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October 31, 2005
Los Angeles Attorney - B. Casey Yim of the law firm Murchison and Cumming, LLP accuses Los Angeles Times reporter of misquoting him.  Was the intent of Mr.Yim's writing to cast a shadow on the veracity of the entire article or is he sincere?

This evening I received a fax from Hillarie Levy, the subject of a Los Angeles Times article which was printed on 
October 23, 2005.

I have scanned and posted on this page the fax as I received it this evening.  However, because I am low on ink, part of this letter may be difficult for you to easily read.  So I am also writing this out to complement the letter from B. Casey Yim to Hillarie Levy.  The letter is typed out before the presentation of the fax for ease of reading.

Murchison & Cumming. LLP
801 South Grand Avenue
9th Floor
Los Angeles, California 
Telephone (213)623-7400
Facsimile (213) 623-6336

Writer's Direct Dial Number
(213) 630-1060

October 27, 2005


Hillarie Levy
street address removed for privacy purposes
Simi Valley, Ca 93063

Re: LA Times Article, Oct 23, 2005

Dear Mrs. Levy:

I am writing to tell you how distressed I am that the reporter included the phrase
"grief-stricken mom bent on vengeance" as part of the October 23, 2005, Los Angeles
Times story on your efforts to make changes to the Medical Board reporting statute.  I
know this doesn't bring any solace to you but it is important for me to let you know that
this was not what I said.

I know that you have suffered a great loss following the death of your daughter and I am
truly sorry if anything that I said directly or indirectly to the Los Angeles Times reporter
may have added to your pain.

Please accept my apology.

Very truly yours, 


B. Casey Yim, Of Counsel


Letter to Hillarie Levy from B. Casey Yim of the lawfirm Mirchison and Cumming - A Kaiser retained lawfirm.

Kaiser Papers