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National News Stories of Interest About Kaiser Permanente

For $200.00 anyone on this planet can put out a press release to the Associated Press that will be sent all over
the globe.  No one seems to verify the story accuracy when this is done so for that reason alone, the Kaiser Permanente press releases are not included in this section.

"Corporations can be charged with crimes," Laurie Levenson, a law professor at Loyola Law School.

Former oncologist claims Kaiser Permanente pushed profits over patient care, files $7 million lawsuit

 WASHINGTON (CN) - A man has sued Kaiser for $5 million,  alleging that he nearly died when labs showed a "significant infection" but he was not treated or even notified because it was "the weekend." The infection was in his spine and resulted in quadriplegia and complete disability, his complaint says.

October 4, 2012 -
Please read more of this story at Modern Healthcare at the above highlighted link.
also at the Los Angeles Times:


Refer for recent stories on Patel - to -
Police ready to get Patel
By Paula Doneman of The Courier-Mail,23739,20800481-3102,00.html
November 20, 2006 11:00pm

POLICE will today take the first step to extradite disgraced surgeon Jayant Patel back to
Queensland to face charges of killing and maiming patients at Bundaberg Hospital.

mirrored for historical purposes at:

* Chronology regarding Dr. Patel (pdf)
The Oregonian has also put together a selection of relevant information for the world to more
readily access the information on Jayant Patel and understand how it happened that he was
allowed to get away with it all for decades.

Report recommends Patel manslaughter charge -
The report into Queensland's public hospitals has recommended Dr Jayant Patel be
charged with manslaughter over the deaths of patients he treated at Bundaberg Base Hospital.
.... The report recommends Dr Patel be referred to police and charged with manslaughter,
grievous bodily harm, assault and fraud.
His former employers also face disciplinary action. 
mirrored at:

Australian inquiry recommends manslaughter probe
11/29/2005, 8:59 p.m. PT
The Associated Press 
SYDNEY, Australia (AP) — An inquiry into a disgraced surgeon said Wednesday his negligence 
led to the deaths of 13 patients at a rural Australian hospital and recommended he be investigated
for manslaughter.
In its final report, the six-month, 16 million Australian dollar (US$11.8 million;
euro10 million) inquiry 
also recommended that two senior hospital administrators be prosecuted for
their roles in hiring and 
promoting the surgeon, Dr. Jayant Patel.

originally posted at but since removed:,5936,17410529%255E3102,00.html
Patel wants his tax refund
Hedley Thomas
30 nov 05
THE doctor whose negligence led to at least 13 deaths, countless injuries and a cost to
Queensland of more than 
$6 billion wants a refund of taxes he paid during his two-year tenure.
Dr Jayant Patel has instructed his legal team to retrieve documents from Bundaberg Base
Hospital to enable him to 
claim a refund on tax he paid on his $200,000 a year package as
director of surgery. 

Patel's disturbing record at Kaiser
Despite a series of malpractice cases and negligent surgeries, the HMO saw Dr. Jayant Patel
as anything

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Mirrored for historical purposes at:

Medical Board Stories

This California story is important because if Kaiser refuses to honor and obey the law in this
state they are certainly 
doing the same thing in every other place they are allowed to continue
doing business.,1,4539465.story?coll=la-editions-valley
State Faults Kaiser Doctors
Revisiting the case of a woman whose cancer was misdiagnosed, medical regulators decide to
censure five more physicians.

By Debora Vrana - Times Staff Writer - November 22, 2005

The Medical Board of California, reversing an earlier position, has decided to publicly censure all
six Kaiser Permanente doctors involved in the death of a Woodland Hills woman whose case has
sparked a debate about state oversight of California's largest HMO.

Mirrored at:

Kaiser, OHSU will release data on malpractice
Kaiser agrees to start respecting the law and reporting their physician malpractice information.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
mirrored at:


Five convicted in $1.1 million fraud andmoney laundering scheme against Kaiser Permanente

SACRAMENTO: United States Attorney McGregor W. Scott, IRS Special Agent in Charge of
Criminal Investigation Roger L. Wirth, and FBI Special Agent in Charge Drew Parenti announced
today that HENRY M. KAISER, 62, of Piedmont, California, was ordered to serve a term of
imprisonment of one year and one day for his role in a scheme to misappropriate $25 million from
SureWest Communications, a publicly traded company based in Roseville, California. The crime,
which occurred in 2003, resulted in a $2 million loss to SureWest. KAISER was also ordered to
pay $2 million in restitution and a $25,000 fine. The sentence was handed down by United States
District Judge Morrison C. England.

This case was investigated by the FBI and IRS Criminal Investigation with assistance from the
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


It's Called the "terrible" choice - Kaiser Hospice Program
It's called the "terrible choice." A terminally ill patient can keep fighting a disease, often at
enormous expense -- or get low-cost hospice care and accept death.

Hospice Patients Alliance - Press Release

License to kill 
Hospitals reserve the right to pull your plug  by Wesley J. Smith 

Ila Swan West Coast Director of the Association for the Protection
of the Elderly on Kaiser Permanente

Kaiser and Euthanasia Cases

...came down to yet another Kaiser HMO doctor-administrator, Robert Richardson, 
who approved giving a lethal overdose to this elderly woman under pressure from her 
family. Kaiser Permanente is a fully capitated HMO with a profit sharing plan for its 
doctors. Dr. Richardson may or may not have directly thought of the economic advantages 
to his organization and his own profit sharing plan in making his decision about Mrs. Cheney. 
Nevertheless, the existence of an economic incentive program put in place purposefully to 
induce doctors to reduce medical costs, an incentive system that in this case favored doctor- 
assisted suicide over expensive medical care, did exist and should be noted.

Barber-Nejdl (Clarence Herbert) - Robert Nejdl and Neil Barber, Kaiser doctors
charged with murder in the
death of Clarence Herbert so they could get a bonus at
the end of the year.

Also at:

The Criminalization of American Medicine:1965-1993.

Death by Potassium Chloride

Routine but deadly drug:potassium chloride has a Jekyll and Hyde personality

Medical Error Stories

Former Kaiser Doctor Talks To ABC7
Claims Many Medical Mistakes
By Debora Villalon
Nov. 11 - KGO - A doctor who once worked at Kaiser Permanente in South 
San Francisco claims preventable medical mistakes happened too often at 
that hospital. He says cost-cutting moves put patients' lives in danger, and 
when he tried to warn Kaiser, he was fired.
mirrored for public information at:

Thu, Nov. 10, 2005 
Hospitals blamed in more deaths
By David L. Beck
Mercury News
Kaiser Permanente officials have confirmed the deaths of two more patients caused by
staff errors at its South Bay hospitals. The deaths bring to at least four the number of fatal
incidents at Kaiser facilities during the past 13 months.
mirrored at:

Wed, Nov. 09, 2005 Kaiser patient dies after getting wrong medication
Associated Press

SAN JOSE, Calif. - A Kaiser Permanente patient died after receiving the wrong medication 
at one of the company's hospitals, the second patient recently reported to have died under 
similar circumstances at the facility, state health  regulators said.
mirrored at:

Nov. 08, 2005 
Kaiser confirms third patient death
By Julie Sevrens Lyons - Mercury News
Kaiser Permanente officials on Tuesday confirmed a third case in which a patient at a
South Bay hospital died after a medication error.
text mirrored at:

State let Kaiser, OHSU escape oversight
Malpractice claims Lax enforcement kept 18 years of cases unreported, including
red flags about Dr. Jayant M. Patel

Monday, November 07, 2005
The Oregonian

Childbirth and Delivery Errors at Kaiser
You must sign up to reach the articles.


Malpractice and Negligent Medical Care Stories

From Money Magazine - January 2007

It took 13 doctor visits and several misdiagnoses before Hillarie Levy's daughter, Robyn Libitsky 
was finally diagnosed  accurately................

..........Levy's advice for anyone fighting the health care system?  - Read more at:

Kaiser has faced at least 20 wrongful death suits in the Dallas-Fort Worth area since 1990. 
California state officials are investigating four deaths in a Richmond hospital.

Texas Attorney General Dan Morales says the state has ''sufficient grounds'' to revoke 
Kaiser's license. Issues include quality-of-care concerns and $71 million in losses... 


Kaiser condemned to FDA Pergatory
...deficiencies in emergency care at Kaiser were " systemic" throughout its network
and have led to a series of "medical malpractice tragedies" You also called Kaiser's
plans to reduce the numbers of nurses on staff and internal Kaiser documents detailing
other cost-saving initiatives he said were degrading the quality of care and called to
the attention to a series of wrongful death lawsuits filed against the health care provider.

Widow testifies against Kaiser
She says husband died because help was slow to arrive 
Desperate to find medical attention for her husband, a widow described in court
yesterday how she had to slip into a restricted part of Kaiser's Woodland Hills
emergency department to find a doctor or nurse to attend to her suffering husband.

Kaiser fined $500,000 for not referring patient
Kathy Robertson
The state Department of Managed Care fined Kaiser Permanente $500,000
Thursday for failing to refer a Stockton youth with muscular dystrophy to the
UC Davis Medical Center for needed care. The referral was requested in
August 2000. Timothy Waters, 19, died six days later. 

October 31, 2005
Los Angeles Attorney - B. Casey Yim, of the law firm Murchison and Cumming, LLP 
accuses Los Angeles Times  reporter of misquoting him.  Was the intent of Mr.Yim's 
writing to cast a shadow on the veracity of the entire article or is he sincere?
in the October 23, 2005 - How Many Doctors Should Be Blamed?
Originally from:,0,1538660,print.story?coll=la-home-business
mirrored at for public information historical purposes:
Related story at:


Three Kaiser Patient Victims Stories aired by station KEYT Santa Barbara Permanente victims.wmv
If using Firefox please right click and "Open Link In New Window"

From The Simi Valley Acorn
October 28, 2005 - Simi Valley woman wants daughter’s doctors publicly named for misdiagnoses
By Michelle Knight 

October 23, 2005 - How Many Doctors Should Be Blamed?
Originally from:,0,1538660,print.story?coll=la-home-business
mirrored at for public information historical purposes:
A mother whose daughter died after Kaiser physicians missed her cancer is fighting to 
change a law that let the HMO report only one of the practitioners to the state.

By Debora Vrana
Times Staff Writer

Striking a Blow Against an HMO - Senior Kaiser patient wins $100,000 against Kaiser for Elder Abuse.

ABC News story - One Man Takes On Kaiser After Losing His Leg. - The Gary Rushford Story

Balding, He's Denied Health Coverage By Bob Levey
Thursday, January 15, 2004; Page C11
The title tells it's own story.

What Ails Kaiser
Kaiser has faced at least 20 wrongful death suits in the Dallas-Fort Worth What Ails Kaiser
Kaiser has faced at least 20 wrongful death suits in the Dallas-Fort Worth area since 1990.
California state officials are investigating four deaths in a Richmond hospital.

Texas Attorney General Dan Morales says the state has ''sufficient grounds'' to revoke
Kaiser's license. Issues include quality-of-care concerns and $71 million in losses... 


Kaiser condemned to FDA Pergatory
...deficiencies in emergency care at Kaiser were " systemic" throughout its network and have
led to a series of "medical malpractice tragedies" You also called Kaiser's plans to reduce
the numbers of nurses on staff and internal Kaiser documents detailing other cost-saving
initiatives he said were degrading the quality of care and called to the attention to a series
of wrongful death lawsuits filed against the health care provider.

Widow testifies against Kaiser
She says husband died because help was slow to arrive 
Desperate to find medical attention for her husband, a widow described in court yesterday
how she had to slip into a restricted part of Kaiser's Woodland Hills emergency department
to find a doctor or nurse to attend to her suffering husband.

Kaiser fined $500,000 for not referring patient
Kathy Robertson
The state Department of Managed Care fined Kaiser Permanente $500,000 Thursday for
failing to refer a Stockton youth with muscular dystrophy to the UC Davis Medical Center
for needed care. The referral was requested in August 2000. Timothy Waters, 19, died
six days later. 
area since 1990. California state officials are investigating four deaths
in a Richmond hospital.

Texas Attorney General Dan Morales says the state has ''sufficient grounds'' to revoke
Kaiser's license. Issues include quality-of-care concerns and $71 million in losses... 

Arbitration Stories


Medical arbitration process can be costly 
Harvey Frey, a retired radiation oncologist in California, doesn't buy that. A patients' advocate, 
Frey is spearheading a proposed ballot initiative -- The Voluntary Health Plan Arbitration Act of 
2004 -- that would give Californians a choice of how to resolve future health-care disputes. 

Arbitration cuts both ways in claims against hospitals  by Rebecca Veseley

Private justice system targeted - Binding arbitration often stacked against consumers

Very Angry Patient Stories

Eugene Guevara- Dr. Reynaldo Hernandez, who works in the hospital's urology department, 
was in stable condition at the hospital Sunday after being shot three times, said Kaiser 
Permanente spokeswoman Reyna del Haro.


Everything Else,1,5276524.story?

Kaiser Halts Kidney Venture
The HMO abruptly announces that it will transfer about 2,000 transplant patients
back to UC hospitals. The details are unresolved.

By Tracy Weber and Charles Ornstein, Times Staff Writers
May 13, 2006
Mirrored for Historical Purposes At:

Informational links and news stories on Kaiser Permanente Hospital SARS Outbreaks

Patients Criticize Kaiser the Most according to State Survey
Healing vs. Honesty?
For Doctors, Managed Care's Cost Controls Pose Moral Dilemma

Kaiser faces walloping new financial loss. (Kaiser Permanente)
San Francisco Business Times
October 23, 1998 | Bole, Kristen

Kaiser Pharmacy Problem Stories

Prescribing Practices BY DANIEL B. BORENSTEIN, M.D

Cytotoxic (Antineoplastic) Drugs Are Being
Administered Outside of OSHA Guidelines

Prescription For Danger
Kaiser is the state's biggest drug buyer. "We usually can tell the pharmacuetical
companies what kind of market share they're going to get within our system so
they can calculate how much money they're going to make getting a drug onto
our formulary and then we  just bargain with them straight up.


The second Kaiser Family Foundation survey of Health Care in South Africa

HMO's Prescription for Change: Flexibility

Help Fight Medicare Fraud

To get top care, get pushy - If your health plan won't send you to a 
leading hospital, seek allies.

Kaiser Permanente Child Experiment

Is Kaiser Senior Advantage Really the Best for You?

Eleven Unethical Managed Care Practices Every Patient Should Know About
 (With emphasis on mental health care) Please copy and distribute this document widely.

The HMO DeathWatch

Clinical Evidence: Creation, Assessment, and Implementation

Emerging Bone Problems In HIV-Infected Patients
Dan has been living through a nightmare of bone failure and hip replacement surgery 
with a reluctant HMO (Kaiser), and inexperienced doctors.

Medlaw Recent Opinions

Unsanitary Practices Stories

More dirty scopes at Kaiser used on patients news coverage

KRON 4 coverage

Bad Physician Coverup Stories

An Undisciplined Doctor Why Wasn't He Stopped Sooner? - Dr. Michael McEnany now former chief of 
cardiovascular surgery at San Francisco Kaiser Permanente Medical Center

An Undisciplined Doctor - Michael McEnany continued operating after peers 
questioned his competency

As part of his resignation deal, according to California officials, Kaiser agreed to terminate
McEnany's practice review and not file 
a report to the medical board of California, as the
hospital was required to do. McEnany set up shop in Wisconsin and continued to

maim medicine.  

A California Whistle Blower brought this to the Medical Board who finally conducted an
investigation.  Because of Kaiser's cover 
up to protect their reputation patient's continued
to be at risk. This case continues to show that the medical establishment will blindly

trust the word of a fellow doctor over the word of other witnesses, and that the medical
profession cannot adequately police itself."

Medical Records and Patient Confidentiality Stories
[Kaiser Permanente, the big Oakland, Calif.-based managed-care organization, informs
its 6.2 million members in California in a privacy notice that "you may request that we limit
our uses and disclosures of your" personal health information, but that "it is our policy to
not agree to requests for restrictions." Scott Morgan, Kaiser's national privacy and security
compliance officer, says that because patient records often reside in many locations, it
would be too difficult logistically to accommodate special privacy requests. Furthermore,
some requests would have to be reviewed by lawyers, driving up costs.]

mirrored for historical purposes at:

Jan 5, 2006 5:50 pm US/Pacific
Kaiser South Bay Patients' Information Stolen
Another inspiring tale of how secure the Kaiser patient information is.
Letters carrying identity theft warnings have been sent to 25,000 patients who 
have been treated at Kaiser Permanente’s South Bay Medical Center, after 
two contract employees were arrested on suspicion of stealing their personal 

Note:  The following news story was a Kaiser planted story.  It was done as a PR move to 
cover up/deflect from their own HIPAA violation and their need to blame someone else.  
The woman in the article really is innocent of this breach of patient information but her 
name has been smeared by Kaiser anyway.  The truth is the information had been online 
for years and Kaiser never cared about it before it was brought to the attention of HIPAA. 
I have first hand knowledge of this entire thing and that is why I am openly writing this now.  
It was wrong, it was unfair and the actions taken by Kaiser were totally uncalled for.  
A good investigative reporter should be covering this story and shedding bright light on 
the entire matter.

Kaiser Permanente warns of patient info breach
OAKLAND, Calif. Kaiser Permanente is warning 140 Northern Californian residents that 
a disgruntled former  employee has posted confidential information about them on her Internet site.

Video News recap on NBC 11

Fox Network Coverage

Nonprofit health council sues Kaiser over medical disclosures

The California Consumer Health Care Council has sued the Kaiser Foundation over 
what it says is inappropriate disclosure of private medical records. 

The council contends that when Kaiser learns of a suit or potential suit by a patient, its 
legal department opens and studies that 
patient's private medical records without notifying 
the patient. This alleged review by Kaiser's legal department is inappropriate, 

said the council, because Kaiser's legal employees have no role in the patient's 
health care. 

"If a patient has a claim against Kaiser for negligently cutting off a little finger, why 
should a clerk in Kaiser's legal department be 
able to review the patient's entire medical file, 
which might include information on unrelated sexual, psychiatric or personal 
problems ...?" 
asked Martin Blake, one of the lawyers who filed the suit in Alameda County Superior Court for 
the council on Monday. 

John Metz, the chairman of the council, said that Kaiser has put its own legal interests above 
the protection of its patients' privacy. 

"It is just wrong," he said in a statement

Rx for privacy - September 2, 2001
Patients' records often vulnerable
At least 141 employees at Kaiser Permanente Northwest, a hospital in Oregon, looked
at skater Tonya Harding's 
medical file when she sought treatment for a sprained wrist.

First Incidence of Kaiser E-Mails going astray - 2000
Missing records at cancer institute follow Kaiser glitch
Wire Services August 11, 2000
Health Internet Ethics
Electronic Privacy Information Center
Kaiser Permanente
Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteBoston. Confidential personal information, including names
and social security numbers, may have been stolen from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's
electronic administrative records system, according to a hospital spokesman. 

Kaiser exporting privacy by David Lazarus  - Kaiser patient information sent overseas

Non-Profit Status and other Financial Stories including rate increases


13 things your health insurer doesn't want you to know

Non-profit hospitals' top salaries may be due for a check-up
6 largest systems paid more than $1.2M, plus perks 
"At California-based Kaiser Permanente, whose executives oversee both an insurance plan
and a system of 30 hospitals, 
outgoing Kaiser Foundation Hospital President Dale Crandall
was paid a total of $7.4 million in 2002, reflecting salary, deferred compensation, a bonus,
retirement and a one-time payment for termination of his contract. George Halvorson, the
new CEO, 
was paid $2.2 million in 2002".
- And you people paid for their salaries earned
off of the medically killed, maimed, experimented on unknowingly and numerous government
contracts to produce useless, inaccurate data for Senate Hearings.

If You Get Sick Will You Have A Hospital?
According to a class-action suit brought by the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights,
which represents thousands of present and former members of the Kaiser-Permanente
(which has over 9 million members), the HMO violated California's laws regarding patient
care. The suit reported what Dr. John Vogt, Kaiser's Texas regional resources management
director, instructed Kaiser managers in a 1995 seminar. Vogt said, ``We need to get from 300
[hospital days per 1,000 patients] to 180 days, and do it in less than two years.... We're basically
n-line to getting [to] 180 days by 1996.''

And how do you cut the number of patient days in half that quickly? Vogt proposed
that Kaiser dump its chest-pain protocol (which saves lives by early identification of
heart attacks), because the protocol ``tripl[ed] our hospital days.'' 

Kaiser to Offer Savings Accounts For Lower-Cost Health Coverage
November 15, 2004; Page B6

Also at:
I think that their non profit status and advertising on how much they care is a fraud because
of the following statement:

...says Dr. Southam: "If all we offer at Kaiser is comprehensive coverage, then all of the sick
people go to Kaiser and everyone else goes to the other plans."

Colorado, Georgia and the Northwest is the main testing ground for Kaiser patients. 
Probably because they are very 
small population areas for Kaiser and it is easier to see
what the public will and will not be suckered into.  Beware 
people in these areas. As with
other Kaiser programs this may not turn out to be exactly what the rest of the country 

is calling an HSA.

You Are In The Hands Of Doctors
... the newspaper's review of documents, including e-mails and notes of private meetings,
reveals Kaiser encouraged its doctors in Northern California to make themselves as unavailable
as possible to their patients in order to lower patient demand and costs.

Editorial Reply to In The Hands of Doctors - Kaiser Made It Hard To See An M.D.

Kaiser raises income on flat membership - August 1, 2003
...reported income of $306 million on revenue of $6.3 billion, compared with income of
$161 million on sales of $5.5 billion a year prior. Membership stayed level year-over-year

David and The Giant Profits

At California-based Kaiser Permanente, whose executives oversee both an insurance plan
and a system of 30 hospitals, outgoing
Kaiser Foundation Hospital President Dale Crandall
was paid a total of $7.4 million in 2002, reflecting  salary, deferred compensation, a bonus,
retirement and a one-time payment for termination of his contract. George Halvorson, the new
CEO, was paid $2.2 million in 2002.
Kaiser Health Connect - Kaiser's profits take turn for the worse
The above article is from 2003 - We will be doing a review of their recent gigantic upturn
indicated in the top article 
and how they really did it.  It is all just on paper and nothing really
has changed.

Careless or Less Care? 
Kaiser's high profits give strong warning yet regulators appear to stand fast
By Mike Fleming - Axcess Business News

How Kaiser's Cost Slashing Has Nicked It's Business
In recent months, state and federal authorities have launched investigations into Kaiser practices in
Texas and California. The probes examine issues ranging from inadequate staffing at hospitals to
poor emergency-care service and, in Texas, a high number of wrongful-death suits.

Kaiser Finds Urgent Need For Self-Care -Not worth the money Verizon says
Health insurer Kaiser Permanente's Washington operation was handed a stinging rebuke last
fall when Verizon Communications Inc. -- a long-time Kaiser customer -- told area employees it
wasn't getting its money's worth from the HMO.


When Kaiser Permanente began a program to dispose of its obsolete computer equipment two
and a half years ago, it was motivated more by cost concerns than by the desire to properly dispose of products with potentially toxic content.,10801,89552,00.html

the above article $103,000,000
Kaiser Permanente/
1800 Harrison Foundation
Variable Rate Obligation
Synthetic Lease
'The primary benefit of operating lease accounting is that neither the building nor the
associated acquisition debt is recorded on
Kaiser’s balance sheet. Additionally, depreciation
expense is not recorded, though this is partially offset by the fact that the entire lease payment
is recorded as rent expense. Thanks to this structure, Kaiser was able to efficiently finance the
acquisition of an essential building without weakening the company’s balance sheet.'

The above article is from 1998.  If the company needed to cook the books to get the public to
invest in their bonds then in my opinion that is a very bad investment.  If they weren't truthful
to the investor then why would anyone want to deal with them anytime in the future.

Considering how many patients died from the Vioxx experiment which was conducted on the 
public and how long it took for Kaiser or anyone to come out with the information about how 
deadly that medication is I wonder why the Department of Defense  has hired Kaiser to study 
the heart complications for the smallpox vaccination which is mandatorily given to all military 
personnel, including reservists.All of which is paid for by the Centers for Disease Control  I 
would think that they want information that would be useful and not something hidden from 
people that actually need to know how to help our servicemen.
See page 11 of online report.

Did your doctor deny you treatment for a bonus?
In Supreme Court case, woman says bonus policy led to medical emergency. Lawyers warn
of damage to industry.

By Richard Willing

Medicaid Focused Health Plans - A Community Conspiracy
David Lawrence, the physician-CEO of Kaiser Permanente, once remarked in the late 1990s
on how ironic it was that 25 years earlier health maintenance organizations (HMO) had been
 portrayed as a “communist conspiracy” and now they had become a “capitalist conspiracy.” 

Presentation to the Society of Research Administrators-Steve Stoller, Ph.D., M.P.H. 
Kaiser Foundation Research Institute

Report: HMO Restricted Access
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Kaiser Permanente, California's largest health maintenance organization,
restricted patients' access to doctors during an ad campaign that touted their accessibility, the
Los Angeles Times reported Saturday.

The HMO's campaign used the slogan ``you're in the hands of doctors.''

But the newspaper's review of documents, including e-mails and notes of private meetings,
reveals Kaiser encouraged its doctors in Northern California to make themselves as unavailable
as possible to their patients in order to lower patient demand and costs.

Kaiser and it's Obscene Profits
# In 1994, the top 21 HMOs, hospital chains, and long-term care providers made over
$3 billion profits (LA Times, 5-4-95) and California's six biggest HMOs made $1.13 billion.
(SF Examiner, 3-10-96) Northern California Kaiser alone made over $813 million.
(SF Chronicle, 2-12-96)

#   Kaiser’s 1993 profits were so high that dozens of pages of memos were exchanged 
between high-level administrators discussing how to explain these profits to its workers 
whose jobs were being cut, and to its patients whose hospitals were being closed. One 
sample: "As much as possible, present 1993 financial results in context so that they don’t 
conflict with current budget/layoff imperatives." (California Nurses Association)

HMOs are complaining that Kaiser deliberately undercut rivals' prices to grab market share, 
then found itself unable to make money on the new business. California Nurses Association 
Executive Director Rose Ann DeMoro claimed that Kaiser has diverted funds from patient 
care to pay for advertising and marketing, management consultants and mergers and acquisitions 
"for the sole purpose of dominating the HMO market." (LA Times, 2-14-98)

In June, 1998, Kaiser announced an alliance with AvMed, Florida's largest non-profit, with 400,000 
members.  (CNA communication)  What is important is not only the size and pace of the acquisitions, 
but also that they were non-profit, with a tradition of membership service and/or involvement. 
Kaiser wants a patient base more involved with its HMO, more likely to identify with it, and more 
willing to accept its cuts.

Experiments on Humans
Business of clinical trials soars, but risks unknown

Bayer was coached in the scheme by a purchasing manager from Kaiser Permanente
Bayer Agrees to Pay U.S. $257 Million in Drug Fraud 

Cutting Corners   April 2003
Critics of Kaiser's cost-cutting efforts warn of the dangers of an HMO policy in which
sick patients with 
shaky hands must split their own pills.  BY SUSAN GOLDSMITH
After Bayer and Kaiser got in trouble with the Federal Government for charging Kaiser  less
for medications than they did Medicare the  link listed below disappeared  It was an award that
Bayer had presented to Kaiser for working so well with them.  In fact all references to Kaiser
have disappeared from this Bayer website. The old internet address was:

Medical Economics

Corporate Healthcare- For Profit, Not for Profit, or Not for Patients: Kaiser Permanente 

Playing the HMO Game
In June, Kaiser Permanente, the giant HMO with the imperial name, announced that it had
decided not to cover the cost of the $10 erection pill for its 9 million members. Just three
weeks later, the little pill had become a symbol of one of the nation's hottest political issues:
what HMOs do and don't pay for

The Real Truth About What Kaiser and The Permanente Is! - Quickly written but truthful.

Physicians' union holy grail: Kaiser
 Now the union will renew efforts begun a year ago to organize 3,300 Kaiser doctors in
Northern California, including 701 in Sacramento. - June 4, 1999

This is a web site from Australia that is devoted to exploring the privatisation and corporatisation 
of health care.  

They examine the oldest health and aged care marketplace in the world - the USA. They show 
quite clearly that  its has failed and that the victims of the disturbing systems which resulted are 
US citizens. I suggest that you use  your Google Bar on this page and type in Kaiser and then hit 
the Search Site bar.  This site has documented years  and years of Kaiser abuse on the citizens 
of this country and presented, with a clear eye, a quite often different  perspective of the situation 
than we have here. 

How Kaiser's Cost Slashing Has Nicked It's Business
In recent months, state and federal authorities have launched investigations into Kaiser practices
in Texas and California. The probes examine issues ranging from inadequate staffing at hospitals
to poor emergency-care service and, in Texas, a high number of wrongful-death suits.

HMOs Stalk Patients' Rights - The industry must not be allowed to wiggle its way
out of accountability to the ailing.

How HMO Policies Kill `Useless Eaters''
A nurse's testimony led to the Los Angeles County prosecutor attempting to bring murder
charges against the doctors. 

While the case was not successful, what was discovered during the investigation and
scandal, was the role of Kaiser's policies. Kaiser's policies dictated that the doctors were
in danger of losing their year-end bonuses for cost-cutting if they had kept him alive!
Printed in the American Almanac, January, 2000.

Presentation to the Society of Research Administrators-Steve Stoller, Ph.D., M.P.H. 
Kaiser Foundation Research Institute

Kaiser Clerks Paid More for Helping Less

Teaching hospitals diagnose cuts

Kaiser: Profit up, members are flat
By Nicholas Yulico, BUSINESS WRITER
Kaiser Permanente's profits increased 37 percent in the first half of this year,
yet national membership remained flat at about 8.2 million, the company said Friday.

Also at:

Managed Care Nightmare-Claim Denials, AMA Lawsuits - from Medical Association of Billers

Kaiser Mental Health Program

Phantom Mental Health Services At Kaiser-Permanente
The allegation that the push for profits resulted in the failure to provide mental health
services to patients, brought to my mind a 
strike that took place at a Kaiser Permanente
facility in Colorado (Herz, 1998). At this facility, treating clinicians were expected to

integrate ten new patients a week into their caseloads. The question arose as to the
adequacy of care that resulted from this policy. 
A group of clinicians staged a job action
to protest what they felt were requirements that interfered with adequacy of services.

Prozac May Be Hazardous to Your Health Insurance - by Vicki Lankarge
If you've had even a mild bout of depression, you may find buying an individual health 
insurance policy a challenge. Here's how to succeed in the process.

Children Should Not Be Overmedicated - by Tony Zizza

Kaiser Retaliation Stories 

Kaiser squeezes out their own doctors that do not get with the cost saving program.  
How Kaiser nails a doctor whistleblower or just someone that cares for the patients 
more than the doctor stockholders. Or even worse, by Kaiser standards, someone that 
would dare to invest in the competition.   Yes this article tells about the doctor stockholders, 
the ones that want to cut patient costs so they can make more money. ...
doctors' rights to due 
process are violated from the get-go at Kaiser because the chief of staff -- the person took 
disciplinary action against the doctor in this case -- is the person who selects the panel that 
reviews the matter.Furthermore, senior doctors at Kaiser are shareholders in a medical group 
that has an exclusive contract to work at Kaiser hospitals, posing an inherent conflict of interest...
"Now, you have huge health systems with corporate employees and the system is being used to 
get rid of troublesome doctors," he said. Harassment or substandard care -

Ex-worker sues Kaiser over X-ray standards 
A former Kaiser Permanente employee filed a whistle-blower lawsuit this week against the
health care network, claiming he was fired for complaining to regulators about Kaiser's
X-ray standards.

Septuagenarians spend time, money on specialists

Image isn't Kaiser's only problem 
The Rocky Mountain News reported Aug. 3 that Kaiser Permanente's research shows its 
patients think the health maintenance organization is a huge, bureaucratic system in which 
patients don't have a personal physician and get mediocre care ("Kaiser launches ads to 
help ailing image").

On August 13, 2004 the San Francisco Business Journal printed a retraction to a story 
they covered on The Kaiser Permanente Reform Committee that was untrue.It is as follows:

The Aug 13th edition of SF Business Times printed the following under "Corrections&Amplifications" 
on the bottom of page six:
"The Aug 6-12 "Talk of the Town" column erroneously referred to "hacking" in describing the 
acquisition of Kaiser Permanente marketing materials by the Kaiser Permanente Reform Committee, 
a critic of the healthcare company. The documents were retrieved using a publicly accessible Kaiser 
website, though the group says it discovered a "security hole" on that site. Kaiser says its computer 
security was not breached."

For unknown reasons, people had written letters to this paper making claims that we had hacked 
(committed an illegal act) into the Kaiser Permanente web site.  The people doing this signed my 
name, Vickie Travis to their letters.  Well, I didn't write any letters to this newspaper nor did myself or 
any member of our organization do anything illegal.  What is presented here is a letter to the paper 
from myself and Sharon Rushford, our Board Secretary correcting their erroneous information.


Kaiser Branding of America Stories


Response from Dr. Charles Phillips on the December 2004 MSNBC Kaiser paid advertisement 
on a newsprogram "Kaiser bucks the HMO trend" - -

To story:

December 22, 2004 - The anniversary of passing for my father-in-law, Everett Earl Travis, who 
was a war hero and who was wounded at The Battle of the Bulge and who did teach us all that 
we do not ever disgrace our country if we expect to look at ourselves in a mirror again without 
seeing shame.  The following web page is for him as he is the inspiration.
We believe that Kaiser and The-For-Profit Permanente in order to embed (Kaiser's word not ours) 
themselves in the minds of the American Public have had planted at MSNBC (which is heavily 
financed by the pharmaceutical industry) during their prime time news ...
If our own President's (G.W. Bush) state (Texas) didn't want them around I don't think that the rest 
of the country does either. 


Alleged Skid Row Dumping Is Captured on Videotape
A patient released from a Kaiser hospital is shown wandering outside a downtown L.A.
rescue mission.By Cara Mia DiMassa, Times Staff Writer
March 23, 2006
entire story at:,1,1193808.story?coll=la-headlines-pe-california
Also view the video of this patient dumping on the LA Times web page listed above.
The mission has been sending tapes and written logs of alleged dumping incidents to the
Los Angeles city attorney's office.

Reyes of Gardena was released Monday after being a patient at Kaiser Permanente
Bellflower Medical Center for three days, the hospital said. Capt. Andrew Smith of the
LAPD's Central Division said that he believes the taxi took Reyes to skid row against her will.

Reyes said in an interview that she could not remember what happened when she left the
hospital or how she got to skid row.

City Councilwoman Jan Perry, who showed reporters the video at a news conference, called
the dumping of the woman "egregious."

mirrored for historical purposes at:

Video Said to Capture Skid Row Dumping
By Cara Mia DiMassa
Times Staff Writer -  March 22, 2006
Authorities released a videotape this afternoon of what they say is the dumping of a 63-year-old 
woman on the streets of skid row. .....LAPD Capt. Andrew Smith said he believes the taxi took the 
woman, a 63-year-old Gardena resident, downtown against her will after she was discharged from 
Kaiser Permanente Bellflower on Monday....In addition, LAPD officials have said that they often see
people with hospital wristbands on skid row, often appearing ill and sometimes wearing colostomy bags.

Mirrored at:

Government Investigations

Kaiser Permanente to pay

$3.75 for false billing -
GME Residents did the work

False bills to government/
Medicare prompt a settlement by Kaiser - Dec 2009

Kaiser Permanente has agreed to pay $3.75 million

State regulators widen probe into Kaiser's ills
San Francisco Business Times - November 10, 2006
by Chris Rauber
State health regulators have widened a probe of Kaiser Permanente's process
for handling complaints beyond its ill-fated kidney transplant unit and into
other operations of the health-care giant.

Kaiser Nurse/Physician Bonus for doing less

Kaiser Seeking to Pay Bonuses to Nurses Who Help Cut Costs; Health care:
The move is believed to 
be an industry first. Critics argue that such incentives create a conflict of interest.;
 DAVID R. OLMOS - Los Angeles Times - Dec. 22, 1995

In what is believed to be the first effort of its kind, the giant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan is seeking to pay 
bonuses to nurses who help move patients out of hospitals faster and cut other medical costs.

Critics of such incentives--widely offered to doctors--say they create a conflict of interest by encouraging medical 
providers to skimp on care so they can make more money. Because they are paid less than doctors, nurses may 
be particularly vulnerable to such conflicts, critics add.

Kaiser Permanente has dropped a controversial bonus plan that rewarded physicians in Southern California
for keeping hospital and drug costs down. 

Carl T. Hall, Chronicle Staff Writer for the SF Chronicle
December 20, 1995

The giant Oakland-based HMO denied the move was intended to placate critics of the 
bonus plan, who had said the system essentially rewarded doctors for rationing care. 
Instead, officials said the budgetary goals were met for 1995 -- so the incentives were 
not necessary for 1996.

Kaiser has aches, pains going digital
Patients' welfare is at stake in the electronic effort, experts say.
By Daniel Costello, Times Staff Writer
February 15, 2007

Kaiser Permanente's $4-billion effort to computerize the medical records of its 8.6 million members
has encountered repeated technical problems, leading to potentially dangerous incidents such as
patients listed in the wrong beds, according to Kaiser documents and current and former employees.,1,3764666,full.story?coll=la-
mirrored for historical purposes at:
Commentary from Justin Deal/ a Los Angeles Kaiser project supervisor who worked on the new
system. He was placed on leave in November, after sending a critical e-mail about the project to
most of the organization's 153,000 employees.

Non-Profit Status and other Financial Stories including rate increasesKaiser Mental Health Program


From The Brazilian Voice

Brazilian volunteer help Flórida’s patients

Jupirena Stein from Minas Gerais, Brasil, considers herself a “patient advocate.”

38 years ago, Jupirena Stein, 61 years old, left the green mountains of Diamantina Brasil, for
the sunny beach of Santa Monica, California.

In Santa Monica, she re-met an American gentleman who she had known 4 years before at her
relatives home in Minas Gerais.

Then they got married and the United States became her second country.

However, in 1999, her life suffered a great upset after she  submitted  to an elective surgery to
remove a swollen parotid gland on her right neck. A trivial type of surgery nowadays.

Jupirena anticipated having a small band-aid patch on her neck after surgery.

However, she woke up hours later bound from the shoulder to the head and asked while

What happened?

Her surgeon told her that all went well but that at one point of the surgery, her blood
was squirting out of her neck.

Many weeks later her ENT told her she had been diagnosed with cancer but
should not worry about it because all cancer cells had been removed. Sadly, she
had 6 weeks of needless radiation treatment.

Read more from the Brazilian News Paper in both Portugese and English at:

Childbirth and Maternal Survival Issues

October 19, 2007 - Dr. Charles Phillips provides additional information on Dr. Hamid Safari of
Fresno, California , Kaiser Permanente.

Cross Referenced with:
original source -,0,684129,full.story?coll=la-
related story -
The United States has a sharply higher rate of women dying during or just after
pregnancy than European countries, even some relatively poor countries such as Macedonia
and Bosnia, according to the first estimates in five years on maternal deaths worldwide. -
Mirrored for Historical Purposes at:
Kaiser Responds to the above article at:
and we have mirrored the response for historical purposes with brief commentary at:

NY Times - Robert Pear Articles

Chris Rauber Coverage with the SF Business Times

Kaiser Autism Stories


Jayant Patel Stories

Medical Board Stories

Transplant Issues

Medical Error Stories
  Malpractice and Negligent Medical Care Stories

Arbitration Stories 

Kaiser Pharmacy Problem Stories

Very Angry Patient Stories

Patient Dumping

Government Investigations

EPIC/Computer Stories  

Childbirth and Maternal Survival Issues

Everything Else