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Computer and Computer Security Issues at Kaiser Permanente

Opinion - You should not brag that things are perfect with any computer system, especially when security is a serious issue that has not yet been brought under control.

Healthcare firm loses confidential data
29,500 California employees exposed
By John Oram in California @ Monday, February 09, 2009 12:51 AM
Kaiser Permanente has a long history of having its patients' confidential data comprised by security breaches. Apparently, it is not very good at protecting its employees' confidential data, either.

Kaiser warns nearly 30,000 employees of data breach - Mercury News Blog Article
29,500 of us were notified that our names, SS#, gender, address, phone number, date of birth and rate of pay were in the stolen information in that computer file. Who knows how many other people this person may have shared or sold our information to? - Read more at:

 Kaiser: Employee Data Breached, Identity Theft Reported
Michael Barkoviak - February 8, 2009 1:31 PM
Kaiser Permanente has suffered a security breach and the personal information of 30,000 California employees has been compromised

"Many medical groups and hospital networks, mostly large systems such as Kaiser Permanente and Sutter Health, have invested huge sums in digitizing their record-keeping systems. But that information is often contained in silos, typically not able to be exchanged with hospitals and doctors outside the network."

{Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic States Security Breach -  August 7, 2008
Kaiser letter to the Attorney General of Virginia regarding a data security emergency.
A Kaiser Permanente employee is suspected of taking and unlawfully using, without authorization to do
so, information provided by some Kaiser Permanente members/patients, including name, date of birth, and last four digits of his/her social security number. This information used for our appointment check in
and collection of copayment processes may have been taken at the time of a member's appointment at
the Kaiser Permanente Falls Church Medical Center during the time period of January 1, 2007 to May 1,
2008, The suspect is no longer employed by Kaiser Permanente, 2008.  Last Thursday, August 7, 2008, we released a notification concerning this suspected security breach to approximately 5,200 Kaiser Permanente members living in Virginia and one in Maryland who may have been affected ("August 7 member communication")}
also at:

July 27, 2006  - A laptop was stolen containing names, phone numbers, and the Kaiser number for each HMO member. The data file did not include SSNs.  160,000 records.

November 28, 2006 - A laptop was stolen from the personal car of a Kaiser employee in California on Oct. 4. It contained names, Kaiser ID number, date of birth, gender, and physician information. The data did not include SSNs.  38,000.

March 11, 2005 Kaiser Permanente (Oakland, CA) A disgruntled employee posted informaton on her blog noting that Kaiser Permanente included private patient information on systems.....
The California Department of Managed Health Care fined Kaiser $200,000 for exposing the confidential health information.