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  • Most phy­si­cians start out with an altruistic desire to help people.  It was the unfortunate marriage of medicine and business that tempted some to bend the rules to become very wealthy.  In the mid-twentieth century a physician could do very well but that physician would not become truly wealthy.  That all changed when in this country medicine did not emerge as a re­spon­si­bil­ity of our government,  such as education or defense did in almost all other countries that have become industrialized.  The U.S. Government also inadvertently contributed to medical inflation when they passed Medicare without any effective cost controls, and by generously subsidizing biomedical research without maintaining ownership of the new discoveries for the citzens of this country.  Now with the patent office also awarding medical process patents, such as those for human gene sequences, which we understand is not supposed to happen under U.S. law, there is a great big mess and much more profit to gain.  Consideration should also be focused on  the Bayh-Dole Act that allowed government employees to profit from patents they hold on taxpayer funded research.  The CDC is a prime example. CDC employees can derive royalties on patents they hold for tests and vaccines. This certainly influences their role as advisors to the nation (and the world) and not necessarily for the benefit of the public.  

    For a physician, gaming the current system is a tempting method of becoming incredibly wealthy.   For phy­si­cians who want to become more than comfortable and who strive for great wealth,  it is within their reach if they become involved in the pharmaceutical industry, the health-insurance industry, the specialty-hospital industry or the biotechnical industry while selecting the correct for them niche medical specialty to use as their path.  

    All of these industries claim to exist to help people, and they can, but helping patients is a by-product and not the goal.   Their goal is to make money and they are very good at doing so, often at the detriment of the patient who often does not receive needed care or is outright ignored. 


    Kaiser Business Practices Table of Contents

    Kaiser is a consortium of three separate but interdependent groups: the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals are integrated with independent physician group practices called Permanente Medical Groups. The health plan is the insurance component of the organisation, while the hospitals and medical groups provide all clinical services. To the public these hospitals and general practitioner type facilities are seen as one organisation, commonly referred to as Kaiser.  See: SchiotzandFrolich-1.pdf  and in html at: SchiotzandFrolich.html  

    12/02/2016 - Kaiser families with children battling cancer hold protest in Woodland Hills

    Where the profits go

    Kaiser Plans to be Leaner and Meaner during the Current International Financial Down Turn

    The Culture of Luxury/Greed and how if Affects Patients

    Kaiser Employees in Government Positions of Authority

    Physician Stock Issues

    Income Tax - IRS - Non Profit or Really For Profit

    Government Employees Conflict of Interest

    Kaiser Privacy Issues

    Some ASSETS/Donations/Government


    Kaiser Employees in Government Positions of Authority

    Marketing of the Kaiser and the Permanente


    Kaiser cover ups for money

    Documents from when Kaiser was in New York State


    Information received from an Accountant regarding Kaiser Permanente accounting practices

    Kaiser Permanente's Duty to Die Ethic

    Should the Kaiser Patient Really only Trust a machine to perform a breast exam or should the patient insist on a physician examination and a mammogram if the doctor orders it? businesspractices/mammogramcutback.html

    - 11 May, 2004 --  Additional insight into the Kaiser programs. Almost 100% of errors in this system turn out to be done or to have happened for more money. That is the primary problem with this system.

    They have so many tiers of bonuses that can be gamed and are gamed at patient expense that the Kaiser program often just doesn't work for anything other than bumps and bruises, bandages and fixing broken bones.

    Anything else and you stand a chance of being on your own.

    Remember - Kaiser claims to exist to help people, and they can, but helping patients is a by-product and not the goal. 

    Their goal is to make money and they are very good at doing so, often at the detriment of the patient who often does not receive needed care or is outright ignored.

    What could have been a program that was good for all people has instead become a program that financially benefits not only employees of the health program/hospitals/doctors groups but also raises the question of just how much of a conflict of interest such employees and appointed officials of regulatory agencies have. Focus should be placed on the regulatory agencies and how they enforce rather than solely on the corporations that violate regulations because they appear to be just as re­spon­si­ble for the problems. See: and see also:

    Focus should also be placed on who the legislators are that have enacted statutes without public participation that have benefited HMO's while eventually harming the public.  Issues as large and as serious as citizen's healthcare should involved honestly well-publicized and open public participation.  The burden to get this information to the public should be on the legislators and not on the citizens that have to learn about these actions on their own.

    The following is fact as proven in a court of law - In 2001, the Department of Health and Human Services cited Kaiser-Bellflower for failing to provide appropriate medical screening examinations, failing to provide stabilizing treatment for emergency medical conditions and failing to provide care in the emergency room without regard to the patients’ ability to pay. Kaiser-Bellflower’s policy was to keep patients waiting in the emergency room until they left without treatment. Between 1999 and 2006, more than 5,000 patients were sent home without receiving medical screening exams. Kaiser intentionally understaffed and understocked the hospital to increase profits and to decrease the number of patients who would avail them­selves of the emergency room. Kaiser also provided inadequate and unsanitary care for its patients. Treatment of several patients suffering from chest pains and possible myocardial infarctions was delayed because the emergency room lacked appropriate medi­ca­tions such as nitroglycerin and resuscitation bags. Other patients were placed in rooms soiled with blood and excrement. In one instance, a patient was placed in a room with an aborted fetus and blood clots in the sink. Kaiser permitted phy­si­cians to refer patients, including children, to a doctor who was mentally ill and a known child molester. It also scheduled doctors, including Dr. Woods, to work consecutive evening or overnight shifts in violation of Medical Group rules, a practice which threatened patient care. - The Culture of Luxury/Greed and how if Affects Patients

    Origin of the Term Health Maintenance Organization The Permanente Medicine Map  For Best Printing - pdf Non pdf version for printing Kaiser's Article on The Permanente Map The clear link to the fact that Permanente had to trust its alter-ego Kaiser with its pension money making each physician a direct creditor of the Plan.

    When the Permanente Map says "Our Sustainable Future" they mean the Kaiser Plan has their money.  This is the very money that through investment lost the $2.3 billion in value as the Stock Market tanked.  Each physician is less secure until that money is raised one way or another.  No doubt there is a Recovery Plan by 2011 being written with Kaiser being tougher than ever on patients.  They also hope to get part of the $20 billion set to stimulate electronic charts as they got an early and unearned boost with Medicare D.

     Kaiser Permanente Con Perspective Stacy Ellyson Jacquelyn Nesbitt - November 13, 2002 "Kaiser focuses more on managing money and rationing care than on focusing on providing true quality health care" - The High Cost of Low Price  The Rise and Fall of a Kaiser Permanente Expansion Region DANIEL P. GITTERMAN, BRYAN J. WEINER, MARISA ELENA DOMINO, AARON N. McKETHAN, and ALAIN C. ENTHOVEN

    The Kaiser Money Trail Mirror Site of Money Trail at Kaiser Papers Hawaii Please also review two documents located at: Both indicate that the Permanente Physician, both vested and the Pool docs are contracturally obligated to act against the well being of the public.  Under no circumstances may a physician of the Permanente involved in any government program, whether serving a voluntary position or in a position of regulatory influence find wrong doing with Kaiser.  

    The Great Kaiser Shame and Disgrace What they tried to get away with in Texas. Slow reading but well worth your time.  It's called Managed Care Liability in Texas

    Insightful articles that present a mirror into the mind set of the average Permanente Physician.  It's All About How they make "Their" Money. 1 percent of a health plan’s members typically account for 30 percent or  more of its costs and that 5 percent of its members generate 50 percent of its costs.  - Retiring KP CEO G.C. Halvorson Original link:

    PACTS - The Kaiser/Epic Population and Condition Tracking System.

    Kaiser Permanente's basic organizational chart.  The names change frequentlybut that isn't important.  What is important is that the basic structure remains the same.

    The Rise and Fall of  a Kaiser Permanente Expansion Region

    George Halvorson's Culture of Luxury and The State of Minnesota Attorney General's Office - Lori Swanson, Attorney General Report - George Halvorson, current CEO of Kaiser Health Plan and Hospitals,  a non profit HMO and the Permanente Medical Group  was found to be funding a lavish lifestyle off of patient money while employed at Kaiser partner organ­i­za­tion, HealthPartners of Minnesota. HealthPartners is also desig­na­ted by the I.R.S. as a non profit, public benefit corporation!   SIX COMPANIES - A PATTERN THAT SHOWS DECADES OF ABHORRANT TREATMENT OF PATIENTS AND EMPLOYEES

    The Misuse of Evidence-Based Medicine - by Dr. Charles Phillips

    An essay on the history of Evidence - BasedMedicine and how it's original intent has been distorted and misused for purposes of HMO financial gain rather than to provide proper medical diagnosis and treatment for the patient.  Informative information for the physician, patient, clergy, philosopher and all members of the legal profession.

    Section 805 of the California Business and Professions Code

    Kaiser insurance risk adjustment using newborn blood to determine inborn errors of metabolism - i.e. defects. If you have a "defect" and if you get sick it will cost so much money to treat.Will they ignore you or treat you?

    Kaiser Permanente California IT Functionality Needs for Population Management - 04/23/01

    Kaiser Medical Treatment Documents

    1999 - The Sensitivity and Specificity of Forecasting High-Cost Users of Medical Care  "As long as the outcomes are behaviorally based, we can measure the outcomes in terms of reduced medical visits and reduced medical visits translates to dollars, savings. " mirrored at: In only six minutes according to Kaiser Permanente they can diagnosis your psychiatric condition also The Kaiser Foundation Psychology Research Project Timothy Leary of  LSD Fame,CIA and  Director of Research

    Dr. Robert Pearl, chief executive of Kaiser, said at a private meeting that "we chose not to provide our patients with what they desired," the Times reported.

    Kaiser has come out best for heart attacks by talking people out of intensive care before they go upstairs from the emergency room.


    Number of Patients per Physician - specialists are included in this figure because there is no way to exclude them with publicly available material. _9_8_00_s3_4_5.html  "Targeting the insurance companies of the nation is important to identify the idea that upstream intervention is going to save the insurance dollar. There is cost savings and the business depart­ment  of Kaiser has data to support that.  Kaiser Employees in Government Positions of Authority Government employees with close/questionable Kaiser Permanente affiliations 

    "What the members of these commissions do (at least some of them) is funnel money and gifts to elected officials from the people who want city business."

    Appointment of Special Government Employees (SGE)


    Jay Crosson - Member of the Medicare Payment  Advisory Commission appointed by Comptroller General Walker.

    Ethics and Health Cost Containment by Carol Levine from February 1979 - This material is not dated.  Everything in it is relevant to today.

    PHYSICIAN STOCK ISSUES The Kaiser Tahoe Accord Kaiser Decisions of the Working Council

     Link to actual images of the original Tahoe Accord Document at:

    Link to Kaiser's write up on the Tahoe Agreement and the how and why it happened in the words of their own doctors.

    The Kaiser Tahoe Accord

    Northeast Permanente Newletter bragging about the shareholder status of phy­si­cians after one year, etc.

    The 50% Split of Profits Kaiser and Permanente Medical Services Agreement  Examination of Article K Article K for the Permanente Physician: The document that best proves the ongoing 50:50 profit split is the KP contract that spilled into the Kansas City court papers in Johnson County as Kansas City Kaiser failed.  This year's profit split may net the Permaente docs close to $1 billion!!!  This is above salaries of $22,000 a month average per partner, forgiven home loans, and 25% benefit package.This money accumulates under the plan - immune from all outsiders even bankruptcy trustees - until the Kaiser doc proves himself or herself by vesting to 20 years, keeping silent forever, and never turning against the Permanente Culture.  Once you are in, don't try to get out - til death do us part.

    Commentary from Dr. Charles Phillips regarding the relevance of the above documents - Article K of the Medical Service Agreement between Kaiser Plan and Permanente Physicians.


    2005 Form 990 IRS Tax filing for PERMANANTE MEDICAL GROUP LIFE INS & MEDICAL BEN PLAN & TR FOR RET PHYS   The Southern California Permanente Medical Group Retirement Program (SCMG) beginning with Declaration of Rose Dodge, Retirement Plans Coordinator. 

    KaiserGate - What Nixon said about Kaiser


    Dr. Moses and his wife pleaded guilty to misdemeanor tax evasion

    Should not-for-profit tax status be only for strictly charitable groups? Is Kaiser Permanente Really A For Profit Organization?-  The IRS doesn't know who they are in their non profit database - Is This Self Proclaimed Not For Profit Which is Really Three Separate Companies Actually an Impostor? 

     Only the health insurance plan and the hospitals are non profit.  The Permanente part is for profit!

    Non-Profit Status is not Enough–Kaiser’s Questionable Privilege

    GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES CONFLICT OF INTEREST Government employees with close/questionable Kaiser Permanente affiliations Fed­er­al Advisory - 5 USC TITLE 5 - APPENDIX 01/02/01 

    Appointment of Special Government Employees (SGE)

    "...the physician will not work against the interest of Kaiser Permanente." SEE THE PERMANENTE MEDICAL GROUP ARTICLE K 2005 Form 990 IRS Tax filing for PERMANANTE MEDICAL GROUP LIFE INS & MEDICAL BEN PLAN & TR FOR RET PHYS

    The Southern California Permanente Medical Group Retirement Program (SCMG) beginning with Declaration of Rose Dodge, Retirement Plans Coordinator. 

    KaiserGate - What Nixon said about Kaiser -  


    Dr. Moses and his wife pleaded guilty to misdemeanor tax evasion

    Should not-for-profit tax status be only for strictly charitable groups?

    How can Kaiser Permanente rep­re­sent itself to be non-profit when, in fact, it made $1.8 billion in profit in 2004 and will pass $2 billion in profit in 2005? 

    Kaiser Privacy Issues

    Ever wonder what they do with your patient information? Research: Kaiser Permanente engages in extensive and  health research. Some of the research may involve medical procedures and some is limited to collection and analysis of health data. Research of all kinds may involve the use or disclosure of your PHI.  Your PHI can generally be used or disclosed without your permission.....Was originally posted at: privacypractices_co.html, but has been removed.



    Kaiser Permanente HIPPA Privacy Training, Manual Part II - Just About Everyone but your family and in somecases yourself can have your patient information - 6 consecutive pages

     Some ASSETS  Some Kaiser Financial and Real Estate Public Information

    Kaiser Sanctions and Fines

    The Misuse of Evidence-Based Medicine - by Dr. Charles Phillips

    Section 805 of the California Business and Professions Code

     "As long as the outcomes are behaviorally based, we can measure the outcomes in terms of reduced medical visits and reduced medical visits translates to dollars, savings. " mirrored at: In only six minutes according to Kaiser Permanente they can diagnosis your psychiatric condition

    Kaiser Permanente Final Medical Survey Report - 1989 - CA Dept. of Corporations

    Dr. Robert Pearl, chief executive of Kaiser, said at a private meeting that "we chose not to provide our patients with what they desired," the Times reported.

    Kaiser has come out best for heart attacks by talking people out of intensive care before they go upstairs from the emergency room.

    PAYMENTS TO PHYSICIANS IN THE PERMANENTE MEDICAL GROUP   Kaiser Employees in Government Positions of Authority

    Government employees with close/questionable Kaiser Permanente affiliations 

    "What the members of these commissions do (at least some of them) is funnel money and gifts to elected officials from the people who want city business."

    Appointment of Special Government Employees (SGE)


    Jay Crosson - Member of the Medicare Payment  Advisory Commission appointed by Comptroller General Walker.

    Marketing of the Kaiser and the Permanente

    KP National Strategy - Guiding Vision as an Organization - these documents are the hard copy from a Power Point Presentation that the Permanente used for marketing their plan to others as well as trying tosell it to the patients.

    Some ASSETS 

    Some Kaiser Financial and Real Estate Public Information

    MISCELLANEOUS The Criminalization of American Medicine 1965-1993by Madeleine Pelner Cosman

    Interview with Madeleine Pelner Cosman


    Why Physicians Should Not Kill Their Patients - Just the Facts - Followed by a brief summary of recent historical events of medical conduct contrary to basic physician to patient promises. Fibs and Half Truths from the Lips of Kaiser and the for profit Permanente

    Beware of Special Interests that Promote any HMO Program

    There are now probably more fake public interest groups than actual ones in America today. And many formerly legitimate public interest groups have been taken over or compromised by big corporations. Our favorite example is the National Consumer League. It’s the oldest consumer group in the country. It was created to eradicate child labor.

    But in the last ten years or so, it has been taken over by large corporations. It now gets the majority of its budget from big corporations such as Pfizer, Bank of America, Pharmacia & Upjohn, Kaiser Permanente, Wyeth-Ayerst, and Verizon.

    The Affiliation between Kaiser the Permanente and Bayer The Bayer Institute for Health Care Communication began working with the Permanente Medical Groups (PMG) in 1989 and now works with five regions within PMG to teach communication skills to clinicians. also the Bayer Institute for Healthcare Communication has a lot of Kaiser and Permanente awards back and forth between each other.

    Twenty Things You Should Know About Corporate Crime - To assist the average citizen in understanding why small fines are given to Kaiser -  further insulting the people that have been victimized by Kaiser proven criminal actions please read: Twenty Things You Should Know About Corporate Crime 21 Corporate Crime Reporter 25, June 12, 2007 from Corporate Crime Reporter in Washington D.C.

    CNA  California Nurses Association Documents

    The Union -The Agreement 1997 National Labor Management Agreement Kaiser Foundation Research Institute has large, fully integrated databases, some dating back to 1981, representing all 6.1 million current Kaiser Permanente members in northern and southern California. The Kaiser databases are linked annually to state vital statistics and cancer registry files. Electronic records will be fully implemented in 2006.

    Kaiser overbills Medicare

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