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The case of Lucky Meyer and his dog.

On May 5, 2017 Mr. Lucky Meyer and his dog were saturated with the Monsanto Weed Killer and recognized component of Agent Orange by a male stranger who was using the product.  Mr. Meyer's clothes were saturated, it went into his nose, his mouth and his eyes.  He sought medical help.  As Kaiser and the Permanente are Mr. Meyer's medical providers, commonly referred to as Kaiser Permanente, he has been repeatedly advised that in the Sacramento, California area, this Medical conglomerate does not have a toxicology division.  

Read in Mr. Meyer's own words what has transpired since he was sprayed with this horrible chemical concoction.  Documentation appended.

Statement of Mr. Lucky L Meyeter:

November 7, 2017

Lucky L. Meyer
PO Box 11303
Santa Rosa, CA 95406

Kaiser Permanente Santa Rosa Medical Center and Medical Offices
Jeff Murry Member Services
401 Bicentennial Way, Santa Rosa, CA 95403


RE ongoing Kaiser refusal to provide proper and meaningful medical testing, care and treatment
I previously explained several times to Kaiser Member Services that on May 5, 2017, I was victimized by a man spraying the Toxic herbicide/pesticide named Roundup. The man virtually saturated me and my playful dog because he sprayed the chemical so close to us.

I am aware the Roundup concoction contains the extremely toxic chemical named Glyphosate because I am informed there are “more than 265 lawsuits pending against Monsanto Co. in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, filed by people alleging that exposure to Roundup herbicide caused them or their loved ones to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and that Monsanto covered up the risks.” (See Monsanto Papers Article enclosed/attached)

Lawyers do not like embarrassments and do not file lawsuits unless they have enough documentation and evidence to win the case. I am therefore citing the Monsanto Papers Article to illustrate the fact that persons sprayed, saturated, and exposed to Roundup containing Glyphosate should not be denied prompt proper and meaningful medical testing, care, and treatment because many unbiased researchers report the chemical composition and structure of Roundup is very similar to that of the killer Viet Nam era War defoliant called Agent Orange, and more than 265 lawyers suing the Roundup Manufacturer, Monsanto, verifies Roundup is a very dangerous chemical concoction.

When I was sprayed with Roundup I immediately suffered a burning sensation in my eyes, nose, throat, and lungs, and it was hard to see and breathe as the fumes from the chemical permeated the atmosphere around me. I have been a Kaiser Member for over 20 years, and I knew I needed medical help immediately. Accordingly I proceeded to the Kaiser Medical Center that I utilize in Santa Rosa California as soon as I was able to see, breathe, and oriented enough to get in my car and drive to the hospital. When I arrived at Kaiser I asked to be given proper detoxification, testing and medical care and treatment for toxic chemical exposure. However, instead of helping me in my distress, the various Kaiser employees that said they are doctors and interviewed me the day I was sprayed and at several subsequent Kaiser appointments and discussions made a variety of incongruous and perhaps downright disingenuous statements, including the statement that “Kaiser does not have a Medical Toxicology Department in Sacramento” when I mentioned Toxicologist Dr. Steven Offerman in Sacramento, and the statements, “Roundup is not toxic,” “a test for Glyphosate exposure does not exist,” and Kaiser cannot do anything to help you.” 
    As I explained above, I have not and do not feel medically well since I was sprayed with toxic Roundup and I asked a friend to drive me the short distance to an appointment to see a doctor who was recently assigned to my case at the Kaiser Hospital/Medical Center in Santa Rosa California. I asked my friend to stay in the examining room when the doctor entered the room, and after the doctor concluded the interview/examination my friend commented that the doctor seemed uninterested, arrogant, and “more like a critic than a doctor” as the doctor discounted everything I said and  mocked me when I explained I was sprayed with a toxic chemical and I need proper and meaningful medical testing, care and treatment. I have seen a few other Kaiser doctors since then and I also asked these for proper and meaningful medical testing, care, treatment, and medicine to alleviate the damage, pain and suffering from the chemical assault. However, it was axiomatic each of the Kaiser doctors that talked to me based his or her decision  to deny me proper and meaningful medical testing, care, and treatment on what would be cost effective for Kaiser. 

The fact that Kaiser makes treatment decisions based on cost-effectiveness is evidenced by the facts in the Anna Rahm case. 23 year old Anna Rahm recently won a $28.2 million award in a lawsuit against Kaiser Permanente alleging that the managed care giant committed negligence by delaying treatment. As a result, Anna Rahm lost her right leg. Anna Rahm was 16 years old when she began experiencing lower back pain. A chiropractor urged her to see her physician for an MRI. But according to court documents, her physician, Dr. Charlene Huang, who specializes in adolescent health at Kaiser Permanente Woodland Hills, told Rahm and her mother, Lynnette, she could not authorize the test. Rahm was referred to another physician, Dr. Ngan Vuong, who according to court documents noted that the young woman was experiencing pain down her leg and was unable to sleep. Instead of a diagnostic test, Vuong prescribed an epidermal injection and antidepressant, according to court documents.

Between March and June of 2009, Rahm’s family repeatedly requested an MRI from their treating physicians but both doctors refused to order any diagnostic exams. The complaint also said physicians failed to document the MRI request in the medical records.

Furthermore, the website “” records many horrific examples that Kaiser bases medical testing and care and treatment decisions on what would be most cost effective for Kaiser because Kaiser does not want to spend money on expensive medical testing and treatments and Kaiser Administration and doctors would rather put money into their own pockets regardless of the harm and deaths denied and delayed proper and meaningful medical care and treatment causes to Kaiser Member Patients.

Months after Roundup being figuratively “sprayed up my nose,” I still suffer a burning sensation in my eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. I always find it difficulty to breathe properly, and I suffer other unpleasant pain and sensations in different parts of my body.

the “kaiser permanenteŽ complaint or benefit claim/request form-Non-Medicare” asks “what would you consider a proper solution to this issue?” My response is what would kaiser permanente consider a proper solution to this issue?”
Lucky Meyer,
2. USRTK (US Right To Know) Monsanto Papers-over 265 Lawsuits article.
Complaint form part 1 - Kaiser Permanente - Lucky Meyer
Page 2 Kaiser complaint form - Lucky Meyer

Monsanto Documentation:

U.S. Right to Know
Stacy Malkan, co-founder and co-director
(510) 542-9224
Gary Ruskin, co-founder and co-director
(415) 944-7350
Carey Gillam, research director
(913) 526-6190
Mail: 4096 Piedmont Ave. #963 Oakland, CA 94611-5221

The Monsanto Papers: MDL Glyphosate Cancer Case Key Documents & Analysis:

More than 265 lawsuits are pending against Monsanto Co. in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, filed by people alleging that exposure to Roundup herbicide caused them or their loved ones to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and that Monsanto covered up the risks. The cases have been combined for handling as multidistrict litigation under Judge Vince Chhabria. The lead case is 3:16-md-02741-VC. Additionally, at least 1,100 plaintiffs have made similar claims against Monsanto in state courts. The first trial in the Roundup litigation is set for June 18, 2018 in the Superior Court for the County of San Francisco.

On March 13th, U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria ruled — over Monsanto’s objections — that certain documents obtained by plaintiffs through discovery could be unsealed. The documents listed below include discovery materials, transcripts of court proceedings, depositions and other case-related items.

As of July 3, 2017, the schedule for adjudication of the MDL litigation is:

Close of Expert Discovery due by 9/22/2017.
Defendant’s Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions due by 10/6/2017.
Plaintiffs’ Cross Motions and opposition due by 10/27/2017.
Science Week – Live testimony from witnesses set for 12/11/2017 through 12/14/2017 09:00 AM.
Summary Judgment and Daubert Hearing set for 12/15/2017 09:00 AM.
A joint committee of the European Parliament held a hearing into the revelations contained in the discovery documents obtained through the MDL litigation on Oct. 11. The agenda can be seen here:
More details are available on website.

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