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MCRC - THE MANAGED CARE REFORM COUNCIL MCRC is recognized by the State of California and the Internal Revenue Service of the United States of America as a Public Benefit - Not for Profit Corporation. Fed­er­al Identification Number:  42-1602037

The Littlest Victims of Managed Care

Death of our 13 month old daughter "Taylor" -I lived every parent's nightmare of losing a child and this is especially difficult because our child should be alive today, but because of medical errors, she is not. - Also at:Taylors Story -

Health care for kids: One mother's ordeal -  MY DAUGHTER -- my smart, sweet, beautiful, silly, maternal, and very high maintenance 11-year-old daughter -- has been hospitalized 40 times for pancreatitis, an illness so rare that when I type the word into my computer, I am  prompted to check the spelling.

The Jennifer Wells story - My name is Alice Wells and I had just recently found out about Mr. McCormacks little girl Morgan.  I would like to tell my story about what happened to my 16 mo. old daughter Jennifer Wells.  She came home in a funeral directors car from Boston to Mount Kisco, N.Y, where our home was.

Lewis Blackman - a healthy, gifted 15-year-old, underwent elective surgery at  MUSC. In one of the state's most modern hospitals, he bled to death over 30 hours while those caring for him missed signs that he was in grave peril. How a hospital failed a boy who didn't have to die - Also at:

Malpractice lawsuit against Wesley opens BY RON SYLVESTER-The Wichita Eagle

A Wichita malpractice lawsuit that's stirred controversy from the statehouse to the state Supreme Court finally went to trial Thursday after nearly seven years of court battles.

Rob Neises and Angela Raney-Neises are asking a jury for more than $35 million to help care for their daughter Ashley Raney-Neises, now 6, who has had cerebral palsy since birth.

Father Seeks Justice for Daughter's Army Hospital Death - Katie Tyra's story - ABC News November 22, 2004

Report Finds Negligence and Cover-Up at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, but Father Wants Accountability

Nov. 22, 2004 - Retired Marine Col. William Tyra thought he would have been able to find some closure when an Army report found three officers and a former commander at Walter Reed Army Medical Center at fault for his daughter's death. 



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