The Kaiser Papers A Public Service Web Site   
  In Copyright Since September 11, 2000
This web site is in no manner affiliated with any Kaiser entity and the for profit Permanente Permission is granted to mirror this web site - Please acknowledge where the material was obtained.

This web section provides documentation of medical personnel, including physicians that have been found in a civil court of law to have repeatedly caused the death of patients or brought them great harm.  These medical people did this for personal financial gain and to increase corporate revenues. That is fact.  They did little to help patients. Nearly all of these individuals are reported to have pleasing, trustworthy personalities which they used to lull the patient and their families into a sense of false security.  

The three corporations involved, Kaiser Health Plan, Kaiser Hospitals and the Permanente Medical Group, all benefited financially from these individuals actions and did their best to keep quiet the wrongdoing.

The three corporations  also are very embarrassed that these factual stories have become public knowledge.  They haven't done much to change their pattern of behavior but they are truly embarrassed that they have been caught.

Three of the listed below individuals also have lengthy medical board reports confirming the above statements.  Two have left a trail through various states and one to another country showing the continuous pattern of condoned or encouraged behavior for corporate financial gain.

When enough members of the public brought this negligent conduct to the attention of the authorities, these three corporations in writing did assist in arranging for their employment in other parts of this country and in foreign countries.  The corporations wanted to quietly have the "problem" removed from California and Oregon.  

In one case, Kaiser simply promoted the individual rather than arranging a relocation.  In yet another case, after the matters were brought to the authorities the individual was also suddenly promoted. That individual also openly bragged about his killing of patients for financial gain both personal and for the benefit of the corporations.

It is highly unlikely in the Jayant Patel case that any member of the Permanente or Kaiser entities staff did not have knowledge of the numerous medical negligence/malpractice lawsuits and government actions that had been taken against him prior to their producing glowing letters of recommendation for him.  It is recognized in documents that in the McEnany case a large group of medical professionals were very aware of his actions.  The same for Sunil J. Patel.  Kane is also known for having a similar pattern but did not hold such a position of authority within the corporations.  Perhaps that is why the Kaiser corporations did not go to the trouble to relocate him to another state or country.

It is also shown in court documents that Kaiser and Permanente staff did have prior knowledge of Dr. McEnany's medical negligence and malpractice prior to sending him off to Wisconsin with glowing letters of recommendation.

This is corporate reckless conduct because the behavior was knowingly condoned without regard to the well-being of anyone who might fall under their medical care.

The most obvious common denominators with these men are that they oversaw and treated the patients that required the most expensive and long term medical care.  Those patients were a drain on the three corporations pocketbooks.

Further detailed information regarding these four you will be able to read in this section of The Kaiser Papers.

JAYANT PATEL                MICHAEL TERRY MCENANY                       SUNIL J. PATEL                             DENNIS KANE



-79 formal medical complaints were filed.
-3 deaths directly attributable to Dr. Patel were admitted by Kaiser.
-An unknown number of deaths were settled under confidentiality agreements.
-An unknown number of people were permanently damaged by this doctor.
-There may well have been other charges filed against this doctor and Kaiser not included in the 79 complaints.

How could all of this gone unnoticed?

Toni Hoffman - The Intensive Care Nurse that Exposed what Jayant Patel was doing to patients - 2005 ABC Interview:

Queensland A-G seeks secret tribunal

By Hedley Thomas

February 14, 2007 12:30amArticle from: The Australian
AFTER an avalanche of evidence and an intense public debate for the past two years, Queensland Attorney-General Kerry Shine is now seeking a secret tribunal hearing over rogue surgeon Jayant Patel's
alleged medical negligence.,22606,21222164-911,00.html
mirrored for historical purposes at:,,21188596-3102,00.html
Extradition material `complete'
By Steven Wardill
February 07, 2007 11:00pm
Article from: The Courier-Mail

THE extradition process to bring disgraced surgeon Jayant Patel back to Australia has overcome its latest hurdle, with key material handed over yesterday to the Director of Public Prosecutions.
Attorney-General Kerry Shine yesterday said material from a crucial witness had been received by the DPP. The absence of the material had prevented the DPP from formally requesting the Commonwealth begin the extradition procedure of the former Bundaberg surgeon, now in the US.
Mr Shine told Parliament the DPP had been advised by solicitors acting on behalf of the witness that the critical material was completed. "This material is expected to be with the office of the director today," he said.
"Once the material has been received, the office can complete compiling the material required so the formal extradition application already sent to the Commonwealth can be actioned by the Commonwealth."

A court in November issued a warrant for the arrest of Dr Patel who is wanted on several counts of manslaughter, grievous bodily harm and fraud relating to his time at Bundaberg Hospital.

Police ready to get Patel

By Paula Doneman of The Courier-Mail,23739,20800481-3102,00.html
November 20, 2006 11:00pm
POLICE will today take the first step to extradite disgraced surgeon Jayant Patel back to Queensland to face charges of killing and maiming patients at Bundaberg Hospital.
mirrored for historical purposes at:

McClellan v. Patel, Civil No. 06-392-AA, July 16, 2006
Kaiser defendants allege that plaintiff makes the following "administrative negligence" claims: Ian McClellan died following abdominal surgery performed by defendant Jayant Patel, M.D. Complaint,  1. The Kaiser defendants were "jointly engaged in the practice of medicine and the delivery of other healthcare services. Id. at  5. The collective defendants granted Dr. Patel surgical privileges and held Dr. Patel out to the public and plaintiff as a competent physician, specially skilled in performing abdominal surgery on children. Id. Defendant Patel was hired by the Kaiser defendants in 1989, and the Kaiser defendants were aware of at least eight medical malpractice lawsuits, some of which involved wrongful death cases and Dr. Patel's care. Id. at  11. In 1997, the Kaiser defendants began conducting an internal review of approximately 80 potential malpractice incidents involving Dr. Patel. As a result of that internal review, plaintiff alleges the Kaiser defendants restricted defendant Patel's surgical privileges in the summer of 1998, limiting his ability to perform certain abdominal procedures as well as placing other requirements on defendant Patel. Id. at  14.

  Plaintiff further alleges that the Kaiser defendants failed to inform the Oregon Board of Medical Examiners and defendant Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU) about defendant Patel and his "malpractice history." Further, plaintiff alleges that: "Despite Dr. Patel's malpractice history and the restrictions defendant Kaiser placed on his surgical privileges, Dr. Patel was nevertheless elevated to a position of leadership in defendant Kaiser's pediatric surgical service. Id. at  17.

  Finally, plaintiff has alleged against the Kaiser defendants in particular, that those defendants were negligent "in allowing Dr. Patel to operate on children in light of the malpractice incidents that caused defendant Kaiser to restrict his surgical privileges and put him on a professional improvement plan approximately six months earlier;" "in failing to report Dr. Patel's malpractice incidents between 1991 and 2005 to the Oregon Board of Medical Examiners as required by ORS 742.400(2);" and "in failing to have an adequate system in place between 1991 and 1999 to identify physicians and surgeons with surgical complication rates outside the expected range."

Surgeon in inquiry agrees not to practice
Health - Until his case is closed in Australia, Dr. Jayant M. Patel's license will be
suspended in Oregon
Friday, July 14, 2006

mirrored for historical purposes at:

This is really great news but they should have taken this action about six years ago.  Patel still gets away with what he has done.  He still isn't receiving any punishment and the families and patients harmed by him still have no justice. 

I don't know why the Oregon Medical Board didn't just kick the patients in the teeth while they were at it.

One of these days a medical board or a district attorney somewhere in this country is going to wake up and realize that they are compounding the injuries against the patients with these types of actions.  Claiming that it is cheaper to finally pull or suspend a license for physician criminal activity instead of addressing the issues head on is absolutely irresponsible.  By letting Patel off the hook they send the message to the others that this type of behavior is acceptable.

A physician is still a person just as any other professional that spends a number of years studying and passing tests to get a license is.  Physicians should not have a different set of standards for criminal conduct.

Jayant Patel participated in insurance and Medicare Fraud in this country.  He harmed patients by falsely representing himself as an authority on procedures  and surgeries that he performed on patients, bringing them harm for a corporations financial gain.  The corporation knew what he was doing and he certainly knew what he was doing.  Neither the corporation nor Jayant Patel are innocent in this matter.

In Australia he did the same darn thing.  His motive behind all these operations was to produce revenue for a corporation or a government entity and keep a tidy sum for himself.  Plain and simple.

News about doctor stirs anger over loss of matriarch
Friday, March 10, 2006 By JONATHAN NELSON, Columbian staff writer
complete story at:
mirrored for historical purposes at:
Sandra Ickert stood by her mother's bedside in 1997 and fought back tears as she peered at the near lifeless form of Marie Mesecher.....

The Oregonian reported that Kaiser Permanente, the region's largest health maintenance organization, has settled five cases involving Patel and paid out $1.8 million in two of them.

Patel worked for Kaiser from 1989 until his resignation in 2001. He then went to a job in Australia. Patel left Australia in April and is now living in Portland, Houze said in the AP story.

Before coming to Oregon, Patel surrendered his medical license in New York.
Ickert would have appreciated knowing about Patel's past legal dealings and the fact that he surrendered his New York medical license. Instead, she said Mesecher was only given glowing 
accolades regarding Patel.

Parents file $1.5 million lawsuit against Dr. Patel
By Bob Heye and Web Staff
PORTLAND, Ore. - The man nicknamed 'Doctor Death' in Australia is now facing a $1.5 million lawsuit on top of his other troubles. 
mirrored for historical purposes at:
Report recommends Patel manslaughter charge -
The report into Queensland's public hospitals has recommended Dr Jayant Patel be charged with manslaughter over the deaths of patients he treated at Bundaberg Base Hospital.

.... The report recommends Dr Patel be referred to police and charged with manslaughter, grievous 
bodily harm, assault and fraud.

His former employers also face disciplinary action. 

mirrored at:

Australian inquiry recommends manslaughter probe
11/29/2005, 8:59 p.m. PT
The Associated Press 
SYDNEY, Australia (AP) — An inquiry into a disgraced surgeon said Wednesday his negligence led to the deaths of 13 patients at a rural Australian hospital and recommended he be investigated for manslaughter.

In its final report, the six-month, 16 million Australian dollar (US$11.8 million; euro10 million) inquiry also recommended that two senior hospital administrators be prosecuted for their roles in hiring and 
promoting the surgeon, Dr. Jayant Patel.,5936,17410529%255E3102,00.html
Patel wants his tax refund
Hedley Thomas
THE doctor whose negligence led to at least 13 deaths, countless injuries and a cost to Queensland of more than $6 billion wants a refund of taxes he paid during his two-year tenure.

Dr Jayant Patel has instructed his legal team to retrieve documents from Bundaberg Base Hospital to enable him to claim a refund on tax he paid on his $200,000 a year package as director of surgery. 

Patel's disturbing record at Kaiser

Despite a series of malpractice cases and negligent surgeries, the HMO saw Dr. Jayant Patel as anything
Sunday, November 06, 2005

Mirrored for historical purposes at:

Check out the Kaiser Papers Blog for opinions on what Patel has been getting away with and how the system encouraged his behavior at:
Deaths and a Doctor's Past Transfix Australians
"After his troubles in Oregon, Dr. Patel tried to resume practice in New York. But the medical conduct board concluded that he could be criminally prosecuted for what he had done in Oregon. Rather than face prosecution, Dr. Patel surrendered his license." 
originally located at:
Australia wants Patel charged
Officials say they'll pursue a homicide trial for the former Portland surgeon and suggest other cases are possible
Friday, June 10, 2005 by SUSAN GOLDSMITH Letter to Dr Jayant M. Patel from PETER BEATTIE MP - 
Bundaberg Hospital Commission Report
Queensland Crime and Misconduct Commission
Letter is deja vu for Patel victimsfrom the Bundaberg and Region NewsMail
WHEN news of Bundaberg’s Dr Death scandal started filtering through overseas there was one man who had  heard it all before - outspoken former Kaiser Hospital physician Dr Charles Phillips.
Again from the Oregonian News - May 29, 2005: The Doctors' Club
In writing warm recommendations for Dr. Jayant Patel, his ex-colleagues did no favors for a trusting public 
After Dr. Death had to leave Kaiser Permanente - on Kaiser letterhead - Permanente doctors wrote glowing letters to have him set up shop out of the country.

Sanctions for doctor predate job in Oregon
New York records show findings of negligence and incompetence by Jayant M. Patel, who now is under investigation in Australia
Friday, April 22, 2005
The Oregonian

Australians will conduct Patel inquiry
As early as a month after Dr. Jayant Patel began, co-workers in Queensland voiced concerns

Kaiser Permanente Lawsuits stacked up for 12 years surround Dr. Death - Jayant Patel - This is a story reminiscent of Kaiser Doctor -  Jay Tibbles  [], the Kaiser Permanente authority on child molestation that Kaiser knew for years was rotten to the core.  Only when the police arrested him and put him in jail did they fire the guy.

I believe the Dr. Death story is the same type of lack of concern for the patient with Kaiser today.  They just didn't care until the outside world became involved because, I believe, that at all costs Kaiser believes that good PR is more important than good patient care.
Investigation: Kaiser Permanente Portland Surgeon Dubbed 'Dr. Death' - 14 Australian Patients Died Or Suffered Complications
The Courier-Mail has tracked down Kaiser Permanente Dr Jayant Patel to a million-dollar mansion in the leafy suburbs of Portland, Oregon.

-79 formal medical complaints were filed.
-3 deaths directly attributable to Dr. Patel were admitted by Kaiser.
-An unknown number of deaths were settled under confidentiality agreements.
-An unknown number of people were permanently damaged by this doctor.
-There may well have been other charges filed against this doctor and Kaiser not included in the 79 complaints.

How could all of this gone unnoticed?


The California Medical Board has posted on their web site that Sunil J. Patel M.D. Medical License number A52005.

Limits on his practice and is on probation.  His license was originally issued in California on June 7, 1993 and expires on June 30, 2009. He is with the Department of Oncology Hematology at 2295 South Vineyard Avenue Building A, Ontario, California 91761 in the County of San Bernardino.

The above statement and following information has been obtained from California Medical Board Case Number: 092002135285.


The effective date of action was: November 8, 2005

He attended SOUTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE in Surat  and graduated in January, 1986;  After completing an internship in 1986 he came to the United States.  He did a residency in pediatric pathology at the Harvard Medical School/Children's Hospital in Boston and a three-year residency in internal medicine at the Northshore Medical Center in Salem, Massachusetts.  He then did a fellowship in hematology/oncology at the city of Hope Medical School and Harbor-UCLA Medical Center for two years.  He became board certified in internal medicine in 1993 or 1994 and in oncology in 1995; he was recertified in both fields in 2003. - This last statement  is questionable.  The respective Boards have no records of a Sunil J. Patel.  

He began working for Arizona Oncology Associates in Yuma, Arizona  in 1995.  
(Arizona Oncology Associates - 928-317-2518 2095 W. 24th St. Suite C Yuma, AZ 85364)

He returned to California in 1997 and worked for Inland Hematology/Oncology Medical Group in San Bernardino for one year, and in October 1998, joined Kaiser Permanente and worked at the Medical Center in Fontana.  He is presently in charge of the hematology/oncology department and had been a member of the cancer and transfusion committees.


Sunil J. Patel committed repeated acts of gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, and was incompetent in his care and treatment of patients.  Three cases were presented as evidence in the medical board proceedings.  There are many other victims of Sunil J. Patel that were not included in this California Medical Board report.  

On page 12 of this Medical Board of California document it states "..... that "respondents departure from the standard of care was an extreme one, and could no longer be characterized as innocent."  Sunil J. Patel's license was revoked but the revocation was stayed and he was placed on five years probation.  It is noted in this document that he showed no remorse for the loss of patient life and was unwilling to admit he made was mistaken other than in properly documenting patient diagnosis in a medical chart.  Sunil J. Patel was further ordered to take part in an educational course and take part in a two day program assessing his physician and mental health..  He also was ordered to take part in an Ethics course and several hours of CME training.

Exhibit number (1) one begins on page 34 of this document and David Thornton of the California Medical Board does agree that upon remand he will request a modification of  the Board's Decision.  The downplaying of the seriousness of Patel's actions in this document seem rather insulting to the patients involved.  The degradation of the value of human life seems a poor trade off so that this doctor can be allowed to continue as before.

The following Information obtained from the Arizona Medical Board:
Sunil J. Patel MD
 9985 Sierra Ave
 Fontana California 92335-6720
 Phone: 909-427-4417
License Number: 
License Status: 
License Date: 
License Renewed: 
Renew By: 
License Expires: 

Medical School:   
Graduation Date:  


7/1/1993 - 6/27/1994
(Medical Oncology)


7/1/1994 - 6/30/1995
(Medical Oncology)


7/1/1989 - 6/30/1990
(Anatomic/Clinical Pathology)


7/1/1990 - 6/30/1993
(Internal Medicine)

The report from the California Medical Board on Sunil J. Patel may be read at this link: J Patel.pdf

and at:

Dr. Sunil J. Patel - California Medical License Number - A52005  He botched so many Kaiser Patient cases that the good people at Kaiser Fontana promoted the guy to the head of his department.  Here is his report from the California Medical Board, including patient stories.

Also please read further documentation regarding Sunil J. Patel's medical skills at:

Here is some information made available by a survivor of Sunil Patel's actions:

Please also view the following web page:


According to the Board of Medical Specialties Patel is not Board Certified though the legal documents cited above by the California Medical Board clearly state that he is.  See:

Also verbal verification from the Board of Medical Specialties provided a statement that he is not Board Certified.

Checking with the American Board of Internal Medicine there are several Sunil Patel's listed.  None of this have a middle initial of J.
Also verbal statements from the American Board of Internal Medicine were that he is not Board Certifified.

Verification of the existence of Sunil J. Patel ever being Board Certified anywhere in the United States via telephone calls to the Boards themselves  and internet database searches has not discovered any validity to his statement.  

However, the California Medical Board was informed of this information and they did conduct a formal investigation into this matter.  On October 9th, 2007 we received a letter from the Medical Board of California regarding this investigation.  Dr. Patel did provide written proof to the California Medical Board that he is Board Certified with the American Board of Internal Medicine and cerified in medical oncology.

However, the Board Certifications are not under the name of Sunil J. Patel.  Rather the name he used for Board Certification is Sunilkumar Jayantibhai Patel.  This explains why no one could verify his certification.  It does not explain why he used a different name formally to practice medicine in California - whether he Americanized it or not, it does not provide a good excuse.

Here is the public information listed with his true name:
Dr. Sunilkumar Jayantibhai PatelCertification Area    Certification Status    Certification History    Comments
Medical Oncology    Certified   
Certified 11/09/1995, Certificate valid through 12/31/2005
Certified 09/13/2005, Certificate valid through 12/31/2015   
Internal Medicine    Certified   
Certified 08/24/1994, Certificate valid through 12/31/2004
Certified 09/08/2004, Certificate valid through 12/31/2014

Here is the information on his Permanente Physician web page obtained on September 10, 2007:



Medical office  (909) 724-7000
Ontario Vineyard Med Offices
2295 Vineyard Ave
Ontario, CA 91764

Fontana Medical Center

Languages (in addition to English) 


Joined Permanente Medical Group 

Medical school 
South Gujarat University School of Medicine

Medical training 
South Gujarat University School of Medicine

Salem Hospital
Salem, MA

City of Hope National Medical Center
Duarte, CA

Los Angeles County-Harbor-UC Los Angeles Medical Center
Torrance, CA

Board certification 
Internal Medicine
American Board of Internal Medicine

Expiration date: 

Medical Oncology
American Board of Internal Medicine
Expiration date: 

NOTE:  The American Board of Internal Medicine has no record as per their statement on any Sunil J. Patel. According to the Board when I, Vickie Travis spoke with them today, September 10, 2007,  they have no record of any Sunil J. Patel.  

Here is what the American Board of Internal Medicine does have available for the public to readily check verification as of September 10, 2007:

Dr. S. Shilen Patel (also known as: Dr. Shilen N. Patel)
Certification Area Certification Status Certification History Comments
Internal Medicine Not Certified No Certification History This physician has not completed the requirements for ABIM certification. You may wish to check again periodically.

Dr. Sunil A. Patel
Certification Area Certification Status Certification History Comments
Internal Medicine Certified

Certified 08/21/1996, Certificate valid through 12/31/2006

Certified 09/12/2006, Certificate valid through 12/31/2016

Dr. Sunil Ambalal Patel
Certification Area Certification Status Certification History Comments
Internal Medicine Certified

Certified 08/21/1996, Certificate valid through 12/31/2006

Certified 09/12/2006, Certificate valid through 12/31/2016

Dr. Sunil Amrut Patel
Certification Area Certification Status Certification History Comments
Internal Medicine Certified

Certified 08/23/2005, Certificate valid through 12/31/2015

Dr. Sunil Chhotubhai Patel
Certification Area Certification Status Certification History Comments
Internal Medicine Certified

Certified 09/13/1989, Certificate valid indefinitely

Certificates awarded in Internal Medicine prior to 1990 do not require renewal. However, ABIM encourages all diplomates voluntarily to renew certificates relevant to their practice.

Dr. Sunil Hiralal Patel
Certification Area Certification Status Certification History Comments
Geriatric Medicine Certified

Certified 04/12/1994, Certificate valid through 12/31/2004

Certified 09/08/2004, Certificate valid through 12/31/2014

Internal Medicine Certified

Certified 09/16/1987, Certificate valid indefinitely

Certificates awarded in Internal Medicine prior to 1990 do not require renewal. However, ABIM encourages all diplomates voluntarily to renew certificates relevant to their practice.

Dr. Sunil K Patel
Certification Area Certification Status Certification History Comments
Internal Medicine Not Certified No Certification History This physician has not completed the requirements for ABIM certification. You may wish to check again periodically.

-79 formal medical complaints were filed.
-3 deaths directly attributable to Dr. Patel were admitted by Kaiser.
-An unknown number of deaths were settled under confidentiality agreements.
-An unknown number of people were permanently damaged by this doctor.
-There may well have been other charges filed against this doctor and Kaiser not included in the 79 complaints.

How could all of this gone unnoticed? 

Dr. Sunil Madhusudan Patel
Certification Area Certification Status Certification History Comments
Cardiovascular Disease Certified

Certified 11/05/2003, Certificate valid through 12/31/2013

Internal Medicine Certified

Certified 08/22/2000, Certificate valid through 12/31/2010

Dr. Sunil Mohan Patel
Certification Area Certification Status Certification History Comments
Internal Medicine Certified

Certified 08/23/2005, Certificate valid through 12/31/2015

Dr. Sunil N Patel
Certification Area Certification Status Certification History Comments
Internal Medicine Certified

Certified 08/23/1995, Certificate valid through 12/31/2005

Certified 01/12/2006, Certificate valid through 12/31/2016

Dr. Sunil Prabhudas Patel
Certification Area Certification Status Certification History Comments
Cardiovascular Disease Certified

Certified 11/06/2002, Certificate valid through 12/31/2012

Internal Medicine Certified

Certified 08/26/1998, Certificate valid through 12/31/2008

Dr. Sunil Shashikant Patel
Certification Area Certification Status Certification History Comments
Internal Medicine Certified

Certified 08/24/2004, Certificate valid through 12/31/2014

Dr. Sunil Patel
Certification Area Certification Status Certification History Comments
Internal Medicine Certified

Certified 08/23/2005, Certificate valid through 12/31/2015

Dr. Sunil Patel
Certification Area Certification Status Certification History Comments
Internal Medicine Not Certified No Certification History This physician has not completed the requirements for ABIM certification. You may wish to check again periodically.

Dr. Sunil Patel
Certification Area Certification Status Certification History Comments
Internal Medicine Certified

Certified 09/22/1993, Certificate valid through 12/31/2003

Certified 11/05/2003, Certificate valid through 12/31/2013

Gastroenterology Certified

Certified 11/19/1997, Certificate valid through 12/31/2007

Dr. Sunil Patel
Certification Area Certification Status Certification History Comments
Internal Medicine Not Certified No Certification History This physician has not completed the requirements for ABIM certification. You may wish to check again periodically.

End of list

This above explains why there was no record located by anyone showing Board Certification anywhere in the United States for a physician that goes by the name of Sunil J. Patel.

Before Kaiser Permanente hired Sunil J. Patel he worked for INLAND HEMATOLOGY ONCOLOGY MEDICAL GROUP

There the San Bernardino Superior Court reports case # SCVSS53989  01/06/1999.- VIOLA I. ERICKSON ET AL. -V- CATHOLIC HEALTHCAR

Then he went over to Kaiser and -

-In a quick check on this man's malpractice suits  I have counted six victims.
-An unknown number of deaths were settled under confidentiality agreements.
-An unknown number of people were permanently damaged by this doctor.  

How could this have all gone un noticed?


Personal testimony from William Y. Moores, M.D. regarding the conduct and business intent of The Permanente Medical Group and involvement of the Kaiser Health Plan specifically involving Dr. Terry McEnany, former chief of the department of cardiovascular surgery at the San Francisco Kaiser-Permanente Medical Center.

On Friday, May 25, 2007, Dave Thornton of the California Medical Board was deposed by the Circuit Court of the State of Wisconsin in and for Eau Claire County, regarding Kaiser Permanente's violation of California Business and Profession Code - Section 805 - In short Kaiser covered up a terribly negligent physicians conduct, including the fact this particular cardiologist, Michael Terry McEnany, was no longer allowed to operate without physician supervision at any time : This was necessary for a thorough explanation to the State of Wisconsin as to how and why Dr. Michael T. (Terry) McEnany, Chief of TPMG's Cardiovascular Surgery Department was allowed to continue practicing medicine; was enabled by Kaiser Permanente to falsify employment documents to secure an out of state job in Wisconsin, again overseeing a Cardiovascular Surgery  Department , and other serious  to patient matters.  This document establishes the history of and validity of the following documents.   It also establishes the  Kaiser Permanente justification of self protection for breaking the law and the consequent endangering numerous patient lives.

McEnany is offered a deal in this document whereas if he leaves the state and gives up his California Medical License no action will be taken against him.  If he comes back though and ever wants his license back they will take formal action.  Unfortunately for the people in Wisconsin that didn't know about this deal, a lot of people were hurt.

Kaiser Permanente was in violation of California Business and Profession Code - Section 805.  This is clearly patient endangerment.
 - In short Kaiser covered up a terribly negligent physicians conduct, including the fact that this particular cardiologist was no longer allowed to operate without physician supervision at any time :

Testimony of David Thornton in text form for easy reading at:
In original form viewed at:

Frank Alvarez and Phillip Madvig were found guilty of wrong doing in covering up what Dr. McEnany had done and were fined.  Kaiser paid the fine and both men that took part in a cover up were rewarded very well by Kaiser - Frank Alvarez  went on to become CEO at Tucson Medical Center in Arizona and Lumina -

Dr. Phillip Madvig was promoted to the position of associate executive director for quality in the Oakland corporate headquarters.   Philip Madvig is Associate Executive Director of The Permanente Medical Group according to his Permanente web page.

Documents showing secret cover-up deal and corporate and physician cover up at:
original scanned copies of the above transcribed documents:

Falsified employment application prepared by Dr. McEnany for clinical privileges at Luther Hospital

Signature Page for falsified document

Relevant news articles:

"You might think that McEnany would have had a hard time landing the Wisconsin job after his California experience. But as part of his resignation deal, according to California officials, Kaiser agreed to terminate McEnany's practice review and not file a report to the medical board of California, as the hospital was required to do. When officials at Luther Hospital ran a routine background check on McEnany, there were no red flags. Had a Kaiser whistle-blower not tipped of the California medical board in 1996, sparking an investigation that led to McEnany's surrender of his licenses in California and Wisconsin, he could still be practicing. Instead, he is fighting off the remainder of 28 lawsuits filed against him between 1998 and 2000."

"That's why Raymond Hilson didn't know about the $200,000 settlement that Kaiser paid in 1992 to Richard Lord and his family for the loss of his wife Eleanor, who, according to the California investigation, bled to death while in McEnany's care. If Hilson had known more, he would have gone elsewhere. Learning the surgeon's history has made him see things in a different light. Strange as it may sound, he says, "I feel lucky to be a survivor."
Publication: Hospital Law's Regan Report
Date: Tuesday, February 1 2005
Subject: Medical malpractice (Cases)
Location: United States
PETER JALOWITZ HAD AN ENLARGED HEART AND A HISTORY OF AORTIC STENOSIS. The 81-year-old patient who had previously undergone surgery to repair an aortic valve a year earlier was at risk for sudden death. The patient's cardiologist referred him to Dr. Terry McEnany. Dr. McEnany met with the patient,.............

Before trial, the parties sought rulings on the admissibility of Dr. McEnany's record while he was practicing in California, referred to as the "California Evidence.".............

THE TRIAL COURT RULED THAT THE 'CALIFORNIA EVIDENCE' WAS INADMISSIBLE. The court refused to admit any evidence relative to Dr. McEnany's surgical practice in California. The plaintiff sought to admit the 'California Evidence' which included, inter alia, accusations of negligence by Dr. McEnany  as well as a memorandum of an agreement with a California medical facility where he had been employed as a surgeon that he would not perform surgery without the assistance of another cardiovascular surgeon on the facility's staff. The memorandum further stated that this was a "temporary solution to potentially reduce the situations where (the doctor) exposes himself (and subsequently, the patient) unnecessarily to problems by doing complex operative procedures with inadequate assistance.

Editor's Note: The failure of the California facility to fulfill its responsibility enabled the surgeon to practice in Wisconsin. It only paid a fine. The patient paid with his life. Jalowitz v. Physicians Insurance Co. of Wisconsin, Inc., 691 N.W. 926 -WI (2004) - for the complete article please read:

Why He Was Not Stopped -

Only six months earlier, the physician operating on him, Dr. Michael McEnany, then 55, had resigned as chief of cardiovascular surgery at San Francisco Kaiser Permanente Medical Center after peers raised serious questions about his competency. He had been forbidden to operate without another surgeon assisting. Hilson had no way of knowing that background, or that the medical board of California would later accuse McEnany of incompetence and gross negligence in eight surgeries that went awry during his time at Kaiser, or that McEnany would experience other complications, including sternal wound infections, among his surgical patients in Wisconsin.,9171,1004974,00.html

The following article references the McEnany abuse of patients by attempting to show that malpractice premiums and payouts are the reason that Kaiser and the Permanente broke the law and shuffled McEnany off on Wisconsin.  We don't believe that is the cause as Kaiser  self insures and does not have the premium issues that other conventional and more open corporations deal with.  As per their own financial documentation presented to various government authorities including DMHC and the I.R.S., multiple millions of dollars are annually set aside to cover their legal and malpractice cases.  

It is of interest that this following report uses this case because it does show that an understanding of the real problem is non existent in the public sector..


  California Registered Nurse Dennis Michael Kane - License Number # 268340 was found to have caused for a corporation's financial gain pain and suffering according to proof,” for willful misconduct, intentional infliction of emotional distress, constructive fraud, fraud, battery, false imprisonment, elder abuse, and wrongful death.    The case listed below involving Mr. Kane is nearly identical to what I (Vickie Travis) personally witnessed him do to my father, Adam Wesley Arnold.  At that time Mr. Kane openly bragged to myself and my mother that his conduct was being performed for pure financial gain.

We learned of this Covenant case, displayed below involving Mr. Inclan after my father's death.  Kaiser Permanente staff had also asked us to participate in an internal investigation regarding the horrible conduct of Mr. Kane towards several patients.  It is my understanding that after this investigation and after the Department of Health Services levied a Federal Sanction on Kaiser that Dennis Kane was promoted.  Generally when a wrongdoer is rewarded in such a manner after having been shown to have caused such great harm and having repeated the same acts over and over it is to buy their silence.  

"Neglectful elder abuse, by contrast, as noted, is “the failure of those responsible for attending to the basic needs and comforts of elderly or dependent adults, regardless of their professional standing, to carry out their custodial obligations.” (Delaney, supra, 20 Cal.4th at p. 34, italics added.) 
Kaiser Nurse Dennis Kane, R.N.
Cite as 01 C.D.O.S. 4308

COVENANT CARE, INC., et al., Petitioners,
LOURDES M. INCLAN et al., Real Parties in Interest.

No. B145406
(Super. Ct. No. LC041017)
DENNIS KANE et al., Petitioners,
LOURDES M. INCLAN et al., Real Parties in Interest.

No. B145399
Lourdes M. Inclan and Juan C. Inclan sued Covenant Care California, Inc. (and Covenant Care, Inc.) for damages arising from the allegedly negligent care, treatment, and death of their father, Juan A. Inclan, at a hospice facility owned and operated by Covenant Care. [FOOTNOTE 1] More than two years later, the Inclans sought leave to file an amended pleading in which they alleged willful misconduct, elder abuse, and other intentional torts, and in which they asked for punitive damages. Covenant Care objected, contending (among other things) that the claim for punitive damages was time barred. (Code of Civ. Proc., § 425.13 [in an action for damages arising out of the professional negligence of a health care provider, the court shall not allow an amendment that includes a claim for punitive damages if the motion for such an order is not filed within two years after the complaint is filed].) [FOOTNOTE 2] The trial court rejected Covenant Care's argument and accepted the Inclans' assertion that section 425.13 does not apply to the Elder Abuse Act (Welf. & Inst. Code, § 15600). [FOOTNOTE 3] Covenant Care then filed a petition for a writ of mandate, and we issued an order to show cause.
 We decline Covenant Care' s invitation to conclude that those who sue on behalf of an elderly person injured by a recklessly neglectful custodian must comply with the procedural requirements of section 425.13 simply because the custodian happens also to be a health care provider. We deny Covenant Care's petition.
***Elder abuse can arise a number of ways -- physical abuse, neglect, abandonment, isolation, financial abuse, deprivation by a care custodian of necessary goods or services, or other treatment that results in physical harm, pain, or mental suffering. (§ § 15610.07, 15610.30, 15610.43, 15610.57, 15610.63.)
and in pdf form for perfect printing at: 3/25/04
Ct. App. 2/1 B145406
Los Angeles County
Respondent;  Super. Ct. No. LC041017
Real Parties in Interest. 

In their proposed fourth amended complaint, plaintiffs sought damages, including “general damages for pain and suffering according to proof,” for willful misconduct, intentional infliction of emotional distress, constructive fraud, fraud, battery, false imprisonment, elder abuse, and wrongful death. They also sought punitive damages. Plaintiffs’ fourth amended complaint contained detailed and specific factual allegations of elder abuse. Specifically, plaintiffs alleged that decedent suffered from Parkinson’s disease. Plaintiffs contracted with a managed care organization to oversee decedent’s care, to act within plaintiffs’ directives, and to inform plaintiffs of any change in decedent’s condition or other situation requiring their attention.

The managed care organization, sometimes in conspiracy with defendants,
admitted and ordered the discharge of decedent, without his consent, from various health care facilities, including a convalescent hospital owned and operated by defendants, and “withh[e]ld essential care, treatment and medical services from decedent including . . . food, fluids, medicine, and basic nursing care including basic palliative care.”

Dennis Kane RN # 268340
License renewed with State of California
Good until October 31, 2009 
He is not a PA as he had told our family he is!  Former Covenant Nurse for the Home Bound. Currently "nurse" for the frail and weak home bound with still Kaiser  Permanente /Sunset/Los Angeles

All of the above material regarding Dennis Kane and his conduct was disregarded by the California Department of Registered Nursing.  His personal tendencies and conduct the Board determined had nothing to do with his professional life.

The Nursing Board refused to look at the Covenant Health Care lawsuits at all times.  They gave no reason for refusing to look at them.  They simply just refused.

Kaiser Sanction by The Department of Health and Human Services - April 25, 2001

SAM WEI LEW - working section - cross referenced with:

California Medical License Number - G36379- License Delinquent
Florida Medical License Number -  ME85483 - License Voluntarily Relinquised
Maine Medical License Number -  ME 04654 - Still Licensed and Practicing Medicine

On October 3, 1985, Corey Ramsdell was born. He was subsequently diagnosed with a medulloblastoma (brain tumor) which was removed on December 8, 1986. At that time Corey was placed on chemotherapy under the direction of Kaiser Hospital through Dr. Sam Lew. The chemotherapy involved the administration of Cytoxan and Cisplatin. The prescribed dosage was 700 mg of Cytoxan and 40-45 mg of Cisplatin. The chemotherapy was administered in three-month cycles. The Cytoxan was administered during the first two months of each cycle and the Cisplatin was administered during the third month.

On September 2, 1988, approximately one month before Corey completed his chemotherapy, he was admitted to Kaiser Hospital for Cytoxan treatment. Three hours after administration of the Cytoxan, the pharmacist noticed that an error had been made in its preparation. Insteading receiving 700 mg of Cytoxan, Corey received 70 mg of Cisplatin.  Read more at:

The above was not his first malpractice suit while employed by the Permanente Medical Group according to Superior Court Records in California.

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