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Sent: 10/3/2010 3:13:48 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Subj: FW: RN 09 25698 - Wills and Trusts

    Attention: News room
    Actions of an LA County Senior Field Deputy sparked the need for SB 105
    SB 105 was signed into law by the Governor.
    Enclosed please find the correspondence by Patrick Bouteller, Legislative assistant at Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher's office.  Also included is their proposed law.  Shortley after, the Assemblyman's office discovered Senator Tom Harmon's office was, since 1/09, proceeding with a very similar law, they quit their process of proceeding with the law.
    The response from Assemblyman Fletcher's office was as a result of the information I sent to them regarding the actions of Susan Nissman, Senior Field Deputy for Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, and Therapist Suji Gelerman, as they successfully manipulated my dying daughter, Robyn Libitsky, into signing over control of her estate over to them.  Susan Nissman was aware that fellow employee Robyn (Field Deputy),  was awarded $928K in an arbitration settlement against Kaiser for wrongful death for misdiagnosing her cancer (ewings sarcoma).
    After Robyn's death on 2/15/05, we discovered, through documents in her condo, that in 2002;
    1) Susan Nissman - initiated the whole process, introduced her best friend since UC Berkeley, Therapist Suji Gelerman, to Robyn, used her position of power to encourage and ensure its success, as well as make available all county office equipment, all done during county work hours.  She also took Robyn's morphine, a notation, "bring Susan morphine," was found in Robyn's day calendar and can be viewed on my website.
    2) Suji Gelerman - scheduled appointments daily or even twice daily with Robyn and manipulated her into only trusting them. (this was a seven month process)  During this time Suji introduced Robyn to her friend, Probate Attorney, Harvey Glaser.
    3) Harvey Glaser - introduced Robyn to Financial Advisor David Brodsky from Dane Raucher.  Assisted Robyn, while hospitalized and under the influence of IV morphine and dilaudid, to sign the documents placing Susan Nissman and Suji Gelerman in control of her estate.
    4) David Brodsky - accompanied Harvey Glaser and Suji Gelerman to the hospital where he and Ms. Gelerman signed the documents as witnesses.  Mr Brodsky also brought a notary from Dane Raucher to assist in the process.  Two weeks later, Suji Gelerman and Susan Nissman transferred Robyn's estate to David Brodsky's account at Dane Raucher, where he received a large commission
    Under SB 105, all are now labeled "disqualified beneficiaries.."
    All documents, including Robyn's day calendar, were reviewed by Board of Behavioral Sciences, DCA and Consumer Services Agency.  I met with the Director of DCA in Sacramento regarding this issue concerning Suji Gelerman.  Because Suji ended her therapeutic relationship  with Robyn about two weeks prior to signing the Will, they were unable to do anything since "there was not a therapeutic relationship at the time the Will was executed."  That is why I started contacting legislators (I met with Senator Tom McClintock) since 2007 to close this loophole by placing a set timeframe as to when Medical professionals can take control of their patient's estate after the therapeutic relationship has ended."  Most legislators found it difficult to fight the several lobbyists representing the professional medical boards.  Changing laws through the probate end proved to be more effective.
    The LA County Board of Supervisors and other county agencies also reviewed the documents and determined,"it was not within the scope of Susan Nissman's employment."  Instead, the Board responded by banning me from speaking at board meetings for three months (DA's office determined this was a violation of the Brown Act)  I also received threatening  letter from the Board's Lawyer/Lobbyist, on behalf of Susan Nissman.
    All letters from the Board, county agencies, lawyer/Lobbyist and DA, morphine notation in Robyn's day calendar, Will and all documents regarding taking control of the estate, can be viewed on my website;
    Click on; All about the two Susans, for the Will and documents including day calendar notation.
                  Under "Legislative matters," click on The California Brown Act problems, for all LA County
    SB 105
    Sponsored by Senator Tom Harmon
    Increases donative transfer restrictions involving dependent adults and disqualifies all beneficiaries who;
    demonstrates any involvement in drafting the instrument, stands in a fiduciary relationship, causes undue influence, all care custodians (must also be 90 days post therapeutic relationship), law firm who drafted the instrument and interested witnesses.  Also establishes an express presumption of fraud or undue influence which must be reviewed and signed off by an independent Attorney and will be easier to address in Probate Court.
    Hillarie Levy (Robyn Libitsky's mother)

        Sent: 12/11/2009 10:21:39 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time
        Subj: FW: RN 09 25698 - Wills and Trusts

        Hello Hillarie,


        Wanted you to get a copy of the proposed bill language, it is attached. It seems pretty straightforward from what I can see, if you would like me to go through some of it with you I can today or sometime next week.  I have started to reach out to a few groups around the capitol to see what kind of response it will get.  I Still need to have a sit-down with my boss on the issue a bit further.  Will keep you updated.




        -----Original Message-----
        From: Hirsh, James
        Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 1:58 PM
        To: Bouteller, Patrick
        Subject: RN 09 25698 - Wills and Trusts

To The Kaiser Papers