The Kaiser Papers A Public Service Web Site

         In Copyright Since September 11, 2000
This web site is in no manner affiliated with any Kaiser entity and the for profit Permanente

Link for Translation of the Kaiser Papers 

Government employees with close/questionable
Kaiser Permanente affiliations

This is a short list of some Former Kaiser Permanente physicians, other medical
personnel and "politicians" closely related to Kaiser Administrators that may have a
conflict of interest with their new jobs at government regulatory agencies and
government contractees overseeing patient matters.  First Understand What  the
definition of a Conflict of Interest as per United States Law is.

Cross referenced with:

Note that most government agencies do not ask about this form of financial information when
clearing someone for ethics issues which could show a potential conflict of interest.  Probably it
is because these agencies are not aware that this gag clause and other gag clauses not displayed
on this web site are even in existence.  Definitely the California Ethics rules do not cover this type
of issue and should.  

While it is highly illegal to have these gag clauses and orders in any retirement contract and
Kaiser and Permanente probably will lose in any court action when any physician  challenges
the clause referenced above if it is enforced, it will still cost an enormous amount of money for
a physician to do so in any court.  The physician does not have to be retired to have these gag
clauses enforced.  Several physicians that did decide to go forward and not be compromised with
their personal ethics have been used as examples by Permanente and Kaiser as to what happens
if they do talk or do act responsibly when dealing with our government.

See: and
and United State Office of Ethics at:

Public service is a public trust, requiring employees to place  loyalty to the Constitution, the laws,
and ethical principles above private gain.

Employees shall not hold financial interests that conflict with the conscientious performance of duty.

Employees shall not engage in financial transactions using nonpublic Government information or
allow the improper use of such information to further any private interest.

Volunteers, non salaried appointees and retired physicians and other medical personnel that obtain
employment under Federal Personnel Jurisdiction are still representatives of our government and
still have to abide by the law.

Many people have had the experience of having government agencies stop formal investigations
into Kaiser questionable activities with the excuse used that "Mr. Upstairs" ordered the investigation
stopped.  This list of people may be who "Mr. Upstairs" actually is.  It really is a silly term to use

and -
Page 74 of the SCPMG Retirement Program.

"11.2 Limitation on Participants' Rights.

"The Partnership reserves the right to expel any Partner without liability for any claim either against the Plan, except to the extent provided for herein, or against the Partnership."  

It is likely that current and former Kaiser Permanente physicians that obtain jobs in government
agencies where they
have responsibilities to oversee, investigate, inspect, etc., most likely have a
conflict of interest that no matter what
they may say about it, is still there.

The terms of the vested Permanente physicians contract states very clearly that they may not do
or say anything against Kaiser or the Permanente or they risk losing their retirement package and
anything else that is held by the Permanente.  See link above for current document clearly stating
this fact.  

There are court documents showing that Permanente and Kaiser have enforced this document
for those that dared to find wrong doing or talk to the authorities.

"...the physician will not work against the interest of Kaiser Permanente."


Kaiser and the Permanente business practices are also showing up overseas.  Queensland,
Australia which had the misfortune of hiring a dismissed Kaiser Physician,
(news articles link) Jayant Patel  (also at Wikipedia -
found out the hard way how the three Kaiser corporation's business practices intertwine with
government officials and agencies to the detriment of patients. Today they are untangling the
roots of the cancerous Kaiser type business practice which is successful only by the corporate
preying on common human greed. Queensland is making sure that such business practices
will not gain a greater hold within their government system.
See Also:

Hedley Thomas, senior writer for The Australian is the author of Sick To Death, a newly released
book about
Dr Jayant Patel and how he thrived in a sick health and political system.

Do the following individuals have a conflict of interest with their jobs?  

We will be adding to the list those pertinent individuals from other organizations and government
agencies as time permits.

We are beginning this list with those currently employed or financially involved with the QIO Lumetra.
A QIO is a Quality Improvement Organization.  The one in California is Called Lumetra.   All QIO's are really started out as tracking databases for Congress to monitor the effectiveness of the HMO's.  Today, they have a few other sideline businesses.  Here is what the law says they are supposed to be doing.

Here is the original Lumetra web address:  
It used to be called CMRI or California Medical Review.  Lumetra had a really big contract with the Federal Government to review Medicare Patient Medical Records.

It appears to us that the following former Kaiser Permanente physicians do not belong on Lumetra
decision making or quality evaluation boards - both by basic ethics and financial conflicts against
their retirement pot of gold.

Board Members of the QIO (Quality Improvement Organization) Lumetra  - an organization with a
really big Medicare contract to review Medicare Patient records where Kaiser is never found to
have ever been wrong. 12 Kaiser people and still counting in the following list: (Note:  Lumetra did not keep the Federal Contract and were replaced by another QIO.   Their government solutions web page is at

Linda Sawyer - COO Lumetra -
  • COO at Lumetra

Justin Graham
Physician lead for Kaiser's Epic disaster$file/Lumetra%20SCC060004_

D. Lynn Fiorria - Kaiser Permanente - Vallejo$file/Lumetra%20SCC060004_

Ana M. Perez - Former Diabetes Manager for Spanish Population at Kaiser Permanente$file/Lumetra%20SCC060004_

Mindy-Coots Miyazaki - Past Home Health Nurse and Staff Nurse with Kaiser Oakland$file/Lumetra%20SCC060004_

Laura Stewart - Kaiser San Francisco$file/Lumetra%20SCC060004_

Janet E. O’Brien, MD, MSPH, MS

District Office Medical Consultant

Janet E. O'Brien, M.D.Janet O’Brien provides utilization review services in workman’s compensation. 
She provided primary care service

at the Woodland Clinic Medical Group and has served as interim health officer
for the Yolo County Department of Public Health, director of community education
for the Watsonville Community Hospital, and as medical economist
for the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan.


Roderick N. Seamster - Lumetra Board Member - Vice-Chair

Roderick N. Seamster, MD, MPH

Vice-Chair, Lumetra Board of Directors
Medical Director, Watts Healthcare Corporation

Roderick Seamster is medical director and chief physician in internal medicine at the
Watts Healthcare
Corporation in Los Angeles.He has served as medical director and/or
staff physician in internal medicine
and family practice settings, including the Watts Health
Center, Compton Medical Center, Kaiser Permanente,
and the San Carlos Indian Hospital
(United States Public Health Service).

Anthony G. Wagner

Vice President, Kaiser Permanente, Oakland
Anthony Wagner currently serves as vice president of the Office of Labor Management
Partnership at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, California,

Ann Von Gehr (MD)
unestablished if Dr. Von Gehr is still directly affiliated with Kaiser Santa Teresa

Dr. Ira Jeffry Strumpf
Dr. Strumpf is physician in charge of the pulmonary division at Kaiser Permanente
Medical Center
in Woodland Hills.


Short background on JCAHO:  JCAHO takes in $113 million annually, mainly from
hospitals that pay large fees to be accredited so they can receive Medicare dollars.
Accreditation means a hospital has successfully passed a JCAHO inspection once
every three years. Inspections are traditionally announced well in advance, although
JCAHO promises to begin “surprise” visits next year. And, a subsidiary of JCAHO
consults (for a hefty fee) with hundred of hospitals each year to help them to
get a passing grade on their inspection. These “crib” courses bring in another $10.5
million to JCAHO each year.

Don Nielsen, M.D.

Senior Vice President for Quality Leadership

American Hospital Association

Don Nielsen, M.D., is an infectious diseases physician and senior vice president 
for Quality Leadershipat the ADon Nielsen, M.D., former Permanente physicianmerican Hospital Association (AHA).

In this role, Nielsen oversees the AHA’s Quality Agenda, which focuses 
on improving patient safety, patient-centered care, effectiveness, 
efficiency, timeliness and elimination of racial disparities in care.

Nielsen joined the AHA in 1998.

Previously, Nielsen worked at the Permanente Company as vice 
president for performance assessment and with the 12 Permanente 
Medical Groups as associate medical director for quality. He also served as a partner 
and practicing physician with the Southern California Permanente Medical Group where
he was the director of the Los Angeles Kaiser Foundation Hospital HIV Clinic and 
Outpatient Infusion Center.

Nielsen is active on the boards of the American Accreditation HealthCare 
Commission/URAC and the National Patient Safety Foundation. He has also served 
on the Board of Commissioners of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare 

Nielsen serves on the editor boards of the World Medical Association’s WMA Global 
Health Care Report, Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management, Cliniguides, and 
the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Eye on Improvement. In addition, he has 
served on the editorial advisory boards of Monitor, a publication of the Medical 
Outcomes Trust, and the Bureau of National Affairs’ Managed Care Reporter. 
Nielsen speaks frequently on topics including performance measurement, 
accountability, patient safety and information systems development needed to 
support measurement activities.


CMS Administrator Tom Scully today announced the appointment of
Barbara Paul, M.D., to direct the agency's initiatives to improve health care
quality for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries.

Dr. Paul, a board-certified internist, has been director of the agency's
Physicians' Regulatory Issues Team (PRIT) since 1999. She also served as
assistant to the deputy administrator for the Open-Door initiative with physicians.
Dr. Paul will replace Steve Clauser, Ph.D., who has taken a position with the
National Cancer Institute.

Dr. Paul was a full-time internist from 1987 to 1999 in Northern California. She
also was director of women's health services from 1993 to 1995 for Queen of
the Valley Hospital in Napa, Calif. Currently, she returns every few months
to her former clinic in California to see patients at the Kaiser Permanente facility
in Vallejo, Calif.

Among her professional activities, Dr. Paul served in 1998 on the board of trustees
of the California Medical Association, representing physicians in eight Northern
California counties. She also was president of the Napa County Medical Society from
1995 to 1996, and served from 1993 to 1999 on the board of directors of the
California Health Facilities Financing Authority.
Barbara R. Paul, M.D., is Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of Beverly
Enterprises, a leading provider of elder care headquartered in Fort Smith, AR.. She was
previously director of the Quality Measurement and Health Assessment Group for the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Department of Health
and Human Services, in Baltimore, Md. While at CMS, she led the launch of HHS
Secretary Tommy G. Thompson's Nursing Home Quality Initiative and Home Health Quality
Initiative, and played a key role in the agency's overall quality measurement and public
reporting work. She represented the agency on the boards of the National Quality
Forum and The Leapfrog Group.

 CMS Applicants from Southern California Permanente

Paul J. Wallace, MD
Paul J. Wallace, MD Permanente PhysicianHe was previously the Executive Director of Kaiser Permanente’s
Care Management Institute (CMI) from 2000 – 2005 and continues as a
Senior Advisor to CMI and to KP Healthy Solutions, the KP
disease management company established in 2005. Dr. Wallace,
an Internist and Hematologist, joined Kaiser Permanente in 1989, and
has participated on Kaiser Permanente’s program wide New Technology,
Research, Guidelines and Diversity Committees. He is a member of the
National Advisory Council for the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ),
the Institute of Medicine Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, the Medical
Coverage Advisory Committee for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS),
and the Committee on Performance Measurement for NCQA. He is the Board Chair for
the Center for Information Therapy, and is also a Board member for the Disease
Management Association of America (DMAA). In 2004 he was recognized by DMAA
with the Karen Coughlin Individual Disease Management Leadership Award.

AHRQ Announces New Preventive Services Task Force Members
Diane Petitti, M.D., M.P.H., senior scientific advisory for Kaiser Permanente of Southern
California, is the new vice chair.
Executive Director, Health Policy and Evidence-based Medicine,
Johnson & Johnson

Peter Juhn is responsible for helping shape evidence-based medicine policies,
especially as payers use EBM as a basis for decisions on reimbursement and
coverage of pharmaceuticals and medical devices. He works with the operating
companies to anticipate the methods and types of evidence needed in this evolving
payer environment. He also provides policy coverage for developments in the
Health Information technology initiatives as well as quality-based "pay-for-performance"

Most recently, Dr. Juhn was Vice President, Health Improvement Resources, at
WellPoint Health Networks, where he managed the disease management programs.
He also held senior positions at Kaiser Permanente, including Executive Director, Care
Management Institute and President and CEO of CareTouch, Inc., an e-health start-up
venture. He has a BA from the University of Chicago, an MD from Harvard and an MPH
from the University of Washington, where he was a Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar.
He completed his Internal Medicine residency at the University of Pennsylvania.

STAKEHOLDER The Permanente Medical Group, Kaiser Permanente

Dr. Levine is a pediatrician and has practiced with The Permanente Group since 1977.
She has held multiple leadership roles within the Medical Group and has served as
Associate Executive Director of the medical group since 1991. She has responsibility
for human resources, (recruitment, compensation, clinical education, management training
and leadership development); government and community relations, health policy and
community benefit and pharmacy policy and drug use management.

Dr. Levine is board certified by the American Board of Pediatrics and is a member of the
American College of Physician Executives, California Medical Association and the American
Medical Association. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Integrated
Healthcare Association, The Women's Foundation of California, the California Hospital
Association and the Public Health institute of California. She is a frequent speaker on
issues of health policy, drug use management and delivery of health care services. Dr.
Levine received her undergraduate degree from Radcliff College at Harvard University and
her MD degree from Tufts University School of Medicine.

The Permanente Medical Group employs 5,500 physicians and serves 3.2 million Northern California members
enrolled in the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program, the states largest HMO.

Jay Crosson - Member of the Medicare Payment  Advisory Commission appointed by Comptroller General Walker.
Comptroller General
of the United States

United States General Accounting Office
Washington, DC 20548

May 20, 2004

Comptroller General Walker Announces Appointment of Members to the Medicare
Payment Advisory Commission
Francis J. Crosson, M.D. is the executive director
of the Permanente Federation of medical groups that make up the physician component
of Kaiser Permanente. He also co-chairs the Kaiser Permanente Partnership Group,
the organization’s
management committee. He also has experience in connection with
prescription drug arrangements. He joined Kaiser Permanente in 1977 and was the Chief
of Pediatrics and Assistant Physician-in-Chief of one of Kaiser’s major medical centers.
In 1988 he was appointed associate executive director of the Permanente Medical Group
and served in that position until his current appointment. He has led efforts
on comprehensive
public report cards on clinical quality, management of a drug formulary and adoption of a
state-of-the-art electronic medical record. Dr. Crosson received his undergraduate degree
in political science from Georgetown University and his M.D. degree from Georgetown’s
School of Medicine.


Dr. William Winkenwerder Jr. took the oath of office yesterday as the new assistant
secretary of Defense. Winkenwerder was nominated for the position by President Bush on
September 21, 2001, and confirmed by the Senate on October 16, 2001.

Winkenwerder has held a variety of senior-level positions in the healthcare industry.
Most recently, he was vice
chairman, Office of the Chief Executive, and executive
vice president of Health Care Services for Blue
Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts,
the largest health insurance plan in New England with more than 2.4
enrollees. Before moving to Massachusetts, Winkenwerder served as associate vice
president for
Health Affairs and vice president of Emory Healthcare at Emory University
in Atlanta, Ga.

From 1992 to 1995, Winkenwerder held the position of vice president and chief medical
officer for Southern
Operations for Prudential Healthcare based in Atlanta. Prior to this
position, he served as the associate
medical director at the Southeast Permanente
Medical Group of Kaiser Permanente in Atlanta. From 1987 to
1988, Winkenwerder
worked at the Health Care Financing Administration, now Centers for Medicare

and Medicaid Services, Department of Health and Human Services, in Washington, D.C.

Winkenwerder received his bachelor's degree of science from Davidson College, Davidson,
N.C., in 1976,
his medical degree from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine,
Chapel Hill, N.C., in 1981,
and his master's of business administration from The Wharton
School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.,

in 1986.

Winkenwerder has completed post graduate training and fellowships in internal medicine,
epidemiology and
health services research. He also completed a fellowship at the Department
of Health and Human Services where
he helped develop a catastrophic Medicare
legislation proposal for the Reagan Administration. Winkenwerder holds
a number of board
memberships, has written broadly on health policy issues, and is active in a variety of

As the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, Winkenwerder serves as the principal
staff assistant and
advisor to the secretary and deputy secretary of Defense and the under
secretary of Defense for Personnel
and Readiness for all Department of Defense health
policies, programs, and activities. He will have the
responsibility to effectively execute the
department's healthcare mission. This mission is to provide, and to
maintain readiness
to provide, healthcare services and support to members of the armed forces during military

operations. In addition, the department's healthcare mission provides healthcare services and
support to
members of the armed forces, their family members, and others entitled to DoD
HRSA - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Health Resources and Services


The Technical Expert Panel, although not convened as a consensus panel, provided
significant input and insight throughout the course of the projec. 

Robert Carson, PhD
Brecksville VA Medical Center
Brecksville, OH
Towie Fong, MD
Senior Staff Internist and Geriatrician
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
San Francisco, CA

NCVHS Membership of the WORKGROUP on the
The NCVHS serves as the statutory public advisory body to the Secretary of Health and
Human Services in the area of health data and statistics. In that capacity, the Committee
provides advice and assistance to the Department and serves as a forum for interaction
with interested private sector groups on a variety of key health data issues. The NCVHS
home page is
National Director for Health Information Policy
Simon P. Cohn, M.D., M.P.H., FACP
Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program
One Kaiser Plaza
Oakland, California 94612
Phone: 510-271-6461
Fax: 510-267-2194
Term: 06/30/99 - 06/30/03


Brent A. Barnhart, Director Department of Managed Health Care

Kaiser Permanente DMHC director Brent A. Barnhart.Brent Barnhart was appointed by Governor Brown on August 11, 2011, to serve as the director of the Department of Managed Health Care. Prior to his appointment, he had retired from his position as a senior counsel at Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, where he assisted in compliance activities, including interactions with the DMHC. He also represented Kaiser Permanente at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, dealing primarily with financial regulation standards and national insurance privacy standards.

He has extensive experience in both health care and government, having worked as a policy committee consultant to the California State Assembly for three years in a variety of assignments, including the Judiciary Committee, the Insurance Committee, and the Office of Research, where he dealt primarily with health, insurance, and corporate governance issues.

Prior to his government service, he was an attorney and lobbyist for the health insurance industry in Sacramento – as legislative affairs director for Blue Cross of California, and as counsel and secretary to the Association of California Life and Health Insurance Companies.

Previous experience also includes serving as the California legislative director of the American Civil Liberties Union, representing ACLU before the California Legislature.

Licensed to practice law in both California and Indiana, he received his juris doctorate from Indiana University, Bloomington, and his undergraduate degree in political science from the University of California, Riverside.

Charlene Taylor

Charlene Taylor
By Paige Lampson - Staff Writer
Wednesday, February 22, 2012 5:31 PM CST
CalVet announced that Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. has appointed Galt resident Charlene Taylor to the California Veterans Board. The California Veterans Board consists of seven members and the board serves as an advocate for veterans’ affairs, identifying needs and works to ensure and enhance the rights and benefits of California veterans and their dependents.

“We are very pleased with these appointments to the California Veterans Board,” said Peter J. Gravett, CalVet secretary. “Their commitment to veterans and their needs is truly heartfelt, and their appointment enhances CalVet’s efforts to serve our nation’s heroes.”

Taylor has been a Galt resident for 22 years and has held multiple positions at the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Health Plan since 1997 and has been chief nursing officer for the Kaiser Permanente Sacramento Medical Center since 2010.

 As chief nursing officer, Taylor is responsible for a 287-bed tertiary acute care hospital, over 11,000 operations per year, overseeing 800 full time employees and a budget of $150 million.

Taylor appointed by Governor to California Veterans Board

Charlene Taylor
By Paige Lampson - Staff Writer
Wednesday, February 22, 2012 5:31 PM CST
CalVet announced that Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. has appointed Galt resident Charlene Taylor to the California Veterans Board. The California Veterans Board consists of seven members and the board serves as an advocate for veterans’ affairs, identifying needs and works to ensure and enhance the rights and benefits of California veterans and their dependents.

“We are very pleased with these appointments to the California Veterans Board,” said Peter J. Gravett, CalVet secretary. “Their commitment to veterans and their needs is truly heartfelt, and their appointment enhances CalVet’s efforts to serve our nation’s heroes.”

Taylor has been a Galt resident for 22 years and has held multiple positions at the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Health Plan since 1997 and has been chief nursing officer for the Kaiser Permanente Sacramento Medical Center since 2010.

 As chief nursing officer, Taylor is responsible for a 287-bed tertiary acute care hospital, over 11,000 operations per year, overseeing 800 full time employees and a budget of $150 million.

She also served as chief nurse and flight nurse for the U.S. Air Force Reserve from 1993 to 2009. Taylor oversaw all of the aeromedical evacuation units during her time of active duty while serving in Desert Storm.

Before that, Taylor served as assistant hospital administrator for Sutter Amador Hospital from 1988 to 1997. She is a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Reserve Officers Association and the Society of Air Force Nurses.

Taylor didn’t join the Air Force until she was 40. She is still commissioned and holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. “I was the nurse exec at Sutter and I am adventurous and patriotic,” said Taylor, explaining why she enlisted. “I wanted to do some nursing again and the military just fit for me.  The camaraderie in the service just can’t be beat.”

Taylor is one of the charter members of Kaiser Permanente Veterans Association and received an email about the qualifications for the board.  They were looking for a female veteran with hospital administration experience, and this position fit into her experience and qualifications so she filled out the application.  It was not an easy process, as Taylor then had to qualify through four interviews.

“I am very impressed by the process,” says Taylor.

“On the veterans board, they have certain requirements for each position. So it is a well-rounded board. I was surprised to see how thoughtful the process is, and they clearly want a well balanced board.”

Taylor is looking forward to the orientation process and learning more about the board. She is particularly interested in partnering with the secretary and undersecretary of Veterans Affairs of California. Taylor would like to find programs for facilities that are challenged with finding ways to provide services to help veterans during this challenging economy.

Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez
Fabian Nunez is married to Maria Robles
"The wife of Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez (D-Los Angeles) has come under scrutiny for
accepting a job that is partially funded by hospitals, a major stakeholder in the health
care reform debate, the
Sacramento Bee reports.

Maria Robles was hired as president of the not-for-profit Californians for Patient Care in January,
one month after Núñez introduced
AB 8, a bill seeking to overhaul California's health care system.
The organization says its mission is tied to preserving and improving the health care system."

Ruth Liu, a former analyst at Kaiser Permanente  now serves as a health-policy expert in the
Schwarzenegger administration.


Paul Koretz
Los Angeles and California Politician married to a Kaiser Permanente administrator

Gail Koretz of Kaiser Permanente and wife of politician Paul Koretz of the Los Angeles areaKoretz's wife Gail
[2] serves as Director of Public Affairs for Kaiser Permanente
Los Angeles Medical Center.

Department of Managed Health Care
Dr. Bernadette C. Loftus
Clinical Advisory Panel

Office of The Patient Advocate
Governor Schwarzenegger Announces Appointment of Sandra Perez as the Director of the
Office of the Patient Advocate within the Business, Transportation & Housing Agency

Since 2000, Perez has served as the Director of the California Executive Fellowship Program
for the Center of California Studies at the California State University, Sacramento. From
1994 to 2000, Perez was the Principal Consultant of Perez Consulting Services, an
administration, policy and media consulting firm. Her clients included Kaiser Permanente,
the University of California Davis Medical Center, Catholic Diocese of Sacramento,
California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, Rural Health Institute and the Sacramento
Community Services Planning Council. Ms. Perez served as an administrative resident
at Kaiser Permanente from 1991 to 1994.

As the resident for the Community Health Partnerships, she worked with the Sacramento
Task Force on the Medically Underserved, a collaboration of providers and
healthcare organizations in the Sacramento region.

Prior to this experience, Perez worked for the California State Assembly, serving from 1985 to 1990
as the field representative to former-Assembly Member Phil Isenberg and from 1984 to 1985 as
the receptionist in the Speaker’s Office of Member Services.

Hienvu Nguyen, DPM was a computer engineer working for the Department of Defense for
about 10 years before he went back to school. After completing his fellowship training
at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Texas; he joined the
Kaiser Permanente, and has been there since 1999.

Medical school California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco, CA
Residency Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Tucson, AZ
Fellowship University of Texas Health Science Center At San Antonio, School of Medicine,
San Antonio, TX
- Board certification Foot Surgery, American Board of Podiatric Surgery
Appointed by Governor Schwarzenegger - announced on August 16, 2005
to The Board of Podiatric Medicine as President of the Board

Conflict of Interest Regulations -

State of Colorado
Gov. John Hickenlooper has picked Kathy Nesbitt, a Kaiser Permanente executive to
join his cabinet.

Hickenlooper names Kathy Nesbitt to cabinet
posted by Dan Boniface  
DENVER (AP) - Gov. John Hickenlooper has picked a Kaiser Permanente executive
to join his cabinet.

Hickenlooper announced Tuesday that he's appointed Kathy Nesbitt to serve as
executive director of the Department of Personnel and Administration, which oversees
38,000 state employees.

Nesbitt is the human resources director for Kaiser Permanente in Denver, where
she works with more than 5,000 employees of the health care organization.
Nesbitt earlier worked as a staff attorney for Mountain States Employers Counsel and
an employment attorney at Qwest Communications.
(Copyright 2011 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)



Laws Governing Advisory Committeeslxxxviii[88]
Federal law requires that advisory committees be balanced in terms of points of view of
their members and that they conduct their business in public. The law also requires
that advisory committee members disclose their financial interests and recuse
themselves from matters in which they have an interest.

Public service is a public trust, requiring employees to place  loyalty to the Constitution,

the laws, and ethical principles above private gain.

Employees shall not hold financial interests that conflict with the conscientious performance

of duty.

Employees shall not engage in financial transactions using nonpublic Government

information or allow the improper use of such information to further any private interest. 

National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics

Simon P. Cohn, M.D., M.P.H.
Associate Executive Director
The Permanente Federation
Kaiser Permanente
One Kaiser Plaza, 27L
Oakland, California 94612
Phone: 510-271-6461
Fax: 510-267-2194
Term: 12/01/03 - 12/01/07

Government Agency Directors that take Vice President positions
Kaiser Permanente

Diana Bonta, Former California DHS Director, Assumes New Role for Kaiser
Permanente's Southern California Region
PASADENA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 21, 2004--Diana M. Bonta, R.N., Dr.P.H.,
former Director of the California Department of Health Services, has assumed the newly
created position of Vice President of Public Affairs for Kaiser Permanente's Southern
California Region.

Dr. Bonta will direct Kaiser Permanente's public policy agenda for Southern California.
"I look forward to sharing Kaiser Permanente's vision for the future--caring for people
and helping them to thrive. I'm glad to be part of an organization that does so much to
promote and enhance community health," she said. Her responsibilities will include
community benefit, community relations, government relations, grant management,
corporate communications, media relations and multi-media activities.

California Medical Board

Sharon Levine, MD Sharon Levine, MD
and at:

"Dr. Levine was appointed to the Medical Board by Governor Arnold
Schwarzenegger in 2009 and re-appointed by Governor Brown in 2011.
She is an associate executive director of The Permanente Medical Group
and served as a pediatrician from 1977 to 1991. She was a staff
pediatrician for the Georgetown University Community Health Plan;
a clinical associate in infant nutrition at the National Institutes of Health; and was the director
of pediatric services for Montgomery Georgetown Pediatric Clinic. She is a member of
many professional associations and on the boards of directors of the Reagan Udall
Foundation, the Integrated Healthcare Association, Women's Foundation of California,
California Hospital Association, and the Public Health Institute.

Dr. Levine earned her medical degree from Tufts University School of Medicine."

Barbara Johnston - Executive Director

Barbara Johnston Executive Director Ca Medical Board"Ms. Johnston served as the eHealth manager for the Kaiser Permanente's 
online disease management program for mental health with responsibilities 
that included coordinating a multi-disciplinary team of physicians, 
researchers, technology experts, nurses, mental health advocates, and 
mental health service consumers. "


and where they forgot to mention the Kaiser affiliation

California Board of Registered Nursing

Cindy Cipres Klein RN- Cindy Cipres Klein, R.N., 44, of Canyon Lake, has been appointed to the Board of Registered Nursing. Cipres Klein has been a registered nurse in population care management with Kaiser Permanente Medical Group since 2005. She has served in multiple positions with Kaiser, including as the RN charge nurse in urgent care from 2003 to 2005 and an ambulatory care RN team leader in family medicine, pediatrics, allergy and obstetrics and gynecology from 1998 to 2003. Cipres Klein worked as a RN supervisor for U.S. Family Care West from 1997 to 1998, as a general pediatric floor nurse at Miller’s Children’s Hospital in 1996 and as a RN lead for the Universal Care Medical Group from 1992 to 1995. She was a medical records clerk at St. Jude’s Medical Center from 1991 to 1992. This position does not require Senate confirmation and the compensation is $100 per diem. Cipres Klein is a Democrat.

Cipres Klein has been a Registered Nurse in population care management with Kaiser since 2005, and has worked as an RN since 1992. Cipres Klein is the UNAC/UHCP Riverside affiliate’s Clinic President, and a member of the UNAC/UHCP Board of Directors. The BRN position does not require Senate confirmation.

Trande Phillips, Kaiser California RNTrande Phillips, R.N., 62, of Walnut Creek, has been appointed to the Board of Registered Nursing. Phillips has been a registered nurse at Kaiser Permanente Walnut Creek Medical Center in the pediatric-flex unit and the medical, surgical, hospice and oncology unit since 1983. She was a registered nurse at the Merrithew Memorial Hospital in Contra Costa County from 1979 to 1981 and the Wichita General Hospital in Texas from 1971 to 1972. This position does not require Senate confirmation and the compensation is $100 per diem. Phillips is a Democrat.

The following person is not a Kaiser appointee but he is interesting because he served 3 terms on the Medical Board:

Raymond Mallel, 75, of Agoura Hills, has been appointed to the Board of Registered Nursing. He has been a private investor since 2001. Mallel was director of marketing and operations at Long Beach Mortgage Company and Ameriquest Bank from 1991 to 2001 and vice president of Loubella Extendables Inc. from 1971 to 1991. He served as vice president of the State Bar of California Board of Governors from 1983 to 1986 and was chair of the Client Security Fund at the State Bar of California from 1986 to 1990. From 1982 to 1994, he served three consecutive terms on the Medical Board of California, including as president and vice president. Mallel is a co-founder and member of the International Executive Board for the Sephardic Educational Center in Jerusalem, Israel. He also serves as president of the Raymond Mallel Foundation. This position does not require Senate confirmation and the compensation is $100 per diem. Mallel is a Democrat.

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To The Kaiser Papers

Do  individuals employed at the following government agencies have a conflict of interest with their jobs?  

We will be adding to the list those pertinent individuals from other organizations and government agencies as time permits.