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Due to public interest many transplant stories that are properly listed on the news section are also provided here.

There are 13 articles of interest on this web page

Tissue Transplant Issues and Lack of Regulation within the Kaiser and for profit Permanente System

prohibits the attending physician, etc., from participating in organ donations.
 (b) The time of death must be determined by a physician or surgeon
who attends the donor at death or, if none, the physician or surgeon
who certifies the death. Neither the physician or surgeon who
attends the donor at death nor the physician or surgeon who
determines the time of death may participate in the procedures for
removing or transplanting a part unless the document of gift
designates a particular physician or surgeon pursuant to subdivision
(d) of Section 7150.5.

In the Robyn Libitsky case, the Kaiser physician in Woodland Hills, California did attempt to coerce the family into releasing for transplant cancerous tissues.   No government agency in California cares.

There is a great deal of information regarding the apparent "under-the-radar" use of transplant tissues.  There is a large cost saving from working "under the radar" and sloppy procurement methods which result in questionable purity of the product itself.

Note to fully understand the seriousness of the following news stories:

MEDICARE CAN PAY FOR DIALYSIS AND TRANSPLANTS EVEN IF YOU ARE UNDER 65.  Kaiser could have mentioned this to the patients.
also see: (Kaiser has removed this magazine article)  It is preserved here:
and here:


Kaiser to Pay Record $2-Million Fine for Kidney Program

By Charles Ornstein and Tracy Weber, Times Staff Writers
August 10, 2006,0,3276737.story?coll=la-home-headlines

mirrored for historical purposes at:

Transfer of Kaiser's Kidney Patients Hits Major Delays

Shifting them from the HMO transplant center to UC hospitals will take far longer than thought.
By Tracy Weber and Charles Ornstein, Times Staff Writers
August 4, 2006

California HMO regulators said this week that it will take months longer than expected to transfer about 2,000 patients out of Kaiser Permanente's troubled kidney transplant center in San Francisco, prolonging patients' dependence on a program that has been plagued by scandal.

mirrored for historical purposes at:

Posted At:
May 8, 2006 6:11 pm US/Pacific

Is Kaiser Kidney Transplant Program Ethical? by CBS San Francisco Reporter Anna Werner

The Ben-Aris seem like a carefree family, but they bear a heavy burden. Michaella Ben Ari undergoes painful dialysis three times a week as she waits for a life-saving kidney transplant.

Several other Kaiser Permanente transplant stories linked on the listed above web page.

Kaiser Transplant Patients Express Their Fear and Fury

With reports of disarray added to their existing frustration, some don't want the HMO performing their surgeries.
By Tracy Weber And Charles Ornstein, Times Staff Writers
May 6, 2006
Mirrored for historical purposes at:

Before the HMO opened its kidney transplant center, it failed to alert regulators to the glut of crucial paperwork coming, officials say.
By Charles Ornstein and Tracy Weber, Times Staff Writers
May 5, 2006

Kaiser Permanente launched its massive kidney transplant program in 2004 without holding basic discussions with regulators about how to safely transfer up to 1,500 of its patients from other programs to its San Francisco center, according to a Times investigation.

Mirrored for historical purposes at:

Originally Posted at:,1,798354,full.story?coll=la-headlines-frontpage

Kaiser Denied Transplants of Ideally Matched Kidneys
The HMO would not authorize some patients to receive organs from outside its new program.
By Tracy Weber and Charles Ornstein, Times Staff Writers
May 4, 2006

Twenty-five Kaiser Permanente patients in Northern California were denied the chance for new kidneys that were nearly perfectly matched to them last year during the troubled start-up of the giant HMO's kidney transplant program in San Francisco, a Times investigation has found.

The patients missed this opportunity because they were in effect stranded between two transplant programs.

Mirrored for Historial Purposes at:

May 3, 2006
State Launches Probe Of Kaiser Transplant Program
Originally Posted At:
CBS 5) SAN FRANCISCO State regulators confirmed Wednesday that they have launched an investigation into Kaiser Permanente's kidney transplant program after a CBS 5 investigation uncovered numerous accusations of disorganization and delays that may have affected patients' health.
Mirrored for historical purposes at:

May 2, 2006
Originally Posted at:
There are over 15,000 patients waiting for a kidney transplant in California and although the procedure has become almost routine, waiting for an organ is still difficult.
But now, a CBS 5 investigation has uncovered serious questions about the kidney transplant program at Kaiser Permanente San Francisco, leaving some patients to wonder why it's taking so long?
Mirrored for historical purposes at:

Kaiser Put Kidney Patients at Risk
By opening its own transplant center in the Bay Area, the HMO harmed recipients' odds of obtaining organs, a Times probe finds.
Diagnosed with liver cancer, Abdul Hakim Al-Warith of McLean wrote a polite but worried letter to his HMO in February 1997 asking it to reverse its position and approve the potentially life-saving liver transplant recommended by specialists at Johns Hopkins University. 

Mom fights insurance firm to get lung transplant for son
Union-News (Springfield, MA)
August 24, 1990

STAFF; UNION-NEWS (Springfield, Mass.)
Estimated printed pages: 3

Beryl Ohlson says her battle to get a lung transplant to save her son, Erich, is like being on fire.
"I'm not going to sit back and watch him die," she said this week in her 15 Atwater Circle home.

"I feel like I'm on fire. I'm doing all I can to get the lung transplant."

Complicating matters is the steroid, prednisone, and Ohlson's inability to persuade the Kaiser Permanente company to pay for surgery she says could be done at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

Because of a $1-million research donation from Kaiser Permanente, two Amador County boys with a rare genetic disease may soon get experimental transplants that offer the only chance to save their lives.

Kaiser, the state's largest HMO, had refused for months to pay for umbilical cord-blood transplants for Hunter Bennett, 4, and his 2-year-old brother, Tommy. Their 6-year-old sister, Ciara, also has the disease, but is not eligible for the transplant because the illness has progressed too far.

Kaiser rejects costly treatment for sick children
The HMO's experts say it shouldn't pay for what it calls risky, unproven procedure.
By Cynthia Hubert -- Bee Staff Writer
Published 2:15 a.m. PDT Saturday, June 8, 2002
An Amador County couple whose three youngsters suffer from a fatal genetic disorder have lost the first round of their battle to obtain a costly treatment that could save two of the children.

State regulators widen probe into Kaiser's ills
San Francisco Business Times - November 10, 2006
by Chris Rauber
State health regulators have widened a probe of Kaiser Permanente's process for handling complaints beyond its ill-fated kidney transplant unit and into other operations of the health-care giant.

Your editorial "Kaiser fine a pittance" is on target. Kaiser's attempt to move its renal-transplant patients to its own internal and dysfunctional system is but a symptom of a more fundamental problem.

Twenty-five Kaiser Permanente patients in Northern California were denied the chance for new kidneys that were nearly perfectly matched to them last year during the troubled start-up of the giant HMO's kidney transplant program in San Francisco, a Times investigation has found.