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as a Public Benefit - Not for Profit Corporation.
Federal Identification Number:  42-1602037


Making a Killing: HMOs and the Threat to Your Health, by Jamie Court and Francis Smith, Making A Killing
224 pages, $13.57, paperback. (Common Courage Press, 1999)
This is a classic! 
Available at

Cover currently unavailable -Psychotherapy Wars: 
The Rocket Science of Choosing the Right Therapist 
by Dr. John Riolo

Books, Articles and Links

A Brief History of Disease, Science and Medicine : From the A Brief History of Medicine: From the Ice Age to the Genome Project by Dr. Michael KennedyIce Age to the Genome
Project by Dr. Michael Kennedy 
ISBN 0974946648

Death By HMO

Death by HMOThis book will make you think... 
It addresses the haunting question, "Do HMOs 
deliberately neglect or even kill off their unprofitable 
patients?" Read the book. Make up your own mind. 

Dorothy Cancilla-Author 

Hospice Patients Alliance Family Guide to Hospice Care
by Ron Panzer 
Panzer, R. (1999). MI: Hospice Patients Alliance Press. 
A hands-on guide to obtaining the best care for the terminally ill, 
with tips on bedside care and problem resolution. The only consumer-oriented
guide to hospice care written from the
 patient-family perspective which lists all the federal standards 
of care for hospice care and explains what services you are 
entitled to receive in hospice...all the best information to assure
 you get quality hospice services for your loved one.
Sue Vogan - NCO - No Compassion Observed
NCO-No Compassion Observed, Bedside Books, 
ISNB 1-58982-249-8

The inspired essays contained in 
The Heart Of End-Of-Life Care
reveal the mission of hospice and end-of-life care
and expose the dangers threatening the industry and
the public in the 21st century.

These essays appeal to the noblest purpose of 
end-of-life care and starkly contrasts those who 
wish to use hospice for a very dark agenda that 
threatens our very society and the lives of the 
vulnerable disabled and elderly.

The Table of Contents:

Called To Serve
The Greatest Civil Rights Struggle of Our Time!
The Killer
Death Is Not the Enemy
Physicians Who Have Researched Euthanasia Speak 
Out When Your Loved One Dies Under Questionable
Listening to The Mindless Gibberish Of A Right-
to-Hasten Death "Leader"
A Very Small Candle
Why Doctors Are Perhaps the LEAST Qualified To Make
Judgments About Life and Death Matters!
Hospice Agencies That Terrorize the Chronically 
Hospice Industry Shoots Itself In the Foot
Lynching the Elderly and Disabled?
"THE PASSION" and the Dead
Love & the Corporate Money Machine
The Hospice Life Pledge
When All is Said and Done

If you've enjoyed these articles, you can read 
them all together, share them with others, and 
send them to your friends, family and coworkers.  
I know that this eBook will inspire the very best 
in end-of-life care and important discussion about 
the issues that truly matter in our society. Sales 
of this e-book support the mission of Hospice 
Patients Alliance.

E-Books are electronic versions of books that you 
can quickly download to read on your computer, 
pocket PC and even listen to while doing other 
tasks.  The Microsoft Reader format is very easy 
to read and has the capability to convert the text 
to sound that you can listen to.

I believe you will enjoy these writings which 
certainly touch my heart, and hope you will 
share them with others!


Board Members

The Baby Stories - The Youngest harmed by Managed Care

Suggested Reading

Kaiser Papers