MCRC - THE MANAGED CARE REFORM COUNCIL MCRC is recognized by the State of California and the Internal Revenue Service of the United States of America as a Public Benefit - Not for Profit Corporation. Federal Identification Number: 42-1602037 The Managed Care Reform Council is a non-profit, non-partisan corporation committed to the restoration of quality healthcare in America through informed activism.
The Managed Care Reform Council, MCRC provides support for the managed care patient community, studies and compiles information, conducts research related to the needs and care of the medical patient in all forms of treatment, their families, caregivers or the bereaved.
We believe that it is the responsibility of each and every person to know all that is possible about their medical diagnoses, care choices and all possible treatments, therapies and medications. It is also the responsibility of every parent, caregiver or person legally and morally responsible for another person's medical care to know all that is possible about their medical diagnoses, care choices and all possible treatments, therapies and medications. Because in today's medical world, you do not know if the provided medical care being suggested or received is for the patient's well being or for a physician's personal gain or is for an HMO to save more money at your expense.
It is your responsibility to make sure that you do everything possible to make sure and insure, that whoever the patient is that they receive truly necessary, adequate, useful medical care and treatment for their own personal health and survival.
Nothing less than educated, informed activism on the part of the legally responsible person is acceptable today.
MCRC is incorporated as a California Public Benefit Non-profit Corporation and contributions are tax deductible under IRS 501(c)(3). Federal Identification Number: 42-1602037 We are all Volunteer workers. Not one person receives a salary in our organization. We do not accept nor suggest kickbacks for any suggested referrals. We do accept donations but only if it will not strain the donor's finances.
Become a MCRC Patron by Donating
Californians Against Assisted Suicide
To view documentation regarding these problems, and other problems with legalization, please click here to download the text; 04/sb-128-memo-only040715_0011.pdf click here to download the attachments. 2015/04/sb-128-appendix-040715_0011.pdf
Serious Problems for patients - The California End of Life Option Act - Physician Assisted Suicide Bill
Los Angeles Times Database of physicians in California who participate in Covered California aka Obama Care. Medical Board Issues and Their Responsibilities to the Public
Information about Medicare and Medicaid can be found here: Medicare & Medicaid video. http://www.medicalbillingandcoding Note: This is off site and has been created by a private corporation.
Enforcement Issues with Regulatory Agencies
NEW: For Purposes of gathering information for a book please participate in sharing your ER Story at: STOP ER ABUSE
If you are having trouble with any ER in California: contact these people in this order. 1. This link is to the CA Dept of Public Health. They should be first contacted in all cases. facilities/Pages/LCDistrictOffices.aspx
2. Medicare - Medicaid - Children's Health (CHIP) Issues Contact Information - This link is a pdf file. Information/RegionalOffices/Downloads/ SanFranciscoRegionalOffice.pdf
Conflicts of Interest In Vaccine Policy Making
Conflicts of Interest and Vaccine Development
Tamper Detection and Recovery for Medical Images Using Near-lossless Information Hiding Technique
RECENT UNAUTHORIZED HUMAN RESEARCH Clark County, Washington part of Cardiac Drugs Study
2 UC Davis neurosurgeons accused of experimental surgery are banned from human research