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From: Research Notebook
Subject: Based on NVIC Vaccine Report 0696 Rec 9/3/96


CDC Genocidal Measles Vaccine Experiments on Minority Children Turn Deadly
U.S. Medical System Conducts Ethnic Cleansing At Home and Abroad

In an experiment to find out of they could give high-potency Edmonston Zagreb (EZ) measles vaccine to babies as young as four months old [completing disregarding developmental neurology and lack of myelinization in the nervous system of babies] in order to overwhelm their natural maternal antibodies and replace them with vaccine-induced antibodies, medical "researchers" at the CDC and Johns Hopkins University injected thousands of babies in the Third World with the experimental vaccine that reportedly caused chronic immune suppression and the deaths of an unknown number of babies. Also, in the United States, with the help of Kaiser Permanente, more than 1500 six-month old black and Hispanic babies in inner city Los Angeles were "enrolled" in the experiment starting in June 1990. [ During the administration of president and ex-CIA director George Bush.] The study was halted in October 1991, after more than one year of genocidal activity, after repeated reports from vaccine trial sites in Africa that girl babies were dying in higher than expected numbers six months to three years after injection. [ A less-than-admirable population control effort.] 

CDC Admits Informed Consent Violations

CDC director David Satcher admitted in a June 17 LA Times article that a National Institutes of Health (NIH) investigation of the 1990-1991 Los Angeles study found that informed consent regulations had been violated because parents were not told their babies would be injected with an experimental vaccine that had never been licensed by the FDA for use in America. Both Kaiser and the CDC have denied that any of the LA babies were harmed by the high potency EZ vaccine, but did admit that one child died from a bacterial infection they maintain is unrelated to the vaccine. 

WHO Conducts Immune System Suppression Experiments

The high-potency EZ measles experiment began at four major sites in the mid-1980's [ During the administration of president and ex-CIA director George Bush ], including Haiti, Senegal, Guinea Bissau and Mexico. Other trials followed in Cameroon, Gambia, Bangladesh, Togo, Iran, New Guinea, Peru, Rwanda, Sudan, South Africa, Egypt, Phillipines, Uzbekistan, Thailand, Zaire and Los Angeles. Primary funding cam from the U.S. Agency for International Development and the World Health Organization (WHO). In Haiti, infants were given the experimental vaccine at 10 to 500 times the usual dose levels. In a June 1996 article in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, Johns Hopkins "researchers" report that infants with the highest antibody to high titer measles vaccine have the most profound immune suppression. 

HIV-Positive Babies in Haiti and Zaire Deliberately Enrolled in EZ Experiments

Some of the Infants in both Haiti and Zaire were HIV positive and already enrolled in a long-term HIV study program. They were deliberately included as part of the EZ experiment in order to evaluate the effect of vaccines in HIV positive infants. When study results were published in late 1993, deaths occurring in the HIV positive babies were left out of the mortality figures. It is unknown exactly how many of the vaccinated HIV babies died, although at least 100 of the Haitian HIV-positive babies were reported dead. 

WHO and CDC Ignore Warnings from African Sites About High Death Rate in Children from Experimental Vaccine

The measles vaccine experiment was stopped two years after the director of one of the African sites warned the WHO and the CDC experiment leaders in April 1990 that African mortality data raised a reg flag about the high titer EZ vaccine. His reports were first ignored and then discounted, and he was replaced as a principle investigator. After his mortality data was dismissed as incorrect for more than a year, with support from colleagues at Harvard, he published the mortality data in the British Medical Journal Lancet in October 1991. WHO, faced with the embarassment of discovery, then called for all the sites to submit mortality data for independent analysis. The CDC has stated that enrollment for the LA Study was halted in October 1991. 

The CDC Knew It Was an Experiment

In the LA Times article, the CDC's chief Satcher referred to the failure to tell parents in Los Angeles that the SmithKline EZ measles vaccine was experimental as a "little mistake" [like the Holocaust] and not a deliberate attempt to deceive them. Kaiser Permanente maintains that the failure to inform parents was an "administrative oversight". However, the CDC grant announcements in 1989 clearly stated that "the vaccine trials are experimental, developmental test and research work." [ Note: See President Clinton's ruling that the military can now experiment on men and women with impunity] 

Vaccine Antibodies Only Temporary

Since the early 1980's [ During the administration of president and ex-CIA director George Bush ], the WHO, CDC and Johns Hopkins researchers had been working on a way to vaccinate babies by six months of age [completing disregarding known developmental neurology and lack of myelinization in the nervous system of babies] with measles vaccine. This became even more important in the late 1980's when measles cases started to increase in the United States and around the world with cases atypically occurring in infants under a year in age and in older children [to understand why, read MATRIX III Volume Two]. The "one measles shot will make you immune for life" THEORY that had prevailed in medical circles was shattered as it became obvious that antibodies induced by the live virus measles vaccine do not provide permanent immunity like natural antibodies created after recovery from the natural disease [necessary for building the human immune system]. It also became obvious that now babies at special risk for measles infection were under one year old, born to young mothers who had been vaccinated and could not transfer maternal antibodies [wiped out by the vaccine] to protect their babies in the first vulnerable year of life. During the 1989-1991 measles epidemic, the largest increase in measles cases was in infants under one year old [due to the knowing and deliberate extermination of parental material antibodies, prompting predictable neurological damage to future infants]. 
In a 1990 meeting of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee, there was also discussion that the "unexpected" rise in measles cases raised the question of whether, during the previous two decades of mass vaccination, the wild measles virus [so necessary in a natural way for the development of the human immune system] had evolved into a more deadly strain. But, in January 1991, the NVAC issued a White Paper to Congress that blamed the "measles epidemic" not on the failure of the measles vaccine and the mass campaign, but "on the failure to deliver vaccine to vulnerable preschoold children on schedule." [A deliberate lie to Congress - isn't that a felony?] Shortly afterwards, the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics [now a party in this criminal enterprise] recommended that "all American children should get a second dose of measles vaccine at Kindergarten or at Junior High School entry. 

The CDC Effort to Wipe Out Maternal Antibodies in order to Leave Children Helpless and Dependent on Temporary Synthetic Immune System

The biggest "problem" for public health officials "vaccinating" large populations of very young infants [besides the fact that their nervous systems are unprotected from the vaccine] is that some of the infants have maternal antibodies [like they are supposed to] to protect them from measles in the very first year of life. These infants "do not respond" to the vaccine until they are older when maternal antibody levels have dropped. This is why the measles vaccine licensed for use in America is recommended to be routinely given to children at 15 months of age or older "in order to maximize chances" for a vaccine-induced antibody response. This is also why EZ vaccine researchers used a high dosage in the experimental vaccine - to see how well it will overcome and overrule maternal antibodies. In an article published in the January 1996 issue of Pediatrics by the CDC, Johns Kopkins and Kaiser officials, "this will not be a problem in the future", because "in the future all mothers will have been vaccinated and won't have maternal antibodies to give to their infants, and so all babies will be candidates for measles vaccination after birth." [Note: This is an admission that they know full well what they are doing - trying to replace natural human immune systems with a synthetic substitute - a process with no scientific efficacy or logic. It is also a process that produces a weakened immune system and neurologically damaged individuals who become sociopathic, increasing the crime rate. Read "Vaccinations, Social Violence and Criminality" - it will blow you away with what they are purposely doing - Val ]. This means that public health officials plan to use mass vaccination to eliminate natural measles [harmless] antibodies from the human race, which are permanent, and replace them with vaccine-induced antibodies, which are temporary. Repeated doses of the vaccine will be then given from birth [big mistake, neurologically] to "try to keep vaccine anti-bodies high" in everyone. 

A Call for Public Inquiry Into this Unscientific and Genocidal Activity

The National Vaccine Information Center and the Washington Office on Haiti have issued a joint request under the Freedom of Information Act for all government data on the EZ measles vaccine experiments in the U.S. and the Third World. In Los Angeles, the African-American community has founded a group called Los Angeles Coalition Against Racist Child Experimentation, and is networking with NVIC and the Washington Office on Haiti. Said, NVIC co-founder Barbara Fisher, "the parents were not told that the measles vaccine can cause brain inflammation and death. It is just another example of vaccine researchers and public health officials willingness to sacrifice the lives of individuals without their consent because they have decided the end justifies the means." 
Worth Cooley-Post, a biomedical research consultant, added, "Haiti has been an offshore laboratory for drug research for decades. What is really frightening about this experiment is that the WHO was ready to buy 250,000,000 does of EZ for Third World babies. Millions would have died, but nobody would have realized that the vaccine was to blame because between six months to three years would pass before the children would die. The researcher who found the mortality problem had a very hard time convincing the other researchers to take it seriously. And, the vaccine was slated for use on inner city infants in the United States. We came very close to a huge, hidden disaster." 

Black Children in Memphis Forced to Get Hepetitis A Vaccine Under Parental Protest

In a classic example of how a drug company search for a new [profit-making] market for a new vaccine creates that market with the help of the CDC, black children in Memphis, Tennessee, "eligible" for free vaccines under the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program, are being targeted for mandatory vaccination with the newly licensed high-potency pediatric hepatitis A vaccine. A group of Memphis parents, protesting the [Nazi-like] forced injection of black children without informed consent, have filed a $500 million lawsuit against vaccine maker SmithKline Beecham, the county health department and the school board, citing civil and religious rights violations. 

License the Vaccine, Wait 6 Months, and Then Admit that Poor Sanitation is the True Cause of Hepetitis A - After People Are Injected

In February 1985 [During the administration of ex-CIA [Nazi roots] director George Bush], the FDA gave the nod to SmithKline Beecham to markety "Havrix", the first adult and pediatric hepetitis A vaccine for use in Amerika. Six monthsafter the license was issued, former U.S. Surgeon General Everett "fluoridate them 'till they drool" Koop announced a "public education [indoctrination and propaganda] campaign on "the risks of hepatitis A" and the need for Americans who may come in contact with contaminated food and water to get the vaccine. [It is interesting that in August 1996, there was an employee of a fast food chain in Washington State who allegedly had hepatitis A, prompting health officials to plead with anyone who ate there to get an injection]. But, is Hepatitis A a serious condition? It is a viral disease, which in its natural form infects some 10 million people worldwide, with only about 140,000 cases in the United States. It causes jaundice, diarrhea, fatigue, appetite loss and stomach pain, but with proper medical care most people recover quite completely and are left permanently immune to the virus thereafter. 

Drug Lobbyists in Tennessee "Persuade" Legislators to Mandate Injections for Children

In January 1996, SmithKline Beecham sent lobbyists to Tennessee and persuaded [$] state legislators to support introduction of a bill [under false scientific pretenses] in the State House that would mandate that children "be fully vaccinated against hepatitis A" before being allowed to attend kindergarten, nursery school, daycare or Head Start in counties with "epidemics" [fictitious] of hepatitis A. In the bill, an "epidemic" was defined as 50 cases per 100,000 people [which does not meet the epidemiological definition for an epidemic, and is therefore unscientific]. At this point, SmithKline Beecham was trying to get another "license" from the FDA to market high-potency hepatitis A vaccine for children between two and 18 years old. [In view of the facts, this is a criminally negligent act]. 
Of course the CDC, a criminal organization, awarded a contract on January 30, 1996 to supply hepatitis A vaccine under the Vaccines for Children Program(VFC), which "guarantees" federally funded vaccine supplies to states where there are "high rates of vaccine-preventable disease" [vaccines cannot prevent disease] for a well-defined group of children [who have incompletely myelinated nervous systems and are helpless against this biogenocidal assault], those aged two to 18, who qualify for Medicaid, have no health insurance, are Native Alaskans or Native Americans [those who superior genetic structure], or get "vaccinations" at federally qualified health centers. 

Memphis School System Targets Minorities for Injection

On March 9, 1996, the Memphis City School System sent out a memo to "selected principals" of 14 middle, junior high and high schools in Shelby County stating that "the Country Health Department" as "determined that the Hepatitis A epidemic [which did not exist] has not been stemmed," and that in cooperation with the health department, "no student, age 17 or under, will be allowed to continue enrollment without documentation of receipt of the Hepatitis A shot. This also applies to graduating seniors." All but two of the targeted 14 schools contain a majority of minority students. In the two predominently white schools, only those black students bused into those schools were required to get the vaccines. [what does this tell you....?]. On April 2, 1996, SmithKline Beecham announced the FDA had licensed their higher potency pediatric hepatitis A vaccine. 
In mid-April 1996, when school officials decided to enforce the new "vaccination" requirement, a group of black students protested, asking why only black children between the ages of two and 18 were being targeted, and why cafeteria workers handling food and other adults were not being requested to be vaccinated. They also protested the fact that the health department and school officials were picking and choosing which religions the children could belong to in order to qualify for religious exemptions to vaccination. The parents reported that no information was given to the students or parents describing possible adverse reactions, contraindications or how to report reactions. 

When it became obvious that health department and school officials were not going to allow parents the right to informed consent to "vaccination" of their children. the protesting parents filed a $500 million lawsuit against SmithKline Beecham, the health department and school board on April 29, 1996, and eventually filed for several temporary restraining orders in federal court on grounds of civil rights and religious freedom violations. Later, a federal judge issued several orders stating that all Shelby County children, no just black children, had to get hepatitis A vaccine and that parents had the right to be advised of their right to religious exemption. In mid May 1996, another memo from the school system went out to principals stating that "high schools will place a priority on tracking down every single senior needing the vaccine" and barring students from graduation or summer school if they have not been vaccinated or obtained an approved exemption. 

Corporations Manipulate Governor Into Joining Genocidal Activity

Finally, in May 1996, the Governor of Tennessee signed a bill mandating the vaccine in targeted communities in the state [the governor becoming a party to genocide - read the UN Genocide Treaty on this web site]. By the second week in June 1996, teens were coming forward with reports of adverse reactions to the injections. Some students reported school officials signed their "consent to vaccinate" forms [an illegal criminal act] and some students forged their parents signatures [under duress] after feeling pressure from school officials to get injected. On June 22 and 29, 1996, the protesting parents stood outside community centers where other parents were lining up with their children [shades of Auschwitz], who qualify for VFC to get free HepA "vaccinations", and handed out literature about side effects and contraindications, so that parents would be informed. 

Clinton's "Vaccines For Children" Has Cost Taxpayers $1 billion

In late June 1996, Citizens Against Government Waste called on Congress to repeal the Vaccines for Children Progam, charging that it was "poorly thought out and has already started to show signs of gross mismanagement". The group said the the Government Accounting Office (GAO) has found that vaccine cost is not a major barrier to getting children "vaccinated" , and charged that the nine-month old VFC program giving out free vaccine has already cost the government more that $1,000,000,000. HHS Secretary and Clinton-appointee Donna Shalala and the "Childrens Defense Fund" [obviously a front] have been supporters of VFC. 

Side Effects from Hepatitis A Vaccine Not Minor

SmithKline Beecham's product insert for Havrix lists a variety of reported adverse effects, including: 
Headache, denoted neurological stress. 
Fatigue, Nausea, Fever and Swelling 
Diarrhea, Vomiting, Jaundice 
Convulsions {due to brain damage}, encephalopathy {brain damage}, neuropathy {brain damage} 
Guillain-Barre Syndrome {brain damage} 
Multiple Sclerosis {neurological damage to myelin sheath} 
and, more serious conditions. 
The insert states that Havrix "has not been evaluated for carcinogenic and mutagenic potential, nor has it been evaluated for impairment of fertility". [see other data on this web site for WHO use of tetanus vaccines in Third World countries as a population reduction method]. The insert continues, "it is also not known whether Havrix can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman, or can affect reproductive capacity" and "at present the duration of protection afforded by Havrix has not been established." Therefore, it is unknown if the "protection" provided to "immunized" children will "last until adulthood." Of course, if one contracted relatively harmless natural HepA, one would have natural protection forever....but that's not good enough for the CDC, the WHO and the FDA, is it? Said one Memphis parent, " if they get away with it in Tennessee,, they will get away with it in every state." 

Wisconsin Teen Jailed for Not Getting his "Shot"

In late April 1996, a 16 year old Milwaukee, Wisconsin boy was handcuffed, stripped and jailed overnight because he had not shown public school or county health officials proof that he had gotten a second MMR [measles-mumps-rubella] shot. The busy mother os Jacob Kallas, a divorced mother of five who owns her own business and ignored repeated court orders to provide her son's school with proof of vaccination, was quoted in an AP story as saying, "I didn't realize we were in such a police state. We're talking about a really good kid who's freaking out because he's in jail." Jacob was reportedly stopped by police while driving his mother's van, which had expired plates. When a routine police check found he was wanted on a juvenile warrant [for failure to vaccinate] issued by Ozaukee County, he was thrown in jail and taken in SHACKLES to court the next morning before finally being released to his mother. 


