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In 2010, my sister became depressed and requested an appointment from Kaiser. One week later, she hadn't heard back from Kaiser and experienced a complete psychotic break. Her condition resulted in multiple hospitalizations. My family struggled constantly to get care from Kaiser. In April 2012, my sister experienced a deterioration in her condition and called Kaiser for an appointment. Kaiser reported that the first available appointment was six weeks later. Just two weeks later, my sister committed suicide. Kaiser needs to realize that their failure to adequately staff their mental health clinics directly affects the quality of care. In my sister's case, the consequences were fatal. Not only do patients suffer, but our families do too. Kaiser doesn't have to live with the loss.

Marsha Grilli, Milpitas City Councilmember

Kaiser Permanente has a long history of poor mental healthcare services. In 2013, Kaiser Permanente was fined $4 million by the California Department of Managed Health Care for illegally denying patients timely access to mental health services. This is despite the fact that Kaiser Permanente is bringing in record profits, which topped $3.1 billion in 2014.

In February 2015, as reported by the Los Angeles Times, the DMHC found that Kaiser was still denying timely care to its patients, despite having had two years to correct the problems. Another financial penalty may be announced soon. This website highlights just a few of the stories we have collected from Courage Campaign members, community members, patients and their families.