A Few of The Many Kaiser Malpractice Cases that keep their attorneys employed.

The majority of listed malpractice civil cases listed here are obtained directly from government information sites. The purpose of this page is to show that Kaiser does indeed get sued on a regular basis for medical malpractice.

Links To Sacramento Superior Court Cases Regarding Kaiser
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

The following list is from the  Appellate Courts in the State of California
Further Information on these medical malpractice lawsuits may be found at:

Appellate                      Trial Court                    Case Caption
Case Number               Case Number

         California First Appellate District

                                                    Last Updated : 05/03/2001
                      Appellate    Case Number   Trial Court     Case Number    Case Caption
               A022655     217306         Molien v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               A041017     6176352       Kaiser Permanente Medical Group v Superior  Court
               A045954     6448671       Starbuck v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               A049977     153947         Adler v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               A051623     6682530       Barker v Kaiser Foundation Hospital
               A052298     9003838       Jackson v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               A052922     852717         Abasolo v Kaiser Foundation Hospital
               A053986     326193         Foster v Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
               A054516     137811         Cleary v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               A055469     5950298       Smith v Kaiser Foundation Hospital
               A055730      6056764      Samura v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               A056436      2491            Moore v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               A057515      6056764      Samura v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               A057626      289317        Husman v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               A058321      9202176      Burgess v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               A058976      938363        Guy v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals Et Al.
               A059294      5950298A   Smith v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               A059785      2491            Moore v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               A059786      2491            Moore v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               A060529      6726623      Nikolchev v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               A060835      933620        Acosta v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               A063310      925401        Spann v Kaiser Foundation Hospital
               A063553      5934061     Neal v Kaiser Permanente Hospital
               A063640      912042       Baker v Kaiser Permanente Medical Center Et Al
               A065793      878929       Tombaugh v Kaiser Permanente Medical Center  Et Al
               A066115      948613       Mccolm v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               A066183      7087493     Page-Smith v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               A067417      894454      Woo v Kaiser Foundation Hospital
               A069567      6979746     Cobbs v Kaiser Foundation Hospitall
               A070378      6733988     Evans v. Kaiser Foundation Etc., Et Al. et al.
               A070798      C9400510  Bonanno v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan et al
               A072917      7525294     Brown et al. v. Kaiser Foundation, Etc.,Et Al.
               A073091      7517547     Franklin v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals Et Al
               A077741      H1932850  Hurley v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.
               A078845      393988       Cuadra v. Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program et al
               A080262      7708615     Smith v. Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               A084231      7867376     Droeger v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.
               A084527      7855317     Williams v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               A084539      H1969788   Moore et al. v. Kaiser Foundation Hospital, Inc. et    al.
               A085145      401747        Smee et al. v. Kaiser Foundation Hospitals et al.
               A086144      H2038256  Moore et al. v. Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Inc.
               A086309      7844476     Lungu v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. et al.
               A088478      7938360     Smith v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan et al.
               A089973      C9800260   California Nurses Association v. Kaiser   Foundation Association et al.
               A091660      411716       Harvard Investment Company v. Kaiser Foundation      Hospitals
               A091888      411716       Harvard Investment Co. v. Kaiser Foundation      Hospitals
               A092805      308646       Kinsman et al. v. Kaiser Foundation Hospitals

Second Appellate District

               B001288          C200643                    Good v Kaiser Foundation Hospital
               B002980          C433699                    Herbert v Kaiser Foundation Hospital Et Al.
               B005180          83SD78923                Kaiser Foundation Hospital Etc. v W.C.A.B.
               B005397          C369547                    Marin v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               B008647          C328925                    Canonico v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               B009112          SEC34011                 Korsiris v Kaiser Foundation Hospital
               B009462          C433695                    Herbert v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               B009757          C490877                    Mack v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               B014389          C200837                    Alexander v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               B018983          C477237                    Valencia v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc
               B021128          C415979                    Newman v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               B022887          C562837                    Carlisle v Kaiser Permanente
               B024954          C574442                    Ferguson v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               B025087          C541246                    Chernett v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               B029776          EAC39876                 Tuberville v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               B030514          C479724                    Esquival v Kaiser Foundation Hospital
               B033138          C424610                    Nielsen v Kaiser Foundation Hospital
               B033739          C575180                    Saulie v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               B036320          C535259                    Robinson v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               B038661          C475619                    Jamet v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Of Calif.
               B039822          SEC048164               Poland v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               B042576          C489218                    Bagus v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               B042947          C558327                    Villamor v Kaiser Health Evaluation Center
               B048753          SCC11040                 Johnson v Kaiser Foundation Hospital
               B053684          C688919                    Moulden v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               B055327          C654267                    Steiner v Kaiser Foundation Hospital
               B057055          C734953                    Neaman v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               B057248          C745907                    Evans v Kaiser Foundation Hospital
               B060468          C489218                    Bagus v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               B061461          NCC35560B              Laguin v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               B064485          C638786                    Felder v Kaiser Foundation Hospital
               B064531          C698914                    Camarena v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               B068736          EAC079064              Gustafson v Kaiser Permanente
               B074170          BC025609                 Lopez v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               B077730          NS002699                 Parker v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               B081808          SC025742                 Neaman v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               B082752          BC079969                 Jeanneret v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc
               B084944          BC052052                 Bowen v Kaiser Foundation Hospital
               B088755          BC107030                 Sawicki v Kaiser Foundation Hospital
               B089831          NS002699                 Parker v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               B091221          BC103891                 Crawford v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               B091607          BS031966                  Gramza v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               B092390          BC065973                  Smith v Kaiser Permanente Southern California
               B103251          BC126942                 Woodward v Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
               B104407          BC126071                  Crockett v Kaiser Foundation
               B111936          BC137309                  Smith v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               B112655          GS004041                  Alberts v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               B114385          BC153361                  Lukasiak v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               B116239          BS044333                   Ibarra v Kaiser Fondation Health Plan
               B119925          BC161892                  Yates v. Kaiser Foundation Hospital et al.
               B121570          VC024213                  Turner et al. v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan et  al.
               B122203          LC035470                   Yoder v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               B125224          BC165542                   Damberger v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               B125248          VC023379                   Mondragon v Kaiser Permanente
               B132854          VC027706                   Morales v. Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               B134233          VC024343                   Johnson et al. v. Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
               B134650          BC126942                   Woodward v. Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Inc
               B135411          BC183039                   Ramiro v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plans Inc
               B138569          BC183039                   Ramiro v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plans, Inc. et     al.      .
               B141630          BS061043                   Mardesic et al. v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan    Inc.
               B142503          BC198731                   Gonzalez v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               B143729          MC008892                  Scott v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
               B144814          BC183039                   Ramiro v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plans, Inc. et  al.
               B145710          VC028782                   Morales v. S.C.L.A. (Kaiser Foundation Hospitals  r.p.i.)
               B145728          VC027706                   Morales v. S.C.L.A. (Kaiser Foudnation Hospitals  R.P.I.)
               B146011          EC028743                    Holmes et al. v. Kaiser Foundation Hospital et al.
               B149177          VC029097                    Sanz v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Corp. et al.

    Third Appellate District

              C000700            332487                         Chandra Prasad, Et. Al. v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
              C008080            19458                           Bernhardt A. Kaiser And Florence Taylor v  Lawrence L. Kaiser
              C011372             CV329405                   Michael G. Brock & Beth Brock, Et Al. v Kaiser  Foundation                                  Hospitals, Et Al.
              C017588             CV521183                   Mohamed El-Hawatky Et Al. v Kaiser Foundation  Hospitals Et                   Al.
              C020009             CV378282                   Karen Nutter v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc.  Et Al
              C029084             96AS05054                Wilhemena Woody Sprague v Kaiser Foundation  Health Plan                   Et Al.
              C029930             95AS03882                 Searles v. Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
              C037221             00CS01355                 Wilburn v. Kaiser Foundation Medical Group et al


   Fourth Appellete Court Div 1

                E003662           SCV227366                 Harkey v Kaiser Permanente-Southern Ca. Med.Group
                E003803           SCV227366                 Harkey v Kaiser Permanente-Southern
                E004354           SCV206923                 Walker v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
                E014475           SCV3107                     Villanueva v Kaiser Permanente Medical Group
                E015599           SCV5212                     Walker Jr. v So. Ca Permanente Medical Group
                E025060           294244                         Greg O. Imoohi v. Kaiser Permanente Hospital et  al
                E026368           RCV42841                   Glenn L. Schlegel v. Kaiser Foundation HealthPlan et .                G004074                           393063                        Ahmed v Canyon General Hospital
                G011927           589750                         Lundy v Kaiser Permanente
                G012265           680811                         Foranyic v Kaiser Permanente
                G015461           685718                         Friedrich v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
                G017480           725854                         Carr v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
                G027818           793619                         Bawa v. Kaiser Foundation Hospitals et al.
 Fourth Appellate District  Div 2
                 E003662           SCV227366                   Harkey v Kaiser Permanente-Southern Ca.  Med.Group
                 E003803           SCV227366                   Harkey v Kaiser Permanente-Southern
                 E004354           SCV206923                   Walker v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
                 E014475           SCV3107                       Villanueva v Kaiser Permanente Medical Group
                 E015599           SCV5212                       Walker Jr. v So. Ca Permanente Medical Group
                 E025060           294244                           Greg O. Imoohi v. Kaiser Permanente Hospital et   al.
                 E026368           RCV42841                     Glenn L. Schlegel v. Kaiser Foundation Health    Plan et al.
Fourth Appellate District Div 3

                 G004074            393063                          Ahmed v Canyon General Hospital
                 G011927            589750                           Lundy v Kaiser Permanente
                 G012265            680811                           Foranyic v Kaiser Permanente
                 G015461            685718                           Friedrich v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
                 G017480            725854                           Carr v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
                 G027818            793619                           Bawa v. Kaiser Foundation Hospitals et al.

  Fifth Appellate District

  Sixth Appellate District

                 H002460              584283                      Pestka v Kaiser Permanente Medical Group
                 H002635              484823                      Rink v Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
                 H003037              528630                      Vaughn v Kaiser Foundation Hospital
                 H003107              596887                      Cubio v Kaiser Hospital
                 H004434              603576                      Marinelli v Kaiser Foundation Hospital
                 H005673              568944                      Roth v Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
                 H014482              699387                      Jonghani v Kaiser Medical Center
                 H015774              CV739533                 Presley v Kaiser Permanente Hospitals
                 H018553              CV771247                 Noia v. Kaiser Foundation Hospital et al.
                 H019504              CV759406                 Griffin v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
                 H020481              CV765123                 Nownejad v. Kaiser Foundation Hospital, et al
                 H021453              CV765123                 Nownejad v. Kaiser Foundation Hospital, et al                                 .