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Kaiser Hospice specific Lawsuits

Lawsuits involving Kaiser Hospice are far and few between because:

1.  Kaiser will argue that they were going to die anyway as they were already labeled hospice material.
2.  Attorneys in general have difficulty recouping their costs with cases that involve patients that do/did not have any              potential future earning power.

Clive Sinoff, MD v Ohio Permanente Medical Group
Kaiser gives up - tries to get patient into hospice

"The doctor came in and said, ‘It’s time for you to go home and have hospice care,'" said Jalal Afshar, 58. "I said, 'No, I won’t give up that easy.'" On May 10, 2013, the Los Angeles Times presented an article titled: "Patient is out of network, out of luck" After Kaiser advised him to enter hospice, Jalal Afshar sought out-of-network treatment that he says saved his life. Now he's suing for the $2-million cost of care. Los Angeles Times Article by Reporter Chad Terhune.  

Fortunately, the LA Times now permanently stores their articles online and this article may be found at:,0,1277468.story  

Kaiser Papers synopsis of this article:  Because Kaiser did not want to honor their contract to provide adequate medical care to Mr. Jalal they tried to have him enter the hospice program where surely he would have died because that is what hospice is all about.  Kaiser admitted that they had no experience with the disease that Mr. Afshar has been diagnosed and now treated for.  That left Mr. Afshar no other option than to seek medical care that is lifesaving outside of the Kaiser system.  Now Kaiser refuses to pay for the lifesaving medical care that Mr. Afshar has received in contradiction to the Kaiser contract with him.    It does appear that once again Kaiser has not honored their own contract with a patient.

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