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Kaiser Heart Horror Stories

Susan Kasperski - Suffers with KaiserSusan Kasperski is a long time Southern California Kaiser Permanente patient.  She has prepared a chronology of negative events that she had to endure while THRIVING in the hands of Kaiser.  Susan has kept a complete diary over the years.  This is a pretty good example of assembly line medicine in practice and shows just how bad the patient experience is once an illness or disease needs treatment and the patient has no other options.

For financial reasons Susan has been unable to drop Kaiser and obtain medical insurance elsewhere she states.  Susan's story is not uncommon.  It is very sad that any patient in this country should be forced to endure such unprofessional treatment.  
Susan has requested that this information be placed online and here it is in 12 installments:

One - 
        Beginning of a Nightmare with Kaiser Permanente

Two -         Second Nightmare at Kaiser Permanente

Three -     Susan Kasperski's Third Nightmare at Kaiser Permanente

Four -      Susan's Fourth Nightmare at Kaiser Permanente

Five  -     Susan's Fifth Nightmare at Kaiser Permanente

Six    -     Susan's Sixth Nightmare at Kaiser Permanente

Seven -   Susan's Seventh Nightmare at Kaiser Permanente

Eight   -   Susan's Eighth Nightmare at Kaiser Permanente

Nine  -       Susan's Ninth Nightmare at Kaiser Permanente - Before and After Surgery

Ten    -       Susan's Tenth Nightmare at Kaiser Permanente - At the mercy of Kaiser Permanente

Eleven -     Susan's Eleventh Nightmare at Kaiser Permanente - What goes on in the Cardiology Dept that you                     don't knowabout?

Twelve -