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Letter to Dr. Amandeep Sahota on April 12, 2010: 

Liver biopsy or treatement for Acariasis

This is one of the many e-mails that I have sent to the corporate doctors at Kaiser.

This e-mail I sent to "my" doctor, that I naively respected, because she was really good playing her role in the entire criminal system at Kaiser Permanente.

You will see, how I keep complaining for one year about being tortured by a identified predatory insect and kept asking for HELP, but... she want's me to have a liver biopsy!

She kept ignoring my request for help and I kept being stupid and continued to trust her.

She was pressuring me for some time, about the liver biopsy, PROOF of a premeditated plan to get me to KP's teaching hospital, that I didn't know about at that time, and implement a plan they agreed on.

From this moment, if we follow the development of the events and the facts, we can see the big picture: *an obsessive desire to get me in the hospital, see A MOTIV to explain the aggravations that happened at KP's LA Medical Center, from April to July 6, 2010.*

Following my correspondance, my complaints,  KP's refusals for medical care and my medical records, will enlarge the picture and expose the existence of a Death Squad at LA Medical Center.

The evidences and the expected danger that I feel approaching, will confirm that my accusations against Kaiser Permanente are based on fact, not fantasies.

I sent this e-mail, on my 61 birthday, only days before I found out that I have a biliary duct obstruction, that will give Kaiser's Death squad the opportunity to move against me.

And the did, with ferocity, as my medical records will show.

I have copied here the e-mail from, my mail box.


Member name: Marin Pitu Date of birth: XX/XX/XXXX Gender: Male Primary care physician: Date printed: 2/7/2011

Liver biopsy or treatement for Acariasis

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AMANDEEP SAHOTA MD - License # A68986, CA License June 24, 1999, Graduated from

As per the American Board of Internal Medicine, Dr. Sahota is Board Certified in:

 Internal Medicine - General (General indicates Primary Certificate)
  Gastroenterology - Subspecialty
  Transplant Hepatology - Subspecialty


Marin Pitu


04/12/2010 3:12 AM

Dear Dr. Sahota, thank you for you care and good intentions regarding my health and the liver biopsy you ask me to do. I will try again to explain my present situation: I have been infested with predatory parasitic mites for over 1 year. In medical terms, this affliction is called . As I am writing to you the parasites are eating me alive, sucking my blood for over one year. I have thousands of pinprick bites, most in the most sensitive area of my body, the area I refused to show you and another female doctor. But, several male doctors did examine my body and confirmed so many times, bites, insect bites, non venomous insect bites, rash, dermatitis etc. But this was never enough to protect me from the collective madness organized against me by corrupted elements, who highjack KP's management and expose the ugliest and the most dangerous side of the For Profit Health Care Industry. 

The involvement and concern in financial matters in For Profit Health care Industry where KP belongs, when shared with doctors and nurses becomes an impediment in achieving high levels of health care, high moral conduct, implementing any Code of Ethics.

The existing KP policy allows doctors and other medical personnel to get involved in personal investigations of patients life, activity, private matters and use their distorted/corrupted conclusions in disgraceful acts of retaliation, verbal and physical violence, humiliation, bashing, false accusation, illegal investigations, defamation of character, deplorable acts of misconduct, violation of my Civil Rights, Violation of Disclosure of Protected Personal Information, Public Health Protection and Privacy of Medical Records.

An attorney may add pages of violations.  The crimes committed against me and others may not ever happen without the collaboration of other corrupted elements like Corvin Brown, Supervisor Environmental Health Agency and Archstone Trust/landlord's Risk Management-Claims attorneys.

When CDC directed me to ask the Environmental Health for assistance, Corvin Brown refused to get involved in more than one occasion, more than one case of complains for a massive rodent and mite infestation at Archstone Apartments. Most of the complaining tenants accepted bribes and moved out. Knowing the danger of moving with the parasite I refused $ 2,500 bribe and ask for fumigation, as requested by more than one KP doctor.

To teach me a lesson and to avoid another Class-Action Law suit, the powerful, rich and arrogant management of Archstone didn't spare any amount of money, any connections and any means to eliminate anybody who constitutes a threat for them.They bribe everybody willing to break the law and make easy money. As we well know that money will buy anything, Orkin, The Bugman, Newport Extermination, Target Corp. Entomologist, Hearts Pest Management, a total of 7 Corporation joined the conspiracy and left a trail of written and videotaped evidence.

Despite the fact that proofs of rodents and mites indentified in my apartment and others, the landlord refused to fumigate and relocate me. To eliminate the threat of eventual Kaiser medical evidence that will be used against them, the landlords attorney "warned' KP about a crook trying to make money by preparing for a lawsuit and using KP for that. And the 'bite' worked again and at least one KP's manager or attorney accepted the offer that couldn't be refused, joining the conspiracy and spreading the "word".

Naive or corrupted or both, doctors and nurses joined the crusade against the CRIMINAL WHO GOT A LIVER TRANSPLANT, STEALING THE CHANCE OF LIFE OF AN HONEST PERSON!... No other accusation, more powerful than that could be invented to destroy the crooks who also want to get rich by 'finding' mites and claiming an infestation! As terrible as it sounds, NOBODY EVER INFORMED ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY, but chose to conduct their own investigation.

A written warning has been placed on KP's database, my name has been flagged and 3 doctors: Henson, Anita Wang, Ca. Med License # C41961, ER Specialist, Anthony Shey, many nurses, Janice Rabel, Terry and an unknown number of managers, competed against each other in accusing, harassing, threatening and humiliating the crook, throwing him out KP, taking away the medication from him, refusing medical care several times, including Emergency Room on Dec.10, 2009, when discussing/sharing protected personal and medical records and slander with Corwin Brown, Health Dep.

After 6 hours of continuing accusations, harassment, threats and humiliation, more then one medical staff yelled to the crook: 'WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US', 'WHERE DO YOU HAVE THE MITES FROM, Mr. PITU' AND 'NEVER COME BACK TO US AGAIN ! And the crook is me, right?... A Hollywood story? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Only a very short description of a very long, complicated, shameful and disturbing story about MONEY AND POWER, CORRUPTION AND CONSPIRACY, BRIBERY AND ABUSE OF POWER exercised by the Corporate America, who impose their crooked rules on everybody, capable to corrupt anybody, nasty and arrogant like always, considering them self to big to fail.

As little, insignificant and stupid as I appear to be, the real crooks and the real loser of this story, couldn't pick on a more wrong victim that they did. I have a very long history in fighting injustice, abuse of power and arrogance. I have been through Hell many times in my life. I survived bestial torture for political reason when young. With 6 fractures and in pajamas I sought refuge in US Embassy in the totalitarian country I was born. I have been granted political asylum in USA and my story made news in many countries of the world. I am not famous and I am not looking for fame or anybody's money. If I had a choice I would choose broken bones rather than mite infestation and I know what I say.

I escaped death several times in my life, including a liver transplant caused by 6 years of 'negligent' care from few Kaiser doctors. And when I thought that I experienced ALL , Kaiser Permanente management, 'jumped' in a fast moving 'train', without to know, to check or be worry about the 'destination' and delivered to me the SHOCK OF MY LIFE and probably cause to Kaiser the greatest legal and PR nightmare ever.

I never had a legal problem where Kaiser has ever been involved so far. The landlord lost in court in its attempt to evict me in retaliation for the complains and also been forced to fumigate my apartment based on conspirators own records and my written and videotaped evidence. Kaiser Management knows that, but the damage has already been done. Unfortunately my body remained infested and moving out without a treatment for my body infestation, didn't solve anything. The infestation in the new location is again out of control and the continuation of the terror and torture continues, thanks to Kaiser Permanete, some of its doctors and nurses and the corrupted team, Kaiser joined.

At the very end, many questions will be answered and many more questions will arise.  One will be related to the trust of a patient in the medical staff, who's IQ or psychiatric evaluation has never been checked. Working for an Industry concerned first with the profit making and not with the noble art of medicine, those corrupted elements are a real threat, they have to be exposed and eliminated from the already troubled Health care Industry.

I am a patient in pain asking a crooked doctor for help and getting more pain, endless humiliation, delays after delays and more and more aggravation. This story will fuel again the debate against the For Profit Health Care, against the greed, immoral and inhumane behaviors in the very place where a physician shall be dedicated to provide competent medical care, with compassion and respect for human dignity and rights. My frustration is not directed to you, BUT the mistrust in KP's real intentions, the terror and torture that I have been forced to endure every single minute for more than one year; the physical and mental stress, sleep deprivation and thousands of bites, made me feel at the end of the rope and therefore I felt that my case is urgent and the need for an independent medical investigation and treatment become a priority, an emergency.

Therefor I ask Kaiser Permanente for a expedited review of my case and an urgent referral to see Dr. , CA license # G86854, who is an expert in parasitology and a professor of Medicine at UCSD.

I needed a referral to be faxed to Dr. Joseph M. Vinetz office at 858-534-0724. His phone # is 858-534-4848 and his credentials are available on line by just tipping his name on

Despite all this, my request for an expedited review has been denied.

Therefore the need for a liver biopsy right now, becomes an unnecessary burden, when the parasite infestation is allowed to slowly and painfully kill me. WHY should more pain and risk have to be inflicted on me right now?

Finally the conspiracy against me has reach one of its goals; to keep me at distance from Kaiser and to induce fear and mistrust in the corrupted system who allowed so much to happen.

Because a liver biopsy right now will not help, change or improve my health condition I ask you please to concentrate in the immediate need of getting treatment for Acariasis which will kill me before the liver cirrhosis.

To understand and regain trust I ask you for a 5 minute visit as soon as possible, to self evaluate my condition and see what you never saw in your entire life, a perforate skin, caused by thousands of pinprick bites, hundreds of fresh bites and then judge me based on facts, not stories.

Again, my disappointment is not directed to you, therefore I apologize and ask for understanding and trust, because I still don't know what the crimes are that I committed to deserve the calamity that has ruined my life.


Marin Pitu