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Robyn Libitsky

Department of Health and Human Services
Office for Civil Rights
Attention: Karmen Todd
RE: Transaction Number; 07-68738
Dear Ms. Todd,
Enclosed please fine additional DMHC documents concerning Kaiser's policy of "placing cancer patients at a lower priority of receiving blood transfusions. 
For any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Hillarie Levy (Robyn Libitsky's mother)

Sent: 12/15/2008 11:19:02 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Subj: Request for documents

Dear Ms. Levy:


Attached please find the Department of Managed Health Care’s (“DMHC’s) response to your November 10, 2008 request for documents, as clarified during our December 3 telephone conversation.


As discussed in the attached letter, I have located several letters from DMHC personnel to you that outline the actions the DMHC took in response to the issues you raised regarding Kaiser.  I have also attached a copy of the DMHC’s 2007 Consent Agreement with Kaiser that identifies deficiencies found by the DMHC and provides for a $2 million fine


Finally, there may be further documents responsive to your request in the DMHC’s archived storage.  As explained in my letter, I have asked that the archived files regarding your complaints filed with the DMHC’s HMO Help Center be sent to me.  Once I receive them, I will review those files and forward any responsive public documents to you.  I anticipate receiving the archived files by this Friday, December 19.


In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.




Sarah Ream
Staff Counsel III
Office of Legal Services
Department of Managed Health Care
Phone:  (916) 324-2522

Documents are located at:


To The Kaiser Papers