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In Copyright Since September 11, 2000
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California Health and Safety Code:

(b) The time of death must be determined by a physician or surgeon who attends the donor at death or, if none, the physician or surgeon who certifies the death. Neither the physician or surgeon who attends the donor at death nor the physician or surgeon who determines the time of death may participate in the procedures for removing or transplanting a part unless the document of gift designates a particular physician or surgeon pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 7150.5.
Health and Safety Code 7154(b) prohibits the attending physician, etc., from participating in organ donations.  However, the Kaiser physician did just that and no government agency in California cares.  Kaiser Permanente does not care.
Health and Safety Code 7154(b) prohibits the attending physician, etc., from participating in organ donations.
It appears that Kaiser doctor Shahab Attarchi violates the law to gain financially by bypassing the radar of The National Transplant Systems.  The patients disease was so invasive that it would have been a violation to have had the tissue implanted into another person.  The recipient could very well have developed cancer from the transplant.  The Kaiser doctor didn't care, nor did the medical board or any other agency that was contacted about this.
Kaiser violates the law to gain financially by bypassing the radar of The National Transplant Systems.
Although the Eye Bank Association of America misread the name of the patient in the above letter, the employee of this benevolent organization is  admitting that Kaiser violated procedures and standards of care.  I have to wonder how many people have received cornea transplants, probably paid for by Medicare so it is a guaranteed full payment that are now wondering where they got cancer or other disease from?
One Legacy Transplant organization admitting that Kaiser violated procedures and standards of care.

 California Health and Safety Code:

(b) The time of death must be determined by a physician or surgeon
who attends the donor at death or, if none, the physician or surgeon
who certifies the death. Neither the physician or surgeon who
attends the donor at death nor the physician or surgeon who
determines the time of death may participate in the procedures for
removing or transplanting a part unless the document of gift
designates a particular physician or surgeon pursuant to subdivision
(d) of Section 7150.5.

To The Kaiser Papers