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Quick Facts About Kaiser Permanente

"It's important for HMOs to realize that there's a debt to society when laws are broken." 
Daniel Zingale - The Former Director of the California Department of Managed Health Care

In the 2001 Form 990 filed by Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, it was reported that $2.2 million was spent on lobbying. Of this total, $1.7 million was spent on "Direct contact with legislators, their staffs, government officials, or a legislative body."

Number of Patients per Physician

A Calif. appellate court has ruled that a mandatory arbitration agreement is not binding on adult children suing for wrongful death of a parent. 
The case is Buchner v. Tamarin, Calif. 2d Appellate Distr. #B149385
Who WILL be bound by the patient's agreement to arbitrate?
1. an agent can bind a principal - 
2. spouses can bind each other -
3. a parent can bind a Minor child.

10 Good Things that happen if you get rid of Kaiser for your care

Important  pattern we have noticed -
Do not get sick in the last and first quarters of any year if you are with Kaiser - They seem to have more people misdiagnosed and denied medical care in that time period.  Probably a so called budget problem that time of the year is the cause.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said on August 31, 2003 -"Any of those kinds of real big, powerful special interests, if you take money from them, you owe them something."  Is he saying that Kaiser has no power or influence in this world? If as they say they do have power and influence then why did he accept$150,000.00 from Kaiser? - What is Kaiser going to want back from him in return?  When will Kaiser want their favor returned by him?  I was probably our Governor's biggest supporter until I learned he had accepted money from Kaiser. I hope that he gives Kaiser their money back. 

Did you know that not only does Kaiser Permanente NOT pay taxes but they have laid off people and sent work overseas to India, Pakistan and other countries! Sounds UNAMERICAN to me.  I wonder if the Federal and State Governments that gave Kaiser big contracts are aware of this.  People may want to let their US and State Senators know that American workers have lost jobs because Kaiser sent their work out of the country. Members of the American public that have Kaiser for health insurance might also inquire if their personal data is in a big computer in India or some other country as well.  I would sure hate to have someone out of this country gain access to my personal data, especially with all the problems that are going on around the world today. 

What is a non profit organization in the United States? 

Not-for-profit is a technical qualification that allows Kaiser to escape taxation and misleads people into thinking they are not in the business of making money. 

Non-profit is the term for an organization not in business for profit. Kaiser does not often use this term. 

Kaiser Permanente is not truly the "not-for-profit" it advertises itself to be. "Not-for-profit" is a technical qualification used by many medical organizations to escape taxation. In Kaiser’s case it is also used as a marketing ploy to portray itself as a charitable and benevolent health care provider. In fact, the "not-for-profit" status only applies to the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan (the premium collecting entity) and the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals. In the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Form 990 filing (Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax) for 2001, there are 13 subsidiaries listed as for-profit entities. 

Currently, it is a felony for any person to deliberately advise or encourage another person to commit suicide. - California Penal Code 401 

That code is included in this section because patients are often badgered to commit suicide by corporate representatives.  They do this not to spare the patient anything.  They do this to not provide medical care and have to pay for medical personnel to care for the patient.

The truth is that many of  our Insurance Commissioners, Medicare and Legislators are very aware what Kaiser Permanente and other HMO's are doing to people.  See: - section on Odyssey Health Cares methods to make a profit in an industry that technically should never be profitable.

They have more than enough proof to shut them down today but they choose to not do much of anything.  I have to wonder why? In this country we should not tolerate corporations intimidating and abusing patients and their loved ones to save a buck. 

As for their being the largest not for profit in California well that is true.  Of course they don't bother to mention that there are only about 2 or three all together in this state, maybe in the entire country serving large government sponsored programs.  They also don't mention that in general Blue Cross and other HMO's which are for profit are cheaper, have lower co-pays for office visits, lower prescription co-pays and that you aren't stuck with often unavailable physicians. They don't bother to mention that as with other insurance HMO plans that you don't have the freedom to walk away from any physician that you no longer trust, like or just don't want to see. 

"Bigger" doesn't mean "Better." 

In The State of California the only nurse that can give a controlled substance to a patient in a facility is a Registered Nurse. Aides can't do it, vocational's can't do it and the janitor can't do it at all.  No matter what anyone tells you differently aides, vocationals and the janitor cannot do it - It is against the law and is not any industry standard. 

In a brief study of cost differences between states with binding mandatory arbitration in Kaiser contracts and those that do not have a mandatory arbitration clause in their Kaiser contracts, we have found that there is no substantial difference in cost of premiums.  Binding mandatory arbitration does not appear to have any bearing at all on the patients premium cost.

In 2001 the population of Los Angeles County was 9,637,494. Kaiser claims to have 8.2 million patients for the entire country.  -- Overall they really are not a very large company.  They are just a company with a large budget for advertising.

The Kaiser Permanente of today has very little to do with the original Kaiser Permanente.  

While the company has become very profitable and has paid a lot of money for positive PR I think that the current management today bears little  resemblance to what the Kaiser Family intended and had set up.  

From Appendix C.— Selected Activities in Medical Technology Assessment 

Some prepaid group practices have also had experience with medical technology assessment. The Department of Medical  Methods Research of the Kaiser-Permanente Medical Care Program (KPMCP) of Northern California has conducted research  on the utilization of modern technology for the development of improved methods of providing and delivering medical care  within the KPMCP (72). The primary purpose of the department’s Division of Technology Assessment is to aid in the selection  of the most cost-effective technology. 

The process of assessment the division uses is quite different from that employed elsewhere, primarily
because of the unique financial structure of prepaid group practices, In a prepaid group practice, an increase  in the use of a technology often increases expenses and does not generate revenues as it might in  fee-for-service or cost-reimbursement programs.  

In addition, there are no savings from the purchases of equipment that could increase cash flow.  

Thus, the incentives are for low-cost technology that maintains or improves the effectiveness of medical care. 

Kaiser Emergency Room Care for Medicaid/Medi Cal Patients 

Under the newest interpretations of EMTALA, every hospital receiving federal funds in any form (including Kaiser) 
is part of the national, unfunded utility of medical care.  Every hospital receiving such funds must evaluate 
every patient - prior to checking insurance coverage - to determine if the patient is stable and make a plan of 
treatment.  The patient can only be released if stable, and this really requires (most often) the normal examination 
and workup. 

So Kaiser can try to allow the rumor to spread that they do not treat the uninsured or straight Medi-Cal, but they 
are required to solve the problem until the patient becomes stable.  The immediate fine for acting otherwise is up 
to $50,000 per incident. The long term fine for disobeying these rules repeatedly is to be stripped of federal 
reimbursement for two years.  (The State of California has parallel rules but less enforcement personnel; so 
federal complaints are the best.)

Attention Seniors: "Who says you have to join an HMO? It's called Medicare+ CHOICE, right? 

You CHOOSE to join an HMO. 

And if you choose Kaiser, you simply don't know enough about Kaiser. So why pay premiums? Health insurance is for when you're sick! 

If the HMO isn't going to be there for you when you'resick, you're wasting your  money. Or, better yet, buy a decent medigap policy that will help you go to the doctor & hospital of your choice when you get sick." - 

Dr. Harvey Frey 

There is no sound reason for any human to be a part of the Kaiser Program

Kaiser Senior Advantage Program - The Truth!

From The Corporate Takeover of American Health Care
A confidential Kaiser Permanente Southern California Region Business Plan for 1995 through 
1997 reveals the mentality of corporate costcutting in the delivery of patient services.  Below are  some excerpts from the plan.

Kaiser’s Cost-Cutting Tactics:

1. Reducing the number of patients hospitalized by more than 30 percent;

2. “Shifting surgical cases from inpatient to outpatient (i.e., gall bladders,mastectomy/lumpectomy,appendectomy)”;

3. Rationing high-cost prescription drugs;

4. “Aligning physician bonus pay and leadership compensation to target achievement,” (i.e., 
giving doctors bonuses for reducing hospital admissions);

5. “Implementing care paths for chest pain and stroke,” (i.e., discharging patients early or removing 
them early from Intensive Care);

6. “Reducing staff in surgical and primary care specialties...”;

7. Requiring “alternatives for Skilled Nursing Facility admissions and lengths of stay,” (i.e., moving 
patients into nursing homes or their own homes).

Kaiser Care - Patient Beware

In my opinion, Remember, the above phrase  and you should be safe - Get your health insurance 
elsewhere if you care about yourself or your family.

In the last three years Kaiser Permanente has received 63.9% of all fines in the history of The California Department of Managed  Health Care.  Kaiser Permanente was fined $1,635,000.00. All other combined HMO fines totaled $925,500.00.

Kaiser and The Permanente Could Not Hack it in: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York ,Vermont , Nevada, Missouri, Texas,  North Carolina , and Kansas.

Each eligible physician is allowed to purchase two shares of CAPMG stock after twenty-four months of service,  a third share after thirty-six months, and a fourth share after forty-eight months of service -

And Kaiser doctors still say that they don't have a special interest in company profit!  The last that I heard one share runs around $10,000.00

The Permanente is a for profit hospital that is owned by the physicians that work for Kaiser Health Insurance - That is all it is.  

The physician's have a financial interest in keeping the Permanente's costs as low as possible.  That is how they make money.  

Less output, more money for them.

Kaiser Permanente is a business entity that makes and tries to keep it's money. 
Kaiser is an insurance company, a form of business. Insurance is a form of legalized gambling. 
Kaiser claims not for profit status yet Kaiser has numerous sub entities that are purely for profit. 
This is the plain truth about Kaiser Permanente. -

Kaiser Health is an insurance company that is in the business to make money - period! They were set up originally to provide  medical care for workers that were far from conventional medical care, such as manual laborers in the fields or factory workers not near any hospital. It was merely a convenience for the company to keep the worker functional. It never was for the public's best interest.  It never has been or is today a business that is kind and concerned about your best interest. It is only in existence to make money - period!

Hospitals that Kaiser uses where Anthrax patients died.

Consent Form for Kaiser Nurses to perform Colon Biopsies


Kaiser is now only available in limited areas in the following U.S. States: 
California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Georgia, Hawaii, Maryland, Ohio, Oregon, Virginia, Washington.
These 10 areas are all that is left out of the 18 states that allowed them to conduct business previously. 
Pretty small pickings if you ask me.  I guess they think that 10 out of 50 makes them a national company. 
Kaiser is only in 80% of California!  They are NOT a giant nor are they leading the nation in anything.  They just have a good PR company. 

Recently we have received numerous reports of in hospital and at home Kaiser patients dying from urinary tract infections 
where the blame has been laid on a catheter.  Rather than voice any one persons opinion on this epidemic the following links  on this subject are provided.  Arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible if dealing with this situation and are under 
Kaiser's care! 
Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections from the CDC

Examples of Clinical Definitions for Catheter-Related Infections

Summary of Recommended Frequency of Replacements for Catheters, Dressings, Administration Sets, and Fluids

We have also several recent reports that: 
Kaiser does not necessarily pay for ambulance service!

Attention all Porphyria Victims: The SSA is now recognizing porphyria as a valid disease.
For further information on this disease that is often now labeled Gulf War Syndrome follow link

Rod Welch of the Welch Company in San Francisco has prepared an impartial summary of his medical treatment at KP! This is very well prepared material.

How could Kaiser Permanente have listened to Arthur Anderson on how to screw over the patients?

According to the US Census Bureau the population of the United States as of July, 2001 was 284,796,887.  Kaiser claims to provide medical care for roughly 8,000,000. 
The population as of July, 2001 in California was34,501,130 .  Kaiser claims to serve6,132,515 people in California.
Colorado has according to the U.S. Census 2001 
people totaling: 4,301,261.  Kaiser claims 371,752 are members. 
Georgia has a state population of 8,186,453 , of which272,633 are Kaiser Members. 
Hawaii has a population of 1,211,537, of which 220,261 are Kaiser Members. 
The State of Ohio has a total population of 11,353,140 of which 170,830 are Kaiser Members. 
Kaiser claims for their Mid-Atlantic region to have 545,064 members. 
That emcompasses the states of Maryland and Virginia and the District of Columbia. 
Maryland has a total population of 5,296,486 people. Virginia lists 7,078,515,as per the US Census Bureau, year 2001. 
The District of Columbia has a total population of 572,059.
So the total population for the Kaiser Mid-Atlantic Region is 12,947,060 of which only 545,064 are actually members.
Kaiser's Northwest  (Group Health Cooperative ) Division's claim 449,633 and 584,366 people respectively. 
The U.S. Census Bureau states a population for Oregon to be: 3,421,399
Washington State has a total population of: 5,894,121
So the total population of Kaiser's Northwest Division is 9,315,520 of which only 1,033,999 are members
Overall it appears that Kaiser really is not that big an outfit.

According to The California Department Of Managed Health Care in the Year 2000 within the first three months of 
existence for this government agency they received 734 complaints against Kaiser Foundation Heath Plan, Inc.. 
The highest number of complaints of all licensed insurance companies in California of any size. 
They had 258 reported incidences of Denial of Care/Payment. 314 cases of Quality of Care. 88 of Billing/Financial 
and 44 of Attitude/Service. 
Delta Dental the Kaiser Dental Plan also had 196 complaints. 
This information and more is available at:
DMHC was not in existence until Fall of 2000.  Even then few people knew of it's existence. 
The above numbers represent people that had to search to find this organization. 
Therefore, the above numbers are a lot of people complaining in a short period of time.

Medical Experiments Through Forced Inoculations
other links to Kaiser experimentation on children
Measles Child Experimentation by Kaiser Information

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