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National News Stories of Interest About Kaiser Permanente

Kaiser News Articles Related to Denial of Treatment/Service of Children 
and other patients that are diagnosed as having Autism

Insurance coverage for autism treatments sought

Patient advocates want the state to more quickly resolve parents' complaints over payments for behavioral therapy.
By Lisa Girion
February 25, 2009
Patient advocates called on state regulators Tuesday to force health insurers to cover certain autism treatments.

Consumer Watchdog in Santa Monica sent a letter to Cindy Ehnes, executive director of the state Department of Managed Health Care, and her boss, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, expressing concern about delays in resolving coverage complaints from parents of autistic children.  Read More at:

mirrored here for historical purposes:

Parents of autistic children sue Kaiser
Henry K. Lee, Chronicle Staff Writer
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Two Bay Area residents filed a class-action lawsuit Wednesday against Kaiser Permanente, accusing the health maintenance organization of refusing to treat children with autism in order to save costs.

See also from 2008:

August 14th, 2008 at 11:37 am
Kaiser responds to Arce vs. Kaiser autism lawsuit
Kaiser Permanente is attempting to compel arbitration in the Arce vs. Kaiser autism lawsuit. Why? Because arbitration is a closed proceeding that is rigged in KP’s favor, of course! We don’t know what this would mean for the class action portion of the case, but hopefully someone with a more brilliant legal mind than ours will explain in the comments.