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Mid Atlantic States News for Kaiser Permanente


Beginning in September 1991, doctors at the clinic saw Lancaster at least 10 times, according to records of a lawsuit the Lancasters filed. The doctors treated her with adult-strength painkillers and other medication. But doctors Corder C. Campbell and Lisa Pauls did not refer Lancaster to a neurologist and did not obtain such diagnostic tests as an MRI or EEG until May 1996, after a worried psychologist at Lancaster's high school wrote a letter urging that tests be performed, according to court filings.

Kaiser Hopes to Stem Loss of Members by Expanding Choices

Bioterrorism-Related Anthrax - an Over View
The anthrax terrorism has allowed for the first time a direct comparison of fresh Kaiser guidelines as contrasted to the (also fresh) Center for Disease Control guidelines.  The subtle manipulation for cost savings by Kaiser in the Washington, DC area is rather amazing.  But to double check my editorialized comparisons for possible bias, any one can print out these two relatively short documents.

The Maryland State Legislature cannot retroactively strip consumers’ rights in Harvey v. Kaiser Foundation 
Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic States -Trial Lawyers for Public Justice - August 29, 2002
In a landmark victory for consumers’ rights, the highest court in the State of Maryland ruled on August 29, 2002, that the State Legislature cannot retroactively strip consumers’ rights in Harvey v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic States, Trial Lawyers for Public Justice’s constitutional challenge to a law that would have retroactively validated an HMO’s unlawful double-billing of its members.




Kaiser Finds Urgent Need For Self-Care -Not worth the money Verizon says
Health insurer Kaiser Permanente's Washington operation was handed a stinging rebuke last fall when Verizon Communications Inc. -- a long-time Kaiser customer -- told area employees it wasn't getting its money's worth from the HMO.

Elderly Patient Charged With Assaulting Physician 
By Sarah Mark Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, January 15, 2004; Page VA14 
Kwon Kim of McLean felt pain in his neck and shoulders and went to Kaiser Permanente in the city of Falls Church on Dec. 30.
He left about two hours later with pain medicine and a police summons charging him with assaulting a doctor. 



Bayer pays $9.3M to settle N.C. allegations
According to investigators, Bayer began privately labeling Cipro for HMO Kaiser Permanente in August of 1995, an arrangement that netted $1.5 million in discounts yearly that the drug maker failed to report or pay rebates on to Medicaid.

Kaiser sued numerous times in North Carolina - news article
HMO LAWSUITS RAISE ISSUES: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of North Carolina, the first large, out-of-state

HMO to tap the N.C. market in 1985, has grappled with a spate of patient lawsuits in recent years.

From The Insider - The North Carolina State Government News Service
V. 4, No. 93  Monday, May 13, 1996 18 pages
HMO LAWSUITS RAISE ISSUES: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of North Carolina, the first large, out-of-state HMO to tap the N.C. market in 1985, has grappled with a spate of patient lawsuits in recent years. Since 1992, 10 Kaiser-related lawsuits have been filed in North Carolina alleging medical neglect or malpractice. Kaiser, with 127,000 members, is the fifth-largest HMO in the state. In that period, the company has drawn more lawsuits from patients than other HMOs, according to an examination of state records and court records



The state eliminated Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia as an insurance provider, along with Kaiser.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia said it had determined that the department's decision to reduce insurer options to Cigna and United Healthcare illegally cut out Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia and Kaiser, but DCH spokeswoman Matia Edwards denied the claim.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 07/26/08
and mirrored here:

Kaiser Gets It's Own Special Law In Georgia
In an attempt to appease Georgia's storefront pharmacists, mail-order prescription legislation has been crafted so narrowly that it excludes  all Georgians except the 275,000 members of Kaiser Permanente who use the HMO's 12 medical center pharmacies to fill their prescriptions.



January 3, 2014 - Rockville, Maryland
Family Blames Kaiser for Dad's Death

A patient died of a heart attack after Kaiser Hospitals refused more than two months of requests for tests, his family claims in court.

     Irene McGlone, widow of the late Wayne McGlone, and her family sued Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Kaiser affiliates and employees, in Montgomery County Court. Wayne McGlone was 53.

     Wayne McGlone called Kaiser, and 911, complaining of chest pain and shortness of breath in December 2011. He was taken to Frederick Memorial Hospital, where "A CT angiogram of the chest was recommended, but because Frederick Memorial Hospital is not a Kaiser-Permanente-approved facility, it was never performed," the widow says in the lawsuit.
Please read the entire story at:  

Family: Death from drug allergy was preventable
November 29, 2007 6:52 PM

The family of a Temple Hills woman who suffocated after receiving an antibiotic at a Kaiser Permanente facility has filed a claim against her doctor and health plan, alleging they failed to recognize and treat her allergic reaction to the drug.

....... Lodowski said the case is the worst his medical expert has seen in 20 years.

read more at:
mirrored for historical purposes at:

Kaiser caught giving improper gifts to former state senator, Larry Young (D-Baltimore), who was expelled from the Maryland General Assembly  on ethics charges. Young was accused of wrongfully using his office to collect money from companies and other organizations with business before the state. This article is from 1998 and resulted in a criminal investigation.

Kaiser Opts Out of Area Medicare HMO Plan /Maryland Area

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