont Campus.

One thing that became apparent after reviewing the amended Spirometry Test report form August 27th, 2007, was that Dr. Glassberg choose to lie repeatedly about the results of my previous Spirometry Testing.

Dr. Glassberg decided to write a letter on August 30th, 2007, stating that I had a Mild Restriction and that my Asthma was most likely exacerbated by my Obesity Problems. This was all done just months before I was to see a Pulmonary Qualified Medical Evaluator for my Lung and Respiratory work injuries. Kaiser Permanente hid my work injuries for the benefit of my employer so that Clark Pest Control wouldn't have a Classaction Lawsuit against them. Kaiser Permanente hid Colon & Lung Cancer from me for 4 1/2 years!

Clark Pest Control is the largest pest control company in California and the respirator that they gave us employees is called the Moldex 2840 R-95 disposable respirator. They gave this respirator to 3,000+ employees over a 5 year period of time.

Then when I tried to get Social Security Disability Income in 2008, but I couldn't because Kaiser Permanente was not reporting my injuries to them. In December of 2009 I settled my Workers Compensation Claim against Clark Pest Control, because I was told that I only had Occupational Asthma, when I had Colon & Lung Cancer. I was given a little bit of money in the settlement to go off and die somewhere.

So when I moved to Kentucky I had the same respiratory problems and an Emergency Room doctor told me that "I probably shouldn't tell you this, because you don't have medical insurance, but you do know you have Lung Cancer right"? That was less than 4 months after settling my Workers Compensation claims. That doctor that told me that said "I give you 7 days to get to a Pulmonary Doctor." Then because I had no insurance and no money I couldn't go to a Pulmonary doctor.

When Clark Pest Control finally paid me the overtime and hourly pay they owed me, I telephoned my sister and also emailed her that I was coming to California to get all my clothes and paperwork that were stored at her house. Clark Pest Control then solicited her husband for business and did some work in her garage. They actually pretended to do some work, but what they really did was send someone to steal my file box of all my original copies of documents from working for them. They wouldn’t have done that unless they were hiding something huge.

Then when I came back to California, for good, on September 1st, 2011. I had to go to the Emergency Room at Kaiser Permanente in Fremont, because I had severe abdominal pain and I could only have one Bowel Movement in 13 days. The first time I came into their emergency room on September 5th, 2011, the female doctor did an X-ray on me and then she did blood tests. She came back later and told me that there was good news, that I didn't have a Bowel Obstruction. I knew right then and there that she was lying. Then the doctor ordered an Enema for me, even though she said I didn't have a Bowel Obstruction. There were 9 Blood Tests that were flagged that night and yet the doctor released me from care. Her diagnoses of injury was that my "Umbillical Hernia" protracted and that, that was causing me all my pain. Yet it was nowhere near the area I was experiencing pain.

I went home that night and took some Magnesium Citrate (an oral laxative), it didn't release my Bowels at all. Then in the morning I had to go back to Kaiser Permanente in Fremont again, with more abdominal pain. The male doctor that I saw, did more blood tests and 4 additional ones were flagged, along with the 9 from the night before. The doctor did a CT scan and claimed that there was no Bowel Obstruction. This doctor told me that you are just being paranoid and he diagnosed me with a new "Fatty Hernia" and told me that I had to learn to live with the pain. He did give me a prescription for Vicodin. When I was given my release paperwork I wrote on the form that I believe that Kaiser Permanente has intently misdiagnosed me today!

So after being released, I went to the Business Office and complained and the lady that was taking my complaint didn't really even care. She acted like I was bothering her. So I left and went to get the Vicodin at the Kaiser Pharmacy. Kaiser doctors are good at giving drugs instead of helping the person.

While I was still on the Kaiser Campus in Fremont and awaiting the Vicodin, I had fell to the floor, because the pain medication had warn off that they gave me in the emergency room and my Dad had to wheel me to the emergency room. This was my 3rd visit in 24 hours.

When I came back to the emergency room the admission lady had signed the paperwork (permission to treat), instead of my father. Then while I was in the back in a room the nurse name Pang came in and gave me my pain medication through my I.V. and I felt like a cloud come over me. 1 to 2 hours later she came back and gave Diladin again and this time I felt nothing. A few hours after that she came in and I saw the needle that she had and it showed about an inch of pain medication in it that was clear. Then she put my I.V. on the side of my bed, so low that I couldn't see it and then she pretended to give me a shot of Morphine. I felt nothing and watched the needle as she was leaving the room, it showed that it had an inch of clear liquid in it. Then my female doctor finally came in and I told her that I was about to levae and call 911 from the front door of their emergency room. The doctor then ordered an MRI and an Ultrasound. When nurse Pang came back in the room I told the doctor right in front of her that I don't want that nurse touching me, that she was lying about giving me my pain medication. Then my doctor gave me another nurse, who came in and again tried to put my I.V. real low and I stopped her and told her to put my I.V. right in front of me. I told her I want to see you inject the Diladin in my I.V.. After she injected it I felt the difference and knew that someone else from Kaiser Fremont was instructing these nurses to not give me my pain medication.

After the MRI and Ultrasound, the results came back and showed that I had 2 stones stuck in the Bile Duct and my doctor said that they were going to admit me.

While I was admitted into Kaiser Fremont, the doctor wouldn't let me eat or drink anything for well over 24 hours. I had been a borderline diabetic for 4 years and was dehydrating. I told the nurse that you people are torturing me for no reason and that I'm leaving if your not going to let me eat or drink anything. So as I started to get up and get dressed the nurse called the doctor, who suddenly decided that it is okay for me to eat and drink until midnight. They had starved me and dehydrated me for no reason whatsoever.

Then the next day I was taken Kaiser Permanente in Hayward by Ambulance where they organized what I was told was an Endoscopy to remove 2 stones stuck in the Bile Duct. Before the procedure the doctor said he would be putting a vacuuming tube down my throat and that he would simply suck up the 2 stones and make a video of it. The doctor said that the video would be ready for me when I woke. After the procedure the doctor and the video were nowhere to be found and I was brought back by Ambulance to Kaiser Permanente in Fremont. That night I noticed that when I urinated, blood came out on 3 or 4 occasions, so I knew they did some cutting. Then I noticed that I could go to the bathroom for the first time in 17 days and that my Bowel Obstruction problem was gone.

Then I was released after Kaiser Permanente in Fremont after they did a CT scan and more Blood Tests. I even thought that they did an X-ray as well on the last day. Then the next month I would spend with blurry vision, dizziness and extreme fatigue all the time. I felt like I was going to die and even told some of my family members.

Finally I was seen by a mobile clinic called the Hope Van in Fremont and the doctor referred me to Highland Hospital for an X-ray of my chest. Remember, I had no knowledge of any Tumor in my Colon up to this point. When I went to Highland Hospital the radiologist came out after I was done and was very concerned and said this is an abnormal X-ray. When I got the film it revealed that I had a very large Tumor removed from my Upper Colon area. What I realized after reviewing my X-ray from Highland Hospital was that Kaiser Permanente did not do a Endoscopy on me to remove 2 stones from the Bile Duct, they actually did a Colonoscopy and removed a Cancerous Tumor from my Colon, that they had been hiding from me. The same Tumor that Kaiser Permanente in Fremont ignored on the CT scan that they did on August 3rd, 2007. The X-ray from Highland Hospital also revealed a patchy density in my Lower Left Lung, which is Lung Cancer. Kaiser Permanente doctors had lied about my entire procedure on September 8th, 2011 and hid my Cancer in my Colon from me for 4 ½ years. But that wasn’t all that Kaiser Permanente had done wrong!

Kaiser Permanente doctors decided that they would do something else after the Colonoscopy procedure on September 8th, 2011. The Kaiser doctors that did my procedure actually flipped me over and did an X-ray while I was still under anesthesia and took a picture of the Tumor removed from my Colon. What it showed was the Scar Tissue area where the Tumor was removed. Then Kaiser Permanente had these doctors go to all the Kaiser Permanente Hospitals that I have ever been seen at and they replaced all my old X-rays, to make it look like this X-ray was an old one. So it would look like I had a Tumor removed from my Colon several years back. These Kaiser doctors even replaced the June 26th, 2007 X-ray that Dr. Henry Moon suspected Cancer on and postponed my knee surgery because of. The funny thing was that the Kaiser Permanente doctors that did this did not even consider that I didn't have an Umbillical Hernia at the time of the June 26th, 2007 X-ray. The Umbillical Hernia showed up on the X-ray. It's a good thing that I kept the original X-ray for June 26th, 2007 and the photograph on my camera phone. The Kaiser Permanente replaced the Radiology Report for the June 26th, 2007 X-ray that was taken at Kaiser Permanente in Santa Clara. The original report said that the patient had "fine bibasilar reticulations", which is consistent with Lymphoma Cancer. They changed the wording to say "finely accentuated bibasilar markings", which would be more consistent with Boop.

But there crookedness didn't stop there. They sent this X-ray that they did on September 8th, 2011 to Santa Clara Valley Medical Center in San Jose, California so that they could replace all my old X-rays that I took at their facility. Santa Clara Valley Medical Center had seen me for my Bowel Obstruction problem in 2009.

You see while Kaiser Permanente in Fremont was hiding my Lung and Colon Cancer for my employer, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center was one of the hospitals that had seen me for Bowel Obstructions and even did X-rays and Ct scans on me that showed them. But what I found out from reviewing Santa Clara Valley Medical Center’s CT scans and X-rays was that they actually did what Kaiser Permanente had done, they used Adobe Photoshop and removed the Cancerous Tumor on my radiology films. After all X-rays, CT scans and MRI’s are put into a system that uses Adobe. Photoshop is an Adobe product that works off of that and I can prove that they used it very easily!

So Kaiser Permanente in Fremont hid my Colon & Lung Cancer for no reason whatsoever, other than to benefit my former employer and save them from a Classaction Lawsuit for failing to provide the proper respiratory protection to 3,000+ employees. After all the fraud that Kaiser Permanente and their doctors committed, they had the nerve to send me a bill for over $26,000.00.

Thank You!

Brian R. Carrasco

The following images are stored at the original location at this time.

Supporting Materials


Kaiser Ct scan from 8-3-07
Kaiser radiology report for the 8-3-07 CT scan
Highland Hospital X-ray from 10-19-11
Photo in black and white of Tumor
Altered Spirometry Test by Kaiser Fremont pg. 1
Altered Spirometry Test by Kaiser Fremont pg. 2
Altered Spirometry Test by Kaiser Fremont pg. 3
Kaiser Dr. Glassberg letter lying about my work injury
Dr. Moon's letter of concern 7-3-07

These three articles have been mirrored here for historical purposes from:

Images and supporting materials are stored here:


By the end of this gripe your jaw will hit the floor, I promise!

I have been a member of Kaiser Permanente in California for most of my life. When I was injured on my job in 2006 I went to a Kaiser doctor who watched me fail a Spirometry Test and Blood Test and yet he released me the next day. Then when I came back to this doctor, named Dr. Ramon Garcia, he told me that he only released me because the Workers Compensation Insurance Company said that they had me scheduled to see a Pulmonary Qualified Medical Evaluator and that the adjustor said I needed to be released. When I was my Respirator Claim was denied.

Dr. Garcia then did a Spirometry Test that showed I had a Moderate Obstruction. Then he changed my weight and added 10 pounds so that the test result would change to a Mild Obstruction. Then if that wasn't enough, I was referred to a Occupational Hazard doctor at Kaiser Occupational Health in San Francisco, this Dr. Lind Morse missed her appointment with me on at least 3 occasions. I had driven 50 miles to get to those appointments.

Then I went to a Doctor at Kaiser Fremont named Dr. Henry Moon, who read a chest x-ray that I had on June 26th, 2007. He saw "fine bibasilar reticulations", which is consistent with Lymphoma Cancer of the Lungs. He wrote me a letter delaying a knee surgery I was about to have, due to what he had seen in my X-ray. Then I was given a new treating physician by Kaiser Permanente in Fremont, named Dr. Yasmeen Mall Wengrow. I told her that I had chemical exposure at work and had a severe acid problem (this is also consistent with Lung Cancer), she referred me to the Kaiser Fremont Pulmonary Department. Here I was seen by a Dr. Edith Andrea Glassberg, (one of the cruelest doctors you will ever deal with in your life) she ordered a CT scan of my Chest on August 3rd, 2007 that showed I had a very "Large Tumor in my Colon". But the Radiology Report said that everything was within "Normal Limits", this Tumor in my Colon was huge (I have the CT scan). Then she did a Spirometry Test on me that showed I had a "Moderate Obstructive Defect" (I had Lung Cancer). 13 days after the Spirometry Test Kaiser Fremont had a couple of their doctors change the Spirometry Test Results from a Moderate Obstructive Defect to a Mild Obstructive Defect. This is actually unheard because the computer actually does the determinations and diagnoses.

Then on Dr. Glassberg wrote a letter stating that I had a Mild Restriction and that my Asthma was most likely exacerbated by my Obesity Problems. I actually had chemical exposure from my employer not providing me with a respirator for pest control use. The name of my employer was Clark Pest Control and the respirator they gave us employees was called a Moldex 2840 R-95 disposable respirator. They gave this respirator to 2,000-3,000 employees.

Then when I tried to get Social Security Disability Income, I couldn't because Kaiser had hidden something very huge!

So when I moved to Kentucky I was told by a Emergency Room doctor that "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but you do know you have Lung Cancer right"? That was 4 months after settling with my employer. That doctor told me that I give you 7 days to get to a Pulmonary Doctor. Then because I had no insurance and no money I couldn't do anything.

Then when I got a little bit of money I telephoned my sister and emailed her that I was coming to California to get all my stuff and paperwork. My former employer, Clark Pest Control solicited her for business and did some work in her garage and stole my file box of all my original copies of documents from working for them. They wouldn’t have done that unless they were hiding something huge.

Then when I came back to California, for good, in September 1st, 2011, I had to go to the Emergency Room at Kaiser Permanente in Fremont, because I had severe abdominal pain and I could only have one Bowel Movement in 13 days. So the first time I came into their emergency room on September 5th, 2011, the female doctor did an x-ray and took some blood test from me. She came back and said there is good news, you don't have a Bowel Obstruction. I knew right then and there that she was lying. Then she ordered an Enema for me, even though she said I didn't have a Bowel Obstruction. The Blood Tests that she didn't give me the results of that day that showed that my vital organs could have exploded. My ALT levels were 8 times the normal, my AST levels were 5 times the normal. There was Alkaline in my Blood and 7-8 other blood tests were flagged. So she released me from care saying that my Umbilical Hernia protracted.

I went home that night and took some Magnesium Citrate (an oral laxative), it did nothing for me. Then in the morning I had to go back to Kaiser Fremont again, with more abdominal pain. The next doctor took more blood tests, which were exactly like before only more tests were flagged. The doctor did a CT scan and said that you don't have a Bowel Obstruction, you are just being paranoid. He released me after that. He diagnosed me as having a new fatty hernia and that I had to live with the pain. Then I went to the Business Office and complained and the lady taking my complaint didn't really even care. So I went to get the Vicodin that the doctor prescribed. Kaiser doctors are good at giving drugs.

While I was still on the Kaiser Campus in Fremont and awaiting the Vicodin, I had fell to the floor and my Dad had to wheel me to the emergency room. This was my 3rd visit in 24 hours. Then the doctor came in and told me that the MRI and Ultrasound that she had sent me out to take, showed that I had 2 stones stuck in the Bile Duct and that they were going to admit me and do an Endoscopy. More happened in the E.R. on the 3rd visit, but I want it to make this as short as I can.

Then I was taken the next day to Kaiser Hayward by Ambulance where they organized what I thought was an Endoscopy to remove the 2 stones stuck in the Bile Duct. After the procedure I was brought back by Ambulance to Kaiser Fremont and that night I noticed that when I urinated, blood came out on 3 or 4 occasions and that night my Bowel Obstruction was gone.

Then I was released after Kaiser Fremont did a CT scan and Blood Tests the last day I was there. I even thought that they did an X-ray as well the last day. Then the next month I would spend with blurry vision, dizziness and extreme fatigue all the time.
Finally I was seen by a mobile clinic called the Hope Van and the doctor referred me to Highland Hospital for an X-ray of my chest. Remember, I had no knowledge of any Tumor in my Colon up to this point. When I went to Highland Hospital the radiologist came out after I was done and was very concerned and said this is an abnormal X-ray. When I got the film it revealed that I had a very large Tumor removed from my Upper Colon area. What I realized after reviewing my X-ray from Highland Hospital was that Kaiser Permanente did not do a Endoscopy on me to remove 2 stones from the Bile Duct, they actually did a Colonoscopy and removed a Cancerous Tumor from my Colon. The same Tumor that Kaiser Fremont ignored on the CT scan they did on August 3rd, 2007. The X-ray from Highland Hospital also revealed a patchy density in my Lower Left Lung, which is Lung Cancer. Kaiser Permanente doctors (Dr. Glassberg, Dr. Kreck, Dr. Wentgrow, Dr. Mazarra, Dr. Wentgrow and others) had lied about my entire procedure on August 8th, 2011 and hid my Cancer in my Colon from me for 4 ½ years. But that wasn’t it!

Kaiser Permanente doctors decided that they would do something else, after the Colonoscopy that they lied about. The Kaiser doctors that did my procedure on September 8th, 2011 flipped me over and did an X-ray while I was still under anesthesia and took a picture of the Tumor removed from my Colon. What it showed was the Scar Tissue. Then Kaiser Permanente had these doctors go to all the Kaiser Permanente Hospitals that I have ever been seen at and they replaced all my old X-rays, to make it look like this X-ray was an old one. So it would look like I had a Tumor removed from my Colon several years back. These Kaiser doctors even replaced the June 26th, 2007 X-ray that Dr. Henry Moon suspected Cancer on and postponed my knee surgery because of. But it didn’t stop there, so then they sent this X-ray they took to Santa Clara Valley Medical Center in San Jose, California so that they could replace all my old X-rays that I took at their facility. The problem that Kaiser Permanente never expected to encounter was that I had kept all my old X-rays and CT scans.

You see while Kaiser Permanente in Fremont was hiding my Lung and Colon Cancer for my employer, I had many Bowel Obstruction problems and Santa Clara Valley Medical Center had seen me for Bowel Obstructions and even did X-rays and Ct scans that showed them. But what I found out from reviewing Santa Clara Valley Medical Center’s CT scans was that they actually did what Kaiser Permanente had done, they used Photoshop and removed the Cancerous Tumor. After all X-rays, CT scans and MRI’s are put into an Adobe Computer System. Photoshop is an Adobe product that works off of that and I can prove that they used it very easily!
Now the outcome has been very hard for me, because Kaiser Permanente (Hayward, San Francisco, Milpitas, Santa Clara, Fremont & San Jose) has hid my work injuries (Colon & Lung Cancer) and lied about my injuries, I am now living in a Homeless Shelter at Abode Services at 588 Brown Road in Fremont, California. I have no medical insurance and social security disability will only see all the records that Kaiser Permanente lied on. Essentially I am being murdered by Kaiser Permanente for being injured at work. What is my crime? I worked for Clark Pest Control and they gave a Moldex 2840 R-95 Disposable Respirator that wasn’t for Pest Control Use, according to the label and because they are deathly afraid of a Class Action Lawsuit they have obviously paid Kaiser Permanente to do this to me. Clark Pest Control gave this respirator to 2,000-3,000 employees over the course of 5 years. What is my crime that these people have done this to me?

After all the fraud that Kaiser Permanente and their doctors committed, they had the nerve to send me a bill for over $26,000.00.

Thank You!
Brian R. Carrasco

P.S. I wanted to upload photos of the CT scan from August 3rd, 2007 and the radiology report from the 6th. Plus Spirometry Test and the letter from Ms. Glassberg. But your site couldn't download them. I don't know why? I have a Facebook account under the name Bbrriiaann Carrasco that has several videos.

I would like someone to email me and tell me how I can put these photos of the Ct scans and reports on this site. They are jaw dropping!


This is the 2nd Part, so please read the first part titled "Kaiser hid my Colon & Lung Cancer from me for 4 1/2 years! I just wanted to make sure there were photos posted of how Kaiser Permanente hid my Colon & Lung Cancer and then lied to me and said they were going to perform an Endoscopy and remove 2 stones that were stuck in the Bile Duct and then really did a Colonoscopy and removed my Cancerous Tumor without my knowledge.

Because of what they have done my Cancer has spread to different parts of my body.

By the way the Tumor has grown back and is causing more problems again.

Thank You!
Brian R. Carrasco



Thank you for following my story on how Kaiser Permanente hid my Colon & Lung Cancer for 4 1/2 years. This has been a nightmare! I have been trying to get Social Security Disability, but try to get it when the doctors alter and change report like Kiaser did to me.

I have posted an I-report on CNN news, but they were quick to say story "not vetted by CNN". Now I can't even get on their site anymore and login. I have now even questioned whether the State of California has put Kaiser Permanente up to this. The reason why is because they have done nothing but ignore me. I have gone to Senator Corbett and she did nothing. Then I went to Congressman Stark and I'm still waiting to have him refer me to the FBI.

To take an individuals life away like Kaiser Permanente has done with mine has been unfair. I have to live in Homeless Shelters because I can't afford to live. I have no income coming in. I can't even go to the doctor because I have no medical coverage. Is California getting so broke that they are robbing claimants of Workers Compensation?

I have provided even more photos of documents so that you can see for yourself how crooked this is.

There are a few Pulmonary Qualified Medical Evaluation pages from a report. That is the person that the State of California sends a person to. Here you can see this doctor didn't even mention the Tumor in my Colon or my Lungs. I can't help but think that the State of California is trying to save my former employer from a Class Action.

Kaiser Permanente changed my medical reports for a reason!

Some of you won't understand, unless you have had your life destroyed for no reason and you have to go sleep on a park bench somewhere!

I tried to get other documents to download, but your site would let me. I was going to put 3 pages showing Kaiser altered my Spirometry Tests, Dr. Glassberg's letter where she lied about my Lung Injury, Dr. Moon and Dr. Garcia both showing concern for my Lungs and more. I guess I will have to make another gripe soon and add those documents with the video I made!

God Bless!
Brian R. Carrasco


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