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Kaiser and the for profit Permanente Patient Euthanasia Stories
By Morphine


By Septic Infection untreated

August 3rd 1998
John Kline

By Potassium

By refusing to notify a patient of a diagnosis

July 24, 2003
The Matthew Salas Story

Feb. 15, 2005
Robyn Libitsky

March 24, 2005
Letter to Representative Doolittle

By openly killing a patient - pulling the plug

Clarence Herbert

 Hector Noval sued Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and affiliates, a doctor and two social workers on behalf of his father, , who died in May 2010 after a "terminal extubation." Noval says his father had been involuntarily admitted to Kaiser's intensive care unit for pneumonia on April 28, 2010, while suffering from early-stage of Parkinson's and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

In 1981, Robert Nejdl and Neil Barber, two Los Angeles physicians, were charged with murder for taking a severely brain- damaged comatose patient off a respirator and stopping intravenous feeding. On March 9, 1983, Municipal Court Judge Brian Crahan dismissed the charges at a preliminary hearing sought by the doctors' attorneys, holding that there was no evidence of malicious intent, and hence no evidence to sustain murder charges. However, he warned that this dismissal did not rule out criminal charges in other cases. Judge Crahan's dismissal suggested that a doctor acting under the reasonable belief that a patient is in a condition of irreversible coma may, with the consent of the patient's family, remove the patient from all life-support systems without fear of criminal charges. However, the prosecution appealed, and on May 5 Superior Court Judge Robert A. Wenke reinstated the murder charges. Unless the defense is successful in its appeal (a three-judge panel heard the arguments on September 12), the case will now go to trial in Superior Court.
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