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Kaiser, SD, Botox


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Posted by Lynne on February 02, 1999 at 14:08:30:

In Reply to: Kaise Docs SD posted by Jack L. on February 01, 1999 at 17:39:43:


Normally, I would write you on personal e-mail but I have already had personal e-mail notes showing interest in this I will answer on the board.

Kaiser ruined my life so, obviously, I pre-judge them. I am no longer with Kaiser. I was with Kaiser - Vallejo (North Bay Area) until 1995 when I changed to Health Net to save my life. The internist I saw through HN diagnosed my case in 2 minutes. She had never met me before. The ENT's and speech pathologists at Kaiser treated me for two years and had no clue.

Also, despite my negative opinion of Morton Cooper, I read his book in 1994 and figured out I had SD so I called my specialists at Kaiser-Vallejo to tell them what I had. I called twice (which is pretty difficult for someone who has SD so bad, she can't even say her own name). Both times they told me I was wrong. So, I put Morton Cooper higher in my esteem than Kaiser.

After my new primary care physician (and the ENT I was referred to by her) diagnosed my SD in 1995, it took ages to get anything going. HMO stuff. I had still not heard of anyone in the universe that had SD and I had never heard of Botox. And, all that time, I was a single self-supporting mother...losing my life savings by the day...and unable to talk or represent myself.

I was finally referred to Dr. Herbert Dedo at UCSF Medical Center in SF three years ago. Dedo invented the RLN surgery for SD almost 25 years ago...way before Botox. When I met with him, he said my case was EXTREMELY severe and he recommended surgery because he said I would be in there regularly getting Botox shots...due to the severity. Any wonder why I went with RLN surgery?

I am very glad you have had a much better experience with Kaiser than I did. I think it depends on the specific medical people. Also, thank God for this BB and all the online resources we have now. I had nothing when I was making decisions and so many do not.

I participate in the AOL "Voices" chats on Thurs and's about all I can handle. My voice is pretty good these days so I do work long hours as a software professional in SF...making up for what Kaiser took from me by refusing to diagnose me. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to vent against Kaiser. I have alot of "Kaiser anger" bottled up.

You take care...I'm very glad it is working for you. Write me off-line sometime. Best of luck.
